Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

(The TQCC of Electronic Journal of Combinatorics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Ninth Variation of Classical Group Characters of Type A-D and Littlewood Identities37
Combinatorial Constructions of Generating Functions of Cylindric Partitions with Small Profiles into Unrestricted or Distinct Parts16
The $h^*$-Polynomial of the Order Polytope of the Zig-Zag Poset12
Hat Guessing on Books and Windmills10
Disproof of a Conjecture by Woodall on the Choosability of $K_{s,t}$-Minor-Free Graphs8
Bounds on Area Involving Lattice Size7
Vizing's and Shannon's Theorems for Defective Edge Colouring7
Largest Component and Node Fault Tolerance for Grids7
Some Instances of Homomesy Among Ideals of Posets6
An Area-Depth Symmetric $q,t$-Catalan Polynomial6
$r$-Critical Numbers of Natural Intervals6
An Extension of the Lindström-Gessel-Viennot Theorem6
Hopf Structures in the Representation Theory of Direct Products6
A Combinatorial Approach to the Groebner Bases for Ideals Generated by Elementary Symmetric Functions6
A Generalization of Partition Identities for First Differences of Partitions of $n$ Into at Most $m$ Parts5
On the Maximum Spread of Planar and Outerplanar Graphs5
On Explicit Constructions of Designs5
Degree Sequences of Triangular Multigraphs5
New Equidistributions on Plane Trees and Decompositions of $132$-Avoiding Permutations5
On Infinite, Cubic, Vertex-Transitive Graphs with Applications to Totally Disconnected, Locally Compact Groups5
Stabilities for Non-Uniform $t$-Intersecting Families4
Bounding Branch-Width4
Thresholds for Patterns in Random Permutations with a Given Number of Inversions4
An Upper Bound for the Size of $s$-Distance Sets in Real Algebraic Sets4
A Graph Theory of Rook Placements4
Slide Multiplicity Free Key Polynomials4
The Number of Quasi-Trees in Fans and Wheels4
Zero-Sum Squares in $\{-1, 1\}$-Matrices with Low Discrepancy4
Probabilistic Parking Functions4
Weighted Modulo Orientations of Graphs and Signed Graphs4
Unbalanced Spanning Subgraphs in Edge Labeled Complete Graphs4
Matching Complexes of $3 \times n$ Grid Graphs4
Digraphs with All Induced Directed Cycles of the Same Length are not $\vec{\chi}$-Bounded3
$k$-Pop Stack Sortable Permutations and $2$-Avoidance3
Generalizing Cographs to 2-Cographs3
Supersaturation, Counting, and Randomness in Forbidden Subposet Problems3
Acyclic, Star, and Injective Colouring: Bounding the Diameter3
The First Higher Stasheff-Tamari Orders are Quotients of the Higher Bruhat Orders3
A Note on Restricted Online Ramsey Numbers of Matchings3
Crossings and Nestings Over Some Motzkin Objects and $q$-Motzkin Numbers3
Automorphisms and Some Geodesic Properties of Ortho-Grassmann Graphs3
Generalized Rainbow Turán Numbers3
Classification of Toric Log Del Pezzo Surfaces with Few Singular Points3
Weierstrass Sets on Finite Graphs3
De Finetti Lattices and Magog Triangles3
Chordal Directed Graphs Are Not $\chi$-Bounded3
Betwixt and Between 2-Factor Hamiltonian and Perfect-Matching-Hamiltonian Graphs3
On the Strong Hanani-Tutte Theorem3
Saturation for Small Antichains3
Hamiltonian Cycles in Tough $(P_2\cup P_3)$-Free Graphs3
The Bernardi Formula for Nontransitive Deformations of the Braid Arrangement3
Degree Factors with Red-Blue Coloring of Regular Graphs3
Diameters of Cocircuit Graphs of Oriented Matroids: An Update3
On Prime-Valent Symmetric Cayley Graphs of Finite Simple Groups2
On the Running Time of Hypergraph Bootstrap Percolation2
Combinatorial Perspectives on the Crank and Mex Partition Statistics2
Ordering Circuits of Matroids2
Digital Almost Nets2
Off-Diagonally Symmetric Domino Tilings of the Aztec Diamond2
A Note on Complex-4-Colorability of Signed Planar Graphs2
Lengths of Irreducible and Delicate Words2
