Families Systems & Health

(The median citation count of Families Systems & Health is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Virtual integrated primary care teams: Recommendations for team-based care.22
Caregiver perceptions of importance of COVID-19 preventative health guidelines and difficulty following guidelines are associated with child adherence rates.17
Addressing suicidality safety risk in students through a hospital–school–community telepartnership program.11
Matched emotional supports in health care (MESH) framework: A stepped care model for health care workers.9
Supplemental Material for Information Sharing in Differences of Sex Development: The Creation of a Caregiver-Support Tool8
Families, Systems, & Health Ad Hoc Reviewers List8
Supplemental Material for Dyadic Shared Decision-Making in Dialysis: An Interpretive Phenomenological Inquiry8
Supplemental Material for Parents’ Experiences of Caring for a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States: A Systematic Review and Metasynthesis of Qualitative Evidence8
Supplemental Material for Health-Related Quality of Life in Parents and Partners of People With type 1 diabetes: Development and Validation of Type 1 Diabetes and Life (T1DAL) Measures8
Supplemental Material for Barriers to Referral and Evaluation and Corresponding Navigation Services for Toddlers Screening Positive for Autism Spectrum Disorder8
The thin red line.7
Grandparent(s) coresidence and physical activity/screen time among Latino children in the United States.7
Nomination for 2022 CFHA Don Bloch award.7
Families, Systems, & Health Ad Hoc Review list7
Implementation of Un Abrazo Para La FamiliaTM in southern Arizona with extension to survivors and assessment of effects on distress.6
Recognizing primary care in behavioral health workforce assessments.6
Development and feasibility of a Configurable Assessment Messaging Platform for Interventions (CAMPI).6
Emergency medical care utilization, romantic attachment, and psychological distress in pregnant adolescent and young adult couples.6
A survey of pharmacists in integrated care: Benefits, barriers, and facilitators of integration.5
Posttraumatic stress disorder collaborative care: A quality improvement study in veterans affairs primary care.5
Miraculous existence.5
Five visits with Diane.5
Supplemental Material for Making It “EASI” for Pediatricians to Determine When Toddler Tantrums Are “More Than the Terrible Twos”: Proof-of-Concept for Primary Care Screening With the Multidimensional4
Potential parental determinants of the pace of evidence-based practice change in children’s mental health care.4
Why getting tele-behavioral health policy right is so important for Medicare.4
Pandemic grief.4
Family dentist.4
Rethinking connection.4
Leveraging community health workers in extending pediatric telebehavioral health care in rural communities: Evaluation design and methods.4
You belong.4
From challenge to opportunity: COVID-19 and the evolution of virtual mental health care.4
Screening for pediatric behavioral health in primary care in rural and urban clinics.4
Patient screening for integrated behavioral health in adult primary care: A rapid review of effective procedures.4
Teaching family-oriented care to family medicine residents: Evaluation of a family skills curriculum.4
Pediatric mental health crisis: Propelling the Surgeon General’s advice to action.4
Integrated primary care psychology training programs: Challenges and strategies.4
Review of Handbook of Positive Youth Development: Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice in Global Contexts.4
Supplemental Material for The Family Climate Questionnaire: A General Measure of Autonomy Support From Family Members4
Professionals ready to integrate care (PRI-Care): A mental health training collaborative.4
Bilingual care navigation and enhanced case management during COVID-19.4
Testing a Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) interdisciplinary training program model for higher education systems.4
Implementing evidence-based telephone coaching for health behavior program enrollment: A quality improvement project.4
Calm: A review of the mindful meditation app for use in clinical practice.4
Social connectedness and diabetes self-management across the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods study.3
Family strain, but not family support, is linked to worse pain interference among midlife adults reporting new chronic pain.3
Transforming the provision of healthcare through emerging technology: A strategic transformation.3
Review of Headspace: Meditation and sleep.3
Supplemental Material for Familism and Well-Being Across 48 Countries3
Family-focused practice and policy recommendations to improve the inpatient experience for patients undergoing a stem cell transplant.3
Remote and in-person research education for people with Parkinson’s disease and their care partners.3
Supplemental Material for Can the Electronic Medical Record Provide Reliable Indicators of Primary Care Behavioral Health Fidelity? Comparison of Accessibility and Productivity Indicators Assessed Thr3
