
(The TQCC of Complexity is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Follow Me Going Out: Cross-Border Investment of Domestic Venture Capital and Overseas Listing of Portfolio Companies318
Analysis and Characterization of the Spread of COVID‐19 in Mexico through Complex Networks and Optimization Approaches143
Establishing a Novel Algorithm for Highly Responsive Storage Space Allocation Based on NAR and Improved NSGA‐III100
Information Propagation Influenced by Population Heterogeneity Behavioral Adoption on Weighted Network73
Adaptive Mixed‐Attribute Data Clustering Method Based on Density Peaks72
Analysis of Topological Aspects for Metal‐Insulator Transition Superlattice Network72
Smoothing Connected Ball Bézier Curves by Energy Minimization68
Eigenpairs for the Analysis of Complete Lyapunov Functions68
Research on the Vulnerability of Government Procurement of Elderly Care Services: A Complex Network Perspective66
DWT‐SVD Based Watermarking for High‐Resolution Medical Holographic Images65
A Bibliometric Analysis on Agent‐Based Models in Finance: Identification of Community Clusters and Future Research Trends63
Incremental Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Nonaffine Systems56
Complexity Analysis of a 2D‐Piecewise Smooth Duopoly Model: New Products versus Remanufactured Products54
Multiobjectives for Optimal Geographic Routing in IoT Health Care System52
Complex Management Countermeasures of Postgraduate Education Quality Based on Comparison of International Training Models52
Paths Study on Knowledge Convergence and Development in Computational Social Science: Data Metric Analysis Based on Web of Science50
Independent Innovation Incentive Mechanism of the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone of China Based on Evolutionary Game47
A Three‐Dimensional Autonomous System with a Parabolic Equilibrium: Dynamical Analysis, Adaptive Synchronization via Relay Coupling, and Applications to Steganography and Chaos Encryption46
The Peer Effects of the Usage of Credit Cards in Rural Areas of China: Evidence from Rural China44
Ecological and Coevolutionary Dynamics in Modern Markets Yield Nonstationarity in Market Efficiencies44
Studying the Stability of the ψ‐Hilfer Fractional Differential System44
Fama–French Three‐Factor Versus Daniel‐Titman Characteristics Model: A Comparative Study of Asset Pricing Models from India42
Machine Learning to Assess Relatedness: The Advantage of Using Firm‐Level Data41
Blockchain‐Based Contact Tracing and Information Sharing Model for COVID‐19 Pandemic40
On Topological Analysis of Niobium (II) Oxide Network via Curve Fitting and Entropy Measures40
Research on Three‐Phase Unbalanced Commutation Strategy Based on the Spotted Hyena Optimizer Algorithm40
The Effect of Specific Risk in Various Stages of the Life Cycle of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange39
Temporal Variation Measure Analysis: An Improved Second‐Order Difference Plot37
Revisiting the Interval and Fuzzy TOPSIS Methods: Is Euclidean Distance a Suitable Tool to Measure the Differences between Fuzzy Numbers?36
Distance‐Based Topological Descriptors on Ternary Hypertree Networks36
HCDRNN‐NMPC: A New Approach to Design Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) Based on the Hyper Chaotic Diagonal Recurrent Neural Network (HCDRNN)36
Effects of Land Use/Cover Change on the Ecosystem Service Values in the Greater Bay Area of China Accounting for Spatiotemporal Complexity36
Volatility Risk Premium, Return Predictability, and ESG Sentiment: Evidence from China’s Spots and Options’ Markets36
Optimal Algorithms for Nonlinear Equations with Applications and Their Dynamics36
Complexity: Frontiers in Data‐Driven Methods for Understanding, Prediction, and Control of Complex Systems 2022 on the Development of Information Theoretic Model Selection Criteria for the Analysis of35
Novel Method in Induction Heating for Complex Steel Plate Deformation Based on Artificial Neural Network35
The Behavior and Impact of Heterogeneous Investors in China’s Stock Index Futures Market: An Agent‐Based Model on Cross‐Market Trades35
High‐Voltage Topological Architecture‐Based Energy Management Strategy of the Plug‐In Hybrid Powertrain System35
Crude Oil Spot Price Forecasting Using Ivanov‐Based LASSO Vector Autoregression34
The Effect of Using Computerized Financial Statement Analysis on the Efficiency of Financial Performance: An Empirical Case on Industrial Factor in Project Scheduling‐Jordan Case Study34
