GPS Solutions

(The TQCC of GPS Solutions is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Analysis of signal-to-noise ratio retrieved from multi-GNSS satellite data of land surface reflections73
High-precision velocity determination using mass-market Android GNSS measurements in the case of anomalous clock variations72
Characteristics of the BDS-3 multipath effect and mitigation methods using precise point positioning69
Enhanced fault detection and exclusion based on Kalman filter with colored measurement noise and application to RTK65
Improving PPP positioning and troposphere estimates using an azimuth-dependent weighting scheme60
Interannual variability of vertical land motion over High Mountain Central Asia from GPS and GRACE/GRACE-FO observations52
Evaluation of real-time kinematic positioning performance of the BDS‑3 PPP service on B2b signal50
Initial Assessment of the BDS-3 PPP-B2b RTS compared with the CNES RTS44
Portable anechoic chamber-type calibration and the effect of phase corrections on the results of indoor positioning42
Research on modeling and predicting of BDS-3 satellite clock bias using the LSTM neural network model41
Performance assessment of GNSS-IR altimetry using signal-to-noise ratio data from a Huawei P30 smartphone41
From RTK to PPP-RTK: towards real-time kinematic precise point positioning to support autonomous driving of inland waterway vessels40
Regional application of generalized regression neural network in ionosphere spatio-temporal modeling and forecasting40
Assessment of single-difference and track-to-track ambiguity resolution in LEO precise orbit determination38
Effect of the polar cap ionospheric sporadic-E layer on GNSS-based positioning: a case study at Resolute Bay, Canada, September 5, 201237
Single-frequency cycle slip detection and repair for a standalone GNSS receiver using a common-antenna-based dual-board design36
Velocity estimation method for high-spinning vehicle based on a side-mounted single patch antenna35
Method and performance of time holdover for RT-PPT receivers utilizing on-line estimation of clock parameters34
Application of expectation–maximization algorithm to estimate random walk process noise for GNSS tropospheric delay34
GNSS-to-GNSS time offsets: study on the broadcast of a common reference time30
Effect of ambiguity resolution on the draconitic errors in sub-daily GPS position estimates30
Multipath error extraction and mitigation based on refined wavelet level and threshold selection28
A new method for fault identification in real-time integrity monitoring of autonomous vehicles positioning using PPP-RTK27
Vehicle mounted single-antenna GNSS spoofing detection method based on motion trajectory27
Virtual reference station technology for voxels without signal ray in ionospheric tomography based on machine learning27
A new parallel algorithm for improving the computational efficiency of multi-GNSS precise orbit determination26
Tropospheric parameters from multi-GNSS and numerical weather models: case study of severe precipitation and flooding in Germany in July 202126
Coastal sea-surface wave measurements using software-based GPS reflectometers in Lanyu, Taiwan26
Mixed QZSS/GPS/Galileo RTK positioning with a trade-off between ionosphere-weighting and ionosphere-fixed models: an ambiguity resolution method for Japan25
Rigorous and fast constraints transformations at the solution level: case studies for regional and global GNSS networks25
A method for precisely predicting satellite clock bias based on robust fitting of ARMA models25
Estimation of the water vapor field by fusing GPS and surface meteorological observations on the Loess Plateau of China24
On-the-fly ambiguity resolution method for pseudolite/INS integration based on double-difference square observations24
INS-aiding information error modeling in GNSS/INS ultra-tight integration24
Characterization of multi-band GNSS multipath in urban canyons using the 3D ray-tracing method24
Robust train length calculation and monitoring method using GNSS multi-constellation moving-baseline positioning resolution22
Integrity monitoring for precise orbit determination of LEO satellites22
GNSS-based precise orbit determination for maneuvering LEO satellites22
A satellite-based method for modeling ionospheric slant TEC from GNSS observations: algorithm and validation22
Galileo high accuracy service performance and anomaly mitigation capabilities21
A robust trend estimator for GNSS time series in the presence of complex periodicity and its evaluation on multi-source products of IGS and IGMAS21
Near-real-time GNSS tropospheric IWV monitoring system for South America21
Performance assessment of the signal-in-space ranging errors of BDS-3: statistical characterization and integrity standard21
Real-time monitoring of GPS flex power based on machine learning21
Evaluation of real-time variometric approach and real-time precise point positioning in monitoring dynamic displacement based on high-rate (20 Hz) GPS Observations21
Compact RTK for expanded area (COREA): a new method for carrier-phase-based satellite augmentation system20
