Geology of Ore Deposits

(The median citation count of Geology of Ore Deposits is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Gold and Silver Minerals in Sulfide Ore32
New Copper–Precious Metal Occurrence in Gabbro of the Serebryansky Kamen Massif, Ural Platinum Belt, Northern Urals9
Specific Features of Geotectonic Development and Ore Potential in Southern Altai (Eastern Kazakhstan)9
The World’s Largest Fouta Djallon–Mandingo Bauxite Province (West Africa): Part 2. The Effect of Parent Rock Composition on the Abundance and Quality of Bauxites8
Sulfur Isotope Fractionation During Sulfide Generation in the Hydrothermal Submarine Systems: The Case of Logatchev, Krasnov, and Rainbow Hydrothermal Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge7
Gold-Bearing Placer Assemblages in the East of the Siberian Platform: Origin and Prospects7
Fundamental Problems of Development of the Mineral-Resource Base of High-Tech Industry and Energy of Russia6
Genesis of Barite–Galena Ores at the Ushkatyn-III Deposit, Central Kazakhstan: Analysis of Geological, Mineralogical, and Isotopic (δ34S, δ13C, δ18O) Data6
Granite Systems with Rare-Metal Pegmatites6
Sulfur-Bearing Sodalite, Hackmanite, in Alkaline Pegmatites of the Inagli Massif (Aldan Shield): Crystal Chemistry, Photochromism, and Luminescence6
The Unique Sabantuy Chromite Paleoplacer in the Sedimentary Cover of the Eastern European Platform6
Agates from Paleoproterozoic Volcanic Rocks of the Onega Structure, Central Karelia5
Classification of Polymetallic Ore-Forming Processes and Transitional VMS–SEDEX–MV-type: the Example of the Giant Ozernoe Deposit in Transbaikalia, Russia5
The Source of Ore Fluids and Sm–Nd Age of Siderite from the Largest Bakal Deposit, Southern Urals5
Features of the Formation of the Golets Vysoschaishii Gold-Ore Black-Shale Deposit (Bodaibo Ore District)5
Coexisting Tetrahedrite–(Zn) and Sphalerite at the Teremki Gold-Ore Deposit (East Transbaikalia): Chemical Composition and Formation Conditions5
Platinum Content and Formation Conditions of the Sulfide PGE–Cu–Ni Nyud-II Deposit of the Monchegorsk Pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia5
Sulfite Analogue of Alloriite from Sacrofano, Latium, Italy: Crystal Chemistry and Specific Features of Genesis4
Evolution of the Vagran Gold-Bearing Placer Cluster (Northern Urals) and Prospects for Revealing Bedrock Mineralization4
Characteristics and Genesis of Organic Matter within the Lower Member of Yaojia Formation and its Implications for Tabular-type Uranium Deposits in the Southwest of Songliao Basin4
Gold–Telluride Mineralization in Ore of the Pionerskoe Gold–Quartz Deposit (Eastern Sayan, Russia)4
Coupled Solubility of Cu and Ag in Chloride-Bearing Hydrothermal Fluids (350–650°С, 1000–1500 bar)4
The Khovu-Aksy Cobalt-Arsenide Deposit, Republic of Tuva, Russia: New Perspectives on the Problems of Production and Renewal of Processing4
Sources and Evolution of Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Sulfides of the Kharaelakh and Pyasino–Vologochan Intrusions, Norilsk Ore Region4
Solid-Phase Transformations of Titanomagnetite and Ilmenite during Oxidizing Roasting of Disseminated Titanomagnetite–Ilmenite Ore at the Medvedevskoe Deposit and Certain Geological Events (Southern U4
Uranium-Bearing Volcanic Structures: Streltsovka (Russia), Xiangshan (China), and McDermitt (United States). A Comparative Analysis of the Petrology of Felsic Volcanics and the Composition of Near-Ore4
The Koklan W–Mo Deposit, Transuralia: Mineralogical–Geochemical Zoning4
On Mineralogical Studies and the Use of Mineralogical Information in Solving Petro- and Ore Genesis Problems4
Forms of Gold and Some Typomorphic Characteristics of Native Gold of the Pavlik Orogenic Deposit (Magadan Oblast)4
Multi-Stage Magmatic-Hydrothermal Sulfide-PGE Mineralization of the Khudolaz Complex (South Urals)4
