Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied

(The median citation count of Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Long-term effectiveness of inoculation against misinformation: Three longitudinal experiments.121
Quantifying the effects of fake news on behavior: Evidence from a study of COVID-19 misinformation.63
Information delivered by a chatbot has a positive impact on COVID-19 vaccines attitudes and intentions.31
Risk perceptions and health behaviors as COVID-19 emerged in the United States: Results from a probability-based nationally representative sample.30
Risk compensation during COVID-19: The impact of face mask usage on social distancing.20
Finding the “sweet spot” of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to increase well-being and healthy lifestyle?! An experimental intervention study.18
Can algorithms legitimize discrimination?18
Age-related framing effects: Why vaccination against COVID-19 should be promoted differently in younger and older adults.17
Self-driving vehicles against human drivers: Equal safety is far from enough.17
Trigger warnings and resilience in college students: A preregistered replication and extension.17
Employability in autism spectrum disorder (ASD): Job candidate’s diagnostic disclosure and asd characteristics and employer’s ASD knowledge and social desirability.15
Incentives can reduce bias in online employer reviews.14
The future is now: Age-progressed images motivate community college students to prepare for their financial futures.14
The moderating effect of autonomy on promotional health messages encouraging healthcare professionals’ to get the influenza vaccine.13
Math matters: A novel, brief educational intervention decreases whole number bias when reasoning about COVID-19.12
Pretesting versus posttesting: Comparing the pedagogical benefits of errorful generation and retrieval practice.12
COVID-19: Risk perception, risk communication, and behavioral intentions.12
Framing messages for vaccination supporters.12
Can self-protective behaviors increase unrealistic optimism? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic.11
The perception of food products in adolescents, lay adults, and experts: A psychometric approach.11
Masculinity contest culture reduces organizational citizenship behaviors through decreased organizational identification.10
Experimental evidence for the effects of job demands and job control on physical activity after work.10
Aging in an “infodemic”: The role of analytical reasoning, affect, and news consumption frequency on news veracity detection.10
Risky but alluring: Severe COVID-19 pandemic influence increases risk taking.10
Stocks, flows, and risk response to pandemic data.9
Consumer debt and satisfaction in life.9
Do working memory capacity and test anxiety modulate the beneficial effects of testing on new learning?9
Take notes, not photos: Mind-wandering mediates the impact of note-taking strategies on video-recorded lecture learning performance.9
AI composer bias: Listeners like music less when they think it was composed by an AI.9
Automated decision aids: When are they advisors and when do they take control of human decision making?8
Warning weakens retrieval-enhanced suggestibility only when it is given shortly after misinformation: The critical importance of timing.8
Innocence in the shadow of COVID-19: Plea decision making during a pandemic.8
The medium and the message: Comparing the effectiveness of six methods of misinformation delivery in an eyewitness memory paradigm.8
Prequestions enhance learning, but only when they are remembered.7
“Master” of none: Institutional language change linked to reduced gender bias.7
Is the key to phishing training persistence?: Developing a novel persistent intervention.7
Risk perception, decision-making, and risk communication in the time of COVID-19.7
“Only your first yes will count”: The impact of prelineup instructions on sequential lineup decisions.7
Who knows what? Knowledge misattribution in the division of cognitive labor.7
Friend-shield protection from the crowd: How friendship makes people feel invulnerable to COVID-19.7
Math anxiety, but not induced stress, is associated with objective numeracy.7
Racial bias in the sharing economy and the role of trust and self-congruence.7
Education increases decision-rule use: An investigation of education and incentives to improve decision making.7
Changing pace: Using implementation intentions to enhance social distancing behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.6
Spearcon compression levels influence the gap in comprehension between untrained and trained listeners.6
Search for a distressed swimmer in a dynamic, real-world environment.6
Scheduling math practice: Students’ underappreciation of spacing and interleaving.6
Seeing isn’t necessarily believing: Misleading contextual information influences perceptual-cognitive bias in radiologists.6
Explaining how long CO₂ stays in the atmosphere: Does it change attitudes toward climate change?6
Unraveling the effects of rubrics and exemplars on student writing performance.6
Elevated stress impairs the accuracy of eyewitness memory but not the confidence–accuracy relationship.6
The effect of lineup size on eyewitness identification.6
Covert attention leads to fast and accurate decision-making.5
Baby fever: Situational cues shift the desire to have children via empathic emotions.5
