Environmental & Engineering Geoscience

(The TQCC of Environmental & Engineering Geoscience is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Factors Contributing to Landslide Susceptibility of the Kope Formation, Cincinnati, Ohio23
Precipitation Patterns, Mountaintop Removal Mining, and the July 2022 North Fork Kentucky River Flood21
Book Review13
Assessing the Improvement of a Sparse Rain Gauge Network in a Landslide Hotspot in Kerala, India—A Multi-Criteria Approach11
Best Practices for Planning and Implementing Site Investigations at Federally Owned or Regulated Dams and Levees9
Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California, Second Edition8
Characterization and Analysis of the Cedar Pass Landslide Complex, Badlands National Park7
Considering Engineering Geology Input for Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessments7
Dam and Levee Safety Risk during Remedial Construction6
Geology of National Parks, Seventh Edition5
Association between COVID-19 and Heavy Metal Pollution in Iraqi Cities Determined from Hierarchical Prediction4
Observations and Analyses of the 9 January 2018 Debris-Flow Disaster, Santa Barbara County, California4
Improved Automated Mapping of Sinkholes Using High-Resolution DEMs4
Geoprocessing Techniques for the Visualization of Subsurface Geologic Data in Geographic Information Systems3
Macrostructural and Microstructural Properties of Residual Soils as Engineered Landfill Liner Materials3
Book Review3
Documenting the Collision of a Landslide in Permafrost with a Highway Embankment3
Rainfall Triggering of Post-Fire Debris Flows over a 28-Year Period near El Portal, California, USA3
Velocity and Volume Fraction Measurements of Granular Flows in a Steep Flume3
Factors Affecting Shrinkage Crack Development in Clay Soils: An Experimental Study2
Using High Sample Rate Lidar to Measure Debris-Flow Velocity and Surface Geometry2
Introduction to Special Issue on Slope Stability in Memory of Jerome (Jerry) De Graff: Part 12
Potential for Events Similar to the Deadly West Salt Creek Landslide, Grand Mesa Area, Colorado2
Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World2
Water and Sediment Supply Requirements for Post-Wildfire Debris Flows in the Western United States2
Recommended Planning and Response for Hazardous Material Releases in Karst Terrains1
Monitoring Debris-Flow Surges and Triggering Rainfall at the Lattenbach Creek, Austria1
Determining Groundwater Table in Slopes With Horizontal Drains and Design Framework for Length and Spacing1
Shallow Landslide Erosion Rates on Industrially Managed Timberlands: Key Factors Affecting Historical and Contemporary Rates1
A Proposed Process-Landform-Material (PLM) System for Engineering Geology Field Mapping1
Using the Total Apparent Spacing Approach to Optimize Foundation Drain Orientations1
Landscape and Ecological Foundations for the Organization of Regional Systems of Special Protected Areas1
Investigation of Physicochemical Changes of Soft Clay around Deep Geopolymer Columns1
Potential of Cave Sediments as a Proxy for Tropical Cyclone and Storm Activity1
Development of a 3D Geologic Model Used in the Seismic Hazard and Liquefaction Hazard Analysis of Madison County, Tennessee1
Unearthing Underground Mining–Induced Strata Disturbance by Electrical Resistivity Tomography Interpretation1