Simulation‐Based Multiobjective Optimization of Open‐Pit Mine Haulage System: A Modified‐NBI Method and Meta Modeling Approach34
A Demand Forecasting Model Leveraging Machine Learning to Decode Customer Preferences for New Fashion Products32
Ripple-Spreading Network of China’s Systemic Financial Risk Contagion: New Evidence from the Regime-Switching Model32
Credit Index Screening Model of Family Farms and Family Ranches Based on Fuzzy Bayesian Theory of Depth Weighting31
A Novel Approach on the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Frank Aggregation Operator‐Based EDAS Method for Multicriteria Group Decision‐Making31
The Complex Neural Network Model for Mass Appraisal and Scenario Forecasting of the Urban Real Estate Market Value That Adapts Itself to Space and Time31
Adaptive Algorithm Recommendation and Application of Learning Resources in English Fragmented Reading31
Modeling the Social Influence Effectiveness of Popular Weibo Events31
Optimization of Energy in Sustainable Architecture and Green Roofs in Construction: A Review of Challenges and Advantages31
An Efficient Recommendation Algorithm Based on Heterogeneous Information Network30
Arrhythmia Classification Techniques Using Deep Neural Network30
Allocating Defense and Recovery Resources for Spatial Networks against Cascading Failures30
Adaptive Similarity Function with Structural Features of Network Embedding for Missing Link Prediction30
Research on the Design and Application of Sports Competition Ticketing Platform Based on Edge Computing30
Trajectory Tracking Nonlinear Hybrid Control of Automated Guided Vehicles30
Improving Transformer‐Based Neural Machine Translation with Prior Alignments30
Effect of Physically Realistic Potential Energy Form on Spatial Pattern Complexity in a Collective Motion Model29
An Improved Framework for Content‐ and Link‐Based Web‐Spam Detection: A Combined Approach28
Grasp Detection under Occlusions Using SIFT Features28
Key Elements Affecting the Library’s CFU Concentration in Taiwan28
The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Bank Profitability during COVID‐19: A Comparison with China and Pakistan28
Protocol-Based Reliable Control for Power Systems with Communication Constraints27
An Efficient Sentiment Classification Method with the Help of Neighbors and a Hybrid of RNN Models27
Communities Detection in Multiplex Networks Using Optimization: Study Case—Employment in Mexico during the COVID-19 Pandemic27
Techniques for Finding Analytical Solution of Generalized Fuzzy Differential Equations with Applications26
Cooperation Behavior of Opinion Leaders and Official Media on the Governance of Negative Public Opinion in the Context of the Epidemic: An Evolutionary Game Analysis in the Perspective of Prospect The26
A Computational Turn in Policy Process Studies: Coevolving Network Dynamics of Policy Change26
An Approach for a Multi-Period Portfolio Selection Problem by considering Transaction Costs and Prediction on the Stock Market26
Emergency Volunteer Participation in the Evolutionary Game of Public Security Governance under Community Incentives26
5D Hyperchaotic Image Encryption Scheme Based on Fibonacci Q‐Matrix26
Numerical Methods Based on the Hybrid Shifted Orthonormal Polynomials and Block‐Pulse Functions for Solving a System of Fractional Differential Equations25
Stability Analysis for Differential Equations of the General Conformable Type25
Differential Game Model for a Dual-Channel Supply Chain’s Optimal Strategy under the Reference Carbon Emission Effect25
Evolutionary Game Analysis of E‐Commerce Intellectual Property Social Cogovernance with Collective Organizations24
Performance Optimization and Comprehensive Analysis of Binary Nutcracker Optimization Algorithm: A Case Study of Feature Selection and Merkle–Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem24
Investigation of Blockchain Technology by Using the Innovative Concepts of Complex Pythagorean Fuzzy Soft Information24
A BERT‐BiGRU‐CRF Model for Entity Recognition of Chinese Electronic Medical Records23
Output Feedback Recursive Dynamic Surface Control with Antiwindup Compensation23
Evaluation of the Number of Visits to Chinese Medical Institutions Using a Logistic Differential Equation Model23
Diagnosis of COVID‐19 Using a Deep Learning Model in Various Radiology Domains22
Vulnerability Evaluation and Improvement Method of Civil Aviation Navigation Network22