Is an outgroup welcome with open arms? Approach and avoidance motor activations and outgroup prejudice.5
“Lass frooby noo!” the interference of song lyrics and meaning on speech intelligibility.5
Persistence is futile: Chasing of past performance in repeated investment choices.5
The persistence of distraction: The hidden costs of intermittent multitasking.5
Evaluating experts may serve psychological needs: Self-esteem, bias blind spot, and processing fluency explain confirmation effect in assessing financial advisors’ authority.5
“Will you?” versus “can you?”: Verbal framing moderates the effect of feelings of power on consumers’ reactions to waiting.5
Information processing biases: The effects of negative emotional symptoms on sampling pleasant and unpleasant information.5
Finding the perfect match: Fingerprint expertise facilitates statistical learning and visual comparison decision-making.5
Acute pain impairs sustained attention.4
Differential effects of pressure on social contagion of memory.4
Bring out your experts: The relationship between perceived expert causal understanding and pandemic behaviors.4
Improving conceptual learning via pretests.4
Comparing effects of default nudges and informing on recycled water decisions.4
True–false tests enhance retention relative to rereading.4
Fostering perceptions of authenticity via sensitive self-disclosure.4
Effects of inductive learning and gamification on news veracity discernment.4
Sorry, not sorry: The effect of social power on transgressors’ apology and nonapology.3
Less biased yet more defensive: The impact of control processes.3
Knowledge of wealth shapes social impressions.3
Correcting statistical misinformation about scientific findings in the media: Causation versus correlation.3
An evidence accumulation model of perceptual discrimination with naturalistic stimuli.3
Science communication gets personal: Ambivalent effects of self-disclosure in science communication on trust in science.3
Deliberative thinking increases tolerance of minority group practices: Testing a dual-process model of tolerance.3
Attention affordances: Applying attention theory to the design of complex visual interfaces.3
Examining the effects of passive and active strategy use during interactive search for LEGO® bricks.3
Metacognition guides intention offloading and fulfillment of real-world plans.3
The Marlboro men don’t cry: Understanding the gendered perceptions of people seeking mental health care.3
How do people perceive sexual harassment targeting transgender women, lesbians, and straight cisgender women?3
Democratic forecast: Small groups predict the future better than individuals and crowds.3
Public support for sentencing reform: A policy-capturing experiment.3
Identifying inefficient strategies in automation-aided signal detection.3
Generating mnemonics boosts recall of chemistry information.3
Like mother, like daughter: Adults’ judgments about genetic inheritance.3
Watching the mimickers: Mimicry and identity in observed interactions.3
Decisions about overdraft coverage: Disclosure design and personal finances.3
The public’s judgment of sex trafficked women: Blaming the victim?3
The mysteries of mystery deals: The roles of purchase type (material vs. experiential purchases) and excitement neglect.3
Reducing vaccine hesitancy by explaining vaccine science.3
Graphs do not lead people to infer causation from correlation.2
Racial bias in perceptions of children’s pain.2
Dynamic workload measurement and modeling: Driving and conversing.2
A substance user-self fit perception increases identification as a user of the substance.2
Mixed reactions to multicultural (vs. Colorblind) diversity approach signals: A lay theories of culture perspective.2
Individual differences predict low prevalence visual search performance and sources of errors: An eye-tracking study.2
Attention spreads between students in a learning environment.2
Dynamic ensemble visualizations to support understanding for uncertain trajectories.2
A dyadic approach toward the interpersonal consequences of time pressure.2
People are worse at detecting fake news in their foreign language.2
Take a moment to apologize: How and why mindfulness affects apologies.2
Examining the efficacy of vibrotactile displays for monitoring patient vital signs: Six laboratory studies of change detection and state identification.2
Political and nonpolitical belief change elicits behavioral change.2
Effects of process and outcome accountability on escalating commitment: A two-study replication.2
Effects of feature highlighting and causal explanations on category learning in a natural-science domain.2
Improving the interpretation of verbal eyewitness confidence statements by distinguishing perceptions of certainty from those of accuracy.2
Double reading reduces miss errors in low prevalence search.2
How safe is this trip? Judging personal safety in a pandemic based on information from different sources.2
The effects of generating examples on comprehension and metacomprehension.2
Worse in real life: An eye-tracking examination of the cost of CAD at low prevalence.2
The psycholinguistic and affective processing of framed health messages among younger and older adults.2
Perceptual grouping affects students’ propensity to make inferences consistent with their misconceptions.2
