Journal of Industrial Ecology

(The median citation count of Journal of Industrial Ecology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Critiques of the circular economy320
Whole‐life embodied carbon in multistory buildings: Steel, concrete and timber structures94
Update to limits to growth: Comparing the World3 model with empirical data84
Life cycle assessment of lithium‐ion battery recycling using pyrometallurgical technologies84
Techno‐economic assessment and comparison of different plastic recycling pathways: A German case study82
Three‐scope carbon emission inventories of global cities75
Critical review of global plastics stock and flow data63
Sharing the safe operating space: Exploring ethical allocation principles to operationalize the planetary boundaries and assess absolute sustainability at individual and industrial sector levels62
Closed‐loop sustainable product design for circular economy56
Circular economy framework for automobiles: Closing energy and material loops50
Barriers to the circular economy: The case of the Dutch technical and interior textiles industries45
The evolution of consumer electronic waste in the United States44
Emission reduction potentials for academic conference travel44
Decarbonizing the cementitious materials cycle: A whole‐systems review of measures to decarbonize the cement supply chain in the UK and European contexts44
A comprehensive set of global scenarios of housing, mobility, and material efficiency for material cycles and energy systems modeling40
Is life cycle assessment enough to address unintended side effects from Circular Economy initiatives?39
Global material flow analysis of glass: From raw materials to end of life39
Orchestrating cradle‐to‐cradle innovation across the value chain: Overcoming barriers through innovation communities, collaboration mechanisms, and intermediation38
Material efficiency and climate change mitigation of passenger vehicles37
Toward a life cycle inventory for graphite production35
Emission reduction strategies in the EU steel industry: Implications for business model innovation34
Regional circular economy of building materials: Environmental and economic assessment combining Material Flow Analysis, Input‐Output Analyses, and Life Cycle Assessment33
Lessons, narratives, and research directions for a sustainable circular economy33
Static material flow analysis of neodymium in China32
Material efficiency and its contribution to climate change mitigation in Germany: A deep decarbonization scenario analysis until 206031
Opportunities and limitations for the introduction of circular economy principles in EU aquaculture based on the regulatory framework31
Material intensity database for the Dutch building stock: Towards Big Data in material stock analysis31
Plastic packaging flows in Europe: A hybrid input‐output approach30
Tannin‐based bio‐adhesives for the wood panel industry as sustainable alternatives to petrochemical resins30
Environmental impacts of key metals' supply and low‐carbon technologies are likely to decrease in the future30
Reducing the carbon footprint of ICT products through material efficiency strategies: A life cycle analysis of smartphones30
Sustainability implications of artificial intelligence in the chemical industry: A conceptual framework30
Environmental impacts of the future supply of rare earths for magnet applications29
Aquatic micro‐ and nano‐plastics in life cycle assessment: Development of an effect factor for the quantification of their physical impact on biota29
Three‐dimensional product circularity28
A critical perspective on uncertainty appraisal and sensitivity analysis in life cycle assessment27
A terminology for downcycling27
Evolution of the anthropogenic chromium cycle in China27
Does increased circularity lead to environmental sustainability?: The case of washing machine reuse in Germany27
Shifting expenditure on food, holidays, and furnishings could lower greenhouse gas emissions by almost 40%26
Marine biomass for a circular blue‐green bioeconomy? A life cycle perspective on closing nitrogen and phosphorus land‐marine loops25
Calculating the chemical exergy of materials25
Effects of the energy transition on environmental impacts of cobalt supply: A prospective life cycle assessment study on future supply of cobalt24
Futura: A new tool for transparent and shareable scenario analysis in prospective life cycle assessment23
Development of simplified characterization factors for the assessment of expanded polystyrene and tire wear microplastic emissions applied in a food container life cycle assessment23
Implementation of uncertainty analysis and moment‐independent global sensitivity analysis for full‐scale life cycle assessment models23
Life cycle impact assessment methods for estimating the impacts of dissipative flows of metals22
Contributing to carbon peak: Estimating the causal impact of eco‐industrial parks on low‐carbon development in China22
What effects does material flow cost accounting have for companies?: Evidence from a case studies analysis22
Potentials of big data for corporate environmental management: A case study from the German automotive industry21
A scalable data collection, characterization, and accounting framework for urban material stocks20
Greenhouse gas emissions from the global transportation of crude oil: Current status and mitigation potential20
Circular economy: A new research field?20
Rebound effect and sustainability science: A review20
