Electronic Communications in Probability

(The median citation count of Electronic Communications in Probability is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Maximum likelihood estimation of potential energy in interacting particle systems from single-trajectory data12
On the Almeida-Thouless transition line in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with centered Gaussian external field7
The power of thinning in balanced allocation6
The potential of the shadow measure6
Instability of martingale optimal transport in dimension d≥25
Upper tail decay of KPZ models with Brownian initial conditions4
Explicit formulas concerning eigenvectors of weakly non-unitary matrices4
Strong equivalence between metrics of Wasserstein type4
Dynamics of a rank-one perturbation of a Hermitian matrix4
Some rigorous results on the phase transition of finitary random interlacements4
An information-theoretic proof of a finite de Finetti theorem4
Non-universality in clustered ballistic annihilation3
A short note on Markov duality in multi–species higher spin stochastic vertex models3
A spectral signature of breaking of ensemble equivalence for constrained random graphs3
Almost sure central limit theorems for stochastic wave equations3
The wired arboreal gas on regular trees3
Introducing smooth amnesia to the memory of the Elephant Random Walk3
Sharp asymptotics of correlation functions in the subcritical long-range random-cluster and Potts models3
Weakly reinforced Pólya urns on countable networks3
Simple halfspace depth3
Scalar Poincaré implies matrix Poincaré3
When the geodesic becomes rigid in the directed landscape3
Locality of percolation for graphs with polynomial growth3
Sufficient condition for root reconstruction by parsimony on binary trees with general weights3
Subcritical bootstrap percolation via Toom contours3
Sharp phase transition for Cox percolation3
The completely delocalized region of the Erdős-Rényi graph3
Realized cumulants for martingales2
Quasi-stationary distribution and metastability for the stochastic Becker-Döring model2
When is the rate function of a random vector strictly convex?2
Shotgun assembly of Erdős-Rényi random graphs2
The maximum domain of attraction of multivariate extreme value distributions is small2
The scaling limit of the weakly self-avoiding walk on a high-dimensional torus2
Almost sure behavior of the zeros of iterated derivatives of random polynomials2
Intrinsic ultracontractivity and uniform convergence to the Q-process for symmetric Markov processes2
On the Manhattan pinball problem2
Boundary behaviors for a class of continuous-state nonlinear branching processes in critical cases2
Strong solutions to McKean–Vlasov SDEs with coefficients of Nemytskii-type2
Limits of random walks with distributionally robust transition probabilities2
Bisection for kinetically constrained models revisited2
Chase-escape on the configuration model2
Marchenko-Pastur law for a random tensor model2
Polynomial localization of the 2D-Vertex Reinforced Jump Process2
Overdamped limit at stationarity for non-equilibrium Langevin diffusions2
Giant component of the soft random geometric graph2
On general subtrees of a conditioned Galton–Watson tree2
k-cut model for the Brownian continuum random tree1
Maximal correlation and monotonicity of free entropy and of Stein discrepancy1
On the boundary at infinity for branching random walk1
Bounds on the covariance matrix of the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model1
A matrix-valued Schoenberg’s problem and its applications1
Quasi-sure non-self-intersection for rough differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion1
On the dimension reduction in the quickest detection problem for diffusion processes with exponential penalty for the delay1
Macroscopic loops in the 3d double-dimer model1
Subsequential tightness for branching random walk in random environment1
Ergodicity for stochastic equations of Navier–Stokes type1
Geometric sums, size biasing and zero biasing1
A Gladyshev theorem for trifractional Brownian motion and n-th order fractional Brownian motion1
A note on the local weak limit of a sequence of expander graphs1
Moment characterization of the weak disorder phase for directed polymers in a class of unbounded environments1
Some percolations involving the Gaussian free fields1
A generalisation of the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequalities1
A combinatorial proof of the Burdzy–Pitman conjecture1
Self-diffusion coefficient in the Kob-Andersen model1
Hölder continuity of solutions to the Dirichlet problem for SPDEs with spatially correlated noise1
A dual Yamada–Watanabe theorem for Lévy driven stochastic differential equations1
Asymptotic behaviour of sampling and transition probabilities in coalescent models under selection and parent dependent mutations1
Two-sided optimal stopping for Lévy processes1
A note on the α-Sun distribution1
Nonequilibrium moderate deviations from hydrodynamics of the simple symmetric exclusion process1
Sharpness of Lenglart’s domination inequality and a sharp monotone version1
Rank deficiency of random matrices1
Distribution dependent SDEs for Navier-Stokes type equations1
Hölder continuity of the convex minorant of a Lévy process1
The spectral norm of random lifts of matrices1
TAP equations are repulsive1
Hierarchical Dirichlet process and relative entropy1
On sequential selection and a first passage problem for the Poisson process1
On a Berry-Esseen type limit theorem for Boolean convolution1
Erratum: The remainder in the renewal theorem1
Marginals of a spherical spin glass model with correlated disorder1
No cutoff in Spherically symmetric trees1
Hyperbolic self avoiding walk1
Connectedness of the Free Uniform Spanning Forest as a function of edge weights1
A note on the adapted weak topology in discrete time1
On the existence of weak solutions to stochastic Volterra equations1