Indicator and Isotope Geochemical Characteristics of Iron Sulfides from the Golets Vysochaishy Deposit, East Siberia3
Mineralogical and Petrographic Features of the Lower Horizon of Ferruginous Laterites and Ferriplantites of the Fouta Djallon–Mandingo Province (Guinea, West Africa)3
Accessory Cassiterite as an Indicator of Rare Metal Petrogenesis and Mineralization3
Fluorite in Ores of the Saf’yanovka Massive Sulfide Deposit, Central Urals: Assemblages, Composition, and Genesis3
Mineral Resources of the Russian Nuclear Industry and Isolation of Radioactive Waste3
Index Minerals of the Hydrothermal Arsenide Process of the Formation of Cobalt Deposits of the Bou Offro–El Graara Ore Belt in the Anti-Atlas Province, Morocco3
Gold in Natural and Synthetic Pyrite: a Case of the Darasun Gold District, Eastern Transbaikal Region, Russia3
The World’s Largest Fouta Djallon–Mandingo Bauxite Province (West Africa): Part III. The Influence of Geomorphic Factors and the Age of Relief on the Spatial Distribution, Size, and Quality of Bauxite3
Cadmium Behavior in Sulfur-bearing Aqueous Environments: Insight from CdS Solubility Measurements at 25–80°C3
Crustal Source of Pb and S at the Yubileynoe Porphyry Gold Deposit (Southern Urals, Kazakhstan): High Precision Pb–Pb and δ34S Data3
Deltalumite, a New Natural Modification of Alumina with a Spinel-Type Structure3
Mineral Systems Based on the Number of Species-Defining Chemical Elements in Minerals: Their Diversity, Complexity, Distribution, and the Mineral Evolution of the Earth’s Crust: A Review3
A Search-Oriented Method of Numerical Forecasting of Rare-Metal Proximal (Close-to-Source) Placers: Evidence from the Lovozero Placer District3
Multi-Stage Fluid System Responsible for Ore Deposition in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Portugal): Constraints in Cu-Ore Deposits Formation3
Typification of Hydrogenic Uranium Deposits2
Rare-Earth Elements and Th Minerals in the Metasandstones of the Udokan Basin (Russia)2
Evolution of the Kara Ore-Magmatic System (Eastern Transbaikalia, Russia): Experience in Applying Small-Scale Geochemical Survey2
The Nature of Oscillatory Zoning and Mechanism of Crystal Growth in a Paragenic Intergrowth of Florencite and Xenotime2
The Systematics of Crystal Polymorphic Transformations (Generalized on the Basis of Buerger’s Criteria)2
Special Conditions for the Formation of Large Exogenic Epigenetic Uranium Deposits2
The Symmetry Statistics of Mineral Species in Various Thermodynamic Environments2
Main Features of the REE Metallogeny through Geological Time2
The Lu–Hf Isotope Composition of Zircon from Syenites of the Saharjok Alkaline Massif, Kola Peninsula2
Lazurite: Validation as a Mineral Species with the Formula Na7Ca(Al6Si6O24)(SO4)$${\text{S}}_{3}^{{\bullet - }}$$⋅H2O and New Data2
The Mineral Composition of Rare-Metal Placers of the Lovozero Massif2
Conditions and Mechanisms of the Formation of Sulfide–Oxide Mineralization upon Melt Differentiation in the Intermediate Chamber: Example of Intrusion on the Western Slope of the Southern Urals2
The Age of Monazite from the Ichet’yu Occurrence, Middle Timan (CHIME and LA–ICP–MS Methods)2
Silver Sulfides and Selenides in Ores from Au–Ag Epithermal Deposits of the Okhotsk—Chukotka Volcanic Belt2
New Data for Malanite and Cuprorhodsite from Chromitites of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa2
On the Genesis of “White Granite” from the Kester Harpolith, Arga–Ynnakh–Khaya Pluton, East Yakutia2
Research of the Uranium, Niobium, and Tantalum Behavior in the Granite Melt–Chloride Fluid System at 750°C and 1000 Bar2
Copper in Hydrothermal Systems: a Thermodynamic Description of Hydroxocomplexes2
Dissolution of Natural Octahedral Diamonds in an Fe–S Melt at High Pressure2