Improved Lower Bounds for Multiplicative Square-Free Sequences2
Combinatorial Game Distributions of Steiner Systems2
Transversals and Bipancyclicity in Bipartite Graph Families2
Counting Parabolic Double Cosets in Symmetric Groups2
On Generalised Majority Edge-Colourings of Graphs2
Smaller Extended Formulations for Spanning Tree Polytopes in Minor-closed Classes and Beyond2
Gröbner Bases for Increasing Sequences2
The Genus Distribution of Cubic Graphs and Asymptotic Number of Rooted Cubic Maps with High Genus2
Cats in Cubes2
Computing Volumes of Adjacency Polytopes via Draconian Sequences2
How Many Cliques Can a Clique Cover Cover?2
Generating New Partition Identities via a Generalized Continued Fraction Algorithm2
Enumeration of Sets of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Rectangles2
Spectral Extremal Results for Hypergraphs2
A New Presentation for Specht Modules with Distinct Parts2
The Root Distributions of Ehrhart Polynomials of Free Sums of Reflexive Polytopes2
Compatible Split Systems on a Multiset2
On the $Q$-Polynomial Property of the Full Bipartite Graph of a Hamming Graph2
On the Hamiltonian Property Hierarchy of 3-Connected Planar Graphs2
Constructing Maximal Pipedreams of Double Grothendieck Polynomials2
On $3$-uniform hypergraphs avoiding a cycle of length four2
Turán Numbers and Anti-Ramsey Numbers for Short Cycles in Complete $3$-Partite Graphs2
Higgledy-Piggledy Sets in Projective Spaces of Small Dimension2
Strong Erdős-Hajnal Properties in Chordal Graphs2
An Order on Circular Permutations2
Multicolor Ramsey Numbers for Berge cycles2
On Optimal Point Sets Determining Distinct Triangles2
An Equivariant Quantum Pieri Rule for the Grassmannian on Cylindric Shapes2
A 2-Stable Family of Triple Systems2
Hankel Determinants of q-Stirling Numbers2
A Note on Lenses in Arrangements of Pairwise Intersecting Circles in the Plane2
On the (Non-)Existence of Tight Distance-Regular Graphs: a Local Approach2
Coloring Drawings of Graphs2
The Eigenvalues of Hyperoctahedral Descent Operators and Applications to Card-Shuffling2
On Chromatic Symmetric Homology and Planarity of Graphs2
Spectra of Weighted Uniform Hypertrees2
Generalized Alder-Type Partition Inequalities2
Extremal Results for Graphs Avoiding a Rainbow Subgraph2
On Pattern Avoidance in Matchings and Involutions2
Lenart's Bijection via Bumpless Pipe Dreams2
Colored Unavoidable Patterns and Balanceable Graphs2
Improved Lower Bounds for Queen’s Domination via an Exactly-Solvable Relaxation2
Lower Bounds for the Turán Densities of Daisies2
On Ramsey-Minimal Infinite Graphs2
Comparison of Two Convergence Criteria for the Variable-Assignment Lopsided Lovasz Local Lemma2
Online Ramsey Numbers of Ordered Paths and Cycles2
Moduli Spaces of Codimension-One Subspaces in a Linear Variety and their Tropicalization2
On Kernels of Descent Statistics2
Generalized Catalan Numbers from Hypergraphs2
Factorially Many Maximum Matchings Close to the Erdős-Gallai Bound2
Algorithmically Distinguishing Irreducible Characters of the Symmetric Group2
On Bipartite Distinct Distances in the Plane2
Rainbow Pancyclicity in Graph Systems2
Level-Planarity: Transitivity vs. Even Crossings2
An Infinite Family of Connected 1-Factorisations of Complete 3-Uniform Hypergraphs2
The Ramsey Numbers of Squares of Paths and Cycles2
Paths of Length Three are $K_{r+1}$-Turán-Good2
Bounded-Degree Planar Graphs Do Not Have Bounded-Degree Product Structure2
A Generalization of the Bollobás Set Pairs Inequality2
Spectral Extremal Results on Trees2
The Park-Pham Theorem with Optimal Convergence Rate2
A Note on Ramsey Numbers Involving Large Books2
Searching for an Intruder on Graphs and Their Subdivisions2
Polynomial Extension of the Stronger Central Sets Theorem2
Combinatorial Gray Codes — an Updated Survey2
Improved Pyrotechnics: Closer to the Burning Number Conjecture2
