Journal of Early Christian Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Early Christian Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Resetting the Origins of Christianity: A New Theory of Sources and Beginnings by Markus Vinzent (review)2
Liturgy and the Emotions in Byzantium: Compunction and Hymnody by Andrew Mellas1
Carpocrates, Marcellina, and Epiphanes: Three Early Christian Teachers of Alexandria and Rome by M. David Litwa (review)1
Hell Hath No Fury: Gender, Disability, and the Invention of Damned Bodies in Early Christian Literature by Meghan R. Henning (review)1
Pragmatic Necessity over Scriptural Guidelines: Basil of Seleucia and the Swearing of Oaths at Later Roman Church Councils1
Living Martyrs in Late Antiquity and Beyond: Surviving Martyrdom by Diane Shane Fruchtman (review)1
What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity by Mary K. Farag1
Augustine's Use of Didymus the Blind on John 5.191
The Subject Vanishes: Jews, Heretics, and Martyrs after the Linguistic Turn0
Virgin Territory: Configuring Female Virginity in Early Christianity by Julia Kelto Lillis (review)0
Soul, Body, and Gender in Late Antiquity: Essays on Embodiment and Disembodiment ed. by Stanimir Panayotov, Andra Jugănaru, Anastasia Theologou, and Isván Perzel (review)0
Who Accused Whom of What? The Outbreak of the "Arian" Controversy0
Education in Late Antiquity: Challenges, Dynamism and Reinterpretation, 300–550 CE by Jan R. Stenger (review)0
Divine Scripture and Human Emotion in Maximus the Confessor: Exegesis of the Human Heart by Andrew J. Summerson (review)0
Sheep, Dogs, Wolves, and Demosthenes: Plutarch in the Buzandaran Patmut'iwnk'0
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Third Heaven: Reading the Secret Book of James (NHC I,2) with a Parodic Imagination0
Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria: The Last Pharaoh and Ecclesiastical Politics in the Later Roman Empire by Volker L. Menze (review)0
Tracing One Aspect of the Process(es) of Communal Identity Construction of the Didache through Baptism and Ritual Innovation0
Melania the Younger: From Rome to Jerusalem by Elizabeth A. Clark0
The Christian Metaphysics of St. Maximus the Confessor: Creation, World-Order, and Redemption by Torstein Theodor Tollefsen (review)0
The Lady Advances: The Voices of Women in Early Christianity0
With or without Candles? Manipulating Cyril of Alexandria's Third Homily In Lucam: Three Versions for One Text0
Those for Whom the Lamp Shines: The Making of Egyptian Ethnic Identity in Late Antiquity by Vince L. Bantu (review)0
Interacting with Saints in the Late Antique and Medieval Worlds ed. by Robert Wiśniewski, Raymond Van Dam, and Bryan Ward-Perkins (review)0
The Coptic Act of Peter in Late Antiquity: Virginity, Disability, Intertextuality0
Augustine and the Origins of North African Anthropomorphism0
Tatian's Diatessaron: Composition, Redaction, Recension, and Reception by James W. Barker (review)0
Finding Forgiveness: Augustine and Greco-Roman Thought on Interpersonal Forgiveness0
Rufinus's Version of Eusebius's Origen and the Politics of Martyrdom0
Imprecatory Psalms as Prophecy: How John Chrysostom’s Commentary on the Psalms Addresses the Moral Problem of Anger0
Making Christian History: Eusebius of Caesarea and His Readers by Michael J. Hollerich0
Sin as a Tropos: The Ontology of Human Action in Maximus the Confessor0
The Acts of the Early Church Councils: Production and Character by Thomas Graumann0
Nemesius of Emesa on Human Nature: A Cosmopolitan Anthropology from Roman Syria by David Lloyd Dusenbury0
The Cult of Stephen in Jerusalem: Inventing a Patron Martyr by Hugo M�ndez (review)0
Mani and the Myth of the Perpetual Foreigner0
Unfinished Christians: Ritual Objects and Silent Subjects in Late Antiquity by Georgia Frank (review)0
