Asian Journal of Mathematics

(The TQCC of Asian Journal of Mathematics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Simply and tangentially homotopy equivalent but non-homeomorphic homogeneous manifolds7
The weak elliptic Harnack inequality revisited5
Segre’s theorem. An analytic proof of a result in differential geometry4
Contact of circles with surfaces: Answers to a question of Montaldi4
Dirac structures on the space of connections4
On the Iwasawa invariants of non-cotorsion Selmer groups3
On duality of certain GKZ hypergeometric systems3
Even and odd instanton bundles on Fano threefolds3
On the stability of linear feedback particle filter3
Polynomial conserved quantities for constrained Willmore surfaces3
Moving Seshadri constants, and coverings of varieties of maximal Albanese dimension2
The deformed Hermitian–Yang–Mills equation on the blowup of $\mathbb{P}^n$2
Formality of Floer complex of the ideal boundary of hyperbolic knot complement2
Meromorphic connections, determinant line bundles and the Tyurin parametrization2
Higher rho invariant and delocalized eta invariant at infinity2
Comparing shapes of high genus surfaces2
On the stability of homogeneous Einstein manifolds2
Deformations of CR maps and applications2
Explicit description of generalized weight modules of the algebra of polynomial integro-differential operators $\mathbb{I}_n$2
Moment map for coupled equations of Kähler forms and curvature2
Lefschetz number formula for Shimura varieties of Hodge type2
Spectral convergence in geometric quantization on $K3$ surfaces1
Connectedness and local cut points of generalized Sierpiński carpets1
Off-diagonal lower estimates and Hölder regularity of the heat kernel1
Exact algebraic m(em)brane solutions1
A hall of statistical mirrors1
Branched Cauchy–Riemann structures on once-punctured torus bundles1
Contracting convex surfaces by mean curvature flow with free boundary on convex barriers1
Multifractal analysis of generalized Thue-Morse trigonometric polynomials1
Global perturbation potential function on complete special holonomy manifolds1
Comparing the Carathéodory pseudo-distance and the Kähler–Einstein distance on complete reinhardt domains1
Int-amplified endomorphisms of compact Kähler spaces1
Hodge moduli algebras and complete invariants of singularities1
Metrics and compactifications of Teichmüller spaces of flat tori1
Projections of the random Menger sponge1
Nowhere vanishing primitive of a symplectic form1
Poisson wave trace formula for Dirac resonances at spectrum edges and applications1
Classification of uniformly distributed measures of dimension $1$ in general codimension1
Convergence of Narasimhan–Simha measures on degenerating families of Riemann surfaces1
Characterization of complementing pairs of $(\mathbb Z_{{\geq}{0}})^{n∗}$1