Geology of Ore Deposits

(The TQCC of Geology of Ore Deposits is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Platinoan Vysotskite with Inverse Zoning and Skeletal Cooperite in Metamorphosed Sulfide Ores Within the Eastern Flank of the Oktyabrskoe Deposit, Noril’sk ore Field10
Migration and Sorption of Uranium in Various Redox Conditions on the Example of Volcanic-Related Deposits in the Streltsovka Caldera, SE Transbaikalia9
Ore-Forming Biogenic Factor in the Formation of Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits8
Problems of the Development of the Mineral and Raw-Material Base of High-Tech Industry in Russia7
Evolution of the Kara Ore-Magmatic System (Eastern Transbaikalia, Russia): Experience in Applying Small-Scale Geochemical Survey7
A Sulfite-Bearing Analog of Marinellite6
The Ryabinovoe Porphyry Cu–Au Deposit (Southern Yakutia): Geology, Wallrock Alteration, Noble Gases Isotope Systematics and Isotopic Dating of Mineralization Processes6
Manganese Sturmanite from the N’Chwaning 2 Mine, Kalahari, South Africa6
On the Formation of Uniquely High-Grade Ores of Unconformity-Related Uranium Deposits in the Athabasca Basin (Canada): The Multistage Telescoped Ore Deposition Hypothesis5
Evaluation of the Radioecological Situation in the Elkon Uranium Ore District (Aldan Shield) by Field Radiometry Methods5
Association of Siderite with Iron Sulfides and Silicates in Rocks of the Mikheevskoe Cu(Mo,Au) Porphyry Deposit (Southern Urals)5
Pyrrhotite–Nisbite–Breithauptite–Sulfoantimonide Micromineral Assemblage: a Product of High-Temperature Recrystallization of Ores at the Yuzhnoe Vein-Type Tin–Silver–Polymetallic Deposit, Sikhote-Alin5
Unique Ore–Silicate Pegmatite of Monchepluton with High Contents of Ni, Cu, and PGE (Murmansk Region)4
Mineralogy and Genesis of the Oxidation Zone of Barite–Lead Ores of the Ushkatyn-III Deposit, Central Kazakhstan4
Problems of the Genesis of Deposits of the Ozerninsky Polymetallic Ore Cluster, Western Transbaikalia, Russia4
Cadmium Behavior in Sulfur-bearing Aqueous Environments: Insight from CdS Solubility Measurements at 25–80°C4
Mineralogy of Copper in Sulfide-Free Endogenic Pb–Zn–Sb Mineralization of the Pelagonian Massif, Republic of North Macedonia4
Tracing the Genesis and Mineralization Mechanism of the Xiejiagou Pb‒Zn Deposit in Gansu, China: Insights from Trace Element Analysis, Fluid Inclusion Studies, and the Sulfur Isotopic Composition4
Gold(I) Complexation in Chloride Hydrothermal Fluids4
Occurrence of Carbonated Groundwater and Hydrocarbons at the Uranium Deposits of the Khiagda Ore Field (Republic of Buryatia)4
Growth Pyramids of {110} Faces in Natural Diamonds4
Revealing Prospects of New Gold–Copper-Porphyry Deposits of the Malmyzh Type in the Lower Amur Region (Russian Far East)4
Mineral Associations of Quartz–sulfide Ores, Zun-Kholba Gold Deposit, Eastern Sayan4
On the 125th Birthday of Vladimir Kreiter—a Founder of the Theory of Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits4
Volborthite Occurrence at the Alaid Volcano (Atlasov Island, Kuril Islands, Russia)3
Rutile Enriched in Chalcophile Elements (Sb, Sn, Te), and Ti-rich Varieties of Tripuhyute and Cassiterite from Sublimates of Active Fumaroles at the Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia3
Trace Element Composition of Archean Detrital Zircons from Jatulian Terrigenous Rocks of Fennoscandia3
Assemblage of Fe–Mg–Al–Ti–Zn Oxides in Granulites of the Bunger Hills, East Antarctica: Evidence of Ultrahigh-Temperature Metamorphism3
Sulfite Analogue of Alloriite from Sacrofano, Latium, Italy: Crystal Chemistry and Specific Features of Genesis3
Vertical Zoning and Geochemical Anomaly Fields of the Hamama Gold Deposit in the Central Part of Egypt’s Eastern Desert3
The Performance of Hyperspectral Measurements Integrated into Multispectral Data on the Detection of the Alpine Chromite Deposits in the Ophiolite Complexes3
The Raduzhnoe Au–Sulfide Deposit (Northern Caucasus): Geological Settings, Mineralogy, and Sources of Metals3
Lazurite: Validation as a Mineral Species with the Formula Na7Ca(Al6Si6O24)(SO4)$${\text{S}}_{3}^{{\bullet - }}$$⋅H2O and New Data3
Geostatistical Modelling and Vertical Effect Analysis of a Ferruginous East Coast Bauxite Deposit, India3