An Interlayer Link Prediction Method Based on Edge-Weighted Embedding22
Synchronous Reluctance Motor: Dynamical Analysis, Chaos Suppression, and Electronic Implementation22
Design and Performance Assessment of Adaptive Harmonic Control for a Half‐Car Active Suspension System22
Fault Detection and Isolation in Smart-Grid Networks of Intelligent Power Routers Modeled as Probabilistic Boolean Networks22
Multiobjective Optimization of Large‐Scale EVs Charging Path Planning and Charging Pricing Strategy for Charging Station22
Adaptive Event‐Triggered Finite‐Time Tracking of Output‐Constrained High‐Order Nonlinear Systems with Time‐Varying Powers22
Technology and Security Analysis of Cryptocurrency Based on Blockchain22
A Numerical Approach for the Analytical Solution of Multidimensional Wave Problems21
Compensation Incentive of Executives under the Situation of Synergy or Mutual Exclusion of Corporate Profit and Innovation Tasks: Based on Incentive Game Model between Principal and Agent21
Ridge Regressive Data Preprocessed Quantum Deep Belief Neural Network for Effective Trajectory Planning in Autonomous Vehicles21
Relaxation Oscillation in SEIR Epidemic Models with the Intrinsic Growth Rate21
A Bi‐Objective Stochastic Model of Locating‐Allocating‐Routing Relief and Rescue in Disaster Response Conditions: An Accelerated Benders Decomposition21
The Core Might Change Anyhow We Define It: The Instability of Key Actors in Longitudinal Social Network Data21
Digital Financial Inclusion, Spatial Spillover, and Household Consumption: Evidence from China21
New Rough Approximations Based on E‐Neighborhoods21
Maximize Expected Profits by Dynamic After‐Sales Service Investment Strategy Based on Word‐of‐Mouth Marketing in Social Network Shopping21
An Efficient Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing Based on Convex Optimization and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker Method21
Multilayer Network‐Based Evaluation of the Efficiency and Resilience of Network Flows21
Fixed Point Results in Orthogonal Neutrosophic Metric Spaces21
A Robust Mathematical Model for Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain Network Design: Preparing a Supply Chain to Deal with Disruptions21
Risk Assessment for Complex Systems Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: A Case of the Biopharmaceutical Industry20
Terminal Sliding‐Mode Control of Uncertain Robotic Manipulator System with Predefined Convergence Time20
Prediction and Classification of Financial Criteria of Management Control System in Manufactories Using Deep Interaction Neural Network (DINN) and Machine Learning20
Heat Transfer Analysis for Viscous Fluid Flow with the Newtonian Heating and Effect of Magnetic Force in a Rotating Regime20
The Complexities in the R&D Competition Model with Spillover Effects in the Supply Chain20
Some Existence Results for a System of Nonlinear Sequential Fractional Differential Equations with Coupled Nonseparated Boundary Conditions20
N‐Lump to the (2+1)‐Dimensional Variable‐Coefficient Caudrey–Dodd–Gibbon–Kotera–Sawada Equation20
Modelization and Calibration of the Power-Law Distribution in Stock Market by Maximization of Varma Entropy20
An Efficient and Secure Session Key Management Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network20
Quality Classification of Lithium Battery in Microgrid Networks Based on Smooth Localized Complex Exponential Model19
Fatigue Performance of Steel‐Concrete Composite Continuous Box Girder Bridge Deck19
Pricing of Embedded Options in Bank Deposits and Loans Based on Jump‐Diffusion Interest Rate Model19
Multisensor‐Weighted Fusion Algorithm Based on Improved AHP for Aircraft Fire Detection19
Multi‐Indices Quantification for Left Ventricle via DenseNet and GRU‐Based Encoder‐Decoder with Attention19
A Moving Object Detection Method Using Deep Learning‐Based Wireless Sensor Networks19
Analysis on the Countermeasures of Optimizing Urban Tourism Public Service System under the Background of Smart City19
Parallel Implementations of Candidate Solution Evaluation Algorithm for N‐Queens Problem19
Optical Prior‐Based Underwater Object Detection with Active Imaging19
Research on Risk Identification System Based on Random Forest Algorithm‐High‐Order Moment Model19
Stationary Distribution and Extinction of a Stochastic Microbial Flocculation Model with Regime Switching18
Profit Coordination and Optimization of Agricultural Product Brand Promotion Lead by Farmer Cooperative Organizations18
