International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics

(The TQCC of International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Base transceiver station antenna exposure and workers’ health51
Evaluation of the biodynamic response of the hand–arm system and hand-tool designs: a brief review39
Fatigue assessment of sedentary office workers using smartphones: a preliminary study30
Gender differences, ergonomics risks and upper quadrant musculoskeletal pain in hairdressers25
Impulse noise measurement in view of noise hazard assessment and use of hearing protectors24
Social facilitation effects in online coaction: the moderating role of social comparison direction22
Does a relationship between handgrip strength and coincidence anticipation timing exist among young adults: a pilot study18
Task loading of soldering workers in small-scale manufacturing units18
The safety programme as a tool of improvement for safety culture in the workplace: an exploratory follow-up study from the Danish offshore oil and gas sector16
DF-8: a specific scale for assessing work fatigue in professional drivers15
Design, implementation and evaluation of a participatory ergonomics program among home-based Mapuche weavers15
Sri Lankan migrant worker perceptions of workplace hazard and safety awareness: case of the manufacturing industry in Korea14
Effects on Turkish ice cream employees’ musculoskeletal pain of a physical activity and ergonomics improvement program in the workplace14
An ergonomic welding torch reduces physical load response and improves welding quality in novices: a pilot study14
Influence that job characteristics, personality and burnout have on fatigue in professional drivers13
Research on dynamic comfort maintenance by measuring lower limb edema and seat pressure during simulated seated sleep in flight12
Investigating human error in Iran’s copper mines using the CREAM based on human cognitive reliability analysis12
Developing a schedule integrated automated safety planning tool for residential construction projects12
Behavioral safety compliance in an interdependent mining environment: supervisor communication, procedural justice and the mediating role of coworker communication12
UK university staff experience high levels of sedentary behaviour during work and leisure time12
Emergency response plan for methane and chlorine with dispersion modelling using CAMEO12
Reliability analysis of respirators based on the analytic hierarchy process and multicriteria decision-making11
Common errors in selecting and implementing pen–paper observational methods by Iranian practitioners for assessing work-related musculoskeletal disorders risk: a systematic review11
Identification of key factors influencing unsafe behavior of decoration workers11
Effects of computer use on upper limb musculoskeletal disorders and function in academicians11
Associations between day and night-shifts, work-related musculoskeletal symptoms and absenteeism in the manufacturing industry11
Mechanical strength recognition and classification of thermal protective fabric images after thermal aging based on deep learning10
Exploring individual factors influencing human reliability among control room operators: a qualitative study10
Change in heart rate variability during two firefighting work cycles10
Low blood glucose and fatigue accumulation at peak hours of occupational trauma in secondary industry workers10
Prevalence of chronic lower back pain in Brazilian military firefighters10
Fatigue in NTSB investigations 2013–2019: evidence of accidents and injuries10
Chronic lower back pain in aquaculture clam farmers: adoption and feasibility of self-management strategies introduced using a rapid prototype participatory ergonomic approach10
Incorporation of hazard rectification performance for safety assessment10
Applying lessons from aviation safety culture in the hospitality industry: a review and road map9
Asbestos dust concentrations and health conditions of workers at asbestos-cement corrugated sheet production manufacturers in Vietnam: a nationwide assessment9
Worker satisfaction with adaptive automation and working conditions: a theoretical model and questionnaire as an assessment tool9
Factors affecting safety performance in the construction industry: an empirical study using structural equation modelling9
Effect of temperature reduction of the prefrontal area on accuracy of visual sustained attention9
Impact resistance test system for the helmet based on a polyvinylidene fluoride piezoelectric sensor array9
Determination of paraffin oil mist penetration at high flow rates through air-purifying respirators9
Healthcare workers’ knowledge for safe handling and moving of the patient9
Association of handgrip strength with anthropometry of a Brazilian healthy adolescent sample9
Occupational dermatoses: knowledge, attitudes and perceptions among motor vehicle repair workers9
Evaluation of the quality of health and safety services with SERVPERF and multi-attribute decision-making methods8