Associations of household structure and presence of children in the household with mental distress during the early stages of the U.S. COVID-19 pandemic.3
Health-related quality of life in parents and partners of people with type 1 diabetes: Development and validation of type 1 diabetes and life (T1DAL) measures.3
A qualitative study on the dyadic coping experience of human papillomavirus-infected patients of childbearing age and their spouses.3
Establishing an accountability benchmark for equity, diversity, and inclusion: A 10-year scoping review of Families, Systems, & Health.3
Patient perspectives on primary care behavioral health integration in an urban mental health professional shortage area: Benefits, facilitators, and barriers.3
Ultra-brief cognitive-behavioral therapy (for routine primary care visits: Feasibility and acceptability of a brief provider training workshop.3
Direct-to-patient telehealth equity: Reaching diverse pediatric populations in primary care.3
Familism and well-being across 48 countries.3
Enhancing access to early intervention by including parent navigators with lived experience in a pediatric medical home.3
Assessing for socioeconomic background diversity in behavioral health workforce development programs.2
Shared decision making and autonomy preferences of pediatric health care providers and parents of pediatric patients.2
Supplemental Material for Community-Recruited Parent Perspectives of Concern Dismissal by Pediatric Providers2
Supplemental Material for ACEs Screening in Adolescent Primary Care: Psychological Flexibility as a Moderator2
“Integrated behavioral health plus”: The best of the worlds of collaborative care management, primary care behavioral health, and primary care.2
Does it work and can we do it? Hybrid research that answers both questions.2
Behavioral health integration and specialty medical care: Opportunities for applying knowledge from primary care integration.2
Adapting psychotherapy in collaborative care for treating opioid use disorder and co-occurring psychiatric conditions in primary care.2
Don Bloch award acceptance comments.2
Prevention of psychological trauma among health care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.2
Family functioning screening, referral, and behavioral health utilization in a family medicine setting.2
Parental incarceration and adolescent food insecurity.2
Resilience in the system: COVID-19 and immigrant- and refugee-serving health and human service providers.2
Group well-child care model for Latino children in immigrant families: Adapting to and learning from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) context.2
Supplemental Material for Development and Functionality of a Pediatric Behavioral Health Registry for Integrated and Collaborative Care Models2
Children’s behavioral and mental health in primary care settings: A survey of self-reported comfort levels and practice patterns among pediatricians.2
Adolescent suicide risk, firearm access, and family functioning: Screening in primary care.2
Enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in Families, Systems, & Health.2
Clinician commentary to accompany “Adapting a preschool disruptive behavior group for the underserved in pediatric primary care practice”.2
Advancing integrated care through cotraining of residents and psychology postdoctoral fellows.2
Latino grandparent opportunity to influence family health behaviors: The Healthy Us Grandparent Study (HUGS).2
ACEs screening in adolescent primary care: Psychological flexibility as a moderator.2
A descriptive examination of international family/shared meals: Prevalence, meal types, media at meals, and emotional well-being.2
Supplemental Material for Implementation of a Universal Screening and Follow-Up Care System for Pediatric Developmental and Behavioral Health in Federally Qualified Health Center Sites2
Medical provider satisfaction with integrated care in a pediatric gastroenterology clinic.2
Supplemental Material for Patient Screening for Integrated Behavioral Health in Adult Primary Care: A Rapid Review of Effective Procedures2
Outcomes of a health informatics technology-supported behavioral activation training for care managers in a collaborative care program.2
Applying an intersectionality framework to health services research.2
Examining the use of psychiatric collaborative care and behavioral health integration codes at federally qualified health centers: A mixed-methods study.2
The physician’s fix.2
Anxiety and depressive symptoms, and positive and negative couple interactions among postpartum mothers and fathers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.2
Engaging the sacred: Considering spirituality in integrated care.1
Supplemental Material for Patient Experiences With a Primary Care Medical Home Tailored for People With Serious Mental Illness1
Possible unintended consequences of pediatric clinician strategies for communicating about social-emotional and developmental concerns in diverse young children.1