Fast determination of geometric matrix in ionosphere tomographic inversion with unevenly spaced curvilinear voxels20
On the real-time tropospheric delay estimates using low-cost GNSS receivers and antennas20
Modeling and predicting inter-frequency clock bias of BDS-2 GEO, IGSO and MEO satellites for triple-frequency precise point positioning20
GNSS spoofing detection method based on the intersection angle between two directions of arrival (IA‑DOA) for single-antenna receivers20
BDS multiple satellite clock offset parallel prediction based on multivariate CNN-LSTM model19
Optimization of undifferenced and uncombined PPP stochastic model based on covariance component estimation19
Minimum-observation method for rapid and accurate satellite coverage prediction19
BeiDou-3 broadcast clock estimation by integration of observations of regional tracking stations and inter-satellite links19
New encoder–decoder convolutional LSTM neural network architectures for next-day global ionosphere maps forecast19
Assessment of sub-daily ocean tide loading errors and mitigation of their propagation in multi-GNSS position time series18
Open-source software for multi-GNSS inter-frequency clock bias estimation18
Conventional and neural network-based water vapor density model for GNSS troposphere tomography18
GNSS PPP-RTK: integrity monitoring method considering wrong ambiguity fixing18
Enhancing satellite clock bias prediction in BDS with LSTM-attention model17
A Wasserstein distance-based technique for the evaluation of GNSS error characterization17
Impact and mitigation of neglecting PPP-RTK correctional uncertainty17
A modified BDS Klobuchar model considering hourly estimated night-time delays16
Improved high-sensitivity partial-matched filter with FFT-based acquisition algorithm for BDS-2 and BDS-3 signals with secondary code modulation16
Investigations into the residual multipath errors of choke-ring geodetic antennas on GNSS carrier-phase measurements16
A method to assess the quality of GNSS satellite phase bias products16
GNSS-RTK data denoising and displacement-based blind modal analysis of a long-span bridge16
Forecasting of global ionospheric TEC using a deep learning approach15
Performance verification of GNSS/5G tightly coupled fusion positioning in urban occluded environments with a smartphone15
A new global TEC empirical model based on fusing multi-source data15
Tropical cyclone-induced periodical positioning disturbances during the 2017 Hato in the Hong Kong region15
A LiDAR–INS-aided geometry-based cycle slip resolution for intelligent vehicle in urban environment with long-term satellite signal loss15
Improving smartphone positioning accuracy by adapting measurement covariance with t-test on innovations15
A weighted mean temperature model using principal component analysis for Greenland14
Center strategies for universal transformations: modified iteration policy and two alternative models14
Machine learning approach for GNSS geodetic velocity estimation14
Plasma bubble imaging by single-frequency GNSS measurements14
Toward BDS/Galileo/GPS/QZSS triple-frequency PPP instantaneous integer ambiguity resolutions without atmosphere corrections14
LSTM-based short-term ionospheric TEC forecast model and positioning accuracy analysis14
Combined decoupled clock and integer‑estimable models applied to CDMA + FDMA single-difference network RTK14
A new model for vertical adjustment of precipitable water vapor with consideration of the time-varying lapse rate14
First result of GNSS-R-based sea level retrieval with CMC and its combination with the SNR method14
A comprehensive evaluation of utilizing BeiDou data to estimate snow depths from two ground-based stations14
Real-time regional tropospheric wet delay modeling and augmentation performance for triple-frequency PPP/PPP-IAR during typhoon weather13
Non-holonomic constraint (NHC)-assisted GNSS/SINS positioning using a vehicle motion state classification (VMSC)-based convolution neural network13
GNSS PPP-AR utilizing local SSR corrections13
GNSS jammer localization in urban areas based on prediction/optimization and ray-tracing13
A weighted mean temperature (Tm) augmentation method based on global latitude zone13
M_IFCB: a MATLAB-based software for multi‑GNSS inter‑frequency clock bias estimation and forecast13
An open-source low-cost sensor for SNR-based GNSS reflectometry: design and long-term validation towards sea-level altimetry13
High-resolution soil moisture and freeze–thaw records toward the third pole using GNSS-R reconstructed observations during 2018–202213
Filter and piecewise smoother on the matrix Lie group13
Prospects for meteotsunami detection in earth’s atmosphere using GNSS observations13
Exploring characteristics of BDS-3 PPP-B2b augmentation messages by a three-step analysis procedure13
Attitude estimation in challenging environments by integrating low-cost dual-antenna GNSS and MEMS MARG sensor13
M_FCB: an open‑source software for multi‑GNSS fractional cycle bias estimation12