Another probabilistic construction of Φ22n1
Uniqueness of the infinite connected component for the vacant set of random interlacements on amenable transient graphs1
The least favorable noise1
Coexistence in discrete time multi-type competing frog models1
Lipschitz continuity of the Wasserstein projections in the convex order on the line1
Cutoff in the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model with swaps of order n1
Central limit theorem for CβE pair dependent statistics in mesoscopic regime1
Cores for piecewise-deterministic Markov processes used in Markov chain Monte Carlo1
Optimal long-term investment in illiquid markets when prices have negative memory1
Limiting behavior for the excursion area of band-limited spherical random fields1
Precise asymptotics of some meeting times arising from the voter model on large random regular graphs1
Regularization by random translation of potentials for the continuous PAM and related models in arbitrary dimension1
Global existence for quadratic FBSDE systems and application to stochastic differential games1
A new proof of Liggett’s theorem for non-interacting Brownian motions1
On the CLT for stationary Markov chains with trivial tail sigma field1
Large deviations for the right-most position of a last progeny modified branching random walk1
On the specific relative entropy between martingale diffusions on the line1
Large and moderate deviations for record numbers in some non–nearest neighbor random walks0
HWI inequalities in discrete spaces via couplings0
Berry-Esseen theorem for random walks conditioned to stay positive0
Time regularity of Lévy-type evolution in Hilbert spaces and of some α-stable processes.0
Random multiplicative functions: the Selberg-Delange class0
On Hadamard powers of random Wishart matrices0
Route lengths in invariant spatial tree networks0
Limit shape formulas for a generalized Seppäläinen–Johansson model0
Chung’s law of the iterated logarithm for a class of stochastic heat equations0
Critical wetting in the (2+1)D solid-on-solid model0
Competition on Zd driven by branching random walk0
Hoeffding and Bernstein inequalities for weighted sums of exchangeable random variables0
On convergence of volume of level sets of stationary smooth Gaussian fields0
On the rate of escape or approach to the origin of a random string0
Parabolic Anderson model with rough noise in space and rough initial conditions0
A complete characterization of a correlated Bernoulli process0
A random graph of moderate density0
Some duality results for equivalence couplings and total variation0
On the Feller–Dynkin and the martingale property of one-dimensional diffusions0
How often does a critical elephant random walk return to origin0
The Foata–Fuchs proof of Cayley’s formula, and its probabilistic uses0
Quantitative ergodicity for the symmetric exclusion process with stationary initial data0
A total variation version of Breuer–Major Central Limit Theorem under D1,2 assumption0
Large deviations for the greedy exploration process on configuration models0
The existence of the least favorable noise0
On the largest component of subcritical random hyperbolic graphs0
McKean-Vlasov equations with positive feedback through elastic stopping times0
Matrix models for cyclic monotone and monotone independences0
Short-time asymptotic behavior of the Brox diffusion0
A Gaussian free field approach to the natural parametrisation of SLE40
Zero bias enhanced Stein couplings0
On Parisi measures of Potts spin glasses with correction0
Fluctuations around the diagonal in Bernoulli-Exponential first passage percolation0
Central limit theorem for the complex eigenvalues of Gaussian random matrices0
On singular control of reflected diffusions0
Brownian snails with removal die out in one dimension0
Donsker theorems for occupation measures of multi-dimensional periodic diffusions0
Quenched invariance principle for random walks on dynamically averaging random conductances0
Stochastic approximation of the paths of killed Markov processes conditioned on survival0
The compact interface property for the stochastic heat equation with seed bank0
Local central limit theorem for real eigenvalue fluctuations of elliptic GinOE matrices0
The union of independent USFs on Zd is transient0
Retraction of: The speed of a biased random walk on a Galton-Watson tree is analytic0
On the branching convolution equation E=Z⊛E0
Stochastic differential equations in a scale of Hilbert spaces. Global solutions0
Mixing trichotomy for an Ehrenfest urn with impurities0
Dominating occupancy processes by the independent site approximation0
Weak-type estimates for martingale maximal functions0
A time-invariant random graph with splitting events0
Coalescent point process of branching trees in a varying environment0
On the dependence of the component counting process of a uniform random variable0
A note on first eigenvalue estimates by coupling methods in Kähler and quaternion Kähler manifolds0
More on the structure of extreme level sets in branching Brownian motion0
From quenched invariance principle to semigroup convergence with applications to exclusion processes0
A new discretization scheme for one dimensional stochastic differential equations using time change method0
Large deviation principle for complex solution to squared Bessel SDE0
Markovian projections for Itô semimartingales with jumps0
Pushing, blocking and polynuclear growth0
On large deviation rate functions for a continuous-time directed polymer in weak disorder0
A Galton-Watson tree approach to local limits of permutations avoiding a pattern of length three0
A note on once reinforced random walk on ladder Z×{0,1}0
On the capacity for degenerated G-Brownian motion and its application0
Upper deviation probabilities for the range of a supercritical super-Brownian motion0
Dynamical noise sensitivity for the voter model0