New Statistical Approaches for Modeling the COVID‐19 Data Set: A Case Study in the Medical Sector18
Analysis of Digital Security Governance under the Objectives of Digital Ecology: A Three-Party Evolutionary Game Approach18
College Students’ Psychological Health Analysis Based on Multitask Gaussian Graphical Models18
Agent‐Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies: Analysis and Future Directions18
Solving a Joint Pricing and Inventory Control Problem for Perishables via Deep Reinforcement Learning18
Bayesian Hierarchical Compositional Models for Analysing Longitudinal Abundance Data from Microbiome Studies18
Development and Evaluation of a Rehabilitation Wheelchair with Multiposture Transformation and Smart Control18
Quantum Approach to Damped Three Coupled Nano‐Optomechanical Oscillators18
Ecological Security Evaluation for Marine Ranching Based on the PLTS/ANP Method: A Case Study of Rongcheng18
Design and Implementation of a Hybrid-Driven Soft Robot18
Fast and Robust Image Encryption Scheme Based on Quantum Logistic Map and Hyperchaotic System18
Analytical Investigation of Noyes–Field Model for Time‐Fractional Belousov–Zhabotinsky Reaction17
Two‐Way Feature Extraction Using Sequential and Multimodal Approach for Hateful Meme Classification17
Euler’s Numerical Method on Fractional DSEK Model under ABC Derivative17
On ISRC Rumor Spreading Model for Scale‐Free Networks with Self‐Purification Mechanism17
A Statistical Image Feature‐Based Deep Belief Network for Fire Detection17
Scene Matching Method for Children’s Psychological Distress Based on Deep Learning Algorithm17
Credit Risk Measurement, Decision Analysis, Transformation and Upgrading for Financial Big Data17
Delineating the Spatial Boundaries of Megaregions in China: A City Network Perspective17
Existence and Stability of Implicit Fractional Differential Equations with Stieltjes Boundary Conditions Involving Hadamard Derivatives17
NN‐QuPiD Attack: Neural Network‐Based Privacy Quantification Model for Private Information Retrieval Protocols17
Iterative Learning Tracking Control of Nonlinear Multiagent Systems with Input Saturation17
Simulation of Thermal Decomposition of Calcium Oxide in Water with Different Activation Energy and the High Reynolds Number17
Changing Regional Inequality Patterns in Western China: A Case Study of Xinjiang17
The Extended Exponential Weibull Distribution: Properties, Inference, and Applications to Real‐Life Data17
Numerical Approach for Solving the Fractional Pantograph Delay Differential Equations17
Artificial Intelligence‐Assisted Fresco Restoration with Multiscale Line Drawing Generation17
Vehicle‐Mounted Photovoltaic System Energy Management in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Maximum Power Point Tracking Control17
Dynamic Large‐Scale Server Scheduling for IVF Queuing Network in Cloud Healthcare System16
Herd Behavior and Its Effects on Default in Chinese Microcredit16
Feature Tracking for Target Identification in Acoustic Image Sequences16
Robust Switching Gain‐Based Fractional‐Order Sliding Mode Control for Wind‐Powered Microgrids16
Person Reidentification Model Based on Multiattention Modules and Multiscale Residuals16
Pursuer Navigation Based on Proportional Navigation and Optimal Information Fusion16
Spatial Character and Backflow Pattern of High‐Level Returned Talents in China16
Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity and Driving Force Analysis of Innovation Output in the Yangtze River Economic Zone: The Perspective of Innovation Ecosystem16
A New Scheme for Solving Multiorder Fractional Differential Equations Based on Müntz–Legendre Wavelets16
Articulatory‐to‐Acoustic Conversion of Mandarin Emotional Speech Based on PSO‐LSSVM16
Predictive Analysis of Economic Chaotic Time Series Based on Chaotic Genetics Combined with Fuzzy Decision Algorithm15
Automatic Construction and Extraction of Sports Moment Feature Variables Using Artificial Intelligence15
SCRD‐Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model for Glaucoma Detection in Retina Tomography15
Bayesian Estimations under the Weighted LINEX Loss Function Based on Upper Record Values15
Investigation of General Power Sum‐Connectivity Index for Some Classes of Extremal Graphs15
Application of Big Data Technology in the Impact of Tourism E‐Commerce on Tourism Planning15
Multistep Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of Photovoltaic Power Generation System with Harmonic Compensation15
