Medical Education Online

(The TQCC of Medical Education Online is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Understanding the role of the art museum in teaching clinical-level medical students177
Visibility & support for first generation college graduates in medicine78
Medical residency match applicants undervalue factors that predict stress and burnout48
Development of complex pedagogical competencies and reflexivity in clinical teachers via distance learning: a mixed methods study31
‘Early identification of struggling pre-clerkship learners using formative clinical skills OSCEs: an assessment for learning program.’28
Mediating effect of reflection types: feedback on reflection-for-action and student perception of patient-centredness27
The pipeline starts in medical school: characterizing clinician-educator training programs for U.S. medical students26
Novel COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and acceptance, and associated factors, amongst medical students: a scoping review24
Self-efficacy and confidence of medical students with prior scribing experience: A mixed methods study21
Pediatic code blue event analysis: Performance of non-acute health-care providers20
The impact of a student-led anti-racism programme on medical students’ perceptions and awareness of racial bias in medicine and confidence to advocate against racism16
Network analysis of psychological factors related to academic pressure faced by medical students in the central and highland regions of Vietnam16
Blended learning in undergraduate dental education: a global pilot study16
Student academic performance in non-lecture physiology topics following the abrupt change from traditional on-site teaching to online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic16
Perspectives of the cohort of health professionals in the WiSDOM study on the learning environment, transformation, and social accountability at a South African University15
How much do Latin American medical students know about radiology? Latin-American multicenter cross-sectional study15
Faculty and applicant perceptions of virtual interviews on subspecialty fellowship match in obstetrics and gynecology14
Identifying academic motivation profiles and their association with mental health in medical school14
Faculty knowledge, actions, and perceptions of sponsorship: an institutional survey study13
Involve me and I learn’: an experiential teaching approach to improve dyspnea awareness in medical residents13
Impact of COVID-19 on medical education in different income countries: a scoping review of the literature12
The association between medical student research engagement with learning outcomes12
Assessing the competitiveness of medical humanities research on psychiatry, otolaryngology, and ophthalmology residency program applications11
Resident factors associated with American board of internal medicine certification exam failure11
The ward round: friend or foe in postgraduate training? A grounded theory study of residents’ perspectives11
Identity and uncertainty: art-mediated medical student reflections in a time of transition11
Healthcare providers and patients: an essay on the importance of professional assertiveness in healthcare today11
Assessing clinical reasoning in airway related cases among anesthesiology fellow residents using Script Concordance Test (SCT)10
Exploration of the integration of microbiology and immunology emerging topics into undergraduate medical education10
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Performance Assessments: A Case Study of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination10
ChatGPT in medical school: how successful is AI in progress testing?10
Digital competencies for Singapore’s national medical school curriculum: a qualitative study10
Do educational interventions improve prescribing skills of medical students compared to no additional learning? A systematic review10
Perception of clinical teachers about their roles and current practice at affiliated hospitals of medical universities in China9
Twelve tips for addressing ethical concerns in the implementation of artificial intelligence in medical education9
Uncovering heterogeneity in mental health changes among first-year medical students9
Characterizing the initial effects of the single accreditation system merge on the ophthalmology residency match9
The importance of advising in an accelerated pathway program9
Prevent and report: a qualitative inquiry of student and faculty recommendations for preventing and reporting learner mistreatment9
Games to support teaching clinical reasoning in health professions education: a scoping review9
Minding the gap: towards a shared clinical reasoning lexicon across the pre-clerkship/clerkship transition9
Thinkings on the reform of medical education system in China8
Physicians have feelings: illuminating the relationship between emotional valence, clinical reasoning and context specificity8
Four-year longitudinal culinary and lifestyle medicine track for undergraduate medical students: development and implementation8
Medical student non-modifiable risk factors and USMLE Step 1 exam score8
Challenge, integration, and change: ChatGPT and future anatomical education8
Medical law; promotion of medicine curriculum: a letter to editor8
