Psychological Methods

(The TQCC of Psychological Methods is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Correcting for collider effects and sample selection bias in psychological research.352
Evaluation of inequality constrained hypotheses using a generalization of the AIC.210
Supplemental Material for Uses of Uncertain Statistical Power: Designing Future Studies, Not Evaluating Completed Studies166
Multiple imputation of missing data in large studies with many variables: A fully conditional specification approach using partial least squares.155
Comparing methods for assessing a difference in correlations with dependent groups, measurement error, nonnormality, and incomplete data.140
Multivariate analysis of covariance for heterogeneous and incomplete data.129
Bayesian regularization in multiple-indicators multiple-causes models.118
Supplemental Material for The Dire Disregard of Measurement Invariance Testing in Psychological Science102
Supplemental Material for Using Bayesian Item Response Theory for Multicohort Repeated Measure Design to Estimate Individual Latent Change Scores101
Supplemental Material for A Sensitivity Analysis for Temporal Bias in Cross-Sectional Mediation83
Supplemental Material for Does Every Study? Implementing Ordinal Constraint in Meta-Analysis68
Supplemental Material for Methods for Estimating the Sampling Variance of the Standardized Mean Difference68
Supplemental Material for Situational Optimization Function Analysis: An Ideal Performance Analysis Inspired on Lewin’s Equation61
Supplemental Material for A Multidimensional Zero-Inflated Graded Response Model for Ordinal Symptom Data60
Supplemental Material for Interrater Reliability for Multilevel Data: A Generalizability Theory Approach57
Supplemental Material for Investigating the Feasibility of Idiographic Network Models49
Supplemental Material for Local Minima and Factor Rotations in Exploratory Factor Analysis48
Supplemental Material for Relating Violations of Measurement Invariance to Group Differences in Response Times46
Supplemental Material for Aberrant Distortion of Variance Components in Multilevel Models Under Conflation of Level-Specific Effects44
Supplemental Material for Why the Use of Segmented Regression Analysis to Explore Change in Relations Between Variables Is Problematic: A Simulation Study42
Supplemental Material for How Do Unobserved Confounding Mediators and Measurement Error Impact Estimated Mediation Effects and Corresponding Statistical Inferences? Introducing the R Package ConMed fo41
Supplemental Material for Estimating Time-Varying Treatment Effects in Longitudinal Studies40
Supplemental Material for Causal Mediation Effects in Single Case Experimental Designs39
Supplemental Material for Random Item Slope Regression: An Alternative Measurement Model That Accounts for Both Similarities and Differences in Association With Individual Items37
Supplemental Material for Using Social Network Analysis in Applied Psychological Research: A Tutorial37
Supplemental Material for Improving Content Validity Evaluation of Assessment Instruments Through Formal Content Validity Analysis37
Spectral and cross-spectral analysis—A tutorial for psychologists and social scientists.35
Prior sensitivity of null hypothesis Bayesian testing.31
Correcting for the multiplicative and additive effects of measurement unreliability in meta-analysis of correlations.31
A simple recommendation for the analysis of matching data.30
Tangle: A metric for quantifying complexity and erratic behavior in short time series.30
Equivalence testing to judge model fit: A Monte Carlo simulation.27
Using Bayesian item response theory for multicohort repeated measure design to estimate individual latent change scores.26
True and error analysis instead of test of correlated proportions: Can we save lexicographic semiorder models with error theory?26
Harnessing the power of excess statistical significance: Weighted and iterative least squares.26
Methods for estimating the sampling variance of the standardized mean difference.25
The sum of all fears: Comparing networks based on symptom sum-scores.25
Correcting bias in the meta-analysis of correlations.25
Multilevel meta-analysis of single-case experimental designs using robust variance estimation.23
Coefficients of determination measured on the same scale as the outcome: Alternatives to R² that use standard deviations instead of explained variance.22
Estimating time-varying treatment effects in longitudinal studies.22
How do unobserved confounding mediators and measurement error impact estimated mediation effects and corresponding statistical inferences? Introducing the R package ConMed for sensitivity analysis.22
Waldian t tests: Sequential Bayesian t tests with controlled error probabilities.21
Supplemental Material for Can Cross-Lagged Panel Modeling Be Relied on to Establish Cross-Lagged Effects? The Case of Contemporaneous and Reciprocal Effects21
Supplemental Material for Detecting Mediation Effects With the Bayes Factor: Performance Evaluation and Tools for Sample Size Determination20
Flexplot: Graphically-based data analysis.20
Regression discontinuity designs in a latent variable framework.20
Evaluating predictors’ relative importance using Bayes factors in regression models.19
Spatial analysis for psychologists: How to use individual-level data for research at the geographically aggregated level.19
Bayesian approaches to designing replication studies.18
A tutorial on Bollen and Brand’s approach to modeling dynamics while attending to dynamic panel bias.18
A systematic review of and reflection on the applications of factor mixture modeling.18
