Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and V

(The TQCC of Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and V is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Color statistics of images created by generative AI46
Evaluation of Participants’ Awareness of Color Vision Deficiency: A Comparative Analysis of Self-Reported Diagnosis and Objective Diagnostic Testing32
The Verriest lecture: Color vision from pixels to objects31
English colour-term modifiers examined with colour-survey data: Brightness, lightness, paleness and more27
Wavelength-stepping algorithm for testing the thickness and front and back surfaces of optical plates with high signal-to-noise ratio26
Semiconductor laser collimation and shaping design based on the combination of a rotationally symmetrical lens and a cylindrical lens25
Research of the underwater polarization imaging process based on the Oren–Nayar polarization bidirectional reflection distribution function22
Two-dimensional freeform reflector design with a scattering surface21
On the space-time statistics of motion pictures20
Intact-skull cranial windows for widefield optical imaging in juvenile mice: complications and consequences19
Triangular metallic ring-shaped broadband polarization-insensitive and wide-angle metamaterial absorber for visible regime19
Dynamics of circular Airy beams with spatial and frequency modulations in a cubic-quintic nonlinear fractional Schrödinger equation: from linear to soliton control19
Three-dimensional freeform reflector design with a scattering surface18
Label-free long-term measurements of adipocyte differentiation from patient-driven fibroblasts and quantitative analyses of in situ lipid droplet generation18
GMDIC: a digital image correlation measurement method based on global matching for large deformation displacement fields17
Image dehazing algorithm based on optimized dark channel and haze-line priors of adaptive sky segmentation15
Doppler effect in the multiple-wavelength range-gated active imaging up to relativistic speeds15
Improved method for spectral reflectance estimation and application to mobile phone cameras15
From cones to color vision: a neurobiological model that explains the unique hues14
Modeling the Doppler spectrum of waves backscattered from an expanding cloud for anisotropic phase functions14
Constraining first-order pupil locations of rotationally symmetric imaging systems14
Linear fitting of biconic surfaces for corneal modeling: erratum13
Color constancy for daylight illumination changes in anomalous trichromats and dichromats13
Circularly coherent vortex beams with coherence singularities in free-space propagation13
Identification and separation of chiral particles by focused circularly polarized vortex beams12
Collimation and finite-size effects in suspended resonant guided-mode gratings12
Mueller matrix polarization imaging and quantitative parameters analysis method12
Sparse Lissajous scanning reflectance confocal microscope with an adjustable field of view and fast iterative Fourier filtering reconstruction12
Algebraic method for finding the initial design parameters of a two-element optical system with an afocal meniscus lens12
Estimation of optimal wavelengths for atmospheric non-line-of-sight optical communication in the UV range of the spectrum in daytime and at night for baseline distances from 50 m to 50 km12
Moiré effect in combined planar and curved objects12
Numerical simulation of phase-optimized light beams in two-dimensional scattering media12
Image restoration for blurry optical images caused by photon diffusion with deep learning12
Optical Goos–Hänchen effect in uniaxially strained graphene12
Metasurface-based triple-band beam splitter with large spatial separation at visible wavelengths11
Calculation of the optical forces exerted on a nano-dielectric sphere induced by a pulsed Laguerre–Gaussian beam11
Method of high-precision free-space distance measurement for noncooperative targets11
Deep SBP+: breaking through the space-bandwidth product limit based on a physical-driven cycle constraint framework11
Color constancy from a pure color view11
“Analytical continuation” of flattened Gaussian beams11
Optimizing sampling for surface localization in 3D-scanning microscopy10
Cloud height and thickness measurement based on a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector10
Rotating anisotropic rectangular hollow Gaussian array10
3D photon counting integral imaging by using multi-level decomposition10
Altering apparent optical properties with an array of semitransparent mesoscale structures10