Liquation Differentiation of Komatiites: Features of Isotopic–Geochemical Composition of Rocks, Age, and Petrological–Geodynamic Implications (Using the Example of the Kostomuksha Greenstone Structure3
Rare-Earth Elements and Th Minerals in the Metasandstones of the Udokan Basin (Russia)2
The World’s Largest Bauxite-Bearing Province, Fouta Djallon–Mandingo (West Africa). Part 4: a Zoning Mechanism in Laterite Bauxite-Bearing Weathering Crust2
The Gorevskoe Pb–Zn Deposit (Siberia, Russia): Mineral Composition and Features of Ore Mineralization2
Miocene Placers and Ceramic Clays of the Central Russian Upland2
Detrital Tourmaline from the Riphean Terrigenous Deposits of the Middle Timan: Chemical Composition and Genesis2
Retrospective Mineragenic Analysis of Deposits of the Vishera Diamond-Bearing Zone (Eastern Margin of the Russian Platform)2
The Khovu-Aksy Cobalt-Arsenide Deposit, Republic of Tuva, Russia: New Perspectives on the Problems of Production and Renewal of Processing2
Conditions of Recrystallization of Ores of the Ozernoe Polymetallic Deposit (Western Transbaikalia, Russia)2
Ferrokësterite and Kësterite in Greisens Associated with Lithium–Fluorine Granites of the Russian Far East2
The Tamir Molybdenum Event (Western Transbaikal, Russia): the First Data on the Physicochemical Formation Parameters2
The First Occurrence of Platinum Group Minerals in Ultramafic Rocks of the Kyzyr–Burlyuk Massif (Western Sayan Mountains, Russia)2
The First Results of a Study of Large Diamonds from Industrial Deposits of Yakutia2
Features of the Interaction of Scheelite with HCl Solutions at 400 and 500°C, 100 MPa, and Various f(O2) (According to Experimental and Calculated Data)2
Erratum to: The World’s Largest Bauxite-Bearing Province, Fouta Djallon–Mandingo (West Africa). Part 4: a Zoning Mechanism in Laterite Bauxite-Bearing Weathering Crust2
Stronadelphite from Alkaline Rocks of the Konder Massif (Khabarovsk Krai)2
Fluorite in Ores of the Saf’yanovka Massive Sulfide Deposit, Central Urals: Assemblages, Composition, and Genesis2
Avdeevite, a Na-Dominant Alkali Beryl: Determination as Valid Mineral Species and New Data1
Apatite Geochemistry As a Fertility Tool for Porphyry Systems (Using the Example of the Shakhtama Mo-Porphyry and Bystrinsky Cu–Au–Fe-Porphyry–Skarn Deposits, Eastern Transbaikalia, Russia)1
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Diorites and Quartz Diorites of the Bolshoi Karan Gold–Porphyry Deposit in the Southern Urals1
Classification of Polymetallic Ore-Forming Processes and Transitional VMS–SEDEX–MV-type: the Example of the Giant Ozernoe Deposit in Transbaikalia, Russia1
Pyrite Re–Os Geochronology of the Erlian Uranium District: an Alternative Dating Method for Sandstone-type Uranium Deposits1
Fluid Migration Regimes during the Formation of the Unconformity-Related Uranium Deposits of the Alligator Rivers Uranium Field, Australia1
New Type of Gold-Bearing Mineralization at the Ozernovskoe Au–Te–Se Epithermal Deposit (Central Kamchatka, Russia)1
Genesis of Barite–Galena Ores at the Ushkatyn-III Deposit, Central Kazakhstan: Analysis of Geological, Mineralogical, and Isotopic (δ34S, δ13C, δ18O) Data1
Tectonophysical Forecasting Criteria of Vein Bodies Thicknesses in Deep Horizons of the Nadvigovaya Zone, Badran Ore Field, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)1
New Data on Mineralogy and Crystal Chemistry of the Lovozerite Group: Unusual Varieties of Kazakovite and Litvinskite1
Geochemistry and P-T Conditions of Hydrothermal Fluids Associated with Porphyry, Metasomatic and Epithermal Ore Deposits at Oued Belif-Ain El Araar Magmatic Structure (North-African Alpine Orogeny, Tu1
Sulfide and Selenide PGE Mineralization in Chromitites of the Dunzhugur Ophiolite Massif (East Sayan, Russia)1
Trace-Element Composition of Titanium Phases of Leucoxene–Quartz Ores from the Yarega Oil–Titanium Deposit, South Timan1
Geology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Formation Conditions of the Tukan Gold Deposit, Khudolaz Trough, South Urals1
The Koklan W–Mo Deposit, Transuralia: Mineralogical–Geochemical Zoning1
Extremely Fluorine-Rich Fluoborite from Fumarolic Exhalations of the Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka1
Features of the Formation of the Golets Vysoschaishii Gold-Ore Black-Shale Deposit (Bodaibo Ore District)1
