Journal of Biomedical Optics

(The TQCC of Journal of Biomedical Optics is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Fiber-based photoacoustic remote sensing microscopy and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography with a dual-function 1050-nm interrogation source99
Deep-learning approach to stratified reconstructions of tissue absorption and scattering in time-domain spatial frequency domain imaging91
Looking for a perfect match: multimodal combinations of Raman spectroscopy for biomedical applications76
Transcutaneous monitoring of hemoglobin derivatives during methemoglobinemia in rats using spectral diffuse reflectance74
Characterization and identification of cell death dynamics by quantitative phase imaging59
Investigation of image plane for image reconstruction of objects through diffusers via deep learning58
Minimally invasive intrathecal spinal cord imaging with optical coherence tomography51
Hyperspectral imaging with deep learning for quantification of tissue hemoglobin, melanin, and scattering39
High-resolution lensless holographic microscopy using a physics-aware deep network37
PoLambRimetry: a multispectral polarimetric atlas of lamb brain34
Semisupervised representative learning for measuring epidermal thickness in human subjects in optical coherence tomography by leveraging datasets from rodent models31
Corneal absorption spectra in the deep UV range30
In vivo hamster cheek pouch subepithelial ablation, biomaterial injection, and localization: pilot study29
Femtosecond laser-assisted selective holding with ultra-low power for direct manipulation of biological species28
Discrimination of cancerous from benign pigmented skin lesions based on multispectral autofluorescence lifetime imaging dermoscopy and machine learning26
Optimization of handheld spectrally encoded coherence tomography and reflectometry for point-of-care ophthalmic diagnostic imaging26
Segmentation of the urothelium in optical coherence tomography images with dynamic contrast26
Optimization of in vivo Cherenkov imaging dosimetry via spectral choices for ambient background lights and filtering24
Improved intraoperative identification of close margins in oral squamous cell carcinoma resections using a dual aperture fluorescence ratio approach: first in-human results23
Generalized 3D registration algorithm for enhancing retinal optical coherence tomography images22
iStent insertion orientation and impact on trabecular meshwork motion resolved by optical coherence tomography imaging22
Wavelength-specific optoacoustic-induced vibrations of the guinea pig tympanic membrane22
TIE-GANs: single-shot quantitative phase imaging using transport of intensity equation with integration of GANs22
Effects of phantom microstructure on their optical properties21
Use of topical methylene blue to image nuclear morphometry with a low-cost scanning darkfield microendoscope20
Design, implementation, and analysis of a compressed sensing photoacoustic projection imaging system20
Real-time identification of life-threatening necrotizing soft-tissue infections using indocyanine green fluorescence imaging19
Image-guided Raman spectroscopy navigation system to improve transperineal prostate cancer detection. Part 1: Raman spectroscopy fiber-optics system and in situ tissue characterization19
Improved spatial speckle contrast model for tissue blood flow imaging: effects of spatial correlation among neighboring camera pixels19
Förster resonance energy transfer efficiency measurements on vinculin tension sensors at focal adhesions using a simple and cost-effective setup18
Optical manipulation: advances for biophotonics in the 21st century18
Fast and robust Fourier ptychographic microscopy with position misalignment correction17
Ultrasmall compact CMOS imaging system for bioluminescence reporter-based live gene expression analysis17
Hierarchical decision model for in vitro bilirubin content prediction from absorption spectrum of whole blood16
Wavefront shaping improves the transparency of the scattering media: a review16
Multiparameter interferometric polarization-enhanced imaging differentiates carcinoma in situ from inflammation of the bladder: an ex vivo study16
Automatic correction of motion artifact in dynamic contrast-enhanced fluorescence imaging during open orthopedic surgery16
Influence of edge enhancement applied in endoscopic systems on sharpness and noise (Erratum)16
Signal to noise ratio quantifies the contribution of spectral channels to classification of human head and neck tissues ex vivo using deep learning and multispectral imaging16
Heavy water coupling gel for short-wave infrared photoacoustic imaging15
Multi-reference global registration of individual A-lines in adaptive optics optical coherence tomography retinal images (Publisher’s Note)15
Assessment of nonalcoholic fatty liver function by photoacoustic imaging15