Improved topographic reconstruction of turbid media in the spatial frequency domain including the determination of the reduced scattering and absorption coefficients10
Efficient surface defect identification for optical components via multi-scale mixed Kernels and structural re-parameterization10
Image reconstruction for low cost spatial light interference microscopy with fixed and arbitrary phase modulation9
Fractional loop delays in adaptive optics modeling and control9
Modeling nonlinear optical microscopy in scattering media, part II. Radiation from focal volume to far-field: tutorial9
Simple and precise calibration of the line-structured light vision system using a planar target9
Periodontal disease in chronic kidney disease patients: salivomics by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy9
Increasing the power and spectral efficiencies of an OFDM-based VLC system through multi-objective optimization9
Detecting topological index of randomly scattered V-point singularities using Stokes correlations9
Generalized neutral axes in nondepolarizing optical systems8
Computational analysis of a scalable optically homogeneous free-space interferometer8
Improving RGB illuminant estimation exploiting spectral average radiance8
Minimizing optical attribute errors for a lane departure warning system using an ultra-wide-angle camera8
Advanced linear axial wavelength spreading through cascaded double hyperchromats8
Matrix formulation of the Gaussian expansion of coherent multiple beams in arbitrary dimensions8
Hyperspectral image super-resolution via spectral matching and correction8
Generation of flattop beams from a distorted optical field by the wavefront shaping technique8
Phasing segmented telescopes via deep learning methods: application to a deployable CubeSat8
Experimental investigation on backscattering interference cancellation for full-duplex UOWC based on time-reversal preprocessing8
High FOM PCF-SPR refractive index sensor based on MgF2-Au double-layer films8
Synthesizing polarization singularity lattices using phase ramps8
Vortex array generation based on quasi-Talbot effects8
Absorption-invariant focusing efficiency for wavefront-shaping controlled reflection from absorbing disordered media8
Affine diffractive beam dividers8
Optimized Stokes imaging for highly resolved optical speckle fields, Part II: optimal acquisition and estimation strategies8
Information propagation of focus wave mode localized waves in anisotropic turbulent seawater8
Instructive errors of Bouguer, Lambert, and Arago in the first determinations of angular reflectances on flat surfaces: discussion7
Robust numerical solution to the Levi-Civita wavefront coupling problem via level set computation of the point characteristic function7
Tested mirror precision alignment system using a pinhole point diffraction interferometer based on machine vision7
Separation of coherent and incoherent light using image plane vortex phase masks7
3D shape recovery algorithm from image orientations of textured surfaces7
Negative reflection and total internal reflection at the internal surface of lithium niobate crystal7
Unified fast reconstruction algorithm for conventional, phase-contrast, and diffraction tomography7
Intra-block pyramid cross-scale network for thermal radiation effect correction of uncooled infrared images7
Phase-factor spectra of turbulent phase screens7
Derivation of analytical expressions for anomalous reflection in the limit of zero thickness and weakly modulated dielectric grating7
Realization of general first-order optical systems using nine thin cylindrical lenses of arbitrary focal length and four units of free propagation distance7
Saturation of anisoplanatic error in Kolmogorov and non-Kolmogorov turbulence7
Signal strength and integrated intensity in confocal and image scanning microscopy7
Mapping structured Laguerre–Gaussian beam states onto the orbital Poincaré sphere in the form of controllable spatial trajectories7
Virtual sources for structured partially coherent light fields7
Fast and accurate computation of polar harmonic Fourier moments for image description7
Devising genuine cross-spectral densities by randomization of coherent fields7
Optimized principal component analysis for camera spectral sensitivity estimation7
On the validity domain of maximum likelihood estimators for depth-of-field extension in single-molecule localization microscopy7
Flux trajectory analysis of Airy-type beams7
Theoretical study of laser intensity noise effect on CW-STED microscopy7
Optical diffraction properties of three superimposed self-organized nanostructures induced by a laser process7
Tailored chromatic diffraction efficiency of double-layer single-relief blazed gratings7
