Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries

(The TQCC of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Impact of COVID‐19 on health and safety in the construction sector75
Modeling complex socio‐technical systems using the FRAM: A literature review57
A systematic review on the impacts of Covid‐19 on work: Contributions and a path forward from the perspectives of ergonomics and psychodynamics of work49
Teaming with industrial cobots: A socio‐technical perspective on safety analysis30
A novel distance learning ergonomics checklist and risk evaluation methodology: A case of Covid‐19 pandemic26
Detection of mental fatigue state using heart rate variability and eye metrics during simulated flight25
Putting the humanity into inhuman systems: How human factors and ergonomics can be used to manage the risks associated with artificial general intelligence22
Methodological issues in systems Human Factors and Ergonomics: Perspectives on the research–practice gap, reliability and validity, and prediction21
The adaptive capacity of public space under COVID‐19: Exploring urban design interventions through a sociotechnical systems approach17
Physical and mental well‐being of cobot workers: A scoping review using the Software‐Hardware‐Environment‐Liveware‐Liveware‐Organization model16
Managing the risks of artificial general intelligence: A human factors and ergonomics perspective16
Making resilience explicit in FRAM: Shedding light on desired outcomes14
Human Factors and Ergonomics and the management of existential threats: A work domain analysis of a COVID‐19 return from lockdown restrictions system13
Why do road traffic collision types repeat themselves? Look back before moving forward12
Sociotechnical view of electric bike issues in China: Structured review and analysis of electric bike collisions using Rasmussen's risk management framework12
Driving performance, sleepiness, fatigue, and mental workload throughout the time course of semi‐automated driving—Experimental data from the driving simulator11
Usability evaluation of augmented reality‐based maintenance instruction system9
Neural mechanisms behind semantic congruity of construction safety signs: An EEG investigation on construction workers9
An approach to situation awareness (SA) assessment in flight simulation: SA dynamic circulation (SADC) model9
Potential benefits of eye tracking within process control monitoring tasks9
Wearing comfort and perceived heaviness of smart glasses8
Integration of human factors/ergonomics in healthcare systems: A giant leap in safety as a key strategy during Covid‐198
Coping with complexity in the COVID pandemic: An exploratory study of intensive care units8
Usability heuristics for the set‐top box and TV interfaces8
User‐centered development of a worker guidance system for a flexible production line8
The effect of arm support and control modes on muscle fatigue, eye fatigue, and posture changes in mobile game use among young adults8
Remote research methods for Human–AI–Robot Teaming8
Improving accuracy of gaze‐control tools: Design recommendations for optimum position, sizes, and spacing of interactive objects7
Safety culture transformation—The impact of training on explicit and implicit safety attitudes7
Investigating thermal environment inside the kitchen of air‐conditioned pantry car on Indian Railway using CFD7
Partially automated driving has higher workload than manual driving: An on‐road comparison of three contemporary vehicles with SAE Level 2 features7
Effects of vibration and target size on the use of varied computer input devices in basic human‐computer interaction tasks7
Cognitive and metabolic workload assessment techniques: A review in automotive manufacturing context7
Impact of Industry 4.0 adoption on workload demands in contact centers7
Relationship between sound perception and acoustics of seat‐belt warning sound7
Applying AcciMap and STAMP to the analysis of human error in complex manual assembly7
A dynamic system‐based model for analyzing human factors: Enhanced AcciMap with spherical fuzzy dynamic Bayesian network approach6
Validating Operator Event Sequence Diagrams: The case of an automated vehicle to human driver handovers6
Visual inspection with augmented reality head‐mounted display: An Australian usability case study6
A job rotation‐scheduling model for blue‐collar employees' hand–arm vibration levels in manufacturing firms6
Fatigue and its associated risk factors among shift workers: A systematic review6
A study on usability and design parameters in face mask: Concept design of UVW face mask for COVID‐19 protection6
Effect of correlated color temperature and illuminance on sustained attention collected via electroencephalography signals6
Intuition, the Accimap, and the question “why?” Identifying and classifying higher‐order factors contributing to road traffic collisions5
Enhancing aircraft cabin comfort to compete with high‐speed trains: A survey in China5
The peak–end rule in evaluating product user experience: The chronological evaluation of past impressive episodes on overall satisfaction5
Exerted force estimation using a wearable sensor during manual material handling5
A heuristic international glimpse at SARS‐CoV‐2 effects on work‐home equilibrium and women5
An investigation of musculoskeletal discomforts among mining truck drivers with respect to human vibration and awkward body posture using random forest algorithm5
The technology acceptance scale: Its Bayesian psychometrics assessed in a factor analysis via Markov chain Monte Carlo models4
A comfort evaluation method based on an intelligent car cockpit4
More trust or more risk? User acceptance of artificial intelligence virtual assistant4
Effects of two grip force levels and forearm postures on hand‐arm transmitted vibration and physiological responses4
Extending the Ecological Interface Design process—Integrated EID4
Pilot decision‐making during a dual engine failure on take‐off: Insights from three different decision‐making models4
Toward the incorporation of temporal interaction analysis techniques in modeling and understanding sociotechnical systems4
Critical path planning for discharging older adults using a functional perspective4
A bi‐objective ergonomic assembly line balancing model with conic scalarization method4
User‐centered requirement elicitation for the procurement of medical equipment used by different services and types of end‐users4