Burgali Epithermal Au–Ag Deposit in the Paleozoic Kedon Volcanic Belt (Northeastern Russia)2
Golʼtsovoe Ag–Pb–Zn Deposit (Northeastern Russia): Geological Setting, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Ore Formation Conditions2
Formation Environments of Metasomatites and Ores of the Epithermal Gold–silver Deposits1
Tectonophysical Forecasting Criteria of Vein Bodies Thicknesses in Deep Horizons of the Nadvigovaya Zone, Badran Ore Field, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)1
Belogubite, a New Mineral of the Chalcanthite Group from the Gaiskoe Deposit, South Urals, Russia1
Mineral Indicators of Provenances for Rare-Metal–Titanium Placers of the Stavropol Arch: Zircon1
New Data on the Platinum-Bearing Potential of Chromitites of the Kharcheruz Ultramafic Massif, Polar Urals1
On the Prospects of Diamond Content of the Southern Side of the Vilyui Syneclise1
Crystal-Chemical Features of a Cation-Ordered Potassium Analog of Aqualite from the Kovdor Massif (Kola Peninsula)1
Carbonate Groundwater—An Ore-Preserving Factor at Uranium Deposits of The Khiagda Ore Field (Republic of Buryatia)1
The Raduzhnoe Au–Sulfide Deposit (Northern Caucasus): Geological Settings, Mineralogy, and Sources of Metals1
A New Solid Solution with Garnet Structure: Berzeliite–Schäferite Isomorphic Series from the Fumarole Exhalation of the Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka1
Trace Element Composition of Archean Detrital Zircons from Jatulian Terrigenous Rocks of Fennoscandia1
U–Pb Isotope Age of Zircon (LA–ICP–MS Method) from Magmatic Rocks and Some Aspects of the Genesis of the Tyrnyauz Mo–W Deposit (North Caucasus)1
Spectroscopy of Diamonds from the M.V. Lomonosov Deposit1
Evaluation of the Radioecological Situation in the Elkon Uranium Ore District (Aldan Shield) by Field Radiometry Methods1
Compositional Evolution of REE- and Ti-Bearing Accessory Minerals in Metamorphic Schists of Atomfjella Series, Western Ny Friesland, Svalbard and Its Petrogenetic Significance1
Redox Conditions of Formation of Rocks of the Priiskovy Massif and Their Metallogenic Consequences (South Sikhote–Alin, Primorye)1
Au–Pd Mineralization and Ore-Forming Fluids of the Bleïda Far West Deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco)1
Invisible Gold and Other Impurity Elements in Pyrite and Arsenopyrite of Disseminated Ores of the Kyuchus Deposit (Sakha Republic (Yakutia))1
Critical and Strategic Minerals in the Russian Federation1
The Role of a Detachment Fault in the Spatial Distribution of Ore-Bearing Paleofluid Flows in the Central Kolyma Region: A Nonconventional Approach to Predictive Metallogenic Modeling1
Geostrategic Risks in the Transition to Green Energies (Using the Example of Africa)1
Post-Ore Processes of Uranium Migration in the Sandstone-Hosted Type Deposits: 234U/238U, 238U/235U and U–Pb Systematics of Ores of the Namaru Deposit, Vitim District, Northern Transbaikalia1
Weissbergite (TlSbS2) and Avicennite (Tl2O3), Rare Thallium Minerals: First Findings in Yakutia1
The Lithium Boom: Lithium Sources and Prospects for the Russian Lithium Industry1
Arsenocolusite in Pyrite Ores of the Saum Copper–Zinc Massive Sulfide Deposit, North Urals1
The Mineralogy of Iron and Manganese Ores of the Ushkatyn-III Deposit in Central Kazakhstan1
Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry as a Tool in the Exploration for BIF-hosted Iron Ore Occurrences within the Precambrian Mineral Belt of Southern Cameroon, Northwestern Margin of the Congo Craton: A Review1
The World’s Largest Bauxite-Bearing Province, Fouta Djallon–Mandingo (West Africa). Part 4: a Zoning Mechanism in Laterite Bauxite-Bearing Weathering Crust1
Age of the Vostok Hydrothermal Uranium Deposit (North Kazakhstan Ore Province) According to U–Pb (ID-TIMS), Pb–Pb, Xen–Xes, K–Ar and Rb–Sr Methods1
