Genome Research

(The median citation count of Genome Research is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A general framework for identifying oligogenic combinations of rare variants in complex disorders281
Deep sequencing of 1320 genes reveals the landscape of protein-truncating variants and their contribution to psoriasis in 19,973 Chinese individuals253
Accurate transcriptome-wide identification and quantification of alternative polyadenylation from RNA-seq data with APAIQ179
Highly complete long-read genomes reveal pangenomic variation underlying yeast phenotypic diversity134
Extensive protein dosage compensation in aneuploid human cancers106
Combinatorial microRNA activity is essential for the transition of pluripotent cells from proliferation into dormancy100
Estrogen receptor 1 chromatin profiling in human breast tumors reveals high inter-patient heterogeneity with enrichment of risk SNPs and enhancer activity at most-conserved regions92
Allele-specific RNAN6-methyladenosine modifications reveal functional genetic variants in human tissues75
A Bayesian framework to study tumor subclone–specific expression by combining bulk DNA and single-cell RNA sequencing data69
Enabling tradeoffs in privacy and utility in genomic data Beacons and summary statistics68
Gene by environment interaction mouse model reveals a functional role for 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in neurodevelopmental disorders68
The aberrant epigenome ofDNMT3B-mutated ICF1 patient iPSCs is amenable to correction, with the exception of a subset of regions with H3K4me3- and/or CTCF-based epigenetic memory67
Reevaluation of the Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum genomes reveals misassembly, karyotype differences, and chromosomal rearrangements66
An efficient method to identify, date, and describe admixture events using haplotype information64
Spatially resolved whole transcriptome profiling in human and mouse tissue using Digital Spatial Profiling64
Defining the separation landscape of topological domains for decoding consensus domain organization of the 3D genome63
Unraveling the palindromic and nonpalindromic motifs of retroviral integration site sequences by statistical mixture models61
Characterizing the targets of transcription regulators by aggregating ChIP-seq and perturbation expression data sets60
De novo individualized disease modules reveal the synthetic penetrance of genes and inform personalized treatment regimens58
tRNA-derived small RNAs are embedded in the gene regulatory network instructingDrosophilametamorphosis56
GenomeMUSter mouse genetic variation service enables multitrait, multipopulation data integration and analysis55
Genome-wide promoter assembly in E. coli measured at single-base resolution54
Comprehensive identification of genomic and environmental determinants of phenotypic plasticity in maize54
A scalable adaptive quadratic kernel method for interpretable epistasis analysis in complex traits51
Protein domain embeddings for fast and accurate similarity search51
Designing realistic regulatory DNA with autoregressive language models51
Erratum: A butterfly pan-genome reveals that a large amount of structural variation underlies the evolution of chromatin accessibility50
Mosaic loss of Chromosome Y in aged human microglia48
Parental methylome reprogramming in human uniparental blastocysts reveals germline memory transition48
A joint deep learning model enables simultaneous batch effect correction, denoising, and clustering in single-cell transcriptomics48
Erratum: Proving sequence aligners can guarantee accuracy in almostO(mlogn) time through an average-case analysis of the seed-chain-extend heuristic48
High-throughput and genome-scale targeted mutagenesis using CRISPR in a nonmodel multicellular organism,Bombyx mori47
Efficient taxa identification using a pangenome index46
Profiling the quantitative occupancy of myriad transcription factors across conditions by modeling chromatin accessibility data46
Genomic context sensitivity of insulator function46
Genome-wide profiling reveals functional interplay of DNA sequence composition, transcriptional activity, and nucleosome positioning in driving DNA supercoiling and helix destabilization in C. eleg45
Epigenomic analysis reveals prevalent contribution of transposable elements to cis-regulatory elements, tissue-specific expression, and alternative promoters in zebrafish45
A statistical physics approach for disease module detection44
The pig pangenome provides insights into the roles of coding structural variations in genetic diversity and adaptation44
Spatial organization of chromosomes leads to heterogeneous chromatin motion and drives the liquid- or gel-like dynamical behavior of chromatin44
Characteristics, origin, and potential for cancer diagnostics of ultrashort plasma cell-free DNA43
Population genomics reveals mechanisms and dynamics of de novo expressed open reading frame emergence inDrosophila melanogaster43
Leveraging protein language models for accurate multiple sequence alignments42
Genomic architecture constrained placental mammal X Chromosome evolution42
Functional noncoding SNPs in human endothelial cells fine-map vascular trait associations42