Cultural expectations and perceptions of risk communication among Afro-Caribbean mothers and daughters in the United States.1
The final 25 steps: An adoption love story.1
Examining differences in long-term weight loss outcomes after bariatric surgery: The role of romantic relationship status.1
Evidence-based treatment delivery in nontraditional settings: Comparing treatment dropout, barriers, and attitudes in a mobile unit versus an outpatient clinic.1
Prescription pain medication use among midlife and older adults with chronic pain: The roles of generativity and perceived family support.1
In it together: A dyadic approach to assessing the health-related quality of life and depression among infertile couples.1
Whole person care: Outcomes from a 5-year care model integrating primary care into a behavioral health clinic.1
Parent resilience after young child minor burn injury.1
Family functioning before kidney transplantation from living-related donors: Perspectives of donors and recipients in Japan.1
The psychological well-being and physical health of sandwiched caregivers in the United States: A scoping review.1
Life of a Type 1 diabetic.1
The warmth of her light.1
Effect of a diabetes education program on family members’ attitudes toward diabetes.1
Peer review: The jury duty of science.1
Structural inequality modifies midlife outcomes of a multisystemic early childhood program.1
Maternity leave in America during a pandemic: The impact of leave on family wellbeing.1
E pluribus unum: I am we.1
Acta non verba.1
Clinician commentary on addressing suicidality safety risk in students through a hospital–school–community telepartnership program.1
Embracing measurement-based care within integrated primary care settings.1
Health and care utilization among youth with a history of parental incarceration and homelessness.1
Review of patient-centered primary care: Getting from good to great.1
Fractured families and social networks: Identifying risk and resilience factors for supporting positive mental health in Venezuelan immigrant groups.1
C-WHO 2022 Don Bloch award.1
COVID-19 and crisis communication among African American households.1
Training health service psychology students in an in-person and telehealth integrated behavioral health service delivery model in primary care.1
Review of transforming teamwork: Cultivating collaborative cultures.1
Implementing evidence-based practices in nonspecialty mental health settings.1
Clinician’s commentary to accompany “group well-child care model for Latino children in immigrant families: Adapting to and learning from the COVID-19 context”.1
“Learning from those who know the system inside and out”: Experiences of physician mothers who are informal caregivers.1
Responding to COVID-19 through an integrated primary care/behavioral health program.1
Integrated care identity: Evolutionary leaps and future directions.1
Clinician’s commentary to accompany barriers to referral and evaluation and corresponding navigation services for toddlers screening positive for autism spectrum disorder.1
How can a growth mindset-supportive learning environment in medical school promote student well-being?1
Feasibility of a novel, brief parenting intervention in primary care clinics.1
Primary care behavioral health patients’ stage of change: Correlates and relation to follow-up session attendance.1
Online training of behavioral health providers for primary care practice.1
Perceived family functioning within Chinese pregnant women and husband dyads: Levels, consistency, and correlates.1
Finding hearts at peace: A new workforce competency.1
Just ask: Promoting inclusive and holistic sexual health in primary care.1
Back to “normal” accessibility?1
Exploring human papillomavirus vaccination decision making through mother and adolescent dyad interviews.1
The thrill of getting lost in the labyrinth of research.1
Family functioning in an international sample of households reporting adult caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic.1
Supplemental Material for Lessons Learned From the Health Resources and Services Administration Health Workforce Well-Being Grantees1
Clinician’s commentary to accompany “Clinical, operational, and financial evaluation practices in integrated behavioral health care”.1
Unmet need for mental health services utilization among under-resourced Black and Latinx adults.1
Clinician commentary on adapting psychotherapy in collaborative care for treating opioid use disorder and co-occurring psychiatric conditions in primary care.1
Video calls during the COVID-19 pandemic: A bridge for patients, families, and respiratory therapists.1
Their children.1
Piloting the role of the chief well-being officer in Veterans Health Administration: The auspicious start.1
Supplemental Material for Improving Function Through Primary Care Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Study Outcomes: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Prolonged Exposure for Primary Care in Vet0