On Zero-Sum Spanning Trees and Zero-Sum Connectivity2
Complexity Results on the Decomposition of a Digraph into Directed Linear Forests and Out-Stars2
Prisoners, Rooms, and Light Switches1
The $h$-Polynomial and the Rook Polynomial of some Polyominoes1
Sharp Szemerédi-Trotter Constructions in the Plane1
Long Induced Paths in Minor-Closed Graph Classes and Beyond1
Extremal Graphs for a Spectral Inequality on Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees1
Covering Symmetric Sets of the Boolean Cube by Affine Hyperplanes1
Majority Edge-Colorings of Graphs1
On the Matchings-Jack and Hypermap-Jack Conjectures for Labelled Matchings and Star Hypermaps1
A Dynamic Survey of Graph Labeling1
A Combinatorial Proof of a Schmidt Type Theorem of Andrews and Paule1
Covering Minimal Separators and Potential Maximal Cliques in $P_t$-Free Graphs1
On Completing Partial Latin Squares with Prescribed Diagonals1
Self-Avoiding Walks on Cayley Graphs Through the Lens of Symbolic Dynamics1
The "Young" and "Reverse" Dichotomy of Polynomials1
Improved Bounds Concerning the Maximum Degree of Intersecting Hypergraphs1
Classical Length-5 Pattern-Avoiding Permutations1
Structure and Colour in Triangle-Free Graphs1
Wreath Products and Projective System of non-Schurian Association Schemes1
Points and Lines Configurations for Perpendicular Bisectors of Convex Cyclic Polygons1
A Localized Approach to Generalized Turán Problems1
The Geometric Kernel of Integral Circulant Graphs1
Monochromatic Paths in 2-Edge-Coloured Graphs and Hypergraphs1
On Maximal Sum-Free Sets in Abelian Groups1
On the Concentration of the Chromatic Number of Random Graphs1
The Combinatorics Behind the Leading Kazhdan-Lusztig Coefficients of Braid Matroids1
On Extended Boundary Sequences of Morphic and Sturmian Words1
Minimum Number of Edges of Polytopes with $2d+2$ Vertices1
Nonrepetitively 3-Colorable Subdivisions of Graphs with a Logarithmic Number of Subdivisions per edge1
Pattern-Avoiding Ascent Sequences of Length 31
A Note on Repeated Degrees of Line Graphs1
Coloring Graph Classes with no Induced Fork via Perfect Divisibility1
Laplacian Fractional Revival on Graphs1
An Algebraic Formulation of Hypergraph Colorings1
Integer Colorings with No Rainbow 3-Term Arithmetic Progression1
Characterizations of the $G_2(4)$ and $L_3(4)$ Near Octagons1
Skeleton Ideals of Certain Graphs, Standard Monomials and Spherical Parking Functions1
Separating the Online and Offline DP-Chromatic Numbers1
Length-Four Pattern Avoidance in Inversion Sequences1
Permanental Inequalities for Totally Positive Matrices1
A Characteristic Polynomial for the Transition Probability Matrix of Correlated Random Walks on a Graph1
Note on Long Paths in Eulerian Digraphs1
Treewidth of the Generalized Kneser Graphs1
Spectral Extremal Problem on Disjoint Color-Critical Graphs1
On the Asymptotic Behavior for Partitions Separated by Parity1
On Polynomials Counting Essentially Irreducible Maps1
Extreme Values of Permutation Statistics1
The Nevo-Santos-Wilson Spheres are Shellable1
An Upper Bound for the Circumference of a 3-Connected Binary Matroid1
Irregularity of Graphs Respecting Degree Bounds1
On Self-Mullineux and Self-Conjugate Partitions1
Trees Contained in Every Orientation of a Graph1
The Bright Side of Simple Heuristics for the TSP1
Foot-Sorting for Socks1
On the Turán Number of the Linear $3$-Graph $C_{13}$1
Density of Balanced 3-Partite Graphs without 3-Cycles or 4-Cycles1
Chromatic Polynomials of 2-Edge-Coloured Graphs1
Maximal Chains in Bond Lattices1
An Isoperimetric Inequality for Hamming Balls and Local Expansion in Hypercubes1
Connecting $k$-Naples Parking Functions and Obstructed Parking Functions via Involutions1
Quasi-Random Boolean Functions1
The Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem for 2-Pointwise and 2-Setwise Intersecting Permutations1