Perception of occupational health and safety in the manufacturing sector: a qualitative evaluation8
Ergonomic design and evaluation of gemstone polishing workstation8
A path model approach to safety compliance and personal factors among electrical workers in India8
Determining the prerequisites for effective workplace inspection by the occupational safety and health regulatory authority using cognitive work analysis8
Determining performance shaping factors to assess human error in the emergency response team in chemical process industries: a case study8
Health problems among Swedish ambulance personnel: long-term risks compared to other professions in Sweden – a longitudinal register study8
The influence of team workload on team performance in the light of task complexity: a study of nuclear fire brigades8
A survey of noise-induced auditory symptoms in manufacturing workers in Brunei Darussalam7
Semi-quantitative methodology to assess health and safety risks arising from exposure to electromagnetic fields up to 300 GHz in workplaces according to Italian regulations7
Evidence-based evaluation of safety management in port labor outsourcing7
Accidents and injuries in workers of iron and steel industry in West Bengal, India: Prevalence and associated risk factors6
Assessment of working conditions in medical facilities due to noise6
Moderating effect of psychological well-being on the effect of workplace safety climate on job stress6
Relationships among meal time, break time and workplace characteristics of nurses who work day, evening and night shifts: a cross-sectional study6
Validating the effectiveness of a self-report tool to predict unsafe behavior of industrial workers: a QEEG analysis6
Prediction of work productivity outcomes by identifying critical risk factors among garment industry workers6
Age, gender, personality, burnout, job characteristics and job content as predictors of driver fatigue6
Measurements and observations of movements at work for warehouse forklift truck operators6
Self-assessment of health and care for health among employed men in Poland6
Status of occupational health and safety in the informal sectors in Tanzania: the case of stone quarrying and soil brickmaking6
Investigating the influencing factors and prediction models of skin burns for firefighters’ occupational safety6
Computer vision syndrome and its associated ergonomic factors among bank workers6
Ergonomic and psychosocial risks related to musculoskeletal problems among Brazilian labor judges in telework during the COVID-19 pandemic6
A model for establishing resilience safety culture for the construction industry6
Evaluation of the relationship between occupational noise exposure and stress levels in a healthcare facility6
Analysis of characteristics and causes of gas explosion accidents: a historical review of coal mine accidents in China6
Application of multiple occupational health risk assessment models in occupation health risk prediction of trichloroethylene in the electroplating and electronics industries6
Modeling and investigating the effect of parasol installation on solar radiant temperature reduction using COMSOL Multiphysics5
Statement of Retraction: Carcinogenic and health risk assessment of respiratory exposure to Acrylonitrile, 1,3-Butadiene and Styrene (ABS) in a Petrochemical Industry Using the United States Environme5
Work-, lifestyle-, and health-related factors among women and men working in the emergency medical services5
Proposal for a new statistical procedure for the ergonomic design of furniture: implications of a protocol developed from measurements of a young population5
Statistical study and investigation of the cut-resistant and thermo-physiological performance of protective gloves: a new prospective5
Recommended maximum holding time of common static sitting postures of office workers5
Safety climate and productivity improvement of construction workplaces through the 6S system: mixed-method analysis of 5S and safety integration5
A comparison of muscle activity, posture and body discomfort during the use of different computer screen sizes5
Effects of pace on productivity and physical and mental workloads in a human–cobot collaboration5
Influence of an adjacent tunnel connecting zone shading shed on drivers’ eye movement characteristics5
Development of an intervention program to reduce whole-body vibration exposure based on occupational and individual determinants among dumper operators5
Risk assessment of probable human errors in the scaffold erection and dismantling procedure: a fuzzy approach5
The effects of role stressors and smartphone interactions on delivery riders’ unsafe behaviors during the delivery process in China5
Consistency between the ACGIH TLV for hand activity and proposed action levels for wrist velocity and forearm muscular load based on objective measurements: an example from the assembly industry5
Identifying key accident causation factors in the Malaysian construction industry5
The effect of the menstrual cycle on the sense of touch, grip strength and manual dexterity of dental students5