Inherent Stability of Multibody Systems with Variable‐Stiffness Springs via Absolute Stability Theory15
A Novel Group Decision‐Making Method Based on Generalized Distance Measures of PLTSs on E‐Commerce Shopping15
The Complexity of Technological Innovation Decision‐Making in Emerging Industries15
A Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Subspace Clustering15
Solution Algorithms for Single‐Machine Group Scheduling with Learning Effect and Convex Resource Allocation15
On a New Modification of the Weibull Model with Classical and Bayesian Analysis15
A Customized Differential Evolutionary Algorithm for Bounded Constrained Optimization Problems15
Online Optimal Control of Robotic Systems with Single Critic NN‐Based Reinforcement Learning15
Optimization and Performance Analysis of Rail‐Train Coupling System with Inerters15
An Overview of Computational Models for Industrial Internet of Things to Enhance Usability15
The Influence of Substituting Prices, Product Returns, and Service Quality on Repurchase Intention14
Dual Generative Network with Discriminative Information for Generalized Zero‐Shot Learning14
A Specific Algorithm Based on Motion Direction Prediction14
Public Opinion Communication Model under the Control of Official Information14
Selection of an Effective Hand Sanitizer to Reduce COVID‐19 Effects and Extension of TOPSIS Technique Based on Correlation Coefficient under Neutrosophic Hypersoft Set14
SPA‐Based Modified Local Reachability Density Ratio wSVDD for Nonlinear Multimode Process Monitoring14
Dynamic Combination Evaluation Method of Rural Environmental Pollution Control Effect14
Research on Multiscene Vehicle Dataset Based on Improved FCOS Detection Algorithms14
An Evaluation Study on Investment Efficiency: A Predictive Machine Learning Approach14
Robust Control Design for an Uncertain Macroeconomic Dynamical System with Unknown Characteristics and Inequality Control Constraint14
Convolutional Neural Network‐Based Fish Posture Classification14
A Virus Propagation Model and Optimal Control Strategy in the Point‐to‐Group Network to Information Security Investment14
Assessing Nonlinear Dynamics and Trends in Precipitation by Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Fractal Approach in Benin Republic (West Africa)14
The Influence of Author Degree Centrality and L‐Index on Scientific Performance of Physical Education and Training Papers in China Based on the Perspective of Social Network Analysis14
Beamforming Design and Covert Performance Analysis for Full‐Duplex Multiantenna System14
RAEF: An Imputation Framework Based on a Gated Regulator Autoencoder for Incomplete IIoT Time‐Series Data14
Complexity Construction of Intelligent Marketing Strategy Based on Mobile Computing and Machine Learning Simulation Environment14
The Implication of Channel Discrepancy in a Dual‐Channel Supply Chain14
Comprehensive Utilization Pattern of the Bohai Rim Coastline Using the Restrictive Composite Index Method14
Research on Fast Pedestrian Detection Algorithm Based on Autoencoding Neural Network and AdaBoost14
Modeling and Analysis of the Spread of Malware with the Influence of User Awareness14
Exploring the Nonlinear Effect of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance: Evidence from Listed Shipping Companies in China14
Automatic Integrated Scoring Model for English Composition Oriented to Part‐Of‐Speech Tagging14
Finding Radial Network Configuration of Distribution System Based on Modified Symbiotic Organisms Search14
Sovereign CDS Premiums’ Reaction to Macroeconomic News: An Empirical Investigation14
Fuzzy Product KM‐Subalgebras and Some Related Properties13
Evolving Nature of Human Contact Networks with Its Impact on Epidemic Processes13
Condition‐Based Maintenance Modeling and Reliability Assessment for Multi‐Component Systems with Structural Dependence under Extended Warranty13
Immunization of Cooperative Spreading Dynamics on Complex Networks13
Vibration Reliability Analysis of Drum Brake Using the Artificial Neural Network and Important Sampling Method13
Impact of High-Frequency Trading with an Order Book Imbalance Strategy on Agent-Based Stock Markets13
A Reputation Value‐Based Task‐Sharing Strategy in Opportunistic Complex Social Networks13
Complex q‐Rung Orthopair Fuzzy N‐Soft Sets: A New Model with Applications13
Topology Control and Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in Cyber‐Physical System13
