ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction

(The median citation count of ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Machine Learning in Mental Health196
Use of Intelligent Voice Assistants by Older Adults with Low Technology Use132
Embracing Four Tensions in Human-Computer Interaction Research with Marginalized People96
Detecting Depression and Predicting its Onset Using Longitudinal Symptoms Captured by Passive Sensing76
The Purpose of Play63
Reimagining (Women’s) Health49
Quarantined! Examining the Effects of a Community-Wide Moderation Intervention on Reddit49
Fast and Secure Authentication in Virtual Reality Using Coordinated 3D Manipulation and Pointing46
The Placebo Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Human–Computer Interaction42
Cracks in the Success Narrative: Rethinking Failure in Design Research through a Retrospective Trioethnography41
The Nudge Puzzle40
It’s Complicated: The Relationship between User Trust, Model Accuracy and Explanations in AI39
Where to Hide a Stolen Elephant: Leaps in Creative Writing with Multimodal Machine Intelligence38
Documentation Matters: Human-Centered AI System to Assist Data Science Code Documentation in Computational Notebooks37
Introduction to the Special Issue on First-Person Methods in HCI36
Validity and Rigour in Soma Design-Sketching with the Soma35
Unpacking Non-Dualistic Design: The Soma Design Case34
“It’s Weird That it Knows What I Want”: Usability and Interactions with Copilot for Novice Programmers33
Remote VR Studies: A Framework for Running Virtual Reality Studies Remotely Via Participant-Owned HMDs33
Iteratively Designing Gesture Vocabularies: A Survey and Analysis of Best Practices in the HCI Literature30
Generative Theories of Interaction30
Designing Human-centered AI for Mental Health: Developing Clinically Relevant Applications for Online CBT Treatment29
The Evolution of HCI and Human Factors: Integrating Human and Artificial Intelligence28
Chatbots Language Design: The Influence of Language Variation on User Experience with Tourist Assistant Chatbots27
Designing for Emotion Regulation Interventions: An Agenda for HCI Theory and Research26
Multiples Over Models26
Designing Creative AI Partners with COFI: A Framework for Modeling Interaction in Human-AI Co-Creative Systems25
Introduction to the Special Issue on HCI and the Body25
Clarifying Agreement Calculations and Analysis for End-User Elicitation Studies25
The Fundamental Uncertainties of Mothering25
Touching Our Breathing through Shape-Change: Monster, Organic Other, or Twisted Mirror24
"I Cannot Do All of This Alone"24
Social Contexts, Agency, and Conflicts: Exploring Critical Aspects of Design for Future Smart Home Technologies24
Towards Individuated Reading Experiences: Different Fonts Increase Reading Speed for Different Individuals24
Woman-Centered Design through Humanity, Activism, and Inclusion24
A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Methods and Risk Representation in Usable Privacy and Security Research23
Troubling Design23
The Making of Meaning through Dyadic Haptic Affective Touch22
A Trade-off-centered Framework of Content Moderation22
No More “Solutionism” or “Saviourism” in Futuring African HCI: A Manyfesto22
A Method to the Madness: Applying an Intersectional Analysis of Structural Oppression and Power in HCI and Design21
Emerging Technologies in K–12 Education: A Future HCI Research Agenda21
Privacy Norms and Preferences for Photos Posted Online20
On the Grounds of Solutionism: Ontologies of Blackness and HCI20
Translations and Boundaries in the Gap Between HCI Theory and Design Practice19
Designing Hybrid Gifts19
The Menstruating Entrepreneur Kickstarting a New Politics of Women's Health19
It's Good to Talk: A Comparison of Using Voice Versus Screen-Based Interactions for Agent-Assisted Tasks18
Physecology: A Conceptual Framework to Describe Data Physicalizations in their Real-World Context18
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Body Ownership Illusions in Virtual Reality18
LGBTQ Persons’ Use of Online Spaces to Navigate Conception, Pregnancy, and Pregnancy Loss: An Intersectional Approach18
Clinician-Facing AI in the Wild: Taking Stock of the Sociotechnical Challenges and Opportunities for HCI17
Shortcut Gestures for Mobile Text Editing on Fully Touch Sensitive Smartphones17
Augmenting Scientific Creativity with an Analogical Search Engine17
The Matter of Tools17
Design and Evaluation of Accessible Collaborative Writing Techniques for People with Vision Impairments16
Batman and Robin in Healthcare Knowledge Work: Human-AI Collaboration by Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists16
A Decade of International Migration Research in HCI: Overview, Challenges, Ethics, Impact, and Future Directions16
As a Squash Plant Grows16
Designing PairBuddy—A Conversational Agent for Pair Programming16
Design (Not) Lost in Translation: A Case Study of an Intimate-Space Socially Assistive “Robot” for Emotion Regulation15
Filtering and Informing the Design Space15
Exploring How Persons with Dementia and Care Partners Collaboratively Appropriate Information and Communication Technologies15
Adopting Diffractive Reading to Advance HCI Research: A Case Study on Technology for Aging15
Exploring the Design Space for Human-Food-Technology Interaction: An Approach from the Lens of Eating Experiences15
What Did My AI Learn? How Data Scientists Make Sense of Model Behavior15
Commanding and Re-Dictation15
How Engineers’ Imaginaries of Healthcare Shape Design and User Engagement: A Case Study of a Robotics Initiative