Only God Knows: Maximus the Confessor’s Theological Epistemology in the Context of His Revision of the Origenist Myth0
The Reign of Constantius II by Nicholas Baker-Brian (review)0
Perpetual Adjustment: The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity and the Entailments of Authenticity0
Christianity, Philosophy, and Roman Power: Constantine, Julian, and the Bishops on Exegesis and Empire by Lea Niccolai (review)0
Petition and Performance in Ancient Rome: The Apologies of Justin Martyr by Brandon Cline0
Disability, Medicine, and Healing Discourse in Early Christianity: New Conversations for Health Humanities ed. by Susan R. Holman (review)0
Imagining the Death of Jesus in Fourth-Century Mesopotamia: A Study of Ephrem of Nisibis by Blake Hartung (review)0
Athanasius' Use of the Gospel of John: A Rhetorical Analysis of Athanasius' by Wijnand Adrianus Boezelman (review)0
When Did Caelestius Become Known as a Disciple of Pelagius? Reassessing the Sources0
“Mother Church” as a “Dove” in 5 Ezra , Cyprian, and the Tabarka Mosaics0
The Library of Paradise: A History of Contemplative Reading in the Monasteries of the Church of the East by David A. Michelson (review)0
The Hay Archive of Coptic Spells on Leather: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Materiality of Magical Practice ed. by Elisabeth R. O'Connell (review)0
Letter as Spirit in Cyril of Alexandria: Typology and the Christological Defense of Literal Exegesis0
Sancti Viri, Ut Audio: Theologies, Rhetorics, and Receptions of the Pelagian Controversy Reappraised by Anthony Dupont et al. (review)0
Stories Between Christianity and Islam: Saints, Memory, and Cultural Exchange in Late Antiquity and Beyond by Reyhan Durmaz (review)0
Politics and the Earthly City in Augustine's by Veronica Roberts Ogle (review)0
Revealing from Above What Is Hidden Below: Macrina's Seal and Gregory's Hermeneutics of Optimism0
Sonorous Desert: What Deep Listening Taught Early Christian Monks—and What It Can Teach Us by Kim Haines-Eitzen0
Vittricio di Rouen. De Laude Sanctorum by Riccardo Ampio (review)0
Christian Monastic Life in Early Islam by Bradley Bowman0
Moses the Hellenic Sage: Re-reading Julian’s Against the Galileans0
The Crucified Book: Sacred Writing in the Age of Valentinus by Anne Starr Kreps (review)0
Origen of Alexandria and Late Antique Gift-Giving: The Integration of Benefaction with Christian Theology and Experience0
The Rich and the Pure: Philanthropy and the Making of Christian Society in Early Byzantium by Daniel Caner0
Reconfigured Relations: A New Perspective on the Relationship between Ambrose’s De sacramentis and the Roman Canon Missae0
Faustus of Riez, On Grace by Guido Stucco (review)0
Art, Craft, and Theology in Fourth-Century Christian Authors by Morwenna Ludlow0
The Metaphysics of Light in the Hexaemeral Literature: From Philo of Alexandria to Gregory of Nyssa by Isidoros C. Katsos (review)0
Journal of Early Christian Studies: Journal of the North American Patristics Society0
The Secret Gospel of Mark: A Controversial Scholar, a Scandalous Gospel of Jesus, and the Fierce Debate over its Authenticity by Geoffrey S. Smith and Brent C. Landau (review)0
Christian Emperors and Roman Elites in Late Antiquity by Rita Lizzi Testa (review)0
Cult of the Dead: A Brief History of Christianity by Kyle Smith (review)0
The Virgin Mary in Byzantium, c.400–1000 by Mary B. Cunningham (review)0
Heavenly Stories: Tiered Salvation in the New Testament and Ancient Christianity by Alexander Kocar0
The Rise of Christian Theology and the End of Ancient Metaphysics: Patristic Philosophy from the Cappadocian Fathers to John of Damascus by Johannes Zachhuber0
Phrenitis in Gregory of Nyssa's De hominis opificio0