A framework to score the effects of structural variants in health and disease41
Evaluation ofN6-methyldeoxyadenosine antibody-based genomic profiling in eukaryotes40
A fast and scalable method for inferring phylogenetic networks from trees by aligning lineage taxon strings40
Genome-wide analysis of plant miRNA action clarifies levels of regulatory dynamics across developmental contexts39
Assessing transcriptomic reidentification risks using discriminative sequence models39
Fast inference of genetic recombination rates in biobank scale data39
Three-dimensional missense tolerance ratio analysis38
Comparative genomics ofCryptosporidium parvumreveals the emergence of an outbreak-associated population in Europe and its spread to the United States38
Genome-wide relaxation of selection and the evolution of the island syndrome in Orkney voles37
Evaluation of strategies for evidence-driven genome annotation using long-read RNA-seq36
Inferring ancestry with the hierarchical soft clustering approach tangleGen36
Taurine pangenome uncovers a segmental duplication upstream ofKITassociated with depigmentation in white-headed cattle36
Analyzing super-enhancer temporal dynamics reveals potential critical enhancers and their gene regulatory networks underlying skeletal muscle development36
Accurate and efficient detection of gene fusions from RNA sequencing data35
Probing the eukaryotic microbes of ruminants with a deep-learning classifier and comprehensive protein databases35
Selection and thermostability suggest G-quadruplexes are novel functional elements of the human genome35
Aberrant homeodomain-DNA cooperative dimerization underlies distinct developmental defects in two dominantCRXretinopathy models35
A naturally occurring variant ofMBD4causes maternal germline hypermutation in primates34
Genomic analyses provide insights into peach local adaptation and responses to climate change34
Integration site–dependent HIV-1 promoter activity shapes host chromatin conformation33
Multiple Pristionchus pacificus genomes reveal distinct evolutionary dynamics between de novo candidates and duplicated genes33
Inferring genes that escape X-Chromosome inactivation reveals important contribution of variable escape genes to sex-biased diseases33
Physiological intron retaining transcripts in the cytoplasm abound during human motor neurogenesis33
The genome of the colonial hydroidHydractiniareveals that their stem cells use a toolkit of evolutionarily shared genes with all animals33
Inferring and comparing metabolism across heterogeneous sets of annotated genomes using AuCoMe33
Comparing genomic and epigenomic features across species using the WashU Comparative Epigenome Browser33
Transposon wave remodeled the epigenomic landscape in the rapid evolution of X-Chromosome dosage compensation32
Positive selection in noncoding genomic regions of vocal learning birds is associated with genes implicated in vocal learning and speech functions in humans32
Variation in mutation, recombination, and transposition rates inDrosophila melanogasterandDrosophila simulans32
The genomic basis of evolutionary differentiation among honey bees32
Transposable element accumulation drives size differences among polymorphic Y Chromosomes in Drosophila32
The Enterprise, a massive transposon carrying Spok meiotic drive genes31
De novo reconstruction of satellite repeat units from sequence data30
Comprehensive characterization of tissue-specific chromatin accessibility in L2 Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes30
The human ribosomal DNA array is composed of highly homogenized tandem clusters30
The Chinese longsnout catfish genome provides novel insights into the feeding preference and corresponding metabolic strategy of carnivores29
The grasshopper genome reveals long-term gene content conservation of the X Chromosome and temporal variation in X Chromosome evolution28
Streamlined spatial and environmental expression signatures characterize the minimalist duckweedWolffia australiana28
Dynamic dysregulation of retrotransposons in neurodegenerative diseases at the single-cell level28
High-fidelity, large-scale targeted profiling of microsatellites28
A ChIP-exo screen of 887 Protein Capture Reagents Program transcription factor antibodies in human cells27
Complete genomes of Asgard archaea reveal diverse integrated and mobile genetic elements27
Polishing copy number variant calls on exome sequencing data via deep learning27
Global characterization of somatic mutations and DNA methylation changes during vegetative propagation in strawberries27
A chromosome-scale epigenetic map of theHydragenome reveals conserved regulators of cell state27
AGAPduplicons associate with structural diversity at Chromosome 10q11.2227
Loss of epigenetic suppression of retrotransposons with oncogenic potential in aging mammary luminal epithelial cells26
Learning probabilistic protein–DNA recognition codes from DNA-binding specificities using structural mappings26
Sir3 mediates long-range chromosome interactions in budding yeast26
Characterization of human transcription factor function and patterns of gene regulation in HepG2 cells26
Complete sequencing of a cynomolgus macaque major histocompatibility complex haplotype25
