Journal of Biomedical Optics

(The H4-Index of Journal of Biomedical Optics is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Fiber-based photoacoustic remote sensing microscopy and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography with a dual-function 1050-nm interrogation source99
Deep-learning approach to stratified reconstructions of tissue absorption and scattering in time-domain spatial frequency domain imaging91
Looking for a perfect match: multimodal combinations of Raman spectroscopy for biomedical applications76
Transcutaneous monitoring of hemoglobin derivatives during methemoglobinemia in rats using spectral diffuse reflectance74
Characterization and identification of cell death dynamics by quantitative phase imaging59
Investigation of image plane for image reconstruction of objects through diffusers via deep learning58
Minimally invasive intrathecal spinal cord imaging with optical coherence tomography51
Hyperspectral imaging with deep learning for quantification of tissue hemoglobin, melanin, and scattering39
High-resolution lensless holographic microscopy using a physics-aware deep network37
PoLambRimetry: a multispectral polarimetric atlas of lamb brain34
Semisupervised representative learning for measuring epidermal thickness in human subjects in optical coherence tomography by leveraging datasets from rodent models31
Corneal absorption spectra in the deep UV range30
In vivo hamster cheek pouch subepithelial ablation, biomaterial injection, and localization: pilot study29
Femtosecond laser-assisted selective holding with ultra-low power for direct manipulation of biological species28
Segmentation of the urothelium in optical coherence tomography images with dynamic contrast26
Discrimination of cancerous from benign pigmented skin lesions based on multispectral autofluorescence lifetime imaging dermoscopy and machine learning26
Optimization of handheld spectrally encoded coherence tomography and reflectometry for point-of-care ophthalmic diagnostic imaging26
Optimization of in vivo Cherenkov imaging dosimetry via spectral choices for ambient background lights and filtering24
Improved intraoperative identification of close margins in oral squamous cell carcinoma resections using a dual aperture fluorescence ratio approach: first in-human results23
Wavelength-specific optoacoustic-induced vibrations of the guinea pig tympanic membrane22
TIE-GANs: single-shot quantitative phase imaging using transport of intensity equation with integration of GANs22
Generalized 3D registration algorithm for enhancing retinal optical coherence tomography images22
iStent insertion orientation and impact on trabecular meshwork motion resolved by optical coherence tomography imaging22