Intelligent Data Analysis

(The median citation count of Intelligent Data Analysis is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Detection of multi-size peach in orchard using RGB-D camera combined with an improved DEtection Transformer model25
TSPS: A Topic based Shortest Path Set algorithm for influence maximization16
Exploiting the implicit independence assumption for learning directed graphical models16
A feature-aware long-short interest evolution network for sequential recommendation14
Generate custom travel magazine layouts12
Robust partial face recognition using multi-label attributes11
A Relief-PGS algorithm for feature selection and data classification11
Finding reinforced structural hole spanners in social networks via node embedding11
Privacy preserving defect prediction using generalization and entropy-based data reduction10
Heuristics for the two-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftover9
SARW: Similarity-Aware Random Walk for GCN8
HFD: Hierarchical feature decoupling for SQL generation from text8
IACN: Interactive attention capsule network for similar case matching7
Forecasting emergency department admissions7
An improved YOLOv3 model for detecting location information of ovarian cancer from CT images7
Differential evolution algorithm-based multiple-factor optimization methods for data assimilation7
Unsupervised feature extraction from multivariate time series for outlier detection6
Multidimensional indexing technique for medical images retrieval6
Heterogeneous information fusion based graph collaborative filtering recommendation6
Evaluating semantic representations for extended association rules6
Mining multiplex interaction relationships from usage records in social networks6
Knowledge graph embedding in a uniform space5
Quadratic hyper-surface kernel-free least squares support vector regression5
Stacked collaborative transformer network with contrastive learning for video moment localization5
Machine learning application in the ex-combatant demobilization process on the Colombian armed conflict5
Attribute interaction aware matrix factorization method for recommendation5
Multi-view hybrid recommendation model based on deep learning5
I2R: Intra and inter-modal representation learning for code search5
Ordination-based verification of feature selection in pattern evolution research5
Tree based Ensemble for Enhanced Prediction (TEEP) of epileptic seizures5
Two stages data mining analytics for food intentional and behavioral recommendations4
Learning traffic as videos: A spatio-temporal VAE approach to periodic traffic raster data imputation4
Stable top-k periodic high-utility patterns mining over multi-sequence4
Sampleformer: An efficient conformer-based Neural Network for Automatic Speech Recognition4
A dual-ways feature fusion mechanism enhancing active learning based on TextCNN4
ViSSR: A visual analytics system for student high-order social relationships at campus4
A deep learning-based neural style transfer optimization approach4
TLSTSRec: Time-aware long short-term attention neural network for sequential recommendation4
cd-MBRec: Enhancing multi-behavior recommendation by explicitly modeling commonality and diversity4
Machine learning based car accident risk prediction for usage-based insurance4
Products ranking through two-stage online customer reviews information4
Identifying longevity profiles from longitudinal data through factor analysis and biclustering4
Forecast combination with multivariate grey prediction for tourism demand forecasting4
Intelligent data integration from heterogeneous relational databases containing incomplete and uncertain information3
Methods for detecting and correcting contextual data quality problems3
A fast method for discovering suitable number of clusters for fuzzy clustering3
Real-time MRI lungs images revealing using Hybrid feedforward Deep Neural Network and Convolutional Neural Network3
RBSP-Boosting: A Shapley value-based resampling approach for imbalanced data classification3
Filter pruning via feature map clustering3
Wide & deep generative adversarial networks for recommendation system3
Combining pattern-based CRFs and weighted context-free grammars3
Bagging k-dependence Bayesian network classifiers3
Effectiveness of ELMo embeddings, and semantic models in predicting review helpfulness3
A fast and distributed C4.5 algorithm for urban big data3
Conversational recommender based on graph sparsification and multi-hop attention3
W-MMP2Vec: Topic-driven network embedding model for link prediction in content-based heterogeneous information network3
Credit scoring based on a Bagging-cascading boosted decision tree3
A resistance outlier sampling algorithm for imbalanced data prediction3
An efficient intrusion detection method using federated transfer learning and support vector machine with privacy-preserving3
Secured finance handling for supply chain integrated business intelligence using blockchain application scenarios3
Trajectory personalization privacy preservation method based on multi-sensitivity attribute generalization and local suppression3
Unsupervised multi-source domain adaptation for person re-identification via sample weighting2