The Defect-Impurity Composition of Diamond Crystals with 〈100〉 Growth Pyramids from Placers of the Krasnovishersk District, the Urals1
Liquation Differentiation of Komatiites: Features of Isotopic–Geochemical Composition of Rocks, Age, and Petrological–Geodynamic Implications (Using the Example of the Kostomuksha Greenstone Structure1
Silurian Black Smoker Deposits in the Urals1
Vertical Zoning and Geochemical Anomaly Fields of the Hamama Gold Deposit in the Central Part of Egypt’s Eastern Desert1
Wolframoixiolite in Lithium–Fluorine Granites of the Arga–Ynnakh–Khaya Pluton, Yakutia1
Migration and Sorption of Uranium in Various Redox Conditions on the Example of Volcanic-Related Deposits in the Streltsovka Caldera, SE Transbaikalia1
Solubility of Platinum in Pyrite and Pyrrhotite1
Trace Element Composition of Beryl From the Sherlovaya Gora Deposit, Southeastern Transbaikal Region, Russia1
Ta-Free Nb-Dominant Ixiolite Analogue from the Eifel Paleovolcanic Region, Germany, and Its Crystal Structure. On the Problem of “Ashanite”1
Metal–Sulfide Liquation of Ore-Forming Melt in the Fe–Fe(NiCu)S–C System and Its Role in the Genesis of Magmatic Sulfide Deposits in the Norilsk Region (by Experimental and Geological Data)1
Implicating the Origin and Depositional Environment of Banded Iron Formation (BIF) of Bonai-Keonjhar Iron Ore Belt in Eastern India from its Petrography and Geochemistry1
Ludwigite and Yuanfuliite from Fumarolic Exhalations of the Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia1
Distribution of Moderately and High-Siderophile Elements in Sulfides as a Basis for Reconstructing the Evolution of the Archean Harzburgite of the Bug Complex, Ukrainian Shield1
Indium Distribution in Sphalerites from Pitkäranta Mining District (South Karelia, Russia)1
Study of the Behavior of Uranium, Niobium, and Tantalum in the Granite Melt–Fluoride Fluid System at 800–950°C, 2300 Bar1
Sulfide Mineralization of Carbonate–Silicate Veins in Early Proterozoic Metabasites of North Karelia: Mineral Assemblages, Mineral Forms of Silver, and Fluid Inclusions1
Porphyry and Related Deposits of Northern Eurasia1
Avdeevite, a Na-Dominant Alkali Beryl: Determination as Valid Mineral Species and New Data1
Microstructural Patterns of Ophiolitic Chromitite of the Kraka Massif, South Urals. I. Banded Disseminated Ores1
Mineralogy and Conditions of Formation Genesis of Aggregates of Natural and Sulfide Minerals of the Poldnevskoe Demantoid Deposit (Middle Urals)1
Volborthite Occurrence at the Alaid Volcano (Atlasov Island, Kuril Islands, Russia)1
Hibbingite and Its Manganoan Variety from Metamorphosed Pentlandite–Putoranite Ores at Deep Levels of the Oktyabrskoe Deposit, Norilsk Ore Field1
The Performance of Hyperspectral Measurements Integrated into Multispectral Data on the Detection of the Alpine Chromite Deposits in the Ophiolite Complexes1
Gold–Telluride Mineralization in Pb–Zn–Fe Ores of the Aktash Skarn Deposit (Western Karamazar, Tajikistan)1
New Data on Mineralogy and Crystal Chemistry of the Lovozerite Group: Unusual Varieties of Kazakovite and Litvinskite1
Rutile Enriched in Chalcophile Elements (Sb, Sn, Te), and Ti-rich Varieties of Tripuhyute and Cassiterite from Sublimates of Active Fumaroles at the Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia1
Modeling of Mineral Parageneses and Thermobarometry of Metavolcanic Rocks of the Ruker Group in the Southern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica1
Platinoan Vysotskite with Inverse Zoning and Skeletal Cooperite in Metamorphosed Sulfide Ores Within the Eastern Flank of the Oktyabrskoe Deposit, Noril’sk ore Field1
Fluid Inclusions and Raman Spectroscopy of Anglesite from Uchich Sulphide Mineralization, Himachal Himalaya, India: Implication for the Alteration of Ores during Exhumation Along the Thrust1
