Evolution and Human Behavior

(The TQCC of Evolution and Human Behavior is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board47
Parental substance misuse and reproductive timing in offspring: A genetically informed study28
What do evolutionary researchers believe about human psychology and behavior?26
Editorial Board25
Editorial Board23
Editorial Board22
Perceptions of relationship value and exploitation risk mediate the effects of transgressors' post-harm communications upon forgiveness21
Footbinding and its cessation: An agent-based model adjudication of the labor market and evolutionary sciences hypotheses20
Systematic error measurement: Treating item errors as data20
Editorial Board20
Why do chimpanzees have diverse behavioral repertoires yet lack more complex cultures? Invention and social information use in a cumulative task16
Uncertainty causes humans to use social heuristics and to cooperate more: An experiment among Belgian university students16
Option to cooperate increases women's competitiveness and closes the gender gap15
Human infant cries communicate distress and elicit sex stereotypes: Cross cultural evidence15
Sibling aggression is surprisingly common and sexually egalitarian15
Tit for tattling: Cooperation, communication, and how each could stabilize the other15
Choosing to help others at a cost to oneself elevates preschoolers' body posture15
Stereotypes versus preferences: revisiting the alpha male stereotype of leadership14
Prestige-based leadership offers women leaders an advantage and reduces gender inequality in leadership14
Response to: "Are depression and suicidality evolved signals? Evidently, no"14
Will granny save me? Birth status, survival, and the role of grandmothers in historical Finland14
Commentary on the life history special issue: The behavioral sciences need to engage more deeply in life history theory13
Physical strength predicts political violence13
Height shows no clear association with self-serving beliefs about wealth redistribution: A commentary on13
Scars for survival: high cost male initiation rites are strongly associated with desert habitat in Pama-Nyungan Australia12
Cognitive foundations for helping and harming others: Making welfare tradeoffs in industrialized and small-scale societies12
Maternal investment in arranged and self-choice marriages: A test of the reproductive compensation and differential allocation hypothesis in humans12
A positive relationship between body height and the testosterone response to physical exercise12
Short term, long term: An unexpected confound in human-mating research12
Kin-directed altruism and the evolution of male androphilia among Istmo Zapotec Muxes12
Commentary on Sear, 2020: What does history have to say about life history?11
Natural selection on anthropometric traits of Estonian girls11
Female gorillas compete for food and males11
Offspring and parent preferences for a spouse or in-law in an arranged marriage context11
Facial metrics generated from manually and automatically placed image landmarks are highly correlated11
Do descriptive social norms drive peer punishment? Conditional punishment strategies and their impact on cooperation11
The influence of language on the evolution of cooperation11
Steppe Generosity: Kinship, social reputations, and perceived need drive generous giving in a non-anonymous allocation game among Mongolian pastoral nomads11
Why are some people more jealous than others? Genetic and environmental factors11
Cross-modal associations of human body odour attractiveness with facial and vocal attractiveness provide little support for the backup signals hypothesis: A systematic review and meta-analysis11
Disgust sensitivity is negatively associated with immune system activity in early pregnancy: Direct support for the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis10
Dynamic indirect reciprocity; When is indirect reciprocity bounded by group membership?10
The evolution of between-sex bonds in primates10
Trustworthiness: an adaptationist account10
What is a mate preference? Probing the computational format of mate preferences using couple simulation10
I will hold a weapon if you hold one: Experiments of preemptive strike game with possession option10
Even small differences in attractiveness and formidability affect the probability and speed of selection: An online study and an offline replication10
Commentary on : Who is going to run the global laboratory of the future?9
Effects of gender inequality and wealth inequality on within-sex mating competition under hypergyny9
Discerning blue from purple: How prevalence affects what is perceived as normal9
Evolving institutions for collective action by selective imitation and self-interested design9
Societal institutions echo evolved human nature: An analysis of the Western criminal justice system and its relation to anger9
Gendered fitness interests: A method partitioning the effects of family composition on socio-political attitudes and behaviors9
The intersection of evolutionary science and law9
Editorial Board8
Editorial Board8
18-month-olds use different cues to categorize plants and artifacts8
Creative ideas, but elementary mistakes: A reply to Brandner and colleagues to promote best practices in error management theory research8
Toward a cumulative science of non-WEIRD morality: a reply to Rezvani Nejad et al.8
High income men have high value as long-term mates in the U.S.: personal income and the probability of marriage, divorce, and childbearing in the U.S.8
Editorial Board7
Risk-seeking or impatient? Disentangling variance and time in hazardous behaviors7
Grandpaternal care and child survival in a pastoralist society in western China7
Culture shapes sex differences in mate preferences7
Perceptions of “just compensation”7
The implicit rules of combat reflect the evolved function of combat: An evolutionary-psychological analysis of fairness and honor in human aggression7
Fructose and uric acid as drivers of a hyperactive foraging response: A clue to behavioral disorders associated with impulsivity or mania?7
Unmaking egalitarianism: Comparing sources of political change in an Amazonian society7
Interpersonal conflicts and third-party mediation in a pastoralist society7
Distinctiveness and femininity, rather than symmetry and masculinity, affect facial attractiveness across the world7
Shared interests or sexual conflict? Spousal age gap, women's wellbeing and fertility in rural Tanzania6
Religious women receive more allomaternal support from non-partner kin in two low-fertility countries6
Editorial Board6
Are skewed sex ratios associated with violent crime? A longitudinal analysis using Swedish register data6
Height is associated with more self-serving beliefs about wealth redistribution6
On causes and consequences; a reply to Durkee6
US adults accurately assess Hadza and Tsimane men's hunting ability from a single face photograph6
"Entertain All Hypotheses": A tribute to John Tooby Edited by Debra Lieberman6
Size, scale, and design matter: Commentary on Lewis, Al-Shawaf, Semchenko, and Evans, (2022)6
A cost for signaling: do Hadza hunter-gatherers forgo calories to show-off in an experimental context?6
Status in Himba pastoralists: are causal claims warranted?6
Are people more averse to microbe-sharing contact with ethnic outgroup members? A registered report6
Are men (believed to be) less prestige-oriented than women?6