ORBoost: An Orthogonal AdaBoost2
Dementia prediction using novel IOTM (Internet of Things in Medical) architecture framework2
MusicNeXt: Addressing category bias in fused music using musical features and genre-sensitive adjustment layer2
Handling incomplete data classification using imputed feature selected bagging (IFBag) method2
TextureMask: A merged architecture for low-resolution instance segmentation2
Cross-modality semantic guidance for multi-label image classification2
CMCEE: A joint learning framework for cascade decoding with multi-feature fusion and conditional enhancement for overlapping event extraction2
A review on network representation learning with multi-granularity perspective2
An improved k-NN anomaly detection framework based on locality sensitive hashing for edge computing environment2
An adaptive simulated annealing and artificial fish swarm algorithm for the optimization of multi-depot express delivery vehicle routing2
Resformer: Combine quadratic linear transformation with efficient sparse Transformer for long-term series forecasting2
Prediction and analysis of chronic epilepsy using electroencephalographic signals on medical internet of things platform2
Comparative observation of changes in natriuretic peptides before and after interventional therapy for congenital heart disease2
Clustering based on adaptive local density with evidential assigning strategy2
Modeling data with observers2
Efficient computation of target-oriented link criticalness centrality in uncertain graphs2
Personalized trajectory privacy-preserving method based on sensitive attribute generalization and location perturbation2
A multi-layer multi-view stacking model for credit risk assessment2
Robust face recognition based on a new Kernel-PCA using RRQR factorization2
ADAW: Age decay accuracy weighted ensemble method for drifting data stream mining2
A domain density peak clustering algorithm based on natural neighbor2
Predictive modelling of hospital readmission: Evaluation of different preprocessing techniques on machine learning classifiers2
Regression trees with splitting based on changes of dependencies among covariates2
From undirected dependence to directed causality: A novel Bayesian learning approach2
A novel framework to enhance the performance of training distributed deep neural networks2
Efficient modal-aware feature learning with application in multimodal hashing2
Learning binary codes for fast image retrieval with sparse discriminant analysis and deep autoencoders2
Information granularity-based incremental feature selection for partially labeled hybrid data2
Topic discovery from short reviews based on data enhancement2
The prediction of online time series with concept drift based on dynamic intuitionistic fuzzy cognitive map2
Evaluation of end-to-end aspect-based sentiment analysis methods employing novel benchmark dataset for aspect, and opinion review analysis2
Inferring student social link from spatiotemporal behavior data via entropy-based analyzing model2
Robust multi-class feature selection via l2,0-norm regularization minimization2
A hybrid approach for noise reduction-based optimal classifier using genetic algorithm: A case study in plant disease prediction2
Parallel double-layer prediction model construction and empirical analysis for enterprise credit assessment2
An attention network based on feature sequences for cross-domain sentiment classification2
ITeM: Independent temporal motifs to summarize and compare temporal networks2
Sentiment classification based on weak tagging information and imbalanced data1
Research on weight initialization of CNN student models based on knowledge distillation1
Digital image processing for evaluating the impact of designated nanoparticles in biomedical applications1
MeFiNet: Modeling multi-semantic convolution-based feature interactions for CTR prediction1
Test scheduling of network-on-chip using hybrid WOA-GWO algorithm1
A discrete equilibrium optimization algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis1
Floating-point histograms for exploratory analysis of large scale real-world data sets1
MEGA: Predicting the best classifier combination using meta-learning and a genetic algorithm1
Learning to transfer knowledge from RDF Graphs with gated recurrent units1
GeoNLPlify: A spatial data augmentation enhancing text classification for crisis monitoring1
Lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle object detection algorithm based on improved YOLOv81
Trajectory outlier detection method based on group division1
Analytical learning classifier based on predefined evenly-distributed class centroids1
Efficient n-gram construction for text categorization using feature selection techniques1
A framework for classifying breast cancer via heterogenetic attention mechanism and optimized feature selection1
Research on community evolution based on node influence and multi-attribute fusion1
A bitemporal RDF index based on skip list1
Graph structure learning based on feature and label consistency1
Mining skyline frequent-utility patterns from big data environment based on MapReduce framework1
