Electronic Communications in Probability

(The TQCC of Electronic Communications in Probability is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A random graph of moderate density6
Convergence rate for order 1 Markov random walks5
On smooth approximations in the Wasserstein space4
On Hadamard powers of random Wishart matrices4
Large and moderate deviations for record numbers in some non–nearest neighbor random walks3
Distribution dependent SDEs for Navier-Stokes type equations3
Stochastic approximation of the paths of killed Markov processes conditioned on survival3
On the capacity for degenerated G-Brownian motion and its application3
The least favorable noise3
A matrix-valued Schoenberg’s problem and its applications3
High-dimensional limit of one-pass SGD on least squares3
On the characterization of exchangeable sequences through reverse-martingale empirical distributions3
A central limit theorem for some generalized martingale arrays3
The wired arboreal gas on regular trees3
On the boundary at infinity for branching random walk2
The scaling limit of the weakly self-avoiding walk on a high-dimensional torus2
Asymptotic behaviour of sampling and transition probabilities in coalescent models under selection and parent dependent mutations2
Dominating occupancy processes by the independent site approximation2
Local and uniform moduli of continuity of chi–square processes2
Matrix models for cyclic monotone and monotone independences2
Brownian snails with removal die out in one dimension2
Dynkin isomorphism theorems revisited2
On random disc-polygons in a disc-polygon2
The Boué–Dupuis formula and the exponential hypercontractivity in the Gaussian space2
On Parisi measures of Potts spin glasses with correction1
Giant component of the soft random geometric graph1
The Foata–Fuchs proof of Cayley’s formula, and its probabilistic uses1
Random splitting of point vortex flows1
Rate of convergence of Nummelin-type representation of the invariant distribution of a Markov chain via the residual kernel1
Connectedness of the Free Uniform Spanning Forest as a function of edge weights1
A Galton-Watson tree approach to local limits of permutations avoiding a pattern of length three1
Adapted optimal transport between Gaussian processes in discrete time1
Parabolic Anderson model with rough noise in space and rough initial conditions1
A note on first eigenvalue estimates by coupling methods in Kähler and quaternion Kähler manifolds1
Subcritical sharpness for fractal Boolean percolation1
A note on the α-Sun distribution1
Stochastic differential equations with local interactions1
The existence of the least favorable noise1
Improved critical drift estimates for the frog model on trees1
On coprime percolation, the visibility graphon, and the local limit of the GCD profile1
Extended Lévy’s theorem for a two-sided reflection1
Almost sure central limit theorems for stochastic wave equations1
Lévy processes resurrected in the positive half-line1
Climbing up a random subgraph of the hypercube1
On the complex eigenvalues of finite Markov generators1
Large deviation principle for complex solution to squared Bessel SDE1
Order preservation and positive correlation for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation1
When the geodesic becomes rigid in the directed landscape1
On the spine of the two-particle Fleming-Viot process driven by Brownian motion1
A note on the adapted weak topology in discrete time1
Critical wetting in the (2+1)D solid-on-solid model1
Mixing trichotomy for an Ehrenfest urn with impurities1
Coalescent point process of branching trees in a varying environment1
On the specific relative entropy between martingale diffusions on the line1
Probabilistic Cauchy functional equations1
The logarithmic anti-derivative of the Baik-Rains distribution satisfies the KP equation1
The completely delocalized region of the Erdős-Rényi graph1
On the number of roots of Sturm-Liouville random sums1
Strong solutions to McKean–Vlasov SDEs with coefficients of Nemytskii-type1
Lipschitz continuity of the Wasserstein projections in the convex order on the line1