2023 JOSA A Emerging Researcher Best Paper Prize: editorial7
Electromagnetic wave propagation in a chiroplasma-filled elliptical waveguide, bounded by a perfect electromagnetic conductor7
Propagation of auto-focusing hypergeometric Gaussian beams along a slant path in oceanic turbulence7
Atmospheric turbulence effects on hollow Gaussian Schell-model array beams7
Optimal pupil basis set for telescope-coronagraph design and perturbation analysis based on the method of moments7
Study on performance of a relay-assisted UWOC system based on adaptive optics7
Toward non-metameric reflectance recovery by emulating the spectral neighborhood using corresponding color information6
Influence of optical “dipoles” on the topological charge of a field with a fractional initial charge6
Design of an optical linear discriminant filter for classification of subwavelength concave and convex defects on dielectric substrates6
Improving resolution in imaging through obscuring media with early-time diffusion signals6
Mach–Zehnder-Sagnac interferometric curvature sensor based on polarization-maintaining multi-mode fiber using a specified core offset6
Light scattering of Laguerre–Gaussian vortex beams by arbitrarily shaped chiral particles6
Ray-wave duality of electromagnetic fields: a Feynman path integral approach to classical vectorial imaging6
Plankton reconstruction through robust statistical optical tomography6
Nanotubes as sinks for quantum particles6
In-vacuum measurements of optical scatter versus annealing temperature for amorphous Ta2O5 and TiO2:Ta2O5 thin films6
Point spread function of the polarized light field microscope6
Three-dimensional polarization effects in optical tunneling6
Refractive index of human articular cartilage varies with tissue structure and composition6
Contrast discrimination in images of natural scenes6
Comparing flickering and pulsed chromatic pupil light responses6
Antiderivative of gradient data by spline model integration6
Improvement of star identification algorithms using a database generation method based on spatial correlation of stars6
Millisecond exoplanet imaging: II. regression equations and technical discussion6
Risley prisms as a conformal transformation device. I. Complex and graphic analyses of mapping images conformality6
Ultrahigh-order mode-assisted hybrid optoelectronic bistability with an ultralow threshold6
Optimal control approach to gradient-index design for beam reshaping6
Hollow rectangular multi-Gaussian Schell-model array source6
Sinc method for generating and extending phase screens of atmospheric turbulence6
Spatial coherence in 2D holography6
Autofocusing luminal and superluminal spatiotemporally localized waves6
Universal approach for local higher-order wavefront tracing equations for complex optical systems6
Theoretical investigations of optical properties of FeF26
Analytical solution of the radiative transfer theory for the coherent backscattering from two-dimensional semi-infinite media6
Math, color, and new additions to the team: editorial6
Rapid classification of glaucomatous fundus images6
PointCartesian-Net: enhancing 3D coordinates for semantic segmentation of large-scale point clouds5
Millisecond exoplanet imaging: I. method and simulation results5
Color image guided depth image reconstruction based on a total variation network5
Error correction analysis of wavefront testing in quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry5
Propagation of a multi-vortex beam: far-field diffraction of a Gaussian beam from a multi-fork phase grating5
High-resolution hyperspectral video imaging using a hexagonal camera array5
Three-dimensional reconstruction of mobile binocular stereo vision based on push-broom line structured light for a workpiece surface5
Broadband plasmon-induced transparency modulator in the terahertz band based on multilayer graphene metamaterials5
Statistical insights of polarization speckle via von Mises–Fisher distribution on the Poincaré sphere5
Radiative transfer equation-based color prediction and color adjustment strategies5
Propagation through and characterization of atmospheric and oceanic phenomena: introduction to the joint feature issue in Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A5
Inverse diffraction in phase space5
Optimal trade-off filters for compressed Raman classification and spectrum reconstruction5
On the diffraction of a high-NA aplanatic and stigmatic singlet5
Complexity-guided Fourier phase retrieval from noisy data5
Optimizing methods to isolate melanopsin-directed responses5
Performance model of depth from defocus with an unconventional camera5
Exact mirror equation via Berry’s caustic touching theorem: plane and spherical mirrors5