Improving process discovery by filtering noises based on event dependency1
Data-driven predictive maintenance framework for railway systems1
Atmospheric SO2 pollutant prediction using mutual information based TCNN-GRU model for flue gas desulfurization process1
Combining decomposition and graph capsule network for multi-objective vehicle routing optimization1
Location prediction for facility placement by incorporating multi-characteristic information1
Modeling the combined influence of complexity and quality in supervised learning1
An adaptive node embedding framework for multiplex networks1
Multi-head attention based candidate segment selection in QA over hybrid data1
ATIN: Attention-embedded time-aware imputation networks for production data anomaly detection1
An integrative framework for brain tumor segmentation and classification using neuraclassnet1
The overlapping community discovery algorithm based on the local interaction model1
Machine learning and deep learning methods in brain tumor classification: A decade: Systematic literature review1
Towards robust log parsing using self-supervised learning for system security analysis1
Adaptive fuzzy C-means clustering integrated with local outlier factor1
CBDA: Chaos-based binary dragonfly algorithm for evolutionary feature selection1
A model to estimate the Self-Organizing Maps grid dimension for Prototype Generation1
A systematic review on recommendation systems applied to chronic diseases1
Mining spatial high-average utility co-location patterns from spatial data sets1
A medical assistant decision-making method based on interval belief rule base with explainability1
An agglomerative hierarchical clustering approach to identify coexisting bacteria in groups of bacterial vaginosis patients1
A parametric approximation algorithm for spatial group keyword queries1
A multi-instance multi-label learning algorithm based on radial basis functions and multi-objective particle swarm optimization1
Semi-supervised contrastive learning with decomposition-based data augmentation for time series classification1
FairAW – Additive weighting without discrimination1
Bone feature quantization and systematized attention gate UNet-based deep learning framework for bone fracture classification1
Two-dimensional dynamic time warping algorithm for matrices similarity1
IMLBoost for intelligent diagnosis with imbalanced medical records1
Stock market network based on bi-dimensional histogram and autoencoder1
A novel density-based outlier detection method using key attributes1
A novel deep learning framework for the identification of tortuous vessels in plus diseased infant retinal images1
A new perceptual evaluation method of video quality based on neural network1
Incorporating emoji sentiment information into a pre-trained language model for Chinese and English sentiment analysis1
Learning bayesian multinets from labeled and unlabeled data for knowledge representation1
Missing data imputation using correlation coefficient and min-max normalization weighting1
Supervised probabilistic latent semantic analysis with applications to controversy analysis of legislative bills1
An evolutionary approach to extreme individual impact opinions based on time sunk costs1
GT-CHES: Graph transformation for classification in human evolutionary systems1
Secureimagesec: A privacy-preserving framework for outsourced picture representation with content-based image retrieval1
Generate qualified adversarial attacks and foster enhanced models based on generative adversarial networks1
Knowledge graph embedding with entity attributes using hypergraph neural networks1
Parallel power load abnormalities detection using fast density peak clustering with a hybrid canopy-K-means algorithm1
C_CART: An instance confidence-based decision tree algorithm for classification1
Lightweight blockchain approach to reduce double-spend and 51% attacks on Proof-of-Work1
Shape classification based on solid angles by a support vector machine1
Predicting remaining execution time of business process instances via auto-encoded transition system1
LaplaceConfidence: A graph-based approach for learning with noisy labels1
Modeling multi-attribute and implicit relationship factors with self-supervised learning for recommender systems0
Wear-free gesture recognition based on residual features of RFID signals0
Machine learning based software effort estimation using development-centric features for crowdsourcing platform0
Improving multi-label learning by modeling Local label and feature correlations0
Remote sensing image classification method based on improved ShuffleNet convolutional neural network0
Data management scheme for building internet of things based on blockchain sharding0
A multi-label feature selection method based on an approximation of interaction information0
Exploiting scatter matrix on one-class support vector machine based on low variance direction0
A systematic review of hyperparameter tuning techniques for software quality prediction models0
Research on the artistic form and image expression effect of public sculpture based on intelligent and parametric design0
Cross-modal variable-length hashing based on hierarchy0