Single acquisition label-free histology-like imaging with dual-contrast photoacoustic remote sensing microscopy (Errata)15
Realization of NIR-II 3D whole-body contour and tumor blood vessels imaging in small animals using rotational stereo vision technique15
Empirical method for rapid quantification of intrinsic fluorescence signals of key metabolic probes from optical spectra measured on tissue-mimicking turbid medium15
Special Section Guest Editorial: Polarimetry in Biomedical Optics14
Effects of shell-integrated Sudan Black dye on the acoustic activity and ultrasound imaging properties of lipid-shelled nanoscale ultrasound contrast agents14
Rapid, high-contrast, and steady volumetric imaging with Bessel-beam-based two-photon fluorescence microscopy14
Comprehensive framework of GPU-accelerated image reconstruction for photoacoustic computed tomography14
Quantitative photothermal analysis and multispectral imaging of dental structures: insights into optical and thermal properties of carious and healthy teeth14
Single-distance and dual-slope frequency-domain near-infrared spectroscopy to assess skeletal muscle hemodynamics13
Human embryonic stem cell classification: random network with autoencoded feature extractor13
Combined flat-field and frequency filter approach to correcting artifacts of multichannel two-photon microscopy13
Robust, high-density lesion mapping in the left atrium with near-infrared spectroscopy13
Intraoperative characterization of cardiac tissue: the potential of light scattering spectroscopy13
Remote and low-cost intraocular pressure monitoring by deep learning of speckle patterns13
Identification of different types of tumors based on photoacoustic spectral analysis: preclinical feasibility studies on skin tumors12
Potential of subdermal solar energy harvesting for medical device applications based on worldwide meteorological data12
Perspectives on interstitial photodynamic therapy for malignant tumors12
Evaluation of visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in liver tissue: validation of tissue saturations using extracorporeal circulation12
Modeling toolchain for realistic simulation of photoacoustic data acquisition12
Imaging sub-diffuse optical properties of cancerous and normal skin tissue using machine learning-aided spatial frequency domain imaging11
Visualization and quantification of pancreatic tumor stroma in fresh tissue via ultraviolet surface excitation11
Optical coherence tomography holds promise to transform the diagnostic anatomic pathology gross evaluation process11
Optical clearing with tartrazine enables deep transscleral imaging with optical coherence tomography11
Exploring the evolution of circular polarized light backscattered from turbid tissue-like disperse medium utilizing generalized Monte Carlo modeling approach with a combined use of Jones and Stokes–Mu11
Estimation of diffuse Cherenkov optical emission from external beam radiation build-up in tissue11
In vivo retinal melanin detection with the calibrated depolarization index in polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography11
Wide dynamic range measurement of blood flow in vivo using laser speckle contrast imaging11
Measurement of absorption and reduced scattering coefficients in Asian human epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat tissues in the 400- to 1100-nm wavelength range for optical penetration depth and e11
Single acquisition label-free histology-like imaging with dual-contrast photoacoustic remote sensing microscopy11
Optical clearing with tartrazine enables deep transscleral imaging with optical coherence tomography11
Dependency of crossover point on absorption changes in bilayer diffusion reflection measurements10
Combined frequency domain near-infrared spectroscopy and diffuse correlation spectroscopy system for comprehensive metabolic monitoring of inspiratory muscles during loading10
In vivo two-photon-excited cellular fluorescence of melanin, NAD(P)H, and keratin enables an accurate differential diagnosis of seborrheic keratosis and pigmented cutaneous melanoma10
Review of in vivo optical molecular imaging and sensing from x-ray excitation10
Monte Carlo simulation of the effect of melanin concentration on light–tissue interactions for transmittance pulse oximetry measurement10
Characterization of fluorescence lifetime of organic fluorophores for molecular imaging in the shortwave infrared window10
Polydimethylsiloxane tissue-mimicking phantoms with tunable optical properties10
Dynamic SWIR imaging near the 1950-nm water absorption band for caries lesion diagnosis10
Generative adversarial network based digital stain conversion for generating RGB EVG stained image from hyperspectral H&E stained image10
Objective color calibration for manufacturing facial prostheses10
Review of optical reporters of radiation effects in vivo: tools to quantify improvements in radiation delivery technique10