Assessing all-frequency GPS/Galileo/BDS PPP-RTK in GNSS challenging environments12
GLONASS–only FDMA+CDMA RTK: Performance and outlook12
Study of ionospheric responses over China during September 7–8, 2017 using GPS, Beidou (GEO), and Swarm satellite observations12
An improved global grid model for calibrating zenith tropospheric delay for GNSS applications12
The GUARDIAN system-a GNSS upper atmospheric real-time disaster information and alert network12
GNSS2TWS: an open-source MATLAB-based tool for inferring daily terrestrial water storage changes using GNSS vertical data12
Ionospheric VTEC and satellite DCB estimated from single-frequency BDS observations with multi-layer mapping function12
Two modified multi-frequency GNSS approaches to estimate the pseudorange observable-specific signal bias for the CDMA and FDMA models12
Implementation and performance analysis of the PDR/GNSS integration on a smartphone12
GNSS best integer equivariant estimation combining with integer least squares estimation: an integrated ambiguity resolution method with optimal integer aperture test11
Multi‑constellation GNSS interferometric reflectometry for the correction of long-term snow height retrieval on sloping topography11
Real-time LEO satellite clock estimation with predicted LEO satellite orbits constrained11
Modeling of regional GNSS network using adaptive boosting algorithm: a case study in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region11
Carrier phase bias correction for GNSS space-time array processing using time-delay data11
GNSS-RTK model: common-frequency versus mixed-frequency11
Correction to: On the possibility of getting traceable time and frequency measurements via GNSS receivers11
A sequential ambiguity selection strategy for partial ambiguity resolution during RTK positioning in urban areas11
A high-precision ZTD interpolation method considering large area and height differences11
GNSS NLOS detection method based on stacking ensemble learning and applications in smartphones11
Observations and positioning quality of low-cost GNSS receivers: a review11
Spatial outlier detection on discrete GNSS velocity fields using robust Mahalanobis-distance-based unsupervised classification10
GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo orbit geometry variations caused by general relativity focusing on Galileo in eccentric orbits10
Endpoint-based optimal fractal interpolation for predicting BDS-3 system time offsets10
Comparative study of ionospheric sporadic E occurrence rates using SNRnstd and S4 derived from GPS radio occultation10
How modernized and strengthened GPS signals enhance the system performance during solar radio bursts10
Anomalous ambiguity detection between reference stations based on Box-Cox transformation of tropospheric residual estimation10
Precise orbit determination of BDS-3 satellites using B1C and B2a dual-frequency measurements10
M_GIM: a MATLAB-based software for multi-system global and regional ionospheric modeling10
An efficient method for undifferenced BDS-2/BDS-3 high-rate clock estimation10
Multi-frequency phase-only PPP-RTK model applied to BeiDou data10
Full-ISL clock offset estimation and prediction algorithm for BDS310
Construction of a meteorological application system based on BDS ground-based augmentation network and water vapor products validation9
Fast implementation of least squares variance component estimation for diagonal matrices: applications to GNSS time series9
An adaptive hybrid blanking algorithm to mitigate the DME pulse interference on BDS B2a receivers9
Positioning performance of the Neustrelitz total electron content model driven by Galileo Az coefficients9
GLONASS precise orbit determination with identification of malfunctioning spacecraft9
Performance analysis of cross-frequency Doppler-assisted carrier phase tracking9
Gnssrefl: an open source software package in python for GNSS interferometric reflectometry applications9
Assessing the exchanging satellite attitude quaternions from CNES/CLS and their application in the deep eclipse season9
Real-time estimation of multi-frequency phase observable-specific bias for the BDS3 PPP-B2b service9
Elimination of GNSS carrier phase diffraction error using an obstruction adaptive elevation masks determination method in a harsh observing environment9
Band-limited dual-frequency multiplexing technique for GNSS signals9
BDS-3 SAR service and initial performance9
An efficient GNSS NLOS signal identification and processing method using random forest and factor analysis with visual labels9
Precise orbit determination of the Haiyang 2C altimetry satellite using attitude modeling9
Phase compression-holding modulation for C-band navigation9
Design of a miniaturized geodetic-grade GNSS reference antenna covering Bs band9
Initial and comprehensive analysis of PPP time transfer based on Galileo high accuracy service9
An adaptive-degree layered function-based method to GNSS tropospheric tomography9
Methods and assessments of two-way time synchronization based on BDS-3 Ka-band satellite-ground link observations8