Analyzing the spectrum characteristics of a double-grating transmission scheme5
Imaging system high dynamic range colorimetric calibration method based on a digital chain5
Experiment and theory of the complex refractive index of dense colloidal media5
3D solid of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles applying Legendre polynomials from tomography Fourier analysis5
Dual views of the generalized degree of purity5
Characterizing the fractional coherence vortices through the area of the intensity cross-correlation function5
Effect of symmetry breaking on multi-plasmon-induced transparency based on single-layer graphene metamaterials with strips and rings5
Autofocusing in digital holography based on an adaptive genetic algorithm5
Symmetrical dual-D and dual-core single-mode fiber surface plasmon resonance liquid sensor5
Elliptical-ring-shaped Talbot effect in uniaxial crystals5
Refraction of space-time wave packets: III. experiments at oblique incidence5
Three-dimensional intensity distribution in the far zone of focused fields in systems with different Fresnel numbers5
Modal description of paraxial structured light propagation: tutorial5
Estimating optical parameters of biological tissues with photon-counting micro-CT5
Appearance of mollusk shells related to reflection by absorbing periodically stratified media5
Sensitivity fields and parameter estimation from dielectric objects5
Dequantenhancement by spatial color algorithms5
Fractioned-pattern radiation mapping, Part II: assessment5
Fisher information and the Cramér–Rao lower bound in single-pixel localization microscopy with spatiotemporally modulated illumination5
Characterization of retardance of nondepolarizing and depolarizing media5
Perception of saturation in natural objects5
Extended-depth-of-field imaging with an ultra-thin folded lens5
Quantitative measurement of spatial coherence of electron beams emitted from a thermionic electron gun5
Enhancing 3D human pose estimation with NIR single-pixel imaging and time-of-flight technology: a deep learning approach5
Twisted elliptical multi-Gaussian Schell-model beams and their propagation properties: comment5
Analysis and verification of fluorescence super-resolution microscopy via polarization modulation in reciprocal space5
Modeling turbulence in underwater wireless optical communications based on Monte Carlo simulation: erratum4
Gated Amplification of Spectrally-Tuned Channels: A Neurally Motivated Potential Mechanism for the Broadened Spectral Sensitivities of Pi4, Pi5 and Chromatic Brightness4
Influences of shape, size, and gloss on the perceived color difference of 3D printed objects4
Performance evaluation and comparative research of underwater wireless optical communication system by using different structured beams4
Band structure calculation of photonic crystals with frequency-dependent permittivities4
Terahertz multimode modulator based on tunable triple-plasmon-induced transparency in monolayer graphene metamaterials4
Lie algebraic approach to GRIN optimization4
Generation of polarization and coherence non-separable states in twisted partially coherent vector light4
Physical optics simulations for synchrotron radiation sources4
Autoencoder-based training for multi-illuminant color constancy4
Sonic anemometer data processing for comparison to optical turbulence theory and simulation4
Quadri-wave lateral shearing interferometry: a versatile tool for quantitative phase imaging4
Hand-eye calibration for an unfocused light-field camera4
Recovery of encoded information from conjugate superimposed perfect vortex beams in scattering environments4
Omnidirectional 3D autostereoscopic aerial display with continuous parallax4
Changes in illumination color induce powerful illusory rotations4
Resolution analysis on light-field particle image velocimetry4
Intensity correlations of light waves scattered by random media having parity-time symmetry4
Average intensity of Bessel–Gauss beams propagating through Kolmogorov turbulence with the quadratic structure function4
Multiuser medical image encryption algorithm using phase-only CGH in the gyrator domain4
Acousto-optic frequency shifted comb laser-based micro-Doppler detection for moving target identification4
Propagation dynamics of Laguerre–Gaussian beams in the fractional Schrödinger equation with noise disturbance4
Irradiance probability density function for turbulence induced fading in free space optics4
Experimental confirmation of phase profile of Hermite–Gauss beams4
Bragg grating sensor for refractive index based on a D-shaped circular photonic crystal fiber4
Rendering of 3D scenes in analytical polygon-based computer holography with texture mapping4