Spectroscopy of Diamonds from the M.V. Lomonosov Deposit1
The Regime of the Olimpiada Gold–Sulfide Deposit Formation1
Mineral Indicators of Provenances for Rare-Metal–Titanium Placers of the Stavropol Arch: Zircon1
The XVI International Meeting on Placer Geology and Weathering-Crust Deposits (PWC-2021): “Placers and Weathering-Crust Deposits of the 21st Century: Problems, Issues, Solutions”1
The Lithium Boom: Lithium Sources and Prospects for the Russian Lithium Industry1
LA-ICP-MS Zircon U-Pb Dating of Permian Manganese Ores in Zunyi, Guizhou Province and Mineralization Age1
Coupled Solubility of Cu and Ag in Chloride-Bearing Hydrothermal Fluids (350–650°С, 1000–1500 bar)1
The Redox State of Chromium Ores of the Polar Urals1
Gold Deposits of Central and North Asia1
Internal Structures of Placer Gold Grains As Prospecting Indicators of Primary Gold Sources in the Northeast of the Siberian Platform1
Erratum to: Features of the Interaction of Scheelite with HCl Solutions at 400 and 500°C, 100 MPa, and Various f(O2) (According to Experimental and Calculated Data)1
Perspectives of the Development and Problems of Exploration of a Resource Base of Deficient Strategic Mineral Deposits of Siberia1
The Ore Mineral Composition of Gold-Bearing Metasomatites of the Kutyn Deposit, Khabarovsk Krai1
Ore-Bearing Faults of Transpressional–Collisional Kinematics in the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma Fold Belt (Structural Consequences of the Geodynamic Model)1
Baikal–Vilyui Paleoproterozoic Belt of The Siberian Platform: Regional Gold-Controlling Structure1
Magmatic–Fluid System of the Vysokogorskoe Porphyry Tin Deposit (Sikhote-Alin, Kavalerovo Ore District, Primorsky Krai, Russia): a Magmatic Stage1
The World’s Largest Fouta Djallon–Mandingo Bauxite Province (West Africa): Part III. The Influence of Geomorphic Factors and the Age of Relief on the Spatial Distribution, Size, and Quality of Bauxite1
Zircon from Gabbroids of the Shaka Ridge (South Atlantic): U–Pb Age, Oxygen Isotope Ratios, and Trace Element Composition1
The Role of a Detachment Fault in the Spatial Distribution of Ore-Bearing Paleofluid Flows in the Central Kolyma Region: A Nonconventional Approach to Predictive Metallogenic Modeling1
The Tokur Gold-Mining Center in the Amur Gold Province1
Indium Distribution in Sphalerites from Pitkäranta Mining District (South Karelia, Russia)1
Post-Ore Processes of Uranium Migration in the Sandstone-Hosted Type Deposits: 234U/238U, 238U/235U and U–Pb Systematics of Ores of the Namaru Deposit, Vitim District, Northern Transbaikalia1
A Search-Oriented Method of Numerical Forecasting of Rare-Metal Proximal (Close-to-Source) Placers: Evidence from the Lovozero Placer District1
A Mantle–Plume Model for the Formation of the Zun-Kholba Orogenic Gold Deposit (Eastern Sayan, Russia): Mineralogical Results, Rb–Sr and 40Ar–39Ar Geochronological and Pb–Pb Isotope Studies1
Sulfide Mineralization of Carbonate–Silicate Veins in Early Proterozoic Metabasites of North Karelia: Mineral Assemblages, Mineral Forms of Silver, and Fluid Inclusions1
Typification of Hydrogenic Uranium Deposits1
Erratum to: Crustal Source of Pb and S at the Yubileynoe Porphyry Gold Deposit (Southern Urals, Kazakhstan): High Precision Pb–Pb and δ34S Data1
Langbeinite-Group Minerals and Vanthoffite from Fumarole Exhalations of the Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka)1
Age and Sources of Low-Sulfide Gold–Quartz Mineralization of the Karalon Ore Field, North Transbaikalia, Russia: Results of Isotopic–Geochemical (Rb–Sr and Pb–Pb) Studies1
Native Cobalt in Deep Levels of the Kola Superdeep Borehole1
The Mineralogy of Iron and Manganese Ores of the Ushkatyn-III Deposit in Central Kazakhstan1
Platinum Content and Formation Conditions of the Sulfide PGE–Cu–Ni Nyud-II Deposit of the Monchegorsk Pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia1
Ludwigite and Yuanfuliite from Fumarolic Exhalations of the Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia1
Ore Deposits of Kyrgyzstan Controlled by Thrust-Tectonics Structures1
Carbonate–Alkaline Metasomatites of the Peschanoe Uranium Occur (Western Baikal Region): Mineral-Geochemical and Isotope-Geochemical Characteristics1