Robustness of tissue oxygenation estimates by continuous wave space-resolved near infrared spectroscopy9
Hyperspectral imaging in neurosurgery: a review of systems, computational methods, and clinical applications9
Monte Carlo simulation of spatial frequency domain imaging for breast tumors during compression9
Cascaded domain multiphoton spatial frequency modulation imaging9
Optical absorption spectra and corresponding in vivo photoacoustic visualization of exposed peripheral nerves9
Patient-specific arterial input function for accurate perfusion assessment in intraoperative fluorescence imaging9
In vivo skin optical clearing efficacy quantification of clinically compatible agents using line-field confocal optical coherence tomography9
Dual optical elastography detects TGF-β-induced alterations in the biomechanical properties of skin scaffolds9
Dermoscopy and skin imaging light sources: a comparison and review of spectral power distribution and color consistency9
Image-guided Raman spectroscopy probe-tracking for tumor margin delineation9
Depth detection limit of a fluorescent object in tissue-like medium with background emission in continuous-wave measurements: a phantom study9
Dual division of focal plane polarimeters-based collinear reflection Mueller matrix fast imaging microscope9
Compressed intracellular motility via non-uniform temporal sampling in dynamic optical coherence tomography8
Deep-learning-based cross-modality translation from Stokes image to bright-field contrast8
Methods and applications of full-filed optical coherence tomography: a review8
Phase contrast reflectance confocal brain imaging at 1650 nm8
Multiscale photoacoustic tomography of neural activities with GCaMP calcium indicators8
Dual-modality rigid endoscope for photoacoustic imaging and white light videoscopy8
Hyperspectral imaging of 4T1 mammary carcinomas grown in dorsal skinfold window chambers: spectral renormalization and fluorescence modeling8
Accuracy enhancement of metabolic index-based blood glucose estimation with a screening process for low-quality data8
Multi-laboratory performance assessment of diffuse optics instruments: the BitMap exercise8
Patient-derived cancer organoid tracking with wide-field one-photon redox imaging to assess treatment response8
Large-field-of-view optical-resolution optoacoustic microscopy using a stationary silicon-photonics acoustic detector8
Quantitative phase imaging techniques for measuring scattering properties of cells and tissues: a review—part I8
Incorporating early and late-arriving photons to improve the reconstruction of cerebral hemodynamic responses acquired by time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy8
Sounding out the dynamics: a concise review of high-speed photoacoustic microscopy8
Spatial analysis of polarimetric images to enhance near-surface sampling sensitivity: feasibility in demineralized teeth and other tissue-like media8
Speculum-free portable preterm imaging system8
Multimodal fluorescence lifetime imaging and optical coherence tomography for longitudinal monitoring of tissue-engineered cartilage maturation in a preclinical implantation model8
Convolutional neural network advances in demosaicing for fluorescent cancer imaging with color–near-infrared sensors8
Interpretable deep learning approach for oral cancer classification using guided attention inference network8
Hyperspectral imaging for tumor segmentation on pigmented skin lesions8
Saliva-based detection of COVID-19 infection in a real-world setting using reagent-free Raman spectroscopy and machine learning8
Ultra-miniature dual-wavelength spatial frequency domain imaging for micro-endoscopy8
Full-aperture extended-depth oblique plane microscopy through dynamic remote focusing8
Multispectral imaging of nailfold capillaries using light-emitting diode illumination8
Impact of signal-to-noise ratio and contrast definition on the sensitivity assessment and benchmarking of fluorescence molecular imaging systems8
Deep learning-based optical approach for skin analysis of melanin and hemoglobin distribution8
Framework for denoising Monte Carlo photon transport simulations using deep learning8
Targeted multispectral filter array design for the optimization of endoscopic cancer detection in the gastrointestinal tract8
Functional imaging with dynamic quantitative oblique back-illumination microscopy8
Visualizing veins from color images under varying illuminations for medical applications8
Approaching closed spherical, full-view detection for photoacoustic tomography8
Skin chromophore mapping by smartphone RGB camera under spectral band and spectral line illumination8
Artificial neural networks trained on simulated multispectral data for real-time imaging of skin microcirculatory blood oxygen saturation8