A novel cost-effective postural tracking algorithm using marker-based video processing5
Experimental evaluation of impact-resistant gloves using surrogate hands5
Investigating the trends and causes of changes in human anthropometric dimensions over the past three decades: a challenge for ergonomic design5
Compassion fatigue in nurses caring for chronic diseases5
Using neural networks to predict high-risk flight environments from accident and incident data5
Influence of extended working hours and physical recovery on absenteeism in the footwear industry from a system dynamics model5
The hidden cost of your ‘too fast food’: stress-related factors and fatigue predict food delivery riders’ occupational crashes5
Addressing process safety challenges in downstream industries in Brunei Darussalam5
Effect of an education-based workplace intervention (move in office with education) on sedentary behaviour and well-being in desk-based workers: a cluster randomized controlled trial5
Influence of gender and age on musculoskeletal symptoms in white-collar and blue-collar workers: a cross-sectional study5
Methodology focused on the selection of construction operations for the standardization of work with an emphasis on the occupational safety criterion4
Work–family conflict, work engagement and unsafe behavior among miners in China4
Sleep quality and sleep-related issues in industrial workers: a global meta-analysis4
Investigation of non-fatal occupational accidents and their causes in Turkish shipyards4
The effect of educational intervention on promoting safe behaviors in textile workers4
Depression and work–family conflict mediating the effects of job stress on chronic pain: a structural equation modelling approach4
Epidemiological study of multi-site WMSDs in the footwear industry in China4
Evaluation of physical risk factors by fuzzy failure mode and effects analysis: an apparel mill example4
The evaluation index system of non-rigid demand service quality in safety production: based on the whole process4
Analysis of accidents caused by human factors in the oil and gas industry using the HFACS-OGI framework4
The mediating effect of workers’ situation awareness on the relationship between work-related factors and human error: a path analysis approach4
Understanding key behavioral factors affecting road traffic citation and crash involvement of professional bus and passenger van drivers using a modified driver behavior questionnaire: an Indian persp4
Design, development and utility validation of TIPA: a tool for inspection performance assessment4
Work-related factors, cognitive skills, unsafe behavior and safety incident involvement among emergency medical services crew members: relationships and indirect effects4
Effects of firefighting gloves styles on manual performance4
Musculoskeletal complaints and associated factors among dental practitioners of Nepal: a nationwide survey4
Experimental assessment of the effect of wearing hearing protectors on the audibility of railway warning signals for normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners4
Adaptive hybrid ANFIS-PSO and ANFIS-GA approach for occupational risk prediction4
Machine learning model for aberrant driving behaviour prediction using heart rate variability: a pilot study involving highway bus drivers4
Ease of restroom access influences fluid consumption habits and health in classroom teachers4
Work ability in aging office workers with musculoskeletal disorders and non-communicable diseases and its associated factors: a cross-sectional study4
The mediator role of well-being in the effect of COVID-19 anxiety on occupational commitment: research in the aviation sector4
Measurement of barriers to perform periodic examinations: development and psychometric properties scale4
Variables that predict burnout in professional drivers4
Preparation and characterization of flexible laminated composites impregnated with TPU/SiO 2 for static puncture resistance4
Are music students at ‘high-risk’ of experiencing musculoskeletal symptom outcomes compared with other students?4
The effect of job security on safety behavior with the moderating role of salary: a structural equation model4
Role of whole-body vibration exposure and posture of dumper operators in musculoskeletal disorders: a case study in metalliferous mines4
The relationship between workplace toxicity, stress, physical activity and emotional eating4
Longer working hours and musculoskeletal pain: a meta-analysis4
Improving the antecedents of non-compliance to safety regulations toward an optimized self-regulated construction environment in Nigeria4
What do musicians think caused their musculoskeletal symptoms?4
Evaluating the physical, psychosocial and ergonomic burden of lead aprons among Jordanian interventionists: a nationwide study4
Effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for employees with depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis4
Exploring the comfort of head personal protective equipment for Chinese firefighters: an interview study4