Journal of Industrial Ecology

(The H4-Index of Journal of Industrial Ecology is 28. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Critiques of the circular economy391
Whole‐life embodied carbon in multistory buildings: Steel, concrete and timber structures99
Life cycle assessment of lithium‐ion battery recycling using pyrometallurgical technologies90
Techno‐economic assessment and comparison of different plastic recycling pathways: A German case study87
Critical review of global plastics stock and flow data68
Closed‐loop sustainable product design for circular economy65
Barriers to the circular economy: The case of the Dutch technical and interior textiles industries48
Global material flow analysis of glass: From raw materials to end of life47
Decarbonizing the cementitious materials cycle: A whole‐systems review of measures to decarbonize the cement supply chain in the UK and European contexts47
Emission reduction strategies in the EU steel industry: Implications for business model innovation43
Toward a life cycle inventory for graphite production43
Is life cycle assessment enough to address unintended side effects from Circular Economy initiatives?43
A comprehensive set of global scenarios of housing, mobility, and material efficiency for material cycles and energy systems modeling41
Lessons, narratives, and research directions for a sustainable circular economy41
Aquatic micro‐ and nano‐plastics in life cycle assessment: Development of an effect factor for the quantification of their physical impact on biota36
Opportunities and limitations for the introduction of circular economy principles in EU aquaculture based on the regulatory framework35
Regional circular economy of building materials: Environmental and economic assessment combining Material Flow Analysis, Input‐Output Analyses, and Life Cycle Assessment34
Sustainability implications of artificial intelligence in the chemical industry: A conceptual framework34
Marine biomass for a circular blue‐green bioeconomy? A life cycle perspective on closing nitrogen and phosphorus land‐marine loops33
A critical perspective on uncertainty appraisal and sensitivity analysis in life cycle assessment32
Material intensity database for the Dutch building stock: Towards Big Data in material stock analysis32
Material efficiency and its contribution to climate change mitigation in Germany: A deep decarbonization scenario analysis until 206031
Plastic packaging flows in Europe: A hybrid input‐output approach31
Tannin‐based bio‐adhesives for the wood panel industry as sustainable alternatives to petrochemical resins31
Reducing the carbon footprint of ICT products through material efficiency strategies: A life cycle analysis of smartphones31
Environmental impacts of key metals' supply and low‐carbon technologies are likely to decrease in the future30
Effects of the energy transition on environmental impacts of cobalt supply: A prospective life cycle assessment study on future supply of cobalt29
Shifting expenditure on food, holidays, and furnishings could lower greenhouse gas emissions by almost 40%28
Three‐dimensional product circularity28
Calculating the chemical exergy of materials28
Implementation of uncertainty analysis and moment‐independent global sensitivity analysis for full‐scale life cycle assessment models28
A terminology for downcycling28