Absolute environmental sustainability assessment of a Danish utility company relative to the Planetary Boundaries20
Greenhouse gas emissions of Norwegian seafoods: From comprehensive to simplified assessment20
Potential CO2reduction and uptake due to industrialization and efficient cement use in Brazil by 205019
3D printing to enable the reuse of marine plastic waste with reduced environmental impacts19
Tracking the diffusion of industrial symbiosis scholarship using bibliometrics: Comparing across Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar19
The link between product service lifetime and GHG emissions: A comparative study for different consumer products19
Potentials and limits of mechanical plastic recycling19
How do carbon footprints from LCA and EEIOA databases compare? A comparison of ecoinvent and EXIOBASE19
Development of a bridge circularity assessment framework to promote resource efficiency in infrastructure projects19
Extending urban stocks and flows analysis to urban greenhouse gas emission accounting: A case of Odense, Denmark19
Full‐scale, near real‐time multi‐regional input–output table for the global emerging economies (EMERGING)19
The role of socio‐economic material stocks for natural resource use in the United States of America from 1870 to 210018
Emissions of electric vehicle charging in future scenarios: The effects of time of charging18
The evolution of material stock research: From exploring to rising to hot studies18
Do material efficiency improvements backfire?: Insights from an index decomposition analysis about the link between CO2emissions and material use for Austria18
Facilitating systemic eco‐innovation to pave the way for a circular economy: A qualitative‐empirical study on barriers and drivers in the European polyurethane industry18
Design of an endpoint indicator for mineral resource supply risks in life cycle sustainability assessment: The case of Li‐ion batteries18
Towards a multiscale framework for modeling and improving the life cycle environmental performance of built stocks18
International comparison of impurities mixing and accumulation in steel scrap17
A review of inventory modeling methods for missing data in life cycle assessment17
Regional consumption, material flows, and their driving forces: A case study of China's Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (Jing–Jin–Ji) urban agglomeration17
How to handle the policy conflict between resource circulation and hazardous substances in the use of waste?17
Quantifying longevity and circularity of copper for different resource efficiency policies at the material and product levels17
Stocks and flows of buildings: Analysis of existing, demolished, and constructed buildings in Tampere, Finland, 2000–201817
Building feature‐based machine learning regression to quantify urban material stocks: A Hong Kong study17
A field experiment on workplace norms and electric vehicle charging etiquette17
Deep‐sea nodules versus land ores: A comparative systems analysis of mining and processing wastes for battery‐metal supply chains16
Assessing recycling, displacement, and environmental impacts using an economics‐informed material system model16
Life cycle assessment‐based Absolute Environmental Sustainability Assessment is also relative16
Combining industrial ecology tools to assess potential greenhouse gas reductions of a circular economy: Method development and application to Switzerland16
Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of aluminum based on regional industrial transfer in China16
Increasing the energy efficiency of a data center based on machine learning15
A social life cycle assessment of vanadium redox flow and lithium‐ion batteries for energy storage15
Modern slavery footprints in global supply chains15
Life cycle assessment of an industrial‐scale vanadium flow battery15
A data framework for assessing social inequality and equity in multi‐sector social, ecological, infrastructural urban systems: Focus on fine‐spatial scales14
Quo vadisMFA? Integrated material flow analysis to support material efficiency14
Turning trash into treasure: An approach to the environmental assessment of waste prevention and its application to clothing and furniture in Switzerland14
A generalized framework for analyzing car lifetime effects on stock, flow, and carbon footprint14
The sociometabolic transition of a small Greek island: Assessing stock dynamics, resource flows, and material circularity from 1929 to 201914
Exploring machine learning techniques to predict deforestation to enhance the decision‐making of road construction projects14
Mapping the EU tomato supply chain from farm to fork for greenhouse gas emission mitigation strategies14
Gender in sustainability research: Inclusion, intersectionality, and patterns of knowledge production14
Design of concrete: Setting a new basis for improving both durability and environmental performance14
The role of consumer preferences in reducing material intensity of electronic products14
Determining the material intensities of buildings selected by random sampling: A case study from Vienna13
Critical transmission sectors in embodied atmospheric mercury emission network in China13
Interrelationships between electricity, gas, and water consumption in large‐scale buildings13
Sector‐specific scenarios for future stocks and flows of aluminum: An analysis based on shared socioeconomic pathways13
Attributional and consequential life cycle assessments in a circular economy with integration of a quality indicator: A case study of cascading wood products13