Tomographic imaging of perfectly conducting objects4
TMM-Fast, a transfer matrix computation package for multilayer thin-film optimization: tutorial4
Defect mode combs and specific optical field distribution in a multi-defect photonic crystal4
Analytical expressions for the clipping of Laguerre– and Hermite–Gauss modes by circular apertures4
Caustic of colors in Newton’s prism4
Phase retrieval based on the distributed conditional generative adversarial network4
Direct phase sensing via an end-to-end model under high-order aberrations4
Image-restoration algorithm based on an underwater polarization imaging visualization model4
Analysis on scattering and inner near-field characteristics of a uniaxial anisotropic sphere by an off-axis high-order Bessel (vortex) beam4
On the evaluation of temporal and spatial stability of color constancy algorithms4
Visual Judgement of Food Attributes under Near-Metameric Illumination Changes4
Imaging of custom-made single scatterers with the confocal laser scanning microscope4
Accurate and fast reconstruction for bioluminescence tomography based on adaptive Newton hard thresholding pursuit algorithm4
Designing stigmatic lenses with minimal Fresnel losses: erratum4
Sensory representation of surface reflectances: assessments with hyperspectral images4
Generation of optical vortex lattices by in-line phase modulation with partially coherent light4
Evolution of geometric phase and explaining the geodesic rule4
Unique phase retrieval with a bandlimited image and its Fourier transformed constraints4
Internally focused phase optical transfer function for spatial light interference microscopy4
Classical entanglement of twisted random light propagating through atmospheric turbulence [Invited]: publisher’s note4
Learning-based compensation of spatially varying aberrations for holographic display [Invited]4
Assessing chromatic discrimination in individuals varying in iris color and ethnic origin4
Fresnel reflections in inverse double freeform lens design4
Unveiling the self-healing potential of Bessel–Gauss beams in image encryption4
Demonstrating Arago–Fresnel laws with Bessel beams from vectorial axicons4
Noise-robust and data-efficient compressed ghost imaging via the preconditioned S-matrix method4
Image reconstruction for compressed ultrafast photography based on manifold learning and the alternating direction method of multipliers4
SLIM-assisted automatic cartography of cell death types and rates resulting from localized photodynamic treatment4
Unconventional circularly polarized Airy light-sheet spinner tweezers4
Performing tomographic reconstructions from a satellite looking toward Earth. Part 2: analysis of image quality3
Risley prisms as a conformal transformation device: II. Derivatives of the absolute functions and an attributive analysis of the control singularities3
Fractioned-pattern radiation mapping, Part I: modeling3
Non-invasive accelerated imaging through a scattering medium via multi-stage complexity guidance3
Estimating the time-evolving refractivity of a turbulent medium using optical beam measurements: a data assimilation approach3
Relationship between turbulent image variance and average image gradient3
Neural network classification of beams carrying orbital angular momentum after propagating through controlled experimentally generated optical turbulence3
Field correlations of partially coherent optical beams in underwater turbulence3
Ultra-high order mode-assisted optical differentiator for edge detection with high tunability3
Spatiotemporal statistics of optical turbulence beyond Taylor’s frozen turbulence hypothesis3
Photoacoustic image reconstruction with an objective function using TGV and ESTGV as a regularization functional3
Archimedes spiral beam: composite of a helical-axicon generated Bessel beam and a Gaussian beam3
Optimized Stokes imaging for highly resolved optical speckle fields, Part I: optimized experimental setup3
Evolution of the polarization singularities in partially coherent beams on propagation through turbulence3
Into the wild of nonlinear electromagnetism—a course on nonlinear electromagnetism, not quite from scratch, part II: tutorial3
Modeling the partially coherent behavior of few-mode far-infrared grating spectrometers3
Twisted vortex Gaussian Schell-model beams, generalized ABCD systems, and multidimensional Hermite polynomials3
Scalar approximation of Maxwell equations: derivation and accuracy3
Key point calibrating and clustering for hard example mining of dense analogs in the fish-eye lens3
Psychophysical determination of boundaries and smoothness of color gradients3
Virtually measuring layered material appearance3