Processing and optimized learning for improved classification of categorical plant disease datasets0
Suffix array for multi-pattern matching with variable length wildcards0
Active ordinal classification by querying relative information0
Augmenting data with generative adversarial networks: An overview0
A non-binary hierarchical tree overlapping community detection based on multi-dimensional similarity0
A novel krill herd algorithm with orthogonality and its application to data clustering0
Learning hierarchical embedding space for image-text matching0
E-Health technological barriers faced by Iraqi healthcare institutions0
A directed link prediction method using graph convolutional network based on social ranking theory0
LAMB: A novel algorithm of label collaboration based multi-label learning0
Ep-Satty-MCDM based business decision-making model using behaviour and review data0
A noise-resilient online learning algorithm with ramp loss for ordinal regression0
Time-series data dynamic density clustering0
Robust intuitionistic fuzzy clustering with bias field estimation for noisy image segmentation0
Multi-aspect multilingual and cross-lingual parliamentary speech analysis0
RegRL-KG: Learning an L1 regularized reinforcement agent for keyphrase generation0
An approach for unsupervised contextual anomaly detection and characterization0
Dynamic gaussian deep belief network design and stock market application0
Fault identification of rolling bearing based on improved salp swarm algorithm0
Identifying relevant features of CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset for the development of an intrusion detection system0
Energy efficient metaheuristic cluster-based routing protocol for underwater sensor networks0
A memetic-based technical indicator portfolio and parameters optimization approach for finding trading signals to construct transaction robot in smart city era0
Enhancing 3D medical image registration with cross attention, residual skips, and cascade attention0
Oversampling method based on GAN for tabular binary classification problems0
An enhanced network for brain MR image denoising0
Spatial-temporal trajectory anomaly detection based on an improved spectral clustering algorithm0
A parallel and balanced SVM algorithm on spark for data-intensive computing0
An improvement of FDR for edge detection by applying EM method0
MD-SPKM: A set pair k-modes clustering algorithm for incomplete categorical matrix data0
Unsupervised latent event representation learning and storyline extraction from news articles based on neural networks0
Human interaction recognition method based on parallel multi-feature fusion network0
Small object detection based on attention mechanism and enhanced network0
Collaborative optimization with PSO for named entity recognition-based applications0
Cross-community shortcut detection based on network representation learning and structural features0
Multiple independent losses scheduling: A simple training method for deep neural networks0
An efficient isomorphic CNN-based prediction and decision framework for financial time series0
Ensemble machine learning methods for spatio-temporal data analysis of plant and ratoon sugarcane0
SUWAN: A supervised clustering algorithm with attributed networks0
HSNF: Hybrid sampling with two-step noise filtering for imbalanced data classification0
Influence maximization based on network representation learning in social network0
Automatic image detection of multi-type surface defects on wind turbine blades based on cascade deep learning network0
Quantitative predicting propagation breadth and depth of microblog users’ forwarding behavior0
NetNDP: Nonoverlapping (delta, gamma)-approximate pattern matching0
A strategy to estimate the optimal low-rank in incremental SVD-based algorithms for recommender systems0
A multiple hierarchical clustering ensemble algorithm to recognize clusters arbitrarily shaped0
NonPC: Non-parametric clustering algorithm with adaptive noise detecting0
EFS-XGBoost: A robust framework for precision classification of COVID-19 cases0
Feature evolvable learning with image streams0
Evolutionary feature selection based on hybrid bald eagle search and particle swarm optimization0
Contextual emotion detection on text using gaussian process and tree based classifiers0
Detecting a multigranularity event in an unequal interval time series based on self-adaptive segmenting0
Keyphrase extraction using deep and wide learning features0
Incremental density clustering framework based on dynamic microlocal clusters0
Multi-class WHMBoost: An ensemble algorithm for multi-class imbalanced data0
DCE-IVI: Density-based clustering ensemble by selecting internal validity index0
A new Chinese text clustering algorithm based on WRD and improved K-means0
LSEC: Large-scale spectral ensemble clustering0
An improved hybrid structure learning strategy for Bayesian networks based on ensemble learning0
Safe co-training for semi-supervised regression0
ACEANet: Ambiguous Context Enhanced Attention Network for skin lesion segmentation0
Dynamic mutual information-based feature selection for multi-label learning0