Extension of the undifferenced and uncombined CDMA PPP-RTK for not-common-frequency GNSS observations8
A new quality monitoring method for real-time precise orbit and clock products8
Common-mode error and multipath mitigation for subdaily crustal deformation monitoring with high-rate GPS observations8
Overbounding residual zenith tropospheric delays to enhance GNSS integrity monitoring8
Scalar and vector tracking loop simulation based on a uniform semi-analytic model and robustness analysis in multipath/NLOS situations8
Refined seismic-ionospheric effects: case study of Mw 8.2 Chiapas earthquake on September 7, 20178
Detection of ionospheric disturbances with a sparse GNSS network in simulated near-real time Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.5 Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence8
Simultaneous estimation of inter-frequency clock biases and clock offsets with triple-frequency GPS data: undifferenced and uncombined methodology and impact analysis8
A multi-scale adaptive grid partition method based on two-dimensional Fourier transform for ZTD8
A real-time detection method for GPS flex power8
A grid model of direct conversion between zenith tropospheric delay and precipitable water vapor in tropical regions8
Regional triple-frequency integer clock estimation for augmented real-time positioning services8
GLONASS signal characteristics analysis and navigation performance for geostationary satellites8
An enhanced foot-mounted PDR method with adaptive ZUPT and multi-sensors fusion for seamless pedestrian navigation8
GiRsnow: an open-source software for snow depth retrievals using GNSS interferometric reflectometry8
Assessment of ZWD field predictions using the dynamic mode decomposition method8
Topical collection on timekeeping in space: technology, practice, promise, and benefits8
A PPP kinematic application on historical GPS data: the reprocessing of the ITASE98-99 Antarctica mission height profiles8
Pseudorange characteristics of soil-transmitted GNSS signals and their application in soil moisture content retrieval8
DOA tracking using an improved direction lock loop based on a three-element L-shaped array8
Unsupervised learning-based satellite selection algorithm for GPS–NavIC multi-constellation receivers8
On the potential of undifferenced and uncombined GNSS time and frequency transfer with integer ambiguity resolution and satellite clocks estimated8
Fast frequency and phase synchronization of high-stability oscillators with 1 PPS signal from satellite navigation systems8
Decadal evolution of GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo mean orbital elements7
Utilizing least squares variance component estimation to combine multi-GNSS clock offsets7
Establishing a high-precision real-time ZTD model of China with GPS and ERA5 historical data and its application in PPP7
An adaptive quality monitoring method for real-time ionospheric corrections7
A composite clock for robust time–frequency signal generation system onboard a navigation satellite7
Monitoring surface subsidence in permafrost using BDS interferometric reflectometry7
Rapid detection of GNSS time synchronization attacks via the enhanced code and carrier Doppler consistency test7
Effects of BDS flex power on DCB estimation and PPP convergence7
Retrieval of Ne(h) profile for ionosonde by assimilating collocated radio occultation data into NeQuick27
High-spin-rate roll angle measurement method based on GPS using single patch antenna7
Real-time GNSS triple-frequency cycle slip detection using three optimal linear combinations7
Interactive multiple-model vertical vibration detection of structures based on high-frequency GNSS observations7
Statistical characterization of the signal-in-space errors of the BDS: a comparison between BDS-2 and BDS-37
Non-consecutive GNSS signal tracking-based ultra-tight integration system of GNSS/INS for smart devices7
Random forest-based multipath parameter estimation7
Analysis of sub-daily polar motion derived from GPS with different temporal resolutions7
A two-fault detection and elimination approach to the receiver autonomous integrity monitoring7
Extracting ionospheric phase scintillation indicator from GNSS observations with 30-s sampling interval in the high-latitude region7
Optimizing ZWD estimation strategies for enhanced PPP-RTK performance7
Real-time outlier detection of satellite orbit and clock products using reverse error estimation7
Optimization design of two-layer Walker constellation for LEO navigation augmentation using a dynamic multi-objective differential evolutionary algorithm based on elite guidance7
Characteristics of Beidou-2 flex power and its impact on precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution7
GNSS positioning enhancement based on NLOS signal detection using spatio-temporal learning in urban canyons7
Co-seismic ionospheric disturbances characteristics in different azimuths following the 2022 Mexico earthquake from GNSS observations7
Estimating GPS inter-frequency clock bias to provide a parameterized product7