Converting after Constantine: Firmicus Maternus and the Scriptures0
Mirrors of the Divine: Late Ancient Christianity and the Vision of God by Emily R. Cain (review)0
The Christianization of Knowledge in Late Antiquity: Intellectual and Material Transformations by Mark Letteney (review)0
Baptismal Cosmology in the Teaching of St. Gregory0
Augustine on the Will: A Theological Account by Han-luen Kantzer Komline0
Sex and Sanctity in the Apocryphal Acts of Andrew : A Christian Bedtrick and Its Biblical Bedrock0
Let in the Light: Learning to Read St. Augustine's Confessions by James Boyd White (review)0
In Defiance of History: Orosius and the Unimproved Past by Victoria Leonard (review)0
First Cities in Late Antique Christian Thought0
The Beginning of the Cult of Relics by Robert Wiśniewski0
Historiography and Hierotopy: Palestinian Hagiography in the Sixth Century A.D. by Rod Stearn0
Case-Precedent in John Chrysostom's Interpretation of "Plucking Grain on the Sabbath" (Matt 12.1–8)0
Seeing Sanctity: John Chrysostom's Use of Optics in His Homilies on the Saints0
The Works of Gelasius of Caesarea: A Potential Source for Sozomen’s Ecclesiastical History?0
Terminum figat : Remarks on a Difficult Phrase in the Eucharistic Prayer of the Traditio Apostolica0
Social Networks and the Origenist Controversy: The Case of Anastasius I of Rome, Jerome, and Paulinus of Nola0
Christianity and the Contest for Manhood in Late Antiquity: The Cappadocian Fathers and the Rhetoric of Masculinity by Nathan D. Howard (review)0
Christian Intellectuals and the Roman Empire: From Justin Martyr to Origen by Jared Secord0
Revisiting the Date of the Acts of Peter : Engaging with Potential New Evidence from the History of Simon Cephas0
Eusebius the Evangelist: Rewriting the Fourfold Gospel in Late Antiquity by Jeremiah Coogan (review)0
Claiming the Wilderness in Late Roman Gaul0
Knowledge, Faith, and Early Christian Initiation by Alex Fogleman (review)0
Demonic Bodies and the Dark Ecologies of Early Christian Culture by Travis W. Proctor (review)0
The Shepherd of Hermas: A New Translation and Commentary by Michael J. Sviegel and Caroline P. Buie (review)0
Speaking for and against the Imperial Portrait Statue in Late Antiquity: Libanius's Orations 19–22 and John Chrysostom's Homilies on the Statues (387 C.E.)0
New Narratives for Old: The Historical Method of Reading Early Christian Theology, Essays in Honor of Michel René Barnes ed. by Anthony Briggman and Ellen Scully (review)0
Eusebius's Four Tempora: A Brief Survey of Christian Chronological Traditions through Their Reception in Byzantine Supputationes0
Augustine, Martyrdom, and Classical Rhetoric by Adam Ployd (review)0
In Search of Clement of Alexandria’s Hypotyposes0
The Date of the Council of Gangra Reconsidered (358)0
The Slow Fall of Babel: Languages and Identities in Late Antique Christianity by Yuliya Minets (review)0
Spiritual Direction as a Medical Art in Early Christian Monasticism by Jonathan Zecher (review)0
Like Borrowed Money: Plato and the Theft of Divine Knowledge in Eusebius's Praeparatio Evangelica0
The Death of James the Just Revisited0
The Ideal Feminine: Gender, Regendering, and Competition in the Acts of Thecla and the Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena0
Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife by Bart D. Ehrman0
Providence and Narrative in the Theology of John Chrysostom by Robert G. T. Edwards (review)0
The Catechumenate in Late Antique Africa (4th–6th Centuries): Augustine of Hippo, His Contemporaries and Early Reception by Matthieu Pignot0
Fallen Angels in the Theology of Saint Augustine by Gregory D. Wiebe (review)0
How the Spirit Became God: The Mosaic of Early Christian Pneumatology by Kyle R. Hughes0
