Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Reconsidering the Boredom of King James: Performance and Premodern Histories3
Milk and Miracles: Heteroglossia and Dissent in Venetian Religious Art after the Council of Trent2
Pilgrimage and Textual Culture2
Andrew Marvell in Russia2
The Authority of Written and Oral Sources of Knowledge in Ludolf of Sudheim’s De itinere Terre Sancte1
The Madness of Hugo van der Goes: The Troubled Search for Origins in Early Netherlandish Painting1
The Audacity of Judging Mind in Medieval England1
The Restless Orders of Nature: Multispecies Classification in Jean Corbechon's Livre des propriétés des choses1
Trusting Women's Visions: The Discernment of Spirits in Julian of Norwich's Revelation of Love1
Making or Declaring Law? Legislative Intent and Privileged Speech in Anglo-Saxon England1
“Good in Every Thing”: Erasmus and Communal Virtue in As You Like It1
Thomas Aquinas and Dionysian Ecclesiastical Hierarchy1
Theological Polemics and James I’s Diplomacy, 1603–16171
Who Has Intention? Chaucer Studies and the Search for Meaning1
Festive Friars: Embodied Performance and Audience Affect1
Imagining the Virtues: Medieval and Early Modern Histories1
Form versus Catastrophe in the Old English Christ III1
Ideologies of Diplomacy1
Call for Submissions0
Early Stuart Clergyman Poets: A Prosopographic Approach0
Afterword: Documenting Performance across the Medieval/Modern Frontier0
Reorienting English Protestantism0
Call for Submissions0
Diplomatic Parrhesia and the Ethos of Trustworthiness in Hotman’s The Ambassador and Shakespeare’s Henry V0
Introduction to Whither the Bodies? A Forum0
Scrollwork: Visual Cultures of Musical Notation and Graphic Materiality in the English Renaissance0
“Not a drop of tears, or any sweat from fear came from her”: Interrogating Mind, Body, and Emotions in Early Modern German Witch Trials0
New Books across the Disciplines0
Call for Submissions0
The Mandylions in Genoa and Rome: On the Authenticity of Christ's True Image in Counter-Reformation Italy0
New Books across the Disciplines0
Building Paper Embassies0
The Author's Three Bodies: Codicological Intentionalism and the Medieval Text0
New Books across the Disciplines0
“Touching the Author's Mind”: Judgment and Intention in Jasper Heywood's Translations of Seneca0
“Printed follyes”: Mountebanks and the Performance of Ambivalence within the Archive0
Rogationtide Perambulation as Performative Law0
Nugae on the Block: Maffeo Vegio (1407–1458), Virgil, and the Early Quattrocento Polemic over Light Verse0
Earth and Ore: Materializing Transalpine Relations on the Eve of the Reformation0
Pilgrimage, Print, and Performance0
Passion Relic Devotion, an Implanted Relic, and a Prostheticized Body: Rethinking Matter and Agency in “A Grete Myracle of a Knyghte Good Callyd Syr Roger Wallysborow”0
The Art of Conjecture: A Window into the Heart0
Spectacular Absence, Spectacular Presence: Experimenting with the Eucharist in the Play of the Sacrament0
New Books across the Disciplines0
Call for Submissions0
New Books across the Disciplines0
To Measure Is to Feel: The Mathematics of Middle English Metric Relics0
Physiognomy and Visual Judgment in Medieval and Early Modern Europe0
Calvinist Versions of God: A Revolution in Medieval Tradition0
Holy Land Pilgrimage and Geography in Fifteenth-Century England0
Faction, Rhetoric, and Ideology0
Edward Pococke (1604–1691), Comparative Arabic-Hebrew Philology, and the Bible0
New Books across the Disciplines0
Ordering Chaos in Old English Wisdom Poetry0
From Rabbis and Millenarians to High Church Orthodoxy: Edward Bernard (1638–1697) Reads the 1646 Amsterdam Vocalized Mishnah0
From Rags to Paper: Alchemy, Chymistry, and the Perfective Art of Papermaking0
A Pilgrimage to Purgatory0
The Artless Devil in The Book of Margery Kempe0