Communal coping and glycemic control: Daily patterns among young adult couples with type 1 diabetes.0
Behavioral health engagement and treatment strategies: Pediatric chief resident perspectives.0
Culturally responsive refugee and migrant health.0
A mother’s call to arms.0
A step at a time.0
What to do with that policy paper (and why).0
Trauma-informed interprofessional education: Preliminary evaluation of building student capacity for system-wide collaboration.0
Don Bloch nomination letter.0
Tier-based treatment for opioid use disorder in the primary care setting.0
Researching warm hand-offs: Should we give a WHOot?0
Correlates of diet-related spousal involvement among both members of couples managing diabetes.0
Clinical, operational, and financial evaluation practices in integrated behavioral health care.0
Rural healthcare workers’ well-being: A systematic review of support interventions.0
Integrating legal services to improve behavioral health, a challenge met from a different angle.0
Commentary on Integration of primary care and behavioral health services in Midwestern community health centers: A mixed methods study.0
Supplemental Material for Patient Perspectives on Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration in an Urban Mental Health Professional Shortage Area: Benefits, Facilitators, and Barriers0
Step back.0
The selflessness of an 8-year-old.0
Naming the stars.0
Understanding rural social networks addressing adverse childhood experiences: A case study of the San Luis Valley.0
Supplemental Material for Exploring Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Decision Making Through Mother and Adolescent Dyad Interviews0
Degree of primary care integration predicts job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion among rural medical and behavioral healthcare providers.0
Identifying the need for a nurse-driven palliative care intervention for American Indian and rural family caregivers.0
The association of transmission concerns and social distance from loved ones with distress in medical professionals providing care during the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City.0
Penetration rates of behavioral health consultants targeting cardiovascular disease and associated modifiable risk factors among military health care beneficiaries.0
Review of Connections in the clinic: Relational narratives from team-based primary care.0
Making it “EASI” for pediatricians to determine when toddler tantrums are “more than the terrible twos”: Proof-of-concept for primary care screening with the Multidimensional Assessment Profiles–Early0
Harnessing the electronic health record to advance integrated care.0
Delivering alone in a pandemic: Anticipated changes to partner presence at birth are associated with prenatal distress.0
Practice integration profile revised: Improving item readability and completion.0
Relationship between health care interactions and care partner burden.0
Associations between parent–adolescent health-related conversations and mealtime media use among Hispanic families.0
Child and family predictors of relative weight change in a low-income, school-based weight management intervention.0
Supplemental Material for Whole Person Care: Outcomes From a 5-Year Care Model Integrating Primary Care Into a Behavioral Health Clinic0
Back to the basics: Addressing our individual and societal despair.0
An epidemic and a pandemic collide: Assessing the feasibility of tobacco treatment among vulnerable groups at COVID-19 protective lodging.0
Supplemental Material for Engaging Primary Care Clinicians in the Selection of Implementation Strategies for Toddler Social-Emotional Health Promotion in Community Health Centers0
Adapting a preschool disruptive behavior group for the underserved in pediatric primary care practice.0
Pain: A fractured sense of self.0
Psychological flexibility is the ACE we need: A commentary on ACEs screening in adolescent primary care: Psychological flexibility as a moderator.0
Suicide prevention programming across ecological levels: Recommendations from Latinx immigrant origin youth and their parents.0
Reducing death by suicide by addressing well-being and firearm access: A both/and policy approach.0
Burnout … trauma … both? Identifying and addressing needs during COVID-19 through informatics.0
Psyberguide: A useful resource for mental health apps in primary care and beyond.0
Clinician’s commentary to accompany “Unmet need for mental health services utilization among under-resourced Black and Latinx adults”.0
The shortcomings of science at the point of care delivery: An editors’ retrospective.0
The cry into the darkness of a burned out physician.0
A tale of two mothers.0
A qualitative study of supporters of adults following a suicide-related psychiatric emergency.0
Supplemental Material for The Interdisciplinary Training Academy for Integrated Substance/Opioid Use Disorder Prevention and Health Care: A Qualitative Look at a New Remote Field Education Model0
What I would take back.0
Dismantling structural addiction stigma in law: Policies for systematic change.0
