Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics

(The TQCC of Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Using Sequence Mining Techniques for Understanding Incorrect Behavioral Patterns on Interactive Tasks22
Analyzing Cross-Sectionally Clustered Data Using Generalized Estimating Equations19
Mean Comparisons of Many Groups in the Presence of DIF: An Evaluation of Linking and Concurrent Scaling Approaches15
On the Treatment of Missing Data in Background Questionnaires in Educational Large-Scale Assessments: An Evaluation of Different Procedures14
Design Considerations in Multisite Randomized Trials Probing Moderated Treatment Effects13
Modeling Item-Level Heterogeneous Treatment Effects With the Explanatory Item Response Model: Leveraging Large-Scale Online Assessments to Pinpoint the Impact of Educational Interventions11
Block What You Can, Except When You Shouldn’t9
Item Characteristic Curve Asymmetry: A Better Way to Accommodate Slips and Guesses Than a Four-Parameter Model?9
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Learning Systems9
Testing Differential Item Functioning Without Predefined Anchor Items Using Robust Regression8
Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling Incorporating Response Times and Fixation Counts: Providing Comprehensive Feedback and Accurate Diagnosis8
Hybridizing Machine Learning Methods and Finite Mixture Models for Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Latent Classes8
Obtaining Interpretable Parameters From Reparameterized Longitudinal Models: Transformation Matrices Between Growth Factors in Two Parameter Spaces8
Power Approximations for Overall Average Effects in Meta-Analysis With Dependent Effect Sizes7
A New Multiprocess IRT Model With Ideal Points for Likert-Type Items7
Reporting Proficiency Levels for Examinees With Incomplete Data6
Cross-Classified Random Effects Modeling for Moderated Item Calibration6
Zero and One Inflated Item Response Theory Models for Bounded Continuous Data6
Detecting Noneffortful Responses Based on a Residual Method Using an Iterative Purification Process6
Monitoring Item Performance With CUSUM Statistics in Continuous Testing6
Speed–Accuracy Trade-Off? Not So Fast: Marginal Changes in Speed Have Inconsistent Relationships With Accuracy in Real-World Settings6
Cross-Classified Item Response Theory Modeling With an Application to Student Evaluation of Teaching5
The Restricted DINA Model: A Comprehensive Cognitive Diagnostic Model for Classroom-Level Assessments5
Analyzing Longitudinal Social Relations Model Data Using the Social Relations Structural Equation Model5
Testing Latent Variable Distribution Fit in IRT Using Posterior Residuals5
A Practical Guide for Analyzing Large-Scale Assessment Data Using Mplus: A Case Demonstration Using the Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies Data5
Commentary on “Validation Methods for Aggregate-Level Test Scale Linking: A Case Study Mapping School District Test Score Distributions to a Common Scale”4
Statistical Power for Estimating Treatment Effects Using Difference-in-Differences and Comparative Interrupted Time Series Estimators With Variation in Treatment Timing4
Aggregate-Level Test-Scale Linking: A New Solution for an Old Problem?4
Nonparametric Classification Method for Multiple-Choice Items in Cognitive Diagnosis4
A Class of Cognitive Diagnosis Models for Polytomous Data4
Comparison of Within- and Between-Series Effect Estimates in the Meta-Analysis of Multiple Baseline Studies4
Latent Transition Cognitive Diagnosis Model With Covariates: A Three-Step Approach4
Forced-Choice Ranking Models for Raters’ Ranking Data4
Computational Strategies and Estimation Performance With Bayesian Semiparametric Item Response Theory Models4
Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Within Latent Class Multilevel Models: A Bayesian Approach3
Estimating Difference-Score Reliability in Pretest–Posttest Settings3
Diagnosing Primary Students’ Reading Progression: Is Cognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing the Way Forward?3
Using Response Times for Joint Modeling of Careless Responding and Attentive Response Styles3
Item Pool Quality Control in Educational Testing: Change Point Model, Compound Risk, and Sequential Detection3
Regression Discontinuity Designs With an Ordinal Running Variable: Evaluating the Effects of Extended Time Accommodations for English-Language Learners3
Jenss–Bayley Latent Change Score Model With Individual Ratio of the Growth Acceleration in the Framework of Individual Measurement Occasions3
The Use of the Posterior Probability in Score Differencing3