Journal of the American Water Resources Association

(The TQCC of Journal of the American Water Resources Association is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
OpenET: Filling a Critical Data Gap in Water Management for the Western United States80
Post‐Processing the National Water Model with Long Short‐Term Memory Networks for Streamflow Predictions and Model Diagnostics62
Quantifying Streamflow Depletion from Groundwater Pumping: A Practical Review of Past and Emerging Approaches for Water Management22
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Sources and Delivery from the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin: An Update Using 2012 SPARROW Models21
The Influence of Climate Variability on the Accuracy of NHD Perennial and Nonperennial Stream Classifications21
Methods for Estimating Locations of Housing Units Served by Private Domestic Wells in the United States Applied to 201020
Risk Assessment of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in China20
Using Boosted Regression Tree Models to Predict Salinity in Mississippi Embayment Aquifers, Central United States17
Inter‐Model Comparison of Delft3D‐FM and 2D HEC‐RAS for Total Water Level Prediction in Coastal to Inland Transition Zones17
Decision Science Can Help Address the Challenges of Long‐Term Planning in the Colorado River Basin17
Direct and Indirect Effects of Forest Harvesting on Sediment Yield in Forested Watersheds of the United States16
Extent and Causes of Chesapeake Bay Warming15
An Open‐Source Web Application for Regional Analysis of GRACE Groundwater Data and Engaging Stakeholders in Groundwater Management15
Water Storage Decisions and Consumptive Use May Constrain Ecosystem Management under Severe Sustained Drought15
K in an Urban World: New Contexts for Hydraulic Conductivity11
Evaluating Baseflow Simulation in the National Water Model: A Case Study in the Northern High Plains Region, USA11
Development of a Field Scale SWAT+ Modeling Framework for the Contiguous U.S.11
The Press and Pulse of Climate Change: Extreme Events in the Colorado River Basin11
Where and When Soil Amendment is Most Effective as a Low Impact Development Practice in Residential Areas11
Effect of Restoration on Plant Greenness and Water Use in Relation to Drought in the Riparian Corridor of the Colorado River Delta10
Growth Inhibition and Oxidative Stress in Two Green Algal Species Exposed to Erythromycin10
Conceptual Framework of Connectivity for a National Agroecosystem Model Based on Transport Processes and Management Practices10
Evaluation of Water‐Energy‐Food (WEF) Nexus Research: Perspectives, Challenges, and Directions for Future Research10
Influence of Land Use Land Cover on River Water Quality in Rural North Wales, UK10
Impacts of Sea‐Level Rise on Hypoxia and Phytoplankton Production in Chesapeake Bay: Model Prediction and Assessment10
Water‐Use Data in the United States: Challenges and Future Directions10
Mechanisms Controlling Climate Warming Impact on the Occurrence of Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay10
Value of InSAR for Monitoring Land Subsidence to Support Water Management in the San Joaquin Valley, California9
Integrating Land Use Planning and Water Management in U.S. Cities: A Literature Review9
Come hybrid or high water: Making the case for a Green–Gray approach toward resilient urban stormwater management9
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Low Streamflow and Precipitation Changes in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed9
Confronting our Agricultural Nonpoint Source Control Policy Problem9
The Hydrological Urban Heat Island: Determinants of Acute and Chronic Heat Stress in Urban Streams9
A Numerical Study of Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay Using an Unstructured Grid Model: Validation and Sensitivity to Bathymetry Representation9
Assimilation of Ground and Satellite Snow Observations in a Distributed Hydrologic Model for Water Supply Forecasting9
Climate Extremes and Variability Surrounding Chesapeake Bay: Past, Present, and Future9
Enhancing Ensemble Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in the Upper Colorado River Basin Using Multi‐Model Climate Forecasts9
A Global Agenda for Household Water Security: Measurement, Monitoring, and Management9
A High‐Resolution Land Data Assimilation System Optimized for the Western United States9