Quantifying urban mass gain and loss by a GIS‐based material stocks and flows analysis13
The carbon footprint of capital formation: An empirical analysis on its relationship with a country's income growth13
Life‐cycle energy and environmental emissions of cargo ships13
Material system analysis: A novel multilayer system approach to correlate EU flows and stocks of Li‐ion batteries and their raw materials13
Toward the development of subnational hybrid input–output tables in a multiregional framework13
Comparing the environmental performance of distributed versus centralized plastic recycling systems: Applying hybrid simulation modeling to life cycle assessment13
Identifying sectoral impacts on global scarce water uses from multiple perspectives13
High‐resolution quantification of building stock using multi‐source remote sensing imagery and deep learning13
Sharing economy rebound: The case of peer‐to‐peer sharing of food waste12
Characterization factors for ocean acidification impacts on marine biodiversity12
Life cycle energy and greenhouse gas emissions implications of polyamide 12 recycling from selective laser sintering for an injection‐molded automotive component12
Consumer acceptance of circular business models and potential effects on economic performance: The case of washing machines12
Life cycle assessment of salinity gradient energy recovery using reverse electrodialysis12
Environmental benefits of large‐scale second‐generation bioethanol production in the EU: An integrated supply chain network optimization and life cycle assessment approach12
A core ontology for modeling life cycle sustainability assessment on the Semantic Web12
Do sectoral material efficiency improvements add up to greenhouse gas emissions reduction on an economy‐wide level?11
Assessing the circularity of regions: Stakes of trade of waste for treatment11
Estimation of entity‐level land use and its application in urban sectoral land use footprint: A bottom‐up model with emerging geospatial data11
A general framework for stock dynamics of populations and built and natural environments11
Identification of dissipative emissions for improved assessment of metal resources in life cycle assessment11
Contribution of circular economy strategies to climate change mitigation: Generic assessment methodology with focus on developing countries11
A review of methods to trace material flows into final products in dynamic material flow analysis: From industry shipments in physical units to monetary input–output tables, Part 111
Quantifying uncertainty for AWARE characterization factors11
Developing Regenerate: A circular economy engagement tool for the assessment of new and existing buildings11
Integrating vehicle‐to‐grid technology into energy system models: Novel methods and their impact on greenhouse gas emissions11
Quantifying the ecosystem services values of electricity generation in the US Chihuahuan Desert: A life cycle perspective11
The environmental and material implications of circular transitions: A diffusion and product‐life‐cycle‐based modeling framework11
Advancing urban metabolism studies through GIS data: Resource flows, open space networks, and vulnerable communities in Mexico City11
Hydrothermal carbonization for sludge disposal in Germany: A comparative assessment for industrial‐scale scenarios in 203011
Castoff from the West, pearls in Kantamanto? A critique of second‐hand clothes trade11
Lithium‐ion battery cell production in Europe: Scenarios for reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions until 203011
Machine learning‐based stocks and flows modeling of road infrastructure11
A practice‐based framework for defining functional units in comparative life cycle assessments of materials11
Regionalized nitrogen fate in freshwater systems on a global scale10
Symbiosis opportunities between food and energy system: The potential of manure‐based biogas as heating source for greenhouse production10
Bottom‐up estimation of material stocks and flows in Toronto's road network10
Economic and environmental assessment of automotive plastic waste end‐of‐life options: Energy recovery versus chemical recycling10
Material flow analysis of zinc during the manufacturing process in integrated steel mills in China10
Packaging environmental impact on seafood supply chains: A review of life cycle assessment studies10
Taking stock for repair and refurbishing: A review of harvesting of spare parts from electrical and electronic products10
Does it pay to be science‐based green? The impact of science‐based emission‐reduction targets on corporate financial performance10
Green batteries for clean skies: Sustainability assessment of lithium‐sulfur all‐solid‐state batteries for electric aircraft10
A product–component framework for modeling stock dynamics and its application for electric vehicles and lithium‐ion batteries10
An industrial symbiosis simulation game: Evidence from the circular sustainable business development class10
Reflecting the importance of human needs fulfilment in absolute sustainability assessments: Development of a sharing principle10
Capital‐based life cycle sustainability assessment: Evaluation of potential industrial symbiosis synergies10
Addressing the contributions of electricity from biomass in Brazil in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals using life cycle assessment methods10
