Mind Culture and Activity

(The TQCC of Mind Culture and Activity is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Advancing the funds of identity theory: a critical and unfinished dialogue26
Moving forward with activity theory in a digital world20
Youth as philosophers of technology19
The place of interests, agency and imagination in funds of identity theory13
Scholarship in the context of a historic socioeconomic and political turmoil: Reassessing and taking stock of CHAT. Commentary on Y. Engeström and A. Sannino “from mediated actions to heterogenous coa13
Agency in cultural-historical activity theory: strengthening commitment to social transformation12
What is digital labor and how does it change us? Heteromation and other stories of computing and capitalism11
A transactional methodology for analysing learning9
Creating space for agency: a conceptual framework to understand and study adolescents’ school engagement from a Funds of Identity perspective8
Weaving together the past, present and future in whole class conversations: analyzing the emergence of a hybrid educational chronotope connecting everyday experiences and school science7
Gestures, systemic functional linguistics and mathematics education7
Where is Marx in the work and thought of Vygotsky?6
Towards gentle futures: co-developing axiological commitments and alliances among humans and the greater living world at school5
The manifestation of chinese preservice bilingual teachers’ relational agency in a change laboratory intervention5
Developing the imagination within funds of identity: insights from translocal youth radio5
Vygotsky’s decolonial pedagogical legacy in the 21st century: back to the future5
Not just mechanical birthing bodies: articulating the impact of imbalanced power relationships in the birth arena on women’s subjectivity, agency, and consciousness5
Design principles as cultural artifacts: Pedagogical improvisation and the bridging of critical theory and teaching practice4
Learning lab as a utopian methodology for future making: decolonizing knowledge production toward racial justice in school discipline4
Realigning Funds of Identity with struggle against capital: the contradictory unity of use and exchange value in cultural fields4
Scaling change labs: a response to “from mediated actions to heterogenous coalitions: four generations of activity-theoretical studies of work and learning”3
Organizing for material possibility in a community-led science program3
Resituating situated learning within racialized and colonial social relations3
“It just makes you feel…like you belong finally”: people’s experiences of the Mildura “Welcome Baby to Country” aboriginal ceremony3
Children’s grief: repertoires of practices in institutional early childhood education and care3
Cultural resonance: Between hip-hop culture & the sociopolitical development of youth artivists in Palestine3