DSWEmod — The Production of High‐Frequency Surface Water Map Composites from Daily MODIS Images8
Lake management under severe drought: Lake Mead, Nevada/Arizona8
Assessment of Water Availability and Scarcity Based on Hydrologic Components in an Irrigated Agricultural Watershed Using SWAT8
Operationalizing equity for integrated water resources management8
Machine Learning Assisted Reservoir Operation Model for Long‐Term Water Management Simulation8
Regionalization of Default Parameters for Urban Stormwater Quality Models8
Wetland Flowpaths Mediate Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations across the Upper Mississippi River Basin8
Assessment of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Feasibility Using Numerical Modeling and Geospatial Analysis: Application in Louisiana8
Climate Change Impacts on Local Flood Risks in the U.S. Northeast: A Case Study on the Connecticut and Merrimack River Basins7
An Evaluation of Remotely Sensed and In Situ Data Sufficiency for SGMA‐Scale Groundwater Studies in the Central Valley, California7
NOAA's National Water Model: Advancing operational hydrology through continental‐scale modeling7
Evaluate River Water Salinity in a Semi‐Arid Agricultural Watershed by Coupling Ensemble Machine Learning Technique with SWAT Model7
Sustainable Development Tool Using Meta‐Analysis and DPSIR Framework — Application to Savannah River Basin, U.S.7
A remote sensing tool for near real‐time monitoring of harmful algal blooms and turbidity in reservoirs7
Mechanistic Simulations Suggest Riparian Restoration Can Partly Counteract Climate Impacts to Juvenile Salmon7
Using Google Earth Engine to Assess Temporal and Spatial Changes in River Geomorphology and Riparian Vegetation7
Enhancing Efficacy of Water Quality Trading with Automation: A Case Study in Virginia’s Nutrient Trading Program7
Effect of Model Setup Complexity on Flood Modeling in Low‐Gradient Basins7
Impact of Wetlands Loss and Migration, Induced by Climate Change, on Chesapeake Bay DO Standards6
Reconceptualizing HRU Threshold Definition in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool6
Evaluating Instream Restoration Effectiveness in Reducing Nitrogen Export from an Urban Catchment with a Data‐Model Approach6
Evaluating the Impact of Low Impact Development Practices on the Urban Flooding over a Humid Region of China6
Comparison of Machine Learning Models Performance on Simulating Reservoir Outflow: A Case Study of Two Reservoirs in Illinois, U.S.A.6
Incorporating External Green Infrastructure Models into Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Simulations Using Interface Files6
An Assessment of Potential Severe Droughts in the Colorado River Basin6
Application of a Large‐Scale Terrain‐Analysis‐Based Flood Mapping System to Hurricane Harvey6
Monitoring Turbidity in San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta Using Satellite Remote Sensing6
Biomass Production with Conservation Practices for Two Iowa Watersheds6
Modeling Impacts of Nutrient Loading, Warming, and Boundary Exchanges on Hypoxia and Metabolism in a Shallow Estuarine Ecosystem6
Use of Multiple Environment Variety Trials Data to Simulate Maize Yields in the Ogallala Aquifer Region: A Two Model Approach6
When, Where, and How to Intervene? Tradeoffs Between Time and Costs in Coastal Nutrient Management5
The geography and socioeconomic characteristics of U.S. households reliant on private wells and septic systems5
Extreme Water Level Simulation and Component Analysis in Delaware Estuary during Hurricane Isabel5
Near‐term forecasts of stream temperature using deep learning and data assimilation in support of management decisions5
Water quality impacts of climate change, land use, and population growth in the Chesapeake Bay watershed5
Determining the Regional Carrying Capacity of the Wuhan City Circle Based on the Improved Ecological Footprint Method5
A 21st‐Century perspective on snow drought in the Upper Colorado River Basin5
Ephemeral Stream Network Extraction from Lidar‐Derived Elevation and Topographic Attributes in Urban and Forested Landscapes5
Evaluating Global Climate Models for Hydrological Studies of the Upper Colorado River Basin5
Exploring the Use of Decision Tree Methodology in Hydrology Using Crowdsourced Data5