Bodies of Evidence: Judges and Surgeons at the Crime Scene in Early Modern France0
Empire, Shame, and Medieval Text Editing: The Case of Beowulf Line 1382a0
John Lightfoot (1602–1675), the Westminster Assembly, and the Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae0
Infinite Sorrows: Catastrophic Forms in Chaucer's Knight's Tale0
May Philosophy Flourish: Pantheisticon, Freemasonry, and Eighteenth-Century Ritual Philosophy0
Managed Catastrophe: Problem-Solving and Rhyming Couplets in the Seventeenth-Century Country House Poem0
Wicked Mysteries and Notorious Conjurors: Magic, Rape, and Violence in Two Early Modern Pamphlets0
Medieval Engagement with Authorial Intention0
The Dominican Educational and Social Contexts of Riccoldo of Monte Croce’s Pilgrimage Writing0
Call for Submissions0
Reading Diplomacy across the Archives0
“Do Poor Tom Some Charity”: Performing Poverty and Pity in King Lear0
Fate, Human Character, and Divinatory Perception in Early Modern Metoposcopy0
Call for Submissions0
Unfinished Designs: Petrarch, Pliny, and the Aesthetics of Rupture0
Margery Kempe as Mankind: Scripted Devotion and East Anglian Performance Culture0
Credibility, Certainty, and Belief in Legal Thought and Moral Theology, or On the Afterlife of Augustine's Credulitas0
Performance beyond Drama0
New Books across the Disciplines0
Petrarch's Civilized Barbarians0
Marginal Performances by Late Medieval Pigs and Blind Men0
The Apocalyptic Chivalry of Thomas Dekker’s The Whore of Babylon and Anglo-Spanish Diplomacy0
Visual Judgment: Physiognomy, Law, Medicine, and Art in Sixteenth-Century Venice0
Unwritten Virtues, Selves, and Texts: Early Modern Self-Erasure0
Call for Submissions0
New Books across the Disciplines0
New Books across the Disciplines0
The Life of Love and Resistance to Clerical Authority in Book to a Mother and Middle English Lollard Writing0
“Al the town in a rore”: Authority, Revolt, and Rational Obedience in Thomas Usk's Appeal and Testament of Love0
New Books across the Disciplines0
Attending to the Passion in Early Modern England: Lancelot Andrewes's Good Friday Sermons0
Call for Submissions0
Forms of Catastrophe0
Beyond Monstrosity: Natural Hybridity in Medieval and Early Modern Travel Narratives0
Textual Representations of Greek Christianity during the English Reformations0
Call for Submissions0
Who Owns the Hebrew Doctors? Oriental Scholarship, Historical Proportionality, and the Puritan “Invention” of Avant-Garde Conformity0
Call for Submissions0
John Gower Illustrated: The Archer Images, Astronomical Science, and Poetic Identity0
Marginal Geography: Pedagogical Design in Medieval Commentaries on Classical Poems0
The Apocalyptic Aesthetics of the List: Form and Political Economy in Wynnere and Wastoure0
Provoking Performance: Printed Dialogue and Early Modern Publics in Christopher St. German's Salem and Bizance0
“They Saw Mute Creation Trembling”: Forms of Catastrophe in the Old English Christ III0
Call for Submissions0
The Byzantine Icon of the Virgin in the Church of the Blachernae: Michael Psellos on the Problem of Miraculous Timing0
The Copy Room: Imagining a Huguenot Library in Early Modern London0
Goya, Portraiture, and the (Impossible) Art of Deciphering Faces0
Call for Submissions0
Intention and Interpretation, Now and Then0
From Rhetorical Theory to Spiritual Pedagogy in The Cloud of Unknowing0
Scholastic Literary Theory: Intentionalism and the Desire for Stable Sense0
The Meaning of Imagined Pilgrimage0
John Donne in the Hague and the Hague at the Globe: Performing Reformation England's Religio-Political Doctrine of Perseverance0
New Books across the Disciplines0
Shakespeare's Comedy of Judgment0
Virtual Reality: Virtue, the Eucharist, and Translation in the Writings of Thomas More0
New Books across the Disciplines0