Supplemental Material for Cross-Level Covariance Approach to the Disaggregation of Between-Person Effect and Within-Person Effect17
Situational optimization function analysis: An ideal performance analysis inspired on Lewin’s equation.17
Does every study? Implementing ordinal constraint in meta-analysis.17
Anticipating critical transitions in psychological systems using early warning signals: Theoretical and practical considerations.16
Bayesian evidence synthesis for informative hypotheses: An introduction.16
Determining the number of factors using parallel analysis and its recent variants: Comment on Lim and Jahng (2019).16
Supplemental Material for Subgroup Discovery in Structural Equation Models16
Pooling methods for likelihood ratio tests in multiply imputed data sets.16
Supplemental Material for Dynamic Factor Analysis With Multivariate Time Series of Multiple Individuals: An Error-Corrected Estimation Method16
Subgroup discovery in structural equation models.15
Multidimensional nonadditivity in one-facet g-theory designs: A profile analytic approach.15
Comparison of noncentral t and distribution-free methods when using sequential procedures to control the width of a confidence interval for a standardized mean difference.15
Supplemental Material for Spurious Inference in Consensus Emergence Modeling Due to the Distinguishability Problem15
A comparison of random forest-based missing imputation methods for covariates in propensity score analysis.14
New measures of effect size in moderation analysis.14
Causal effect analysis in nonrandomized data with latent variables and categorical indicators: The implementation and benefits of EffectLiteR.14
Thinking clearly about time-invariant confounders in cross-lagged panel models: A guide for choosing a statistical model from a causal inference perspective.13
Solving variables with Monte Carlo simulation experiments: A stochastic root-solving approach.13
A default Bayes factor for testing null hypotheses about the fixed effects of linear two-level models.13
The search for causality: A comparison of different techniques for causal inference graphs.13
Supplemental Material for Causal Inference for Treatment Effects in Partially Nested Designs13
Supplemental Material for Comparing Theories With the Ising Model of Explanatory Coherence13
Estimating knots and their association in parallel bilinear spline growth curve models in the framework of individual measurement occasions.13
How survey scoring decisions can influence your study’s results: A trip through the IRT looking glass.12
To detrend, or not to detrend, that is the question? The effects of detrending on cross-lagged effects in panel models.12
Supplemental Material for Evaluating Classification Performance: Receiver Operating Characteristic and Expected Utility12
Sample size planning for replication studies: The devil is in the design.12
The reproducibility of statistical results in psychological research: An investigation using unpublished raw data.12
Supplemental Material for Extending the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model to Accommodate Multivariate Dyadic Data Using Latent Variables12
Bayesian continuous-time hidden Markov models with covariate selection for intensive longitudinal data with measurement error.12
The accuracy of reliability coefficients: A reanalysis of existing simulations.12
Supplemental Material for Sample Size Planning for Replication Studies: The Devil Is in the Design11
Using copulas to enable causal inference from nonexperimental data: Tutorial and simulation studies.11
Know your population and know your model: Using model-based regression and poststratification to generalize findings beyond the observed sample.11
Clustering methods: To optimize or to not optimize?11
Situation strength as a basis for interactions in psychological models.11
Meta-analyzing the multiverse: A peek under the hood of selective reporting.10
The microrandomized trial for developing digital interventions: Experimental design and data analysis considerations.10
Toward a principled Bayesian workflow in cognitive science.10
The influence of autoregressive relation strength and search strategy on directionality recovery in group iterative multiple model estimation.10
Missing data: An update on the state of the art.10
Dynamic fit index cutoffs for confirmatory factor analysis models.10
Is replication possible without fidelity?10
Effect size guidelines for cross-lagged effects.10
Supplemental Material for Meta-Analysis of Correlation Coefficients: A Cautionary Tale on Treating Measurement Error9
Troubleshooting Bayesian cognitive models.9
A primer on synthesizing individual participant data obtained from complex sampling surveys: A two-stage IPD meta-analysis approach.9
Supplemental Material for Disentangling Indirect Effects Through Multiple Mediators Without Assuming Any Causal Structure Among the Mediators9
Local minima and factor rotations in exploratory factor analysis.9
Practical challenges and methodological flexibility in prior elicitation.9
Tutorial: Assessing the impact of nonignorable missingness on regression analysis using Index of Local Sensitivity to Nonignorability.9
Supplemental Material for Curbing Curbstoning: Distributional Methods to Detect Survey Data Fabrication by Third-Parties9
Supplemental Material for Bayes Factors for Logistic (Mixed-Effect) Models9
Supplemental Material for Reconsideration of the Type I Error Rate for Psychological Science in the Era of Replication9
Weighting schemes and incomplete data: A generalized Bayesian framework for chance-corrected interrater agreement.9
Supplemental Material for The Influence of Autoregressive Relation Strength and Search Strategy on Directionality Recovery in Group Iterative Multiple Model Estimation8
