Invertebrate Biology

(The TQCC of Invertebrate Biology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Mobile learning applications to improve invertebrate zoology online teaching17
Scaling of ctenes and consequences for swimming performance in the ctenophore Pleurobrachia bachei13
DNA barcoding of echinopluteus larvae uncovers cryptic diversity in neotropical echinoids10
Microclimate and habitat heterogeneity as important drivers of soil Collembola in a karst collapse doline in the temperate zone8
How I wonder what you are: Can DNA barcoding identify the larval asteroids of Panama?7
The use of an integrative approach to identify coelomocytes in three species of the genus Holothuria (Echinodermata)7
Integrating microscopy, art, and humanities to power STEAM learning in biology6
Ultrastructure of extracorporeal secretions of four sessile species of Rotifera (Gnesiotrocha), with observations on the chemistry of the gelatinous tube5
Self‐guided field trips take invertebrate zoology students away from their screens and into the environment for hands‐on learning5
Ultrastructure of the body cavities in juveniles and adults of the appendicularian Oikopleura gracilis (Tunicata, Chordata) suggests how the heart may have evolved in tunicates5
Annotated checklist and genetic data for parasitic helminths infecting New Zealand marine invertebrates5
A new species of deep‐sea torquaratorid enteropneust (Hemichordata): A sequential hermaphrodite with exceptionally wide lips5
Student‐led field studies of herbivory: Hands‐on experiences for remote (or in‐person) learning4
Mining a photo library: Eggs and egg sacs in a major spider family4
Invertebrate Film Festival: Science, creativity, and flexibility in a virtual teaching environment4
Stepwise changes in morphology during the settlement process in a merobenthic octopus, Octopus sinensis, raised in the laboratory4
“Brittleworms”: Ultrastructure and arrangement of the calcified chaetae of Euphrosine (Amphinomida, Annelida)4
From frustules to medusae: A new culture system for the study of the invasive hydrozoan Craspedacusta sowerbii in the laboratory4
Hoplonemertean larvae are planktonic predators that capture and devour active animal prey4
Water content in diet affects growth and timing of female first mating, but not coloration, in the admirable grasshopper (Syrbula admirabilis)4
Ontogenetic development of the crinoidPoliometra prolixain the Arctic deep sea4
The role of temperature and oxygen availability on the distribution of Corbicula largillierti4
Spawning, embryogenesis, settlement, and post‐settlement development of the gorgonian Plexaura homomalla4
The effects of changes in temperature and salinity on the quality of shells selected by the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus4
Biochemical variability in sponges across the Caribbean basin4
Meiofauna is an important, yet often overlooked, component of biodiversity in the ecosystem formed by Posidonia oceanica4
The lab In A box: A take‐out practical experience for an online invertebrate biology course4
Notopodial “spinning glands” of Sthenelanella (Annelida: Sigalionidae) are modified chaetal sacs3
How to culture limnoterrestrial heterotardigrades3
Providing interactive and field laboratories while teaching university marine biology classes in an era of COVID‐193
Localization and distribution of nitric oxide synthase and other neuronal markers in the podia of Holothuria arguinensis3
First report on the life history of the marine amphipod Ceradocus mizani and its implication for aquaculture3
Refining species boundaries among velvet worms (Onychophora, Peripatopsidae), with the description of two new species of Opisthopatus from South Africa3
Reproduction, recruitment, and growth of the Arctic deep‐sea hydroid Bouillonia cornucopia3
The life history fitness of F1 hybrids of the microcrustaceans Daphnia pulex and Daphnia pulicaria (Crustacea, Anomopoda)3
Detection of a novel species complex of shell‐boring polychaetes in the northeastern United States3
A trapdoor spider, Latouchia typica (Araneae: Halonoproctidae), uses vibrational cues as a trigger for predatory behavior3
Behavior and development of larvae in the sponge Haliclona amboinensis3
Barcoding of South African forest‐dwelling snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) reveals widespread cryptic diversity3
Reproduction and early life stages of the poecilosclerid sponge Crella incrustans3
First steps toward suctorial feeding in millipedes: Comparative morphology of the head of the Platydesmida (Diplopoda: Colobognatha)3
Knots, spoons, and cloches: DNA barcoding unusual larval forms helps document the diversity of Neotropical marine annelids3
Late maturity and evidence for female biennial spawning in the sea pen Pennatula aculeata (Anthozoa, Pennatulacea) in eastern Canada3