Men and Masculinities

(The TQCC of Men and Masculinities is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
What is “Toxic Masculinity” and Why Does it Matter?86
“Little Fresh Meat”: The Politics of Sissiness and Sissyphobia in Contemporary China42
Shifting Inequalities? Parents’ Sleep, Anxiety, and Calm during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia and the United States35
Flexplace Work and Partnered Fathers’ Time in Housework and Childcare29
The Black Pill: New Technology and the Male Supremacy of Involuntarily Celibate Men29
The Battle for “NoFap”: Myths, Masculinity, and the Meaning of Masturbation Abstention19
“I’m not Just a Babysitter”: Masculinity and Men’s Experiences of First-Time Fatherhood14
Understanding Migrant Masculinities through a Spatially Intersectional Lens14
The Hegemony in Masculinity12
Masculinity Attitudes Across Rural, Suburban, and Urban Areas in the United States11
Changed Men? Men Talking about Violence and Change in Domestic and Family Violence Perpetrator Intervention Programs10
What does it Mean to be a Man? Trans Masculinities, Bodily Practices, and Reflexive Embodiment10
Caring Masculinities and Race: On Racialized Workers and “New Fathers”10
Man Made Beautiful: The Social Role of Grooming and Body Work in Performing Middle-aged Corporate Masculinity in South Korea8
Masculine Maneuvers: Male Baton Twirlers, Compensatory Manhood Acts, and Hybrid Masculinity7
How to Be a Man Differently: The intersection of Gender and Disability in the Life Course of a Powerchair Athlete7
“I’m Going to Love and Tolerate the Shit Out of You”: Hybrid Masculinities in the Brony Community7
Secret Shame—Male Infertility and Donor Conception in the Wake of Retrospective Legislative Change7
Feminist Men and Sexual Behavior: Analyses of Men’s Sex with Women6
Decolonizing Care: Hegemonic Masculinity, Caring Masculinities, and the Material Configurations of Care6
Donald Trump, Dominating Masculine Necropolitics, and COVID-196
Measurement Invariance and Comparison of Mean Scores by Age Cohort of Two Versions of the Male Role Norms Inventory5
Masculinities and Animal Harm5
Protecting Manhood: Race, Class, and Masculinity in Men’s Attraction to Guns and Aggression5
Connecting Australian Masculinities and Culture to Mental Health: Men’s Perspectives and Experiences5
“I Get Fire Inside Me That Tells Me I’m Going to Defy.”: The Discursive Construction of Trans Masculinity in Cape Town, South Africa5
“The Model Man:” Shifting Perceptions of Asian American Masculinity and the Renegotiation of a Racial Hierarchy of Desire4
Pit Bulls and Dogfighting as Symbols of Masculinity in Hip Hop Culture4
Campus Racial Climate, Boundary Work and the Fear and Sexualization of Black Masculinities on a Predominantly White University4
Masculinity and COVID-19: Symposium Introduction4
From Military Masculinity toward Hybrid Masculinities: Constructing a New Sense of Manhood among Veterans Treated for PTSS4
“Be Soft”: Irony, Postfeminism, and Masculine Positions in Swedish Sport Betting Commercials4
Men’s Violence Prevention and Peace Education: Drawing on Galtung to Explore the Plurality of Violence(s), Peace(s), and Masculinities4
Exploring the Tensions Between Masculinities and Connections with Faculty and Staff among Gay Latino Collegians3
Fighting for Masculine Hegemony: Contestation between Alt-Right and White Nationalist Masculinities on Stormfront3
Between Crisis and Opportunity: Eritrean Refugee Men in Israel Negotiating Masculinity3
Hierarchies of Masculinity and Lad Culture on Campus: “Bad Guys”, “Good Guys”, and Complicit Men3
Fathers’ Coping Strategies and Children’s Temperament as Predictors of Parental Attitudes among Polish Fathers3
Zoomasculinities: At the Intersection Between Animals, Animality, and Masculinity3
Legal “Locker Room Talk”: Essentialist Discourses of Masculinity in Law*2
COVID-19 and Masculinities in Global Perspective: Reflections from Promundo’s Research and Activism2
“There Was Something Inside of Me I Needed to Let Out”: Occupied Masculinities, Emotional Expression and Rap Music in a Palestinian Refugee Camp2
Factors Influencing Lifetime Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence Among Ever-Partnered Men in South Sudan2
Sex Roles and the Erasure of Women from Conversations About Gender Oppression: The Case of #BoysDanceToo2
Animality and Biblical Masculinities in Conflict: Moses and the Golden Calf (Exodus 32)2
Race, Class, and Masculinities in a South African Primary School2
Love, Fear, and Disgust: Deconstructing Masculinities and Affective Embodiment in Pregnancy Guides for Men2
The Strength to Diet: If it Fits Your Macros Dieting as Masculine Body Work2
“It’s Certainly Fair for Me”: Hybrid Masculinities and the Gendered Division of Labor during COVID-192
Development of the Croatian Version of the MRNI-A-r Scale: A Self-Reported Measure of Traditional Masculinity for Adolescents2