Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics

(The median citation count of Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A Two-Level Adaptive Test Battery23
A Collection of Numerical Recipes Useful for Building Scalable Psychometric Applications20
Two Statistical Tests for the Detection of Item Compromise15
On the Generalized S−X2–Test of Item Fit: Some Variants, Residuals, and a Graphical Visualization15
A Critical View on the NEAT Equating Design: Statistical Modeling and Identifiability Problems11
A Multistrategy Cognitive Diagnosis Model Incorporating Item Response Times Based on Strategy Selection Theories10
Computational Strategies and Estimation Performance With Bayesian Semiparametric Item Response Theory Models9
DINA-BAG: A Bagging Algorithm for DINA Model Parameter Estimation in Small Samples9
Exploiting Network Information to Disentangle Spillover Effects in a Field Experiment on Teens’ Museum Attendance9
Using Response Times in Answer Similarity Analysis8
Breaking Our Silence on Factor Score Indeterminacy8
Diagnosing Primary Students’ Reading Progression: Is Cognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing the Way Forward?8
Handling Missing Data in Cross-Classified Multilevel Analyses: An Evaluation of Different Multiple Imputation Approaches7
Equivalencies Between Ad Hoc Strategies and Multivariate Models for Meta-Analysis of Dependent Effect Sizes6
A Randomization P-Value Test for Detecting Copying on Multiple-Choice Exams6
A Simple Technique Assessing Ordinal and Disordinal Interaction Effects6
Bayesian Estimation of Attribute Hierarchy for Cognitive Diagnosis Models6
Is It Who You Are or Where You Are? Accounting for Compositional Differences in Cross-Site Treatment Effect Variation6
Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs With Multiple Control Groups Under One-Sided Noncompliance: Evaluating Extended Time Accommodations6
Bayesian Change-Point Analysis Approach to Detecting Aberrant Test-Taking Behavior Using Response Times6
Development of a High-Accuracy and Effective Online Calibration Method in CD-CAT Based on Gini Index5
Statistical Power for Estimating Treatment Effects Using Difference-in-Differences and Comparative Interrupted Time Series Estimators With Variation in Treatment Timing5
A Case Study of Nonresponse Bias Analysis in Educational Assessment Surveys5
Analyzing Cross-Sectionally Clustered Data Using Generalized Estimating Equations4
Using Ordering Theory to Learn Attribute Hierarchies From Examinees’ Attribute Profiles4
Cross-Classified Random Effects Modeling for Moderated Item Calibration4
Item Pool Quality Control in Educational Testing: Change Point Model, Compound Risk, and Sequential Detection4
Measurement and Uncertainty Preserving Parametric Modeling for Continuous Latent Variables With Discrete Indicators and External Variables4
Improving the Estimation of Site-Specific Effects and Their Distribution in Multisite Trials3
Analyzing Polytomous Test Data: A Comparison Between an Information-Based IRT Model and the Generalized Partial Credit Model3
Estimating Difference-Score Reliability in Pretest–Posttest Settings3
A New Multiprocess IRT Model With Ideal Points for Likert-Type Items3
Obtaining Interpretable Parameters From Reparameterized Longitudinal Models: Transformation Matrices Between Growth Factors in Two Parameter Spaces3
Combining Human and Automated Scoring Methods in Experimental Assessments of Writing: A Case Study Tutorial3
Comparison of Within- and Between-Series Effect Estimates in the Meta-Analysis of Multiple Baseline Studies3
Harnessing AI for Educational Measurement: Standards and Emerging Frontiers3
Profiles in Research: Lawrence J. Hubert2
Forced-Choice Ranking Models for Raters’ Ranking Data2
Jenss–Bayley Latent Change Score Model With Individual Ratio of the Growth Acceleration in the Framework of Individual Measurement Occasions2
An Improved Inferential Procedure to Evaluate Item Discriminations in a Conditional Maximum Likelihood Framework2
Evaluating Intersectional Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making Using Intersectional Differential Algorithmic Functioning2
Improving Accuracy and Stability of Aggregate Student Growth Measures Using Empirical Best Linear Prediction2
A Causal Latent Transition Model With Multivariate Outcomes and Unobserved Heterogeneity: Application to Human Capital Development2
A Position-Sensitive Mixture Item Response Model2
Chance-Constrained Automated Test Assembly2
Mean Comparisons of Many Groups in the Presence of DIF: An Evaluation of Linking and Concurrent Scaling Approaches2
Detecting Item Preknowledge Using Revisits With Speed and Accuracy2
Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling Incorporating Response Times and Fixation Counts: Providing Comprehensive Feedback and Accurate Diagnosis2
Modeling Item-Level Heterogeneous Treatment Effects With the Explanatory Item Response Model: Leveraging Large-Scale Online Assessments to Pinpoint the Impact of Educational Interventions2
Regression Discontinuity Designs With an Ordinal Running Variable: Evaluating the Effects of Extended Time Accommodations for English-Language Learners1
Iterative Attribute Hierarchy Exploration Methods for Cognitive Diagnosis Models1
Erratum to Identifying Informative Predictor Variables With Random Forests1
Evaluating Psychometric Differences Between Fast Versus Slow Responses on Rating Scale Items1
A Multidimensional Partially Compensatory Response Time Model on Basis of the Log-Normal Distribution1
Cognitive Diagnosis Testlet Model for Multiple-Choice Items1
Using Permutation Tests to Identify Statistically Sound and Nonredundant Sequential Patterns in Educational Event Sequences1
Using Response Times for Joint Modeling of Careless Responding and Attentive Response Styles1
Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Within Latent Class Multilevel Models: A Bayesian Approach1
Corrigendum to Power Approximations for Overall Average Effects in Meta-Analysis With Dependent Effect Sizes1
Block What You Can, Except When You Shouldn’t1
Analyzing Longitudinal Social Relations Model Data Using the Social Relations Structural Equation Model1
Extending an Identified Four-Parameter IRT Model: The Confirmatory Set-4PNO Model1
A General Mixture Model for Cognitive Diagnosis1
Using Regularized Methods to Validate Q-Matrix in Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment1
Using Sequence Mining Techniques for Understanding Incorrect Behavioral Patterns on Interactive Tasks1
Detecting Noneffortful Responses Based on a Residual Method Using an Iterative Purification Process1
Using a Deep Learning-Based Visual Computational Model to Identify Cognitive Strategies in Matrix Reasoning1
Improving Balance in Educational Measurement: A Legacy of E. F. Lindquist1
Redefining Item Response Models for Small Samples1
Detecting Compromised Items With Response Times Using a Bayesian Change-Point Approach1
A Diagnostic Tree Model for Adaptive Assessment of Complex Cognitive Processes Using Multidimensional Response Options1