Difference in medical student performance in a standardized patient encounter between telemedicine and in-person environments8
Risky business: medical students’ feedback-seeking behaviours: a mixed methods study8
Mistreatment in paediatric residency programs in Thailand: a national survey8
Developing an interactive reproductive health equity session for pre-clerkship medical students8
Benefits and limitations of the transfer online of Irish College of General Practitioners continuing medical education small group learning during the COVID pandemic: a national Delphi study8
Financial barriers and inequity in medical education in India: challenges to training a diverse and representative healthcare workforce8
Letter to the editor in response to: achievement emotions of medical students: do they predict self-regulated learning and burnout in an online learning environment?8
Prevalence of visual art education in medical school curricula: a national survey of US medical schools7
The effect of e-learning on point-of-care ultrasound education in novices7
Two birds with one stone: geriatric competency learning promotes hidden curriculum in the era of COVID-197
Quantitative metrics and psychometric scales in the visual art and medical education literature: a narrative review7
First, do no harm: impact of the transition to an integrated curriculum on medical knowledge acquisition of the transitional cohort7
Making allyship visible: evaluation of a faculty development DEI curriculum7
Observation tool to measure patient-centered behaviors on rounds in an academic medical center7
Aspiring physicians program: description and characterization of the support processes for an undergraduate pathway program to medicine7
Where in the world: Mapping medical student learning using the Social and Structural Determinants of Health Curriculum Assessment Tool (SSDH CAT)7
Looking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: the recalibration of student-teacher relationships in teaching and learning process7
The mentored experience to enhance opportunities in research (METEOR) program7
COVID-19 related disruptions to medical education and perceived clinical capability of new resident physicians: a nationwide study of over 1200 first-year residents7
Assessing trainee critical thinking skills using a novel interactive online learning tool7
Implementing a graduate medical education anti-racism workshop at an academic university in the Southern USA7
Online programs to strengthen the mental health of medical students: A systematic review of the literature7
No difference in subsequent trainee satisfaction associated with in-person exposure prior to remote interviews7
Transitional challenges faced by medical intern doctors (IDs) in Vanuatu: a qualitative study6
High prevalence and risk factors of dropout intention among Chinese medical postgraduates6
Evaluating medical students’ ability to identify and report errors: finding gaps in patient safety education5
COVID-19 vaccination telephone outreach: an analysis of the medical student experience5
Beyond COVID-19: the impact of recent pandemics on medical students and their education: a scoping review5
Do entrustment scales make a difference in the inter-rater reliability of the workplace-based assessment?5
The influencing factors of stigma towards people with mental illness among nursing students: a mixed‐method systematic review5
A smartphone-based online platform for clinical skills training and assessment with standardized patients: platform development and pilot study outcomes5
Social justice in medical education: a student-led approach to addressing COVID-19 vaccine equity in the Hispanic/Latinx community5
Impact of fully guided implant planning software training on the knowledge acquisition and satisfaction of dental undergraduate students5
Mapping health, social and health system issues and applying a social accountability inventory to a problem based learning medical curriculum5
Evaluation of antenatal Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) training: a systematic review5
Clinical supervision under pressure: a qualitative study amongst health care professionals working on the ICU during COVID-195
Simulation training in suicide risk assessment and intervention: a systematic review and meta-analysis5
Development and evaluation of a pre-clerkship spiral curriculum: data from three medical school classes5
Long-term mentoring relationships in undergraduate longitudinal general practice tracks – a qualitative study on the perspective of students and general practitioners5
First-generation and continuing-generation college graduates’ application, acceptance, and matriculation to U.S. medical schools: a national cohort study5
The impact of teacher’s presence on learning basic surgical tasks with virtual reality headset among medical students5
Medical students’ self-regulation of learning in a blended learning environment: a systematic scoping review5
The Relationship between Burnout and Sense of School Belonging among the Resident Physicians in the Standardization Training in China5
The virtual interview format for fellowship recruitment in obstetrics and gynecology: a nationwide survey of program directors5
Feedback, fairness, and validity: effects of disclosing and reusing multiple-choice questions in medical schools5