The Doctrine of Addai and the Letters of Jesus and Abgar by Jacob A. Lollar (review)0
The Festal Letters of Athanasius of Alexandria, with the Festal Index and the Historia Acephala trans. by David Brakke and David M. Gwynn (review)0
Using Written Records in Liturgical Oratory: Conflicting Views in Late Sixth-and Early Seventh-Century Egypt0
Jerome of Stridon and the Ethics of Literary Production in Late Antiquity by Thomas E. Hunt0
Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine's Homiletic Strategy: Tracing the Narrative of Christian Maturation by Michael Glowasky0
Rhetorical Economy in Augustine's Theology by Brian Gronewoller0
Μετοχῇ Θεότητος: Partakers of Divinity in Origen’s Contra Celsum0
Evagrius the Cappadocian: Redating the Kephalaia gnostika0
From Idols to Icons: The Emergence of Christian Devotional Images in Late Antiquity by Robin Jensen (review)0
Deification and Defecation: Valentinus Fragment 3 and the Physiology of Jesus’s Digestion0
The Syriac World: In Search of a Forgotten Christianity by Francoise Briquel Chatonnet and Muriel Debie (review)0
Fraught with Tension: The Question of the Unity of the Corpus Dionysiacum0
Moment of Reckoning: Imagined Death and Its Consequences in Late Ancient Christianity by Ellen Muehlberger0
Augustine's Use of Status legales in the Anti-Donatist Exegesis of Song of Songs 1.6–70
Byzantine Intersectionality: Sexuality, Gender, and Race in the Middle Ages by Roland Betancourt (review)0
Early Christian Mystagogy and the Body ed. by Nienke Vos and Paul van Geest (review)0
Shaping Christianity in Calagurris: Prudentius’s renouatio of Ambrose in Peristephanon 10
Didache 16.5: Κατάθɛμα, a Saving Grace?0
Death of the Desert: Monastic Memory and the Loss of Egypt's Golden Age by Christine Luckritz Marquis (review)0
The Narrative Shape of Emotion in the Preaching of John Chrysostom by Blake Leyerle0
Saint Augustin et l’écriture polyphonique: citations classiques et genèse de la pensée dans la Cité de Dieu by Agnès Vareille (review)0
Developments in Early Eucharistic Praying in Light of Changes in Early Christian Meeting Spaces0
Naissance du discours sur les édifices chrétiens dans la littérature latine occidentale d’Ambroise de Milan à Grégoire de Tours by Gaëlle Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard (review)0
Contested Cures: Identity and Ritual Healing in Roman and Late Antique Palestine by Megan S. Nutzman (review)0
The Book of Revelation and its Eastern Commentators: Making the New Testament in the Early Christian World by Thomas Schmidt (review)0
Hagiography, Historiography, and Identity in Sixth-Century Gaul: Rethinking Gregory of Tours by Tamar Rotman0
Augustine’s Theology of the Resurrection by Augustine M. Reisenauer (review)0
Disfigurement and Deliverance: Eusebian Portrayals of Martyrdom and the Letter of the Churches of Lyons and Vienne0
The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries by Alain Le Boulluec (review)0
St. Konon of Pamphylia: Scales of Veneration and Local Identity in Late Antiquity0
2022 NAPS Presidential Address: How Shaky a Foundation: The Apostolic Fathers0
Incest and the Maintenance of Episcopal Consensus in the Vita s. Albini0
From Text to Relics: The Emergence of the Scribe-Martyr in Late Antique Christianity (Fourth Century–Seventh Century)0
Spelunca pravitatis hereticae: Gregory I and the Rededication of "Arian" Church Buildings in Late Antique Rome0
Twenty-Four Elders: Revelation and the Old Testament Canon in Victorinus and Melito0
Augustine on Memory by Kevin G. Grove0
Narratives of Authority around Chalcedon’s Canon 28: The Emperor Marcian, Bishop Leo I, and the Functions of Late-Antique Imperial Letters in Ecclesiastical Letter Collections0
Reading (in) a Quadriform Cosmos: Gospel Books in the Early Christian Bibliographic Imagination0