Implications of Distinct Methodological Interpretations and Runoff Coefficient Usage for Rational Method Predictions5
Predicting Near‐Term Effects of Climate Change on Nitrogen Transport to Chesapeake Bay4
Risk Assessment of the Water Resources Carrying Capacity: A Case Study in North China4
Potential impacts of reduced inflows to the Salton Sea: Forecasting non‐market damages4
Evaluation of Select Velocity Measurement Techniques for Estimating Discharge in Small Streams across the United States4
Tree‐Ring Perspectives on the Colorado River: Looking Back and Moving Forward4
Addressing data challenges in riverine nutrient load modeling of an intensively managed agro‐industrial watershed4
The Impacts of Drought on Southwest Tribal Economies4
The Colorado River Basin Operational Prediction Testbed: A Framework for Evaluating Streamflow Forecasts and Reservoir Operations4
Estimating Facility‐Level Monthly Water Consumption of Commercial, Industrial, Municipal, and Thermoelectric Users in Virginia4
Assessing Fish Habitat and the Effects of an Emergency Drought Barrier on Estuarine Turbidity Using Satellite Remote Sensing4
Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Water Availability in the Middle Rio Grande Basin4
R2Cross: A Web‐Based Decision Support Tool for Instream Flows4
Reliability of Hydrology and Water Quality Simulations Using Global Scale Datasets4
Inter‐model Comparison of Turbidity‐Discharge Rating Curves and the Implications for Reservoir Operations Management4
Will Evolving Climate Conditions Increase the Risk of Floods of the Large U.S.‐Canada Transboundary Richelieu River Basin?4
Modeling Watershed‐Wide Bioretention Stormwater Retrofits to Achieve Thermal Pollution Mitigation Goals3
Influence of Sewershed Characteristics on Rainfall‐Derived Inflow and Infiltration3
elfgen: A New Instream Flow Framework for Rapid Generation and Optimization of Flow–Ecology Relations3
Atmospheric Wet Deposition of Organic Carbon and Dissolved Nitrogen in City, Countryside and Nature Reserve of Subtropical China3
Application of a New Species‐Richness Based Flow Ecology Framework for Assessing Flow Reduction Effects on Aquatic Communities3
Multi‐Scale Hydrologic Evaluation of the National Water Model Streamflow Data Assimilation3
Measuring Trends in Western Water Prices3
Simulating Hydrological Responses of Integrated Crop‐Livestock Systems under Future Climate Changes in an Agricultural Watershed3
The Chesapeake Bay Land Change Model: Simulating future land use scenarios and potential impacts on water quality3
Evaluating California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: The First Five Years of Governance and Planning3
Nutrient retention in tile‐fed and non‐tile reconstructed oxbows in north central Iowa3
Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 1: A global overview of current practices3
Assessing Long‐Term Changes in Regional Groundwater Recharge Using a Water Balance Model for New Mexico3
Individualized and Combined Effects of Future Urban Growth and Climate Change on Irrigation Water Use in Central Arizona3
Featured Collection Introduction: National Water Model III3
A Multiyear Assessment of Irrigation Cooling Capacity in Agricultural and Urban Settings of Central Arizona3
Monitoring and Evaluating Rainfall–Runoff Control Effects of a Low Impact Development System in Future Science Park of Beijing3
Interactions of warming and altered nutrient load timing on the phenology of oxygen dynamics in Chesapeake Bay3
The Office of Water Prediction's Analysis of Record for Calibration, version 1.1: Dataset description and precipitation evaluation3
Quantifying the Extent of Eroding Streambanks in Iowa3
Characterization of Hydraulic Properties of the Memphis Aquifer by Conducting Pumping Tests in Active Well Fields in Shelby County, Tennessee3
Influence of compost amendment rate and level of compaction on the hydraulic functioning of soils3
A Hybrid of Copula Prediction and Time Series Computation to Estimate Stream Discharge Based on Precipitation Data3
The Three Colorado Rivers: Hydrologic, Infrastructural, and Economic Flows of Water in a Shared River Basin3
Water Pricing Mechanism for China's South‐to‐North Water Diversion Project: Design, Evaluation, and Suggestions3
The patchwork governance of ecologically available water: A case study in the Upper Missouri Headwaters, Montana, United States3