Life cycle assessment on the reuse and recycling of the nickel‐metal hydride battery: Fleet‐based study on hybrid vehicle batteries from Japan10
Quantifying the life cycle environmental impacts of water pollution control in a typical chemical industrial park in China10
Development of eco‐industrial parks in Ethiopia: The case of Hawassa Industrial Park9
Material flow analysis study of asphalt in an Austrian municipality9
Simultaneously tracing the fate of seven metals at a global level with MaTrace‐multi9
Quantifying environmental impacts of cleaner fish used as sea lice treatments in salmon aquaculture with life cycle assessment9
Drivers of GHG emissions from dietary transition patterns in China: Supply versus demand options9
Value creation and the circular economy: A tale of three externalities9
Semisupervised machine learning classification framework for material intensity parameters of residential buildings9
What would it take to establish a take‐back scheme for fishing gear? Insights from a comparative analysis of fishing gear and beverage containers9
Correcting remaining truncations in hybrid life cycle assessment database compilation9
Developing a methodology to quantify mismanaged plastic waste entering the ocean in coastal countries9
High‐resolution mapping of 33 years of material stock and population growth in Germany using Earth Observation data9
Appending material flows to the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) for projecting the physical economy of the United States9
Data implementation matters: Effect of software choice and LCI database evolution on a comparative LCA study of permanent magnets9
Multi‐scenario simulation on reducing CO2 emissions from China's major manufacturing industries targeting 20609
Utilizing grass for the biological production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) via green biorefining: Material and energy flows9
More than the sum of the parts: System analysis of the usability of roofs in housing estates9
Building stock dynamics and the impact of construction bubble and bust on employment in China9
Using information flow analysis to establish key data gaps in the assessment of marine microplastic pollution9
Exploring the global trade networks of the tungsten supply chain: Insights into the physical and monetary mismatch among countries9
Co‐benefits analysis of industrial symbiosis in China's key industries: Case of steel, cement, and power industries9
Impact of urbanization on construction material consumption: A global analysis9
Creating multi‐scale nested MRIO tables for linking localized impacts to global consumption drivers9
Solid waste optimization life‐cycle framework in Python (SwolfPy)8
Can the Caribbean localize its food system?: Evidence from biomass flow accounting8
Reunderstanding Cairo through urban metabolism: Formal versus informal districts resource flow performance in fast urbanizing cities8
From efficiency to equity: Changing patterns of China's regional transportation systems from an in‐use steel stocks perspective8
Economy‐wide material system analysis: Mapping material flows through the economy8
Evaluating sustainability impacts of critical mineral extractions: Integration of life cycle sustainability assessment and SDGs frameworks8
Material efficiency for climate change mitigation8
What matters most to the material intensity coefficient of buildings? Random forest‐based evidence from China8
Worse is worse and better doesn't matter?: The effects of favorable and unfavorable environmental information on consumers’ willingness to pay8
Integration of future water scarcity and electricity supply into prospective LCA: Application to the assessment of water desalination for the steel industry8
A sociomaterial conceptualization of flows in industrial ecology8
Location choice for large‐scale battery manufacturing plants: Exploring the role of clean energy, costs, and knowledge on location decisions in Europe8
Copper ore material footprints and transfers embodied in domestic and international trade of provinces in China8
Mapping first to final uses for rare earth elements, globally and in the United States8
Eco‐labeling of freight transport services: Design, evaluation, and research directions8
Optimizing future cost and emissions of electric delivery vehicles8
This city is not a bin: Crowdmapping the distribution of urban litter8
The future of artificial intelligence in the context of industrial ecology8
From carbon neutral to climate neutral: Dynamic life cycle assessment for wood‐based panels produced in China8
When does upcycling mitigate climate change? The case of wet spent grains and fruit and vegetable residues in Canada8
Until death do us part? In‐depth insights into Dutch consumers’ considerations about product lifetimes and lifetime extension8
Global distribution of material inflows to in‐use stocks in 2011 and its implications for a circularity transition8
Understanding relative metal prices and availability: Combining physical and economic perspectives7
Agent‐based modeling and simulation for the circular economy: Lessons learned and path forward7
The PIOLab: Building global physical input–output tables in a virtual laboratory7
Dynamic exergy analysis: From industrial data to exergy flows7
A transitions framework for circular business models7
Can a small island nation build resilience? The significance of resource‐use patterns and socio‐metabolic risks in The Bahamas7
Effects of feed formula and farming system on the environmental performance of shrimp production chain from a life cycle perspective7
