Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics

(The median citation count of Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Anticipating extreme losses using score-driven shape filters7
Unconventional monetary policy in a nonlinear quadratic model6
Approximate Bayesian inference for agent-based models in economics: a case study2
Artificial Neural Networks and Time Series of Counts: A Class of Nonlinear INGARCH Models2
Score-driven multi-regime Markov-switching EGARCH: empirical evidence using the Meixner distribution2
Causal relationships between cryptocurrencies: the effects of sampling interval and sample size2
The impact of forward guidance and large-scale asset purchase programs on commodity markets1
Should You Use GARCH Models for Forecasting Volatility? A Comparison to GRU Neural Networks1
Score-Driven Location Plus Scale Models: Asymptotic Theory and An Application to Forecasting Dow Jones Volatility1
Middle-income traps and complexity in economic development1
Investor Sentiment Mining Based on Bi-LSTM Model and its Impact on Stock Price Bubbles1
Zero-Inflated Autoregressive Conditional Duration Model for Discrete Trade Durations with Excessive Zeros1
Time-Varying Parameter Four-Equation DSGE Model0
Investigating the Impact of Consumption Distribution on CRRA Estimation: Quantile-CCAPM-Based Approach0
Multi-kernel property in high-frequency price dynamics under Hawkes model0
Non-Linear Impact of Income Inequality on Mental Health: Evidence from Low and Middle-Income Countries0
Estimation and testing of the factor-augmented panel regression models with missing data0
Volatility Forecasting Using Quasi-Score-Driven Models with an Application to the Coronavirus Pandemic Period0
Which Global Cycle? A Stochastic Factor Selection Approach for Global Macro-Financial Cycles0
Does State Dependence Matter in Relation to Oil Price Shocks on Global Economic Conditions?0
Panel threshold model with covariate-dependent thresholds and its application to the cash flow/investment relationship0
Bayesian inference for order determination of double threshold variables autoregressive models0
Determination of the Number of Breaks in High-Dimensional Factor Models via Cross-Validation0
Controlling Chaotic Fluctuations through Monetary Policy0
Diversified Reward-Risk Parity in Portfolio Construction0
Determination of the Number of Breaks in Heterogeneous Panel Data Models0
A Regression-based Method for Estimating Generalised Entropy and Atkinson Inequality Indices and their Standard Errors0
Does real interest rate parity really work? Historical evidence from a discrete wavelet perspective0
Age and gender differentials in unemployment and hysteresis0
Information Content of Inflation Expectations: A Copula-Based Model0
Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Betas: A New Multivariate Score-Driven Filter0
Heterogeneous Volatility Information Content for the Realized GARCH Modeling and Forecasting Volatility0
Heterogeneity, Jumps and Co-Movements in Transmission of Volatility Spillovers Among Cryptocurrencies0
Asymptotic Efficiency of Joint Estimator Relative to Two-Stage Estimator Under Misspecified Likelihoods0
Divisia Monetary Aggregates for India0
Multiscale SUR Estimation of Systematic Risk0
Financial Condition Indices in an Incomplete Data Environment0
A Simulation and Empirical Study of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Stochastic Volatility Jump-Diffusion Models0
Homogeneity Pursuit in the Functional-Coefficient Quantile Regression Model for Panel Data with Censored Data0
HPX filter: a hybrid of Hodrick–Prescott filter and multiple regression0
Commitment Issues: Does the Fed Have an Inflation Incentive to Commit?0
Chinese Crude Oil Futures and Sectoral Stocks: Copula-Based Dependence Structure and Connectedness0
Power of Unit Root Tests Against Nonlinear and Noncausal Alternatives with an Application to the Brent Crude Oil Price0
Core Inflation Rate for China and the ASEAN-10 Countries: Smoothed Signal for Score-Driven Local Level Plus Scale Models0
Likelihood-Ratio-Based Confidence Intervals for Multiple Threshold Parameters0
Extreme Return Spillover Between the WTI, the VIX, and Six Latin American Stock Markets: A Quantile Connectedness Approach0