Crystallization of Diamonds and Phase Composition of the FeNi–Graphite–CaCO3 System at 5.5 GPa: the Role of Subduction in Their Formation1
Diversity of the Structure of Diamond Crystals and Aggregates: Electron Backscatter Diffraction Data1
Finding forms and Micro- and Nanoscale Assemblages of Gold as Indicators of Formation Conditions, Distribution, and Typification of Orogenic Deposits of Uzbekistan (South Tien Shan)1
Chevkinite-(Се) and Perrierite-(Се) from the Island Arc Quartz Gabbronorite–Dolerite of the Ayu-Dag Intrusion, Crimean Mountains1
Geology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Formation Conditions of the Tukan Gold Deposit, Khudolaz Trough, South Urals1
Prenucleus Clusters and Nonclassical Crystal Formation0
Miocene Placers and Ceramic Clays of the Central Russian Upland0
Chemical Mapping of Trace Elements in Pyrite Provides Insight into Mineralizing Processes: the Example of the Neoarchean Cu–Au Porphyry System of the Chibougamau Area, Canada0
Meliphanite and Leucophanite from the Sakharjok Alkaline Massif, Kola Peninsula0
The Birkachan Epithermal Au–Ag Deposit in the Kedonsky Middle Paleozoic Volcanic Belt (Russian Northeast)0
The Regime of the Olimpiada Gold–Sulfide Deposit Formation0
Maldonite and Products of Its Replacement—Pure Native Gold, Jonassonite, and Bismuthic Aurostibite—in Gold Ores of the Darasun Deposit (Eastern Transbaikalia)0
Problems of the Development of the Mineral and Raw-Material Base of High-Tech Industry in Russia0
The Ak-Sug Porphyry Copper–Gold–Molybdenum Deposit, East Sayan: Noble Metal Mineralization, PT-Parameters, and Composition of Ore-Bearing Fluid0
Ferrokësterite and Kësterite in Greisens Associated with Lithium–Fluorine Granites of the Russian Far East0
Erratum to: Conditions of Recrystallization of Ores of the Ozernoe Polymetallic Deposit (Western Transbaikalia, Russia)0
Secondary Kaolins of the Central Devonian Field and Prospects of Searching for Kaolin Deposits within its Boundaries0
The High-Temperature Behavior of Axinite-(Mn), Kornerupine, and Leucosphenite0
Fluid Migration Regimes during the Formation of the Unconformity-Related Uranium Deposits of the Alligator Rivers Uranium Field, Australia0
Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Setting of the Ore-bearing Granite Conglomerate of the Western Qinglong Uranium Ore Field in the Shigaizi Region and its Relationship with Uranium Mineralizati0
The First Results of a Study of Large Diamonds from Industrial Deposits of Yakutia0
Native Cobalt in Deep Levels of the Kola Superdeep Borehole0
Porphyry Deposits of Northern Eurasia: Practical Aspects of Tectonic Control, Structural Features and Estimates of Depth of Erosion from the Urals to the Pacific0
Erratum to: The World’s Largest Bauxite-Bearing Province, Fouta Djallon–Mandingo (West Africa). Part 4: a Zoning Mechanism in Laterite Bauxite-Bearing Weathering Crust0
Perspectives of the Development and Problems of Exploration of a Resource Base of Deficient Strategic Mineral Deposits of Siberia0
Hg Mineral Forms in Argillisites of the South Kamchatka Thermal Fields, Russia0
The Ryabinovoe Porphyry Cu–Au Deposit (Southern Yakutia): Geology, Wallrock Alteration, Noble Gases Isotope Systematics and Isotopic Dating of Mineralization Processes0
Polymorphism and Isomorphic Substitutions in the $${\text{Cu}}_{3}^{{2 + }}$$(T 5+O4)2 Natural System with T = As, V, or P0
The Sb–As Lojane Deposit (Republic of North Macedonia): Types of Ores and Conditions of Their Occurrence and Geochemical Features0
Cacoxenite—a Complex Phosphate with a Modular Structure0
Revealing Prospects of New Gold–Copper-Porphyry Deposits of the Malmyzh Type in the Lower Amur Region (Russian Far East)0
Extremely Fluorine-Rich Fluoborite from Fumarolic Exhalations of the Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka0