Elasmobranch genome sequencing reveals evolutionary trends of vertebrate karyotype organization25
Genomic environments scale the activities of diverse core promoters25
Genome enrichment of rare and unknown species from complicated microbiomes by nanopore selective sequencing25
Analyses of 600+ insect genomes reveal repetitive element dynamics and highlight biodiversity-scale repeat annotation challenges25
Corrigendum: Benchmark and integration of resources for the estimation of human transcription factor activities25
Cancer-associated dynamics and potential regulators of intronic polyadenylation revealed by IPAFinder using standard RNA-seq data24
Extremely fast construction and querying of compacted and colored de Bruijn graphs with GGCAT24
Short arms of human acrocentric chromosomes and the completion of the human genome sequence23
Dynamics of broad H3K4me3 domains uncover an epigenetic switch between cell identity and cancer-related genes23
A machine learning method for the discovery of minimum marker gene combinations for cell type identification from single-cell RNA sequencing22
Snake venom gene expression is coordinated by novel regulatory architecture and the integration of multiple co-opted vertebrate pathways22
DNA methylation epitypes highlight underlying developmental and disease pathways in acute myeloid leukemia22
A minimally destructive protocol for DNA extraction from ancient teeth22
Single-nucleus transcriptomic mapping uncovers targets for traumatic brain injury21
Analysis of a cell-free DNA-based cancer screening cohort links fragmentomic profiles, nuclease levels, and plasma DNA concentrations21
Understanding isoform expression by pairing long-read sequencing with single-cell and spatial transcriptomics21
Characterizing tandem repeat complexities across long-read sequencing platforms with TREAT andotter21
Allele-specific alternative splicing and its functional genetic variants in human tissues21
Telomere-to-telomere assembly by preserving contained reads21
An optimized protocol for quality control of gene therapy vectors using nanopore direct RNA sequencing21
Dynamic DNAN6-adenine methylation (6mA) governs the encystment process, showcased in the unicellular eukaryotePseudocohnilembus persalinus21
Measuring X-Chromosome inactivation skew for X-linked diseases with adaptive nanopore sequencing21
Factors impacting target-enriched long-read sequencing of resistomes and mobilomes21
A sheep pangenome reveals the spectrum of structural variations and their effects on tail phenotypes20
Rearrangements of viral and human genomes at human papillomavirus integration events and their allele-specific impacts on cancer genome regulation20
A butterfly pan-genome reveals that a large amount of structural variation underlies the evolution of chromatin accessibility20
Locus-resolution analysis of L1 regulation and retrotransposition potential in mouse embryonic development20
Meta-analysis of human and mouse ALS astrocytes reveals multi-omic signatures of inflammatory reactive states20
Diverse tumorigenic consequences of human papillomavirus integration in primary oropharyngeal cancers19
Spatiotemporal kinetics of CAF-1-dependent chromatin maturation ensures transcription fidelity during S-phase19
Conserved noncoding sequences provide insights into regulatory sequence and loss of gene expression in maize19
Sequence-based correction of barcode bias in massively parallel reporter assays19
Low-frequency somatic copy number alterations in normal human lymphocytes revealed by large-scale single-cell whole-genome profiling19
Accelerated somatic mutation calling for whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing data from heterogenous tumor samples19
Characterization of the distribution and dynamics of chromatin states in theC. elegansgermline reveals substantial H3K4me3 remodeling during oogenesis19
A plug and play microfluidic platform for standardized sensitive low-input chromatin immunoprecipitation19
Ribosome decision graphs for the representation of eukaryotic RNA translation complexity18
ZNF91 deletion in human embryonic stem cells leads to ectopic activation of SVA retrotransposons and up-regulation of KRAB zinc finger gene clusters18
SARS-CoV-2 genomic diversity and the implications for qRT-PCR diagnostics and transmission18
A somatic hypermutation–based machine learning model stratifies individuals with Crohn's disease and controls18
Widespread association of the Argonaute protein AGO2 with meiotic chromatin suggests a distinct nuclear function in mammalian male reproduction18
Localizing unmapped sequences with families to validate the Telomere-to-Telomere assembly and identify new hotspots for genetic diversity18
Automated annotation of human centromeres with HORmon18
Profiling single-cell histone modifications using indexing chromatin immunocleavage sequencing18
Probabilistic association of differentially expressed genes withcis-regulatory elements18
The predicted RNA-binding protein regulome of axonal mRNAs18
Multisample motif discovery and visualization for tandem repeats18
A KMT2A-AFF1 gene regulatory network highlights the role of core transcription factors and reveals the regulatory logic of key downstream target genes17
