Mind Culture and Activity

(The median citation count of Mind Culture and Activity is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Advancing the funds of identity theory: a critical and unfinished dialogue26
Moving forward with activity theory in a digital world20
Youth as philosophers of technology19
The place of interests, agency and imagination in funds of identity theory13
Scholarship in the context of a historic socioeconomic and political turmoil: Reassessing and taking stock of CHAT. Commentary on Y. Engeström and A. Sannino “from mediated actions to heterogenous coa13
Agency in cultural-historical activity theory: strengthening commitment to social transformation12
What is digital labor and how does it change us? Heteromation and other stories of computing and capitalism11
A transactional methodology for analysing learning9
Creating space for agency: a conceptual framework to understand and study adolescents’ school engagement from a Funds of Identity perspective8
Gestures, systemic functional linguistics and mathematics education7
Weaving together the past, present and future in whole class conversations: analyzing the emergence of a hybrid educational chronotope connecting everyday experiences and school science7
Where is Marx in the work and thought of Vygotsky?6
Vygotsky’s decolonial pedagogical legacy in the 21st century: back to the future5
Not just mechanical birthing bodies: articulating the impact of imbalanced power relationships in the birth arena on women’s subjectivity, agency, and consciousness5
Towards gentle futures: co-developing axiological commitments and alliances among humans and the greater living world at school5
The manifestation of chinese preservice bilingual teachers’ relational agency in a change laboratory intervention5
Developing the imagination within funds of identity: insights from translocal youth radio5
Learning lab as a utopian methodology for future making: decolonizing knowledge production toward racial justice in school discipline4
Realigning Funds of Identity with struggle against capital: the contradictory unity of use and exchange value in cultural fields4
Design principles as cultural artifacts: Pedagogical improvisation and the bridging of critical theory and teaching practice4
Resituating situated learning within racialized and colonial social relations3
“It just makes you feel…like you belong finally”: people’s experiences of the Mildura “Welcome Baby to Country” aboriginal ceremony3
Children’s grief: repertoires of practices in institutional early childhood education and care3
Cultural resonance: Between hip-hop culture & the sociopolitical development of youth artivists in Palestine3
Scaling change labs: a response to “from mediated actions to heterogenous coalitions: four generations of activity-theoretical studies of work and learning”3
Organizing for material possibility in a community-led science program3
Utopia as method: the imaginary reconstitution of society2
Transforming teaching towards plurilingualism: contributions from reflective practice and a sociocultural approach2
Connecting mind, heart, culture and activity in an undergraduate service-learning course2
Learning to make noise: toward a process model of artistic practice within experimental music scenes2
Relational approaches to community-based health promotion across scales of practice2
Wholeness as a developmental goal2
“They were learning from us as we were learning from them”: perceived experiences in co-design process1
Emergence and perezhivanie - the double face of the concept of development1
Our commitment at this time of continuing struggle against oppression and structural inequalities1
“The village that learns”: a learning journey across intraventions and domains over two decades in a rural Thai community1
Teaching creative thinking: how design professors externalize their creative thinking in studio classroom talk1
Marginality in inquiry-based science learning contexts: the role of exclusion cascades1
Scholarship and research in crisis contexts1
From below, on the left & with the earth: Attuning to the relational in learners’ voices through a pedagogy of Buen Vivir1
“Where did you go to?” recognizing child agency as it emerges dynamically in interaction1
Supporting teachers’ task design processes. Exploring an exemplary case of the use of the activity checklist1
Early Childhood Teacher Narratives on Constructivism1
Interrogating the notion of giving voice: designing for polyphony in game-based learning ecologies1
When social change happens: observation of experience and the paradoxes of pivot-making1
Special Issue: “advancing funds of identity theory”1