Coastal sand mining of heavy mineral sands: Contestations, resistance, and ecological distribution conflicts at HMS extraction frontiers across the world7
Analysis of parameters about useful life extension in 70 tools and methods related to eco‐design and circular economy7
A mechanistic model to link technical specifications of vehicle end‐of‐life treatment with the potential of closed‐loop recycling of post‐consumer scrap alloys7
Scheme for generating upscaling scenarios of emerging functional materials based energy technologies in prospective LCA (UpFunMatLCA)7
Sustainability assessment of product systems in dire straits due to ISO 14040–14044 standards: Five key issues and solutions7
Global environmental and socio‐economic impacts of a transition to a circular economy in metal and electrical products: A Dutch case study7
Life cycle assessment of an ecological living module equipped with conventional rooftop or integrated concentrating photovoltaics7
Are future recycling benefits misleading? Prospective life cycle assessment of lithium‐ion batteries7
Role of protected area in reducing marine and plastic litter: A case study from India's first Marine Protected Area and comparison with Non‐Protected Areas7
Methodological framework to find links between life cycle sustainability assessment categories and the UN Sustainable Development Goals based on literature7
Failure analysis method for enhancing circularity through systems perspective7
Materials footprint of household consumption in China7
Circular life cycle sustainability assessment: An integrated framework7
A framework to open the black box of the use phase in circular economy life cycle assessments: The case of shell jacket reuse7
The role of raw materials to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: Tracing the risks and positive contributions of cobalt along the lithium‐ion battery supply chain7
Chronological change of resource metabolism and decarbonization patterns in Pakistan: Perspectives from a typical developing country7
A new method to estimate the lifetime of long‐life product categories6
Using quantitative storytelling to identify constraints in resource supply: The case of brown seaweed6
Spatial–temporal dynamics of the built environment toward sustainability: A material stock and flow analysis in Chinese new and old urban areas6
Plastic value chain and performance metric framework for optimal recycling6
A consequential approach to life cycle sustainability assessment with an agent‐based model to determine the potential contribution of chemical recycling to UN Sustainable Development Goals6
Evaluation of the environmental sustainability of the inshore great scallop (Pecten maximus) fishery in Galicia6
CO2 emissions of the construction sector in Spain during the real estate boom: Input–output subsystem analysis and decomposition6
Nestedness of eco‐industrial networks: Exploring linkage distribution to promote sustainable industrial growth6
Methodology and optimization tool for a personalized low environmental impact and healthful diet specific to country and season6
Material system analysis: Functional and nonfunctional cobalt in the EU, 2012–20166
Seven decades of plastic flows and stocks in the United States and pathways toward zero plastic pollution by 20506
Life cycle GHG assessment of magnetic bearing and oil lubricated bearing water cooled chillers6
Evaluating the cascading‐use of wood furniture: How value‐retention processes can contribute to material efficiency and circularity6
Toward a low‐carbon and circular building sector: Building strategies and urbanization pathways for the Netherlands6
Using cumulative carbon budgets and corporate carbon disclosure to inform ambitious corporate emissions targets and long‐term mitigation pathways6
The environmental performance of plastic packaging waste management in Germany: Current and future key factors5
Structural attribution of emissions along the global supply chain and implications for climate policy5
Evaluation of environmental and economic implications of a cold‐weather aquaponic food production system using life cycle assessment and economic analysis5
Total environmental impacts of Japanese material production5
Expert elicitation and data noise learning for material flow analysis using Bayesian inference5
Eco‐efficiency of a marine biorefinery for valorization of cartilaginous fish biomass5
Phosphorus (P) in animal diets as a driver of embodied P in animal products and net anthropogenic P inputs5
Impacts of electric vehicles on the European high and extra high voltage power grid5
Assessing the social dimension in strategic network optimization for a sustainable development: The case of bioethanol production in the EU5
A comparison study of bottom‐up and top‐down methods for analyzing the physical composition of municipal solid waste5
The current and potential role of urban metabolism studies to analyze the role of food in urban sustainability5
When one cannot bypass the byproducts: Plastic packaging waste embedded in production and export5
Material system analysis: Characterization of flows, stocks, and performance indicators of manganese, nickel, and natural graphite in the EU, 2012–20165
Estimating stocks and flows of electric passenger vehicle batteries in the Norwegian fleet from 2011 to 20305
The relationship between climate change mitigation strategies and the financial performance of Brazilian companies5