In self-defense: Reappraisal buffers the negative impact of low procedural fairness on performance.2
Understanding implicit bias (UIB): Experimental evaluation of an online bias education program.2
Moral paragons, but crummy friends: The case of snitching.2
Can conflict cultivate collaboration? The positive impact of mild versus intense task conflict via perceived openness rather than emotions.2
Spatiotemporal influences on the recognition of two-dimensional vibrotactile patterns on the abdomen.2
Should I judge safety or danger? Perceived risk depends on the question frame.2
Not just for your health alone: Regular exercisers’ decision-making in unrelated domains.2
Number lines can be more effective at facilitating adults’ performance on health-related ratio problems than risk ladders and icon arrays.2
How heuristic credibility cues affect credibility judgments and decisions.2
Mental simulation across sensory modalities predicts attractiveness of food concepts.2
To unpack or not? Testing public health messaging about COVID-19.2
Is it riskier to meet 100 people outdoors or 14 people indoors? Comparing public and expert perceptions of COVID-19 risk.2
Follow my example, for better and for worse: The influence of behavioral traces on recycling decisions.2
Representational-mapping strategies improve learning from an online statistics textbook.1
Speeding lectures to make time for retrieval practice: Can we improve the efficiency of interpolated testing?1
Does change of responsibility reduce escalating commitment? A replication and theoretical extension.1
Planning-to-binge: Time allocation for future media consumption.1
Chubby or thin? Investigation of (in)congruity between product body shapes and internal warmth/competence.1
Sequential human redundancy: Can social loafing diminish the safety of double checks?1
The impact of probabilistic tornado warnings on risk perceptions and responses.1
Playing a social dilemma game as an exploratory learning activity before instruction improves conceptual understanding.1
Individual differences in teleporting through virtual environments.1
The commission effect: Framing affects perceived magnitude of identical payouts.1
Scientists, speak up! Source impacts trust in health advice across five countries.1
The impact of cognitive work demands on subsequent physical activity behavior.1
Easily accessible but easily forgettable: How ease of access to information online affects cognitive miserliness.1
Video speeding can be efficient and speeding-induced preference cost can be lessened by selective speeding.1
Cause typicality and the continued influence effect.1
The effects of summarization and factual retrieval practice on text comprehension and text retention in elementary education.1
Enhancing declarative concept application: The utility of examples as primary targets of learning.1
Interactive crowdsourcing to fact-check politicians.1
Seeing and doing are not believing: Investigating when and how conceptual knowledge impinges on observation and recall of physical motion.1
Comparing the effectiveness of two theory-based strategies to promote cognitive training adherence.1
What determines hindsight bias in written work? One field and three experimental studies in the context of Wikipedia.1
The mazing race: Effects of interruptions and benefits of interruption lags in a novel maze-like decision-making paradigm.1
Investigating the role of added versus subtracted ingredients in counterinferencing and preference formation.1
How much will you share?: Exploring attitudinal and behavioral nudges in online private information sharing.1
Gender equality eliminates gender gaps in engagement with female-stereotypic domains.1
Effects of associative inference on individuals’ susceptibility to misinformation.1
Choose as much as you wish: Freedom cues in the marketplace help consumers feel more satisfied with what they choose and improve customer experience.1
Remembering what to do when the time comes: The effects of offloading in a complex prospective memory task.1
Mitigating consequence insensitivity for genetically engineered crops.1
Resolving problems with the skill retention literature: An empirical demonstration and recommendations for researchers.1
Exposure to descriptions of traumatic events narrows one’s concept of trauma.1
Generating authenticity in automated work.1
People think the everyday effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are not as bad for people in poverty.1
Did you see what I saw?: Comparing attentional synchrony during 360° video viewing in head mounted display and tablets.1
Do partial and distributed tests enhance new learning?1
“It was not mentioned”: Improving responses to unanswerable questions using retrieval instructions.1
The cure effect: Individuals demand universal access for health treatments that claim to eliminate disease symptoms.1
Repeating head fakes in basketball: Temporal aspects affect the congruency sequence effect and the size of the head-fake effect.1
Moving-horizon versus moving-aircraft: Effectiveness of competing attitude indicator formats on recoveries from discrete and continuous attitude changes.1
Public reactions to instances of workplace gender discrimination.1
The role of spontaneous recovery effects in the context of German orthography instruction methods with delayed correction.1
Once bitten, twice shy: The negative spillover effect of seeing betrayal of trust.1