Rare Earth–Uranium–Thorium Mineralization in the Molybdenum Ores of the Buluktaevskoe Mo–W Deposit (Western Transbaikalia, Russia)0
Geochemistry and P-T Conditions of Hydrothermal Fluids Associated with Porphyry, Metasomatic and Epithermal Ore Deposits at Oued Belif-Ain El Araar Magmatic Structure (North-African Alpine Orogeny, Tu0
Epithermal Deposits of Kamchatka, Russia0
Growth Pyramids of {110} Faces in Natural Diamonds0
Structural-Morphological Types and Localization Conditions of the Apocarbonate Talc Mineralization in the Beloretsk District of the Western Urals Province0
Chrome Spinels in Carbonate Veins of the Onguren Complex, Western Baikal Region0
The Ore Mineral Composition of Gold-Bearing Metasomatites of the Kutyn Deposit, Khabarovsk Krai0
Association of Siderite with Iron Sulfides and Silicates in Rocks of the Mikheevskoe Cu(Mo,Au) Porphyry Deposit (Southern Urals)0
Geochemistry and Petrography of Hydrothermally Altered Rocks of the Ryabinovoe Orefield (Southern Yakutia) as the Basis for the Prediction of Gold–Copper-Porphyry Ore Mineralization0
Erratum to: Crustal Source of Pb and S at the Yubileynoe Porphyry Gold Deposit (Southern Urals, Kazakhstan): High Precision Pb–Pb and δ34S Data0
Natisite, Na2TiSiO5, an Indicator Mineral of Hyperagpaitic Hydrothermal Assemblages in the Lovozero and Khibiny Alkaline Plutons, Kola Peninsula: Occurrence, Crystal Chemistry, and Genetic Features0
Preface to the Second Part of the Special Issue of the Journal Geology of Ore Deposits Dedicated to Porphyry and Related Deposits of Northern Eurasia0
Stronadelphite from Alkaline Rocks of the Konder Massif (Khabarovsk Krai)0
Innovative Environmentally Safe Processes for the Extraction of Rare and Rare-Earth Elements from Complex Ores of Perplexed Material Composition0
The Mineral Composition of Paleoproterozoic Metamorphosed Massive Sulfide Ores in the Kola Region (A Case Study of the Bragino Ore Occurrence, Southern Pechenga)0
Evolution of Rare-Metal Li–F Granite Melts in Sources of Ore-Magmatic Systems of Tigrinoe and Zabytoe Sn–W deposits (Central Sikhote-Alin, Primorye)0
Retrospective Mineragenic Analysis of Deposits of the Vishera Diamond-Bearing Zone (Eastern Margin of the Russian Platform)0
The Yubileinoe Porphyry Gold–Copper Deposit (Western Kazakhstan): Geological Position and Conditions of Formation0
Manganese Sturmanite from the N’Chwaning 2 Mine, Kalahari, South Africa0
Thermodynamics of Arsenates, Selenites, and Sulfates in the Oxidation Zone of Sulfide Ores. XV. Synthetic Analog of Alfredopetrovite: Composition, Properties, and Stability Limits0
The Tokur Gold-Mining Center in the Amur Gold Province0
First Finding of Platinum Group Minerals at the Malmyzh Porphyry Gold–Copper Deposit, Khabarovsk Krai, Russia0
Ore-Forming Biogenic Factor in the Formation of Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits0
Mineralogy of Chromitites of Mount Poklonnaya of the Karabash Massif, South Urals0
The Dudica Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit (Republic of North Macedonia)0
LA-ICP-MS Zircon U-Pb Dating of Permian Manganese Ores in Zunyi, Guizhou Province and Mineralization Age0
High-Temperature Behavior of the CuMo3O10⋅H2O Compound0
New Data on Platinum Group Element Bearing Chromitites from the Kurtushiba Ophiolite, Western Sayan0
The Redox State of Chromium Ores of the Polar Urals0
Erratum to: Geochemistry and Petrography of Hydrothermally Altered Rocks of the Ryabinovoe Orefield (Southern Yakutia) as the Basis for the Prediction of Gold–Copper-Porphyry Ore Mineralization0
Occurrence of Carbonated Groundwater and Hydrocarbons at the Uranium Deposits of the Khiagda Ore Field (Republic of Buryatia)0
Internal Structures of Placer Gold Grains As Prospecting Indicators of Primary Gold Sources in the Northeast of the Siberian Platform0