Bimodal multispectral imaging system with cloud-based machine learning algorithm for real-time screening and detection of oral potentially malignant lesions and biopsy guidance8
Meshless Monte Carlo radiation transfer method for curved geometries using signed distance functions7
Compact and ultracompact spectral imagers: technology and applications in biomedical imaging7
Two-photon scanned light sheet fluorescence microscopy with axicon imaging for fast volumetric imaging7
Special Section Guest Editorial: Wearable, Implantable, Mobile, and Remote Biomedical Optics and Photonics7
Low-cost optofluidic add-on enables rapid selective plane illumination microscopy of C. elegans with a conventional wide-field microscope7
Extracellular pH affects the fluorescence lifetimes of metabolic co-factors7
Ninety years of pulse oximetry: history, current status, and outlook7
Impact of illumination spectrum and eye pigmentation on image quality from a fundus camera using transscleral illumination7
Assessing spectral effectiveness in color fundus photography for deep learning classification of retinopathy of prematurity7
Elastic property of sickle cell anemia and sickle cell trait red blood cells7
Special Section Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section Celebrating 30 years of Open Source Monte Carlo Codes in Biomedical Optics7
Unsupervised super-resolution reconstruction of hyperspectral histology images for whole-slide imaging (Errata)7
Detection of breast cancer using machine learning on time-series diffuse optical transillumination data7
Method for measurement of collagen monomer orientation in fluorescence microscopy7
Inhibition of B-cell lymphoma 2 family proteins alters optical redox ratio, mitochondrial polarization, and cell energetics independent of cell state7
Fluorescence-guided surgical system using holographic display: from phantom studies to canine patients7
Tunable blood oxygenation in the vascular anatomy of a semi-anthropomorphic photoacoustic breast phantom7
Terahertz spectroscopy analysis of human corneal sublayers7
Label-free differentiation of human pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, and normal pancreatic tissue by molecular spectroscopy7
In vivo dual-mode full-field optical coherence tomography for differentiation of types of melanocytic nevi7
Experimental imaging and Monte Carlo modeling of ultrafast pulse propagation in thin scattering slabs7
Depolarization diagrams for circularly polarized light scattering for biological particle monitoring7
Label-free quantitative measurement of cardiovascular dynamics in a zebrafish embryo using frequency-comb-referenced-quantitative phase imaging7
OCT particle tracking velocimetry of biofluids in a microparallel plate strain induction chamber7
Dither removing Fourier ptychographic microscope based on a two-axis rotation stage7
Influence of optical aberrations on depth-specific spatial frequency domain techniques7
Irradiance uniformity optimization for a photodynamic therapy treatment device with 3D scanner7
Quantitative molecular bioluminescence tomography7
Photonics probing of pup brain tissue and molecular-specific nuclear nanostructure alterations due to fetal alcoholism via light scattering/localization approaches7
Integration of cellular-resolution optical coherence tomography and Raman spectroscopy for discrimination of skin cancer cells with machine learning7
Shortwave infrared diffuse optical wearable probe for quantification of water and lipid content in emulsion phantoms using deep learning6
Binary photoacoustic tomography for improved vasculature imaging6
Development and characterization of phasor-based analysis for FLIM to evaluate the metabolic and epigenetic impact of HER2 inhibition on squamous cell carcinoma cultures6
Skin characterization of diabetes mellitus revealed by polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography imaging6
Improved sensitivity roll-off in dual reference, buffered spectral-domain optical coherence tomography6
Multiplexed optical fiber cell temperature sensing system with high sensitivity and accuracy6
Three-dimensional vascular and metabolic imaging using inverted autofluorescence6
Improved in vivo optical coherence tomography imaging of animal peripheral nerves using a prism nerve holder6
Quantifying tissue properties and absolute hemodynamics using coherent spatial imaging6
Noninvasive optical monitoring of pulmonary embolism: a Monte Carlo study on visible Chinese human thoracic tissues6
Observation and density estimation of a large number of skin capillaries using wide-field portable video capillaroscopy and semantic segmentation6
High-sensitivity dynamic diffuse fluorescence tomography system for fluorescence pharmacokinetics6
Stain-free enucleation of mouse and human oocytes with a 1033 nm femtosecond laser6
Multimodality system of x-ray and fluorescence based on Fourier single-pixel imaging for small animals6
Tissue harvest with a laser microbiopsy (Erratum)6