Graph-based self-supervised learning for repeat detection in metagenomic assembly17
Accurate assembly of circular RNAs with TERRACE17
A graph neural network model to estimate cell-wise metabolic flux using single-cell RNA-seq data17
A novel approach for in vivo DNA footprinting using short double-stranded cell-free DNA from plasma17
Parameter-efficient fine-tuning on large protein language models improves signal peptide prediction17
Rtt109 promotes nucleosome replacement ahead of the replication fork17
Deciphering D4Z4 CpG methylation gradients in fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy using nanopore sequencing17
Genome-wide patterns of selection–drift variation strongly associate with organismal traits across the green plant lineage17
Spatial Cellular Networks from omics data with SpaCeNet17
Ligand-induced native G-quadruplex stabilization impairs transcription initiation17
Analyzing rare mutations in metagenomes assembled using long and accurate reads17
Linking the dynamics of chromatin occupancy and transcription with predictive models16
A Chinese indicine pangenome reveals a wealth of novel structural variants introgressed from otherBosspecies16
A curated collection of Klebsiella metabolic models reveals variable substrate usage and gene essentiality16
Corrigendum: An association test of the spatial distribution of rare missense variants within protein structures identifies Alzheimer's disease–related patterns16
Joint actions of diverse transcription factor families establish neuron-type identities and promote enhancer selectivity16
Global compositional and functional states of the human gut microbiome in health and disease16
ZSWIM8 destabilizes many murine microRNAs and is required for proper embryonic growth and development16
Historical RNA expression profiles from the extinct Tasmanian tiger16
Enhancers with tissue-specific activity are enriched in intronic regions16
Different trajectories of polyploidization shape the genomic landscape of theBrettanomyces bruxellensisyeast species16
A complete pedigree-based graph workflow for rare candidate variant analysis16
Genome-wide chromatin interaction profiling reveals a vital role of super-enhancers and rearrangements in host enhancer contacts during BmNPV infection15
Transposable elements drive the evolution of metazoan zinc finger genes15
Suv39h-catalyzed H3K9me3 is critical for euchromatic genome organization and the maintenance of gene transcription15
Mendelian randomization analyses implicate biogenesis of translation machinery in human aging15
Modeling expression ranks for noise-tolerant differential expression analysis of scRNA-seq data15
Genome-scale targeted mutagenesis inBrassica napususing a pooled CRISPR library15
Epigenomic translocation of H3K4me3 broad domains over oncogenes following hijacking of super-enhancers15
Transcription initiation mapping in 31 bovine tissues reveals complex promoter activity, pervasive transcription, and tissue-specific promoter usage15
De novo transcriptome assembly of mouse male germ cells reveals novel genes, stage-specific bidirectional promoter activity, and noncoding RNA expression15
Third-generation sequencing revises the molecular karyotype for Toxoplasma gondii and identifies emerging copy number variants in sexual recombinants14
A HIT-trapping strategy for rapid generation of reversible and conditional alleles using a universal donor14
Large palindromes on the primate X Chromosome are preserved by natural selection14
Efficient mapping of accurate long reads in minimizer space with mapquik14
A novel quantitative trait locus implicatesMsh3in the propensity for genome-wide short tandem repeat expansions in mice14
Revisiting chromatin packaging in mouse sperm14
Characterizing nucleotide variation and expansion dynamics in human-specific variable number tandem repeats14
Entropy predicts sensitivity of pseudorandom seeds14
Modeling and predicting cancer clonal evolution with reinforcement learning14
Transcriptional milestones in Dictyostelium development14
H3K36 dimethylation shapes the epigenetic interaction landscape by directing repressive chromatin modifications in embryonic stem cells14
Discordant calls across genotype discovery approaches elucidate variants with systematic errors14
An association test of the spatial distribution of rare missense variants within protein structures identifies Alzheimer's disease–related patterns14
Transposable element variants and their potential adaptive impact in urban populations of the malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii13
Identifying cell state–associated alternative splicing events and their coregulation13
Accurate and fast graph-based pangenome annotation and clustering with ggCaller13
Tagmentation-based single-cell genomics13
Transcriptome innovations in primates revealed by single-molecule long-read sequencing13
Non-Mendelian inheritance patterns and extreme deviation rates of CGG repeats in autism13
Long-read RNA sequencing reveals widespread sex-specific alternative splicing in threespine stickleback fish13
Leveraging family data to design Mendelian randomization that is provably robust to population stratification13