A New Classification Method in Ultrasound Images of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Nodules Based on Transfer Learning and Deep Convolutional Neural Network13
Limit Cycles of a Class of Perturbed Differential Systems via the First‐Order Averaging Method13
Predicting the Direction Movement of Financial Time Series Using Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine13
A Fractional‐Order Sequential Hybrid System with an Application to a Biological System13
Study on Preparation Technology and Physical Fingerprint of Chuilian Jianpi Granules Based on QbD13
The Relationship between Intellectual Property Risk and Stability of Asymmetric Research and Development Alliance13
Synchronization in Dynamically Coupled Fractional‐Order Chaotic Systems: Studying the Effects of Fractional Derivatives13
Exploring Residential Heterogeneity through Multiscalar Lens: A Case Study of Hangzhou, China13
MalSEIRS: Forecasting Malware Spread Based on Compartmental Models in Epidemiology13
Distributed Event‐Triggered Circle Formation Control for Multiagent Systems with Nonuniform Quantization13
Continuous‐Time Insider Trading with Risk‐Neutral Insider under Imperfect Observation13
Study of a Fractional‐Order Chaotic System Represented by the Caputo Operator13
Impact of Nanofluid Flow over an Elongated Moving Surface with a Uniform Hydromagnetic Field and Nonlinear Heat Reservoir13
Boundary Output Feedback Stabilization for a Cascaded‐Wave PDE‐ODE System with Velocity Recirculation13
Multiscale Efficient Channel Attention for Fusion Lane Line Segmentation13
Application of Image Reconstruction Based on Inverse Radon Transform in CT System Parameter Calibration and Imaging13
Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Resilience of Urban Network Structure during the Spring Festival Travel Rush: A Case Study of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River in China13
Analysis of Type‐II Censored Competing Risks’ Data under Reduced New Modified Weibull Distribution13
Chess Position Evaluation Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks13
Sizing a Hybrid Renewable Energy System by a Coevolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm13
Neural Network‐Based Intelligent Computing Algorithms for Discrete‐Time Optimal Control with the Application to a Cyberphysical Power System13
Generalization of Thermal and Mass Fluxes for the Flow of Differential Type Fluid with Caputo–Fabrizio Approach of Fractional Derivative13
Iterating Fixed Point via Generalized Mann’s Iteration in Convex b‐Metric Spaces with Application13
Research on the Dependence Structure and Risk Spillover of Internet Money Funds Based on C‐Vine Copula and Time‐Varying t‐Copula13
A Comparative Study of Three Resolving Parameters of Graphs13
Examining the Development of Banking Sector Regulations and Supervision Practices across BRICS and G7 Countries12
A Comparative Study of Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode and Backstepping Schemes for the Coupled Two‐Tank System12
Parameter Optimization of Droop Controllers for Microgrids in Islanded Mode by the SQP Method with Gradient Sampling12
Ontology‐Based Smart System to Automate Higher Education Activities12
User Knowledge, Data Modelling, and Visualization: Handling through the Fuzzy Logic‐Based Approach12
Optimization of Human Resource File Information Decision Support System Based on Cloud Computing12
A Mountain Summit Recognition Method Based on Improved Faster R‐CNN12
Portfolio Selection with respect to the Probabilistic Preference in Variable Risk Appetites: A Double‐Hierarchy Analysis Method12
The Sunk Cost and the Real Option Pricing Model12
Development of a Complex Network‐Based Integrated Multilayer Urban Growth and Optimisation Model for an Efficient Urban Traffic Network12
Comparing the Forecast Performance of Advanced Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques Using Huge Big Data: Evidence from Monte Carlo Experiments12
Research on Pricing Strategy of Online and Offline Supply Chain Based on Channel Preference in the Context of New Retail12
Evaluation of the Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative on the Unified Economic and Environmental Efficiency of Transportation Infrastructure in China Based on Range‐Adjusted Measure Model and Diffe12
Topology‐Aware Bus Routing in Complex Networks of Very‐Large‐Scale Integration with Nonuniform Track Configurations and Obstacles12