Review of Economic Dynamics

(The median citation count of Review of Economic Dynamics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Central bank digital currency: Central banking for all?152
The effects of land markets on resource allocation and agricultural productivity52
Measuring capital-labor substitution: The importance of method choices and publication bias49
Climate policy, financial frictions, and transition risk40
Testing and reopening in an SEIR model39
Rare events and long-run risks33
De-leveraging or de-risking? How banks cope with loss31
The evolution of health over the life cycle28
Production network structure, service share, and aggregate volatility27
The fiscal roots of inflation25
The aggregate consequences of tax evasion22
Optimal monetary policy and liquidity with heterogeneous households22
Piecewise-linear approximations and filtering for DSGE models with occasionally-binding constraints21
Misallocation and financial frictions: The role of long-term financing21
Uncertainty and growth disasters20
Informal labor markets in times of pandemic20
The hammer and the scalpel: On the economics of indiscriminate versus targeted isolation policies during pandemics19
Social Security reform in the presence of informality19
A fiscal theory of monetary policy with partially-repaid long-term debt18
Unemployment, entrepreneurship and firm outcomes17
Measuring labor-force participation and the incidence and duration of unemployment16
The preferential treatment of green bonds15
Why is unemployment so countercyclical?15
Technology diffusion15
Growth, automation, and the long-run share of labor14
Pandemic lockdown: The role of government commitment14
The liquidity-augmented model of macroeconomic aggregates: A New Monetarist DSGE approach13
Foreign reserve accumulation, foreign direct investment, and economic growth13
The euro area periphery and imbalances: Is it an Anticipation Story?13
Costly reversals of bad policies: The case of the mortgage interest deduction13
Engines of sectoral labor productivity growth13
Revisiting speculative hyperinflations in monetary models12
More unequal we stand? Inequality dynamics in the United States, 1967–202112
Jumping the queue: Nepotism and public-sector pay11
Involuntary unemployment and the business cycle11
Monetary policy uncertainty and firm dynamics11
Social Security reform with heterogeneous mortality11
Optimal debt maturity and firm investment11
The U.S. tax-transfer system and low-income households: Savings, labor supply, and household formation10
Income volatility and portfolio choices10
A toolkit for solving models with a lower bound on interest rates of stochastic duration10
Dynamic optimal fiscal policy in a transfer union9
Resource booms and the macroeconomy: The case of U.S. shale oil9
The fundamental surplus strikes again9
Unobserved heterogeneity and skill loss in a structural model of duration dependence9
Why were interest-only mortgages so popular during the U.S. housing boom?9
Gradual bargaining in decentralized asset markets9
Real estate taxes and home value: Evidence from TCJA9
The expansion of varieties in the new age of advertising8
Inflation-default trade-off without a nominal anchor: The case of Greece8
Automation and the future of work: Assessing the role of labor flexibility8
Product innovation, diffusion and endogenous growth8
Transmission of U.S. monetary policy to commodity exporters and importers8
The cyclicality of labor force participation flows: The role of labor supply elasticities and wage rigidity7
Money, growth, and welfare in a Schumpeterian model with the spirit of capitalism7
Regional divergence and house prices7
Technology and skill: Twin engines of growth7
Output gap, monetary policy trade-offs, and financial frictions6
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Incomplete markets and parental investments in children6
Labor supply shocks and the Beveridge Curve — Empirical evidence from EU enlargement6
Learning through coworker referrals6
Global DSGE models5
The extent of downward nominal wage rigidity: New evidence from payroll data5
Education, wage dynamics, and wealth inequality5
The fall of the labor income share: The role of technological change and hiring frictions5
Revisiting capital-skill complementarity, inequality, and labor share5
Mobility, population growth, and public capital spending in the United States5
Asset bubbles and foreign interest rate shocks5
Bank runs and the optimality of limited banking5
Search frictions and the business cycle in a small open economy DSGE model5
A rational theory for disposition effects5
R&D dynamics and corporate cash saving4
The welfare effects of tax progressivity in a frictional labor market4
Firm entry and exit during recessions4
Agency frictions, managerial compensation, and disruptive innovations4
The politics of flat taxes4
Market uncertainty and international trade4
The looming fiscal reckoning: Tax distortions, top earners, and revenues4
The firm size-leverage relationship and its implications for entry and business concentration4
Stock market participation: The role of human capital4
Dynamics of secured and unsecured debt over the business cycle4
Cyclical lending standards: A structural analysis4
On the coexistence of cryptocurrency and fiat money3
On the distributional effects of bank bailouts3
Individual earnings and family income: Dynamics and distribution3
Non-rational beliefs in an open economy3
Unemployment insurance and labour productivity over the business cycle3
The role of dispersed information in inflation and inflation expectations3
Money laundering and the privacy design of central bank digital currency3
Blocking patents, rent protection and economic growth3
Indeterminacy and imperfect information3
Financial constraints and economic development: The role of firm productivity investment3
Monetary policy and household net worth3
Labor adjustment and productivity in the OECD3
Fiscal policy and the monetary transmission mechanism3
Nonlinear occupations and female labor supply over time3
Should monetary policy target financial stability?3
Intertemporal substitution in labor supply: A meta-analysis3
Asset price bubbles and monetary policy: Revisiting the nexus at the zero lower bound3
Optimal taxation with home ownership and wealth inequality3
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA): A quantitative evaluation of key provisions3
Discretion rather than rules: Equilibrium uniqueness and forward guidance with inconsistent optimal plans3
Rescue policies for small businesses in the COVID-19 recession2
Does public sector employment buffer the minimum wage effects?2
Cultural attributes, income inequality, and ethnic differentials2
Mortgage borrowing and the boom-bust cycle in consumption and residential investment2
An empirical equilibrium model of formal and informal credit markets in developing countries2
Retirement timing uncertainty: Empirical evidence and quantitative evaluation2
Opacity: Insurance and fragility2
Does my model predict a forward guidance puzzle?2
Optimal Ramsey taxation in heterogeneous agent economies with quasi-linear preferences2
Inequality in public school spending across space and time2
The promises (and perils) of control-contingent forward guidance2
Aggregate implications of financial frictions for unemployment2
Taxes, regulations, and the value of U.S. corporations: A reassessment2
Labor supply when productivity keeps growing2
Sales of durable goods and the real effects of monetary policy2
Optimal GDP-indexed bonds2
Revisiting taxes on high incomes2
Inequality, disaster risk, and the great recession2
Re-use of collateral: Leverage, volatility, and welfare2
Taxation and inequality: Active and passive channels2
Rationally inattentive monetary policy2
Skill-biased entrepreneurial decline2
Bequest motives and the Social Security Notch2
Labor market dynamics and the migration behavior of married couples2
Employer reallocation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Validation and application of a do-it-yourself CPS2
Shocks to inflation expectations2
Accounting for the duality of the Italian economy2
Knowledge, germs, and output2
Hollowing out and slowing growth: The role of process innovations2
On the pure theory of wage dispersion2
Reassessing trade barriers with global production networks2
A Bayesian DSGE approach to modelling cryptocurrency2
The Delphic forward guidance puzzle in New Keynesian models2
Trade diversion is reversed in the long run2