Enumeration of Planar Constellations with an Alternating Boundary1
On Some Extremal and Probabilistic Questions for Tree Posets1
Weighted Projections of Alternating Sign Matrices: Latin-Like Squares and the ASM Polytope1
Minimum Maximal Matchings in Cubic Graphs1
Graphs with Girth $2\ell+1$ and Without Longer Odd Holes that Contain an Odd $K_4$-Subdivision1
Uncountably Many Minimal Hereditary Classes of Graphs of Unbounded Clique-Width1
The Top-Degree Part in the Matchings-Jack Conjecture1
Generalization of Markov Diophantine Equation via Generalized Cluster Algebra1
Linear Bounds for Cycle-Free Saturation Games1
Independent Dominating Sets in Planar Triangulations1
Bounds and Extremal Graphs for Total Dominating Identifying Codes1
Sharp Minimum Degree Conditions for the Existence of Disjoint Theta Graphs1
On Counting Double Centralizers of Symmetric Groups1
A Refinement of and a Companion to MacMahon's Partition Identity1
Cycle Decompositions of Complete Digraphs1
Bounding Generalized Coloring Numbers of Planar Graphs Using Coin Models1
Regarding Two Conjectures on Clique and Biclique Partitions1
Distribution of External Branch Lengths in Yule Histories1
Counting Occurrences of Patterns in Permutations1
A Note on Long Cycles in Sparse Random Graphs1
Improved Packings of $n(n − 1)$ Unit Squares in a Square1
Some Exact Results for Non-Degenerate Generalized Turán Problems1
The Characterization of Cones as Pointsets with 3 Intersection Numbers1
A Note on Hamilton Decompositions of Even-Regular Multigraphs1
Large Monochromatic Components in Almost Complete Graphs and Bipartite Graphs1
On the Anti-Ramsey Threshold for Non-Balanced Graphs1
The Number of Spanning Trees in 4-Regular Simple Graphs1
The Sprague-Grundy Functions of Saturations of Misère Nim1
A Hall-Type Condition for Path Covers in Bipartite Graphs1
Density Maximizers of Layered Permutations1
On an Induced Version of Menger's Theorem1
Distinguishing Number of Universal Homogeneous Urysohn Metric Spaces1
Bender-Knuth Involutions for Types B and C1
$2\times n$ Grids have Unbounded Anagram-Free Chromatic Number1
Extremal Graphs for the Suspension of Edge-Critical Graphs1
A Nearly Finitary Matroid that is not $k$-Nearly Finitary1
Unknotted Cycles1
Refined Counting of Core Partitions into $d$-Distinct Parts1
Power of $k$ Choices in the Semi-Random Graph Process1
Critical Groups of Arithmetical Structures on Star Graphs and Complete Graphs1
On Certain Edge-Transitive Bicirculants of Twice Odd Order1
Cores of Partitions in Rectangles1
Computing Excluded Minors for Classes of Matroids Representable over Partial Fields1
Permutations with Few Inversions1
On a Huge Family of Non-Schurian Schur Rings1
Normal Polytopes and Ellipsoids1
Powers of Hamilton Cycles of High Discrepancy are Unavoidable1
The Set of Ratios of Derangements to Permutations in Digraphs is Dense in $[0,1/2]$1
Nearly Gorenstein Rings Arising from Finite Graphs1
Spectral Radius of Graphs with Given Size and Odd Girth1
Principal Specialization of Dual Characters of Flagged Weyl Modules1
Labelled Well-Quasi-Order in Juxtapositions of Permutation Classes1
Thin Distance-Regular Graphs with Classical Parameters $(D,q,q, \frac{q^{t}-1}{q-1}-1)$ with $t> D$ are the Grassmann Graphs1
Counterexamples to the Characterisation of Graphs with Equal Independence and Annihilation Number1
Almost Every Matroid has an $M(K_4)$- or a $\mathcal{W}^3$-Minor1
Long Cycles in Percolated Expanders1
On Blocking Sets of the Tangent Lines to a Nonsingular Quadric in $\mathrm{PG}(3,q)$, $q$ Prime1
The Rotor-Routing Torsor and the Bernardi Torsor Disagree for Every Non-Planar Ribbon Graph1
A New Family of Algebraically Defined Graphs with Small Automorphism Group1
Mixed Dimer Configuration Model in Type D Cluster Algebras1