Strong and weighted matchings in inhomogenous random graphs0
Localization at the boundary for conditioned random walks in random environment in dimensions two and higher0
Fluctuations of polyspectra in spherical and Euclidean random wave models0
Stochastic differential equations with local interactions0
On a sufficient condition for explosion in CMJ branching processes and applications to recursive trees0
When are sequences of Boolean functions tame?0
Survival and maximum of spectrally negative branching Lévy processes with absorption0
Reconstructing a recurrent random environment from a single trajectory of a Random Walk in Random Environment with errors0
Exponential tightness of a family of Skorohod integrals0
Effective drift estimates for random walks on graph products0
An application of the Gaussian correlation inequality to the small deviations for a Kolmogorov diffusion0
The logarithmic anti-derivative of the Baik-Rains distribution satisfies the KP equation0
Sensitive bootstrap percolation second term0
Asymptotics of the Green function of killed random walks in a cone of Zd0
Dynkin isomorphism theorems revisited0
A quantitative central limit theorem for Poisson horospheres in high dimensions0
Motion by mean curvature and Dyson Brownian Motion0
A note on recovering the Brownian motion component from a Lévy process0
On random disc-polygons in a disc-polygon0
Large deviations, a phase transition, and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities in the block spin Potts model0
A Karhunen–Loève theorem for random flows in Hilbert spaces0
Small ball probabilities and large deviations for grey Brownian motion0
Local and uniform moduli of continuity of chi–square processes0
Constructing maximal germ couplings of Brownian motions with drift0
Upper estimates for inhomogeneous random walks confined to the positive orthant0
High-dimensional limit of one-pass SGD on least squares0
A note on the antisymmetry in the speed of a random walk in reversible dynamic random environment0
Moments of the superdiffusive elephant random walk with general step distribution0
Asymptotics of the rate function in the large deviation principle for sums of independent identically distributed random variables0
A central limit theorem for some generalized martingale arrays0
Maximal Martingale Wasserstein inequality0
On two-dimensional extensions of Bougerol’s identity in law0
Random splitting of point vortex flows0
The Boué–Dupuis formula and the exponential hypercontractivity in the Gaussian space0
Characteristic polynomials of products of non-Hermitian Wigner matrices: finite-N results and Lyapunov universality0
Local limits of random bipartite maps in high genus: the general case0
Slab percolation for the Ising model revisited0
Extended Lévy’s theorem for a two-sided reflection0
On the characterization of exchangeable sequences through reverse-martingale empirical distributions0
The Littlewood-Offord problem for Markov chains0
H-percolation with a random H0
A convergence criterion for systems of point processes from the convergence of their stochastic intensities0
Probabilistic Cauchy functional equations0
Kinetic Dyson Brownian motion0
An ergodic and isotropic zero-conductance model with arbitrarily strong local connectivity0
The most exciting game0
On the duration of stays of Brownian motion in domains in Euclidean space0
Climbing up a random subgraph of the hypercube0
Generating discrete uniform distribution from a biased coin using number-theoretic method0
Stochastic differential equations for Lie group valued moment maps0
A priori estimates for multidimensional BSDEs with integrable data0
On SDEs with Lipschitz coefficients, driven by continuous, model-free martingales0
Scaling of the cumulative weights of the invasion percolation cluster on a branching process tree0
Convergence of Markov chain transition probabilities0
Independent factorization of the last zero arcsine law for Bessel processes with drift0
A new three-dimensional extension of Bougerol’s identity in law0
The weak functional representation of historical martingales0
Rate of convergence of Nummelin-type representation of the invariant distribution of a Markov chain via the residual kernel0
On a convergent power series method to price defaultable bonds in a Vasicek-CIR model0
Scaling positive random matrices: concentration and asymptotic convergence0
Large-time and small-time behaviors of the spectral heat content for time-changed stable processes0
Order preservation and positive correlation for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation0
Existence, regularity, and a strong Itô formula for the isochronal phase of SPDE0
Improved regularity for the stochastic fast diffusion equation0
Subcritical sharpness for fractal Boolean percolation0
A noncommutative Freedman inequality0
Transience of simple random walks with linear entropy growth0
Propagation of chaos for stochastic particle systems with singular mean-field interaction of Lq−Lp type0
On smooth approximations in the Wasserstein space0
Maximum gaps in one-dimensional hard-core models0
An exit measure construction of the total local time of super-Brownian motion0
Lévy processes resurrected in the positive half-line0
Corrigendum to: The contact process on periodic trees0
A Mecke-type characterization of the Dirichlet–Ferguson measure0
On the size of earthworm’s trail0
On the spine of the two-particle Fleming-Viot process driven by Brownian motion0
A note on α-permanent and loop soup0
Gaussian fluctuations of replica overlap in directed polymers0
Improved critical drift estimates for the frog model on trees0
Asymptotic expansions and precise deviations in the Kingman coalescent0
Alpha-stable branching and beta-frequency processes, beyond the IID assumption0
Bounded Bessel processes and Ferrari-Spohn diffusions0
On coprime percolation, the visibility graphon, and the local limit of the GCD profile0