Simultaneous assessment of human genome and methylome data in a single experiment using limited deamination of methylated cytosine13
Density separation of petrous bone powders for optimized ancient DNA yields13
Comprehensive assessment of 11 de novo HiFi assemblers on complex eukaryotic genomes and metagenomes13
Thousands of human mutation clusters are explained by short-range template switching13
Comprehensive determination of transcription start sites derived from all RNA polymerases using ReCappable-seq13
Improved redox homeostasis owing to the up-regulation of one-carbon metabolism and related pathways is crucial for yeast heterosis at high temperature12
Partial alignment of multislice spatially resolved transcriptomics data12
Candida albicansisolates contain frequent heterozygous structural variants and transposable elements within genes and centromeres12
Rapid evolution of piRNA clusters in theDrosophila melanogasterovary12
MYT1L is required for suppressing earlier neuronal development programs in the adult mouse brain12
Targeted regulation of transcription in primary cells using CRISPRa and CRISPRi12
Global loss of cellular m6A RNA methylation following infection with different SARS-CoV-2 variants12
Plasma cell-free RNA characteristics in COVID-19 patients12
Systematic identification of interchromosomal interaction networks supports the existence of specialized RNA factories12
Advancing genomic technologies and clinical awareness accelerates discovery of disease-associated tandem repeat sequences12
Targeted, programmable, and precise tandem duplication in the mammalian genome12
Robust analysis of prokaryotic pangenome gene gain and loss rates with Panstripe12
Likelihood-based deconvolution of bulk gene expression data using single-cell references12
Fixation of allelic gene expression landscapes and expression bias pattern shape the transcriptome of the clonal Amazon molly12
Seamless, rapid, and accurate analyses of outbreak genomic data using splitk-mer analysis12
Gene prediction in the immunoglobulin loci12
Incomplete erasure of histone marks during epigenetic reprogramming in medaka early development12
Long-read genome sequencing and variant reanalysis increase diagnostic yield in neurodevelopmental disorders11
Enhanced detection of RNA modifications and read mapping with high-accuracy nanopore RNA basecalling models11
Long-read subcellular fractionation and sequencing reveals the translational fate of full-length mRNA isoforms during neuronal differentiation11
The rate and spectrum of new mutations in mice inferred by long-read sequencing11
C. Thomas Caskey (1938–2022)11
Long-read Ribo-STAMP simultaneously measures transcription and translation with isoform resolution11
Chromatin interaction maps identify oncogenic targets of enhancer duplications in cancer11
Long-read genome assembly of the insect model organismTribolium castaneumreveals spread of satellite DNA in gene-rich regions by recurrent burst events11
Construction and evaluation of a new rat reference genome assembly, GRCr8, from long reads and long-range scaffolding11
Inferring disease progressive stages in single-cell transcriptomics using a weakly-supervised deep learning approach11
Enhancers display constrained sequence flexibility and context-specific modulation of motif function11
The chromatin tapestry as a framework for neurodevelopment11
Rapid SARS-CoV-2 surveillance using clinical, pooled, or wastewater sequence as a sensor for population change11
Extensive sampling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Taiwan reveals ecology and evolution of predomesticated lineages11
Mutational bias in spermatogonia impacts the anatomy of regulatory sites in the human genome11
Large haplotypes highlight a complex age structure within the maize pan-genome11
Transposable elements and their KZFP controllers are drivers of transcriptional innovation in the developing human brain10
Challenges and considerations for reproducibility of STARR-seq assays10
Natural variation inC. elegansshort tandem repeats10
Using long-read CAGE sequencing to profile cryptic-promoter-derived transcripts and their contribution to the immunopeptidome10
Coordination of zygotic genome activation entry and exit by H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 in porcine early embryos10
Haig H. Kazazian, Jr. (1937–2022)10
Early embryonic mutations reveal dynamics of somatic and germ cell lineages in mice10
GC-biased gene conversion drives accelerated evolution of ultraconserved elements in mammalian and avian genomes10
Purifying selection on noncoding deletions of human regulatory loci detected using their cellular pleiotropy10
A model-based constrained deep learning clustering approach for spatially resolved single-cell data10
High resolution genomes of multipleXiphophorusspecies provide new insights into microevolution, hybrid incompatibility, and epistasis10
Recent, full-length gene retrocopies are common in canids10
De novo mutation rates at the single-mutation resolution in a human HBB gene region associated with adaptation and genetic disease9
Haplotype diversity and sequence heterogeneity of human telomeres9
Inferring the mode and strength of ongoing selection9
Genome-wide oscillations in G + C density and sequence conservation9