Supplemental Material for Extending Mixture of Experts Model to Investigate Heterogeneity of Trajectories: When, Where, and How to Add Which Covariates8
Supplemental Material for Comparing Revised Latent State–Trait Models Including Autoregressive Effects8
Supplemental Material for Robust Bayesian Meta-Analysis: Addressing Publication Bias With Model-Averaging8
Supplemental Material for Two-Stage Path Analysis With Definition Variables: An Alternative Framework to Account for Measurement Error8
Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers8
Supplemental Material for Improved Confidence Intervals for Differences Between Standardized Effect Sizes8
Supplemental Material for Assessing an Alternative for “Negative Variance Components”: A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Covariance Structure Modeling for Negative Associations Among Patients With Per8
Supplemental Material for To Detrend, or Not to Detrend, That Is the Question? The Effects of Detrending on Cross-Lagged Effects in Panel Models8
Supplemental Material for Factor Analyzing Ordinal Items Requires Substantive Knowledge of Response Marginals8
Supplemental Material for Using Copulas to Enable Causal Inference From Nonexperimental Data: Tutorial and Simulation Studies7
Supplemental Material for A Factored Regression Model for Composite Scores With Item-Level Missing Data7
Detecting mean changes in experience sampling data in real time: A comparison of univariate and multivariate statistical process control methods.7
Addressing heterogeneous populations in latent variable settings through robust estimation.7
Supplemental Material for A General Monte Carlo Method for Sample Size Analysis in the Context of Network Models7
Supplemental Material for Equivalence Testing for Linear Regression7
Supplemental Material for Summed Versus Estimated Factor Scores: Considering Uncertainties When Using Observed Scores7
Modeling construct change over time amidst potential changes in construct measurement: A longitudinal moderated factor analysis approach.7
Improved confidence intervals for differences between standardized effect sizes.7
Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers7
Supplemental Material for Modeling Careless Responding in Ambulatory Assessment Studies Using Multilevel Latent Class Analysis: Factors Influencing Careless Responding7
Supplemental Material for A Practical Guide to Selecting and Blending Approaches for Clustered Data: Clustered Errors, Multilevel Models, and Fixed-Effect Models7
Error tight: Exercises for lab groups to prevent research mistakes.7
Characterizing affect dynamics with a damped linear oscillator model: Theoretical considerations and recommendations for individual-level applications.7
Supplemental Material for Beta-Binomial Meta-Analysis of Individual Differences Based on Sample Means and Standard Deviations: Studying Reliability of Sum Scores of Binary Items7
Supplemental Material for The Text-Package: An R-Package for Analyzing and Visualizing Human Language Using Natural Language Processing and Transformers7
Consistency of Bayes factor estimates in Bayesian analysis of variance.6
Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers6
Causal inference with binary treatments from randomization versus binary treatments from categorization.6
A factored regression model for composite scores with item-level missing data.6
Comments on the measurement of effect sizes for indirect effects in Bayesian analysis of variance.6
A modified approach to fitting relative importance networks.6
On the efficiency of the independent segments procedure: A direct comparison with sequential probability ratio tests.6
On estimating the frequency of a target behavior from time-constrained yes/no survey questions: A parametric approach based on the Poisson process.6
Improving inferential analyses predata and postdata.6
Simulation studies for methodological research in psychology: A standardized template for planning, preregistration, and reporting.6
Detecting gender as a moderator in meta-analysis: The problem of restricted between-study variance.6
Supplemental Material for Latent Growth Factors as Predictors of Distal Outcomes6
A regularization method for linking brain and behavior.5
A bifactor approach to subscore assessment.5
A practical guide to selecting and blending approaches for clustered data: Clustered errors, multilevel models, and fixed-effect models.5
Modeling psychopathology: From data models to formal theories.5
Harvesting heterogeneity: Selective expertise versus machine learning.5
Beneath the surface: Unearthing within-person variability and mean relations with Bayesian mixed models.5
Supplemental Material for Correcting Bias in the Meta-Analysis of Correlations5
Bayesian estimation and model selection in group-based trajectory models.5
Latent growth factors as predictors of distal outcomes.5
Misbegotten methodologies and forgotten lessons from Tom Swift’s electric factor analysis machine: A demonstration with competing structural models of psychopathology.5
Interim design analysis using Bayes factor forecasts.5
Causal inference for treatment effects in partially nested designs.5
Modeling individual differences in the timing of change onset and offset.5
A primer on sampling rates of ambulatory assessments.5
Consequences of sampling frequency on the estimated dynamics of AR processes using continuous-time models.5
Bayesian modeling of associations in bivariate piecewise linear mixed-effects models.5
How to apply variable selection machine learning algorithms with multiply imputed data: A missing discussion.5
An overview of alternative formats to the Likert format: A comment on Wilson et al. (2022).5