Traveling by night.0
Review of The empathy exams: Essays.0
Effectively addressing burnout, well-being, and resilience: Individual, team, and system approaches.0
The interdisciplinary training academy for integrated substance/opioid use disorder prevention and health care: A qualitative look at a new remote field education model.0
7 a.m. in the physician lounge down the street.0
Family functioning and the implications for adult weight management.0
Interprofessional microteaching: An innovation to strengthen the behavioral health competencies of the primary care workforce.0
That’s not my name.0
Supplemental Material for Piloting the Role of the Chief Well-Being Officer in Veterans Health Administration: The Auspicious Start0
Predictors of family resilience, emotional, behavioral, and developmental concerns and emergency room visits for children with asthma.0
Contemplating on the end of integrated care—part II: Living the questions to foster adaptability.0
A vision for implementing equitable early mental health and resilience support in pediatric primary care: A transdiagnostic, developmental approach.0
Development and functionality of a pediatric behavioral health registry for integrated and collaborative care models.0
Leveraging interprofessional education to build high functioning teams.0
Learnings from the implementation of standardized content and processes for integrated behavioral health prevention visits.0
Predictors of referrals and depression outcomes among obstetrics and gynecology patients with positive depression screens.0
Brief conjoint visits between an embedded behavioral health provider and primary care team member: When are they used and what are the barriers and faci0
Educating during the COVID-19 pandemic: The motherwork of Black women nursing professionals.0
Element 82.0
Understanding families impacted by opioid use: Outcomes of a therapist training program.0
The importance of family relationships for the health of underserved Appalachians: An application and extension of the biobehavioral family model.0
Supplemental Material for Family Functioning Before Kidney Transplantation From Living-Related Donors: Perspectives of Donors and Recipients in Japan0
Delay and nonreceipt of needed healthcare in U.S. adults with household family members with serious health needs.0
The potential for sensor-based measurement to examine shared decision making in face-to-face health care encounters.0
From surviving to thriving: Strategies to cultivate individual and organizational resilience in the health care workforce.0
Innovative applications of informatics for families, systems, and health: Introduction to the special issue.0
Burnout, a nature walk.0
Advancing the behavioral health workforce: An innovative integrated care and substance use disorder training model to improve outcomes for people in medically underserved communities.0
Autonomy support in a couples weight loss trial: Helping yourself while helping others.0
Source-specific social support and psychosocial stress among mothers and fathers during initial diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in young children.0
Clinician’s commentary to accompany “Implementing evidence-based practices in non-specialty mental health settings”.0
Disability-affirmative integrated primary care.0
A wait to remember.0
An innovative behavioral health care curriculum: The integrated advanced practice addictions nursing subspecialty.0
Treatment barriers in PANS/PANDAS: Observations from eleven health care provider families.0
Increasing access to behavioral health care: Examples of task shifting in two U.S. government health care systems.0
Policies during COVID-19 and their impact on immigrant families’ psychological well-being: A critically engaged practice.0
Born in a tube by the Guadalupe River.0
Integrated care is associated with increased behavioral health access and utilization for youth in crisis.0
Flailing in telehealth co-therapy.0
Psychiatric Health, Life Skills, and Opportunities for Wellness Program: Addressing psychiatric need through integrated consultation, collaboration, and brief episodes of care.0
Patient experiences with a primary care medical home tailored for people with serious mental illness.0
Primary care providers’ practices regarding patient sleep: Impact of integrated behavioral health.0
Supplemental Material for Social Connectedness and Diabetes Self-Management Across the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study0
What is the recipe for PCBH? Proposed resources, processes, and expected outcomes.0
It’s time to stop using “stepchild” as a pejorative term in science.0
“Deeper cuts”: A 55-word story.0
Can the electronic medical record provide reliable indicators of primary care behavioral health fidelity? Comparison of accessibility and productivity indicators assessed through observational coding.0
Improving function through primary care treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder study outcomes: A randomized controlled trial of prolonged exposure for primary care in veterans.0