Spatial frequency domain Mueller matrix imaging6
Optofluidic flow meter for sub-nanoliter per minute flow measurements6
Customizable optical tissue phantom platform for characterization of fluorescence imaging device sensitivity6
Spectral correction of light emitting diodes enables accurate hydration ratio calculation using narrowband diffuse reflectance spectroscopy6
Special Section Guest Editorial: Short Wave Infrared Techniques and Applications in Biomedical Optics6
Video-rate endocavity photoacoustic/harmonic ultrasound imaging with miniaturized light delivery6
Multimodal 3D photoacoustic remote sensing and confocal fluorescence microscopy imaging6
Expanding the applicability of multiphoton fluorescence recovery after photobleaching by incorporating shear stress in laminar flow6
Solid optical tissue phantom tools based on upconverting nanoparticles for biomedical applications6
Three-dimensional tracking using a single-spot rotating point spread function created by a multiring spiral phase plate6
Smartphone-based dual radiometric fluorescence and white-light imager for quantification of protoporphyrin IX in skin6
Broadband diffuse optical spectroscopy of absolute methemoglobin concentration can distinguish benign and malignant breast lesions5
In vivo microscopy as an adjunctive tool to guide detection, diagnosis, and treatment5
Photoacoustic imaging plus X: a review5
Imperfect refractive index matching in scanning laser optical tomography and a method for digital correction5
Modular head-mounted cortical imaging device for chronic monitoring of intrinsic signals in mice5
Review of machine learning for optical imaging of burn wound severity assessment5
In situ terahertz monitoring of an ice ball formation during tissue cryosurgery: a feasibility test5
Using Fourier ptychography microscopy to achieve high-resolution chromosome imaging: an initial evaluation5
Multiple illumination learned spectral decoloring for quantitative optoacoustic oximetry imaging5
Label-free multimodal nonlinear optical imaging of needle biopsy cores for intraoperative cancer diagnosis5
Terahertz scanning of the rabbit cornea with experimental UVB-induced damage: in vivo assessment of hydration and its verification5
Compact and cost-effective laser-powered speckle contrast optical spectroscopy fiber-free device for measuring cerebral blood flow5
Targeted spectroscopy in the eye fundus5
Exploring the bias: how skin color influences oxygen saturation readings via Monte Carlo simulations5
Impact of corpus callosum fiber tract crossing on polarimetric images of human brain histological sections: ex vivo studies in transmission configuration5
Mirau-based line-field confocal optical coherence tomography for three-dimensional high-resolution skin imaging5
Stochastic three-dimensional numerical phantoms to enable computational studies in quantitative optoacoustic computed tomography of breast cancer5
Performance enhancement in wavefront shaping of multiply scattered light: a review5
Prediction of motion artifacts caused by translation in handheld laser speckle contrast imaging5
Photoacoustic imaging for cutaneous melanoma assessment: a comprehensive review5
Fast 3D super-resolution imaging using a digital micromirror device and binary holography5
Two-step verification method for Monte Carlo codes in biomedical optics applications5
Improved U-net-based leukocyte segmentation method5
Real-time tracking of a diffuse reflectance spectroscopy probe used to aid histological validation of margin assessment in upper gastrointestinal cancer resection surgery5
Focused x-ray luminescence imaging system for small animals based on a rotary gantry5
Deep learning-based method to accurately estimate breast tissue optical properties in the presence of the chest wall5
Kernel Flow: a high channel count scalable time-domain functional near-infrared spectroscopy system5
Dual-wavelength photoacoustic atlas method to estimate fractional methylene blue and hemoglobin contents5
Machine learning to extract physiological parameters from multispectral diffuse reflectance spectroscopy5
Adaptive correction method of hybrid aberrations in Fourier ptychographic microscopy5
Intraoperative molecular imaging clinical trials: a review of 2020 conference proceedings5
Barium sulfate and pigment admixture for photoacoustic and x-ray contrast imaging of the gut5
Physically informed Monte Carlo simulation of dual-wedge prism-based spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy5
Model for the diffuse reflectance in spatial frequency domain imaging5
Model for the diffuse reflectance in spatial frequency domain imaging (Erratum)5
Convolutional neural network-based regression analysis to predict subnuclear chromatin organization from two-dimensional optical scattering signals5
Diffuse optical spectroscopic method for tissue and body composition assessment5