U–Pb Ages and Whole-Rock and Zircon Geochemistry of Granitoids from the Zhireken Mo-Porphyry Deposit, Eastern Transbaikalia: New Insights into the Link to Mineralization0
Conditions of Recrystallization of Ores of the Ozernoe Polymetallic Deposit (Western Transbaikalia, Russia)0
Sulfide and Selenide PGE Mineralization in Chromitites of the Dunzhugur Ophiolite Massif (East Sayan, Russia)0
Tourmaline Supergroup Minerals from Rare-Metal Pegmatites of the Voron’ya Tundra (Kola Peninsula, Russia)0
Assemblage of Fe–Mg–Al–Ti–Zn Oxides in Granulites of the Bunger Hills, East Antarctica: Evidence of Ultrahigh-Temperature Metamorphism0
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Diorites and Quartz Diorites of the Bolshoi Karan Gold–Porphyry Deposit in the Southern Urals0
Diagenesis of Clastic Ores of the Ishkinino Co-Bearing Massive Sulfide Deposit, South Urals: Mineralogical and Geochemical Data and Thermodynamic Modeling0
Texture and Structure Features of Yakutites from Placers of the Anabar Diamondiferous Region0
Problems of the Genesis of Deposits of the Ozerninsky Polymetallic Ore Cluster, Western Transbaikalia, Russia0
Ore-Bearing Faults of Transpressional–Collisional Kinematics in the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma Fold Belt (Structural Consequences of the Geodynamic Model)0
Erratum to: Rare Earth–Uranium–Thorium Mineralization in the Molybdenum Ores of the Buluktaevskoe Mo–W Deposit (Western Transbaikalia, Russia)0
Trace-Element Composition of Titanium Phases of Leucoxene–Quartz Ores from the Yarega Oil–Titanium Deposit, South Timan0
The Zonal Fahlore from the Darasun Gold Deposit, Transbaikalia, Russia: an Example of a Self-organizing System and their Depositional Conditions0
Mineralogy of Copper in Sulfide-Free Endogenic Pb–Zn–Sb Mineralization of the Pelagonian Massif, Republic of North Macedonia0
Apatite Geochemistry As a Fertility Tool for Porphyry Systems (Using the Example of the Shakhtama Mo-Porphyry and Bystrinsky Cu–Au–Fe-Porphyry–Skarn Deposits, Eastern Transbaikalia, Russia)0
Zavaritskite from Sulfide–Magnetite Ore of the Aktash Skarn Deposit, Western Karamazar0
The Niz’yavr Alkaline Pluton: Age, Isotope Characteristics, and Rare-Metal Mineralization0
Pyrrhotite–Nisbite–Breithauptite–Sulfoantimonide Micromineral Assemblage: a Product of High-Temperature Recrystallization of Ores at the Yuzhnoe Vein-Type Tin–Silver–Polymetallic Deposit, Sikhote-Alin0
Erratum to: Conditions of Formation of the Pavlik Gold–Sulfide–Quartz Deposit (Northeast of Russia) According to a Study of Fluid Inclusions0
The First Occurrence of Platinum Group Minerals in Ultramafic Rocks of the Kyzyr–Burlyuk Massif (Western Sayan Mountains, Russia)0
Pre-Visean Bauxites and Iron-Aluminum Ores Deposit of the KMA and Prospects for Development0
Marble-Hosted Gem Spinel Deposits from Luc Yen District, North Vietnam: Mineral Systems and Some Aspects of Genesis0
The Tamir Molybdenum Event (Western Transbaikal, Russia): the First Data on the Physicochemical Formation Parameters0
Detection and Interpretation of Central Type Structures within the Territory of Southeastern Transbaikalia for Prediction of Ore-Forming Systems0
On the Formation of Uniquely High-Grade Ores of Unconformity-Related Uranium Deposits in the Athabasca Basin (Canada): The Multistage Telescoped Ore Deposition Hypothesis0
Finding of Re Sulfides in Copper-Sulfide Ores of the Maike Occurrence, Ulytau, Central Kazakhstan0
Zircon from Gabbroids of the Shaka Ridge (South Atlantic): U–Pb Age, Oxygen Isotope Ratios, and Trace Element Composition0
Precious-Metal Mineralization in Gabbroids of the Kumba Intrusive, Uralian Platinum Belt (North Urals)0
A Sulfite-Bearing Analog of Marinellite0
Mineral Forms of Tungsten at the Porokhovskoe and Yugo-Konevskoe Deposits (Southern Urals)0
Ore Deposits of Kyrgyzstan Controlled by Thrust-Tectonics Structures0
Loparite in Placers of the Lovozero Placer Cluster Using the Example of the Sergevan Site0
Fahlores from Porphyry Cu–(Mo) Deposits of the Urals0
Rare-Earth Minerals from Carbonatite Veins in the Soustov Pluton, Kola Peninsula, as an Indicator of its Ore Specialization0
A Mantle–Plume Model for the Formation of the Zun-Kholba Orogenic Gold Deposit (Eastern Sayan, Russia): Mineralogical Results, Rb–Sr and 40Ar–39Ar Geochronological and Pb–Pb Isotope Studies0
Mineral–Geochemical Features of Paleoproterozoic Gold–Copper–Sulfide, Noble Metal-Copper–Uranium, and Noble-Metal–Copper–Uranium–Vanadium Deposits and Ore Occurrences of Karelia0
The Gorevskoe Pb–Zn Deposit (Siberia, Russia): Mineral Composition and Features of Ore Mineralization0
Conditions of Formation of the Pavlik Gold–Sulfide–Quartz Deposit (Northeast of Russia) According to a Study of Fluid Inclusions0
Age and Relationship between Magmatites of a Pluton and Small Intrusions (Sorskoe Porphyry Cu–Mo Deposit, Khakassia)0
Features of the Interaction of Scheelite with HCl Solutions at 400 and 500°C, 100 MPa, and Various f(O2) (According to Experimental and Calculated Data)0
Langbeinite-Group Minerals and Vanthoffite from Fumarole Exhalations of the Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka)0
Scandium Ore Occurrences in the Ancient Weathering Crust in the Nakyn Kimberlite Field of Yakutia0
Geostatistical Modelling and Vertical Effect Analysis of a Ferruginous East Coast Bauxite Deposit, India0
Carbonate–Alkaline Metasomatites of the Peschanoe Uranium Occur (Western Baikal Region): Mineral-Geochemical and Isotope-Geochemical Characteristics0
Geochemistry of Plastic Deformed Olivine from Ophiolite Peridotites and Dunites of Kraka Massifs (Southern Urals)0
Olivine-Group Minerals from Melilite–Nepheline Paralavas of Combustion Metamorphic Complexes of Mongolia0
Mineralogy and Genesis of the Oxidation Zone of Barite–Lead Ores of the Ushkatyn-III Deposit, Central Kazakhstan0
Baikal–Vilyui Paleoproterozoic Belt of The Siberian Platform: Regional Gold-Controlling Structure0
High-temperature Behavior of PtBi2 and Possibility of Using the Mineral Insizwaite as a Geothermometer0
Garmite, CsLiMg2(Si4O10)F2, a New Mica-Group Mineral from “Quartz Blocks” of the Darai-Pioz Alkaline Massif, Tajikistan0
Unique Ore–Silicate Pegmatite of Monchepluton with High Contents of Ni, Cu, and PGE (Murmansk Region)0
The XVI International Meeting on Placer Geology and Weathering-Crust Deposits (PWC-2021): “Placers and Weathering-Crust Deposits of the 21st Century: Problems, Issues, Solutions”0
Erratum to: Fundamental Problems of Development of the Mineral-Resource Base of High-Tech Industry and Energy of Russia0
Magmatic–Fluid System of the Vysokogorskoe Porphyry Tin Deposit (Sikhote-Alin, Kavalerovo Ore District, Primorsky Krai, Russia): a Magmatic Stage0
On the 125th Birthday of Vladimir Kreiter—a Founder of the Theory of Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits0
Pyrite Re–Os Geochronology of the Erlian Uranium District: an Alternative Dating Method for Sandstone-type Uranium Deposits0
Gold Rush as it Happens in Minas Gerais, Brazil: Geological Reconnaissance and Origin of Gold Nuggets0
Erratum to: Features of the Interaction of Scheelite with HCl Solutions at 400 and 500°C, 100 MPa, and Various f(O2) (According to Experimental and Calculated Data)0
Monticellite–Spurrite Symplectites: Evidence for a Regressive Stage of the Kochumdek Trap Contact Aureole (Krasnoyarsk Region)0
Mineralogy of Precious Metals in Ores of the Biksizak Base–Metal Deposit, South Urals, Russia0
Forsterite from the Itkul Hyperbasite Massif, Southern Urals; or, Once Again about Glinkite0
Detrital Tourmaline from the Riphean Terrigenous Deposits of the Middle Timan: Chemical Composition and Genesis0
The REM-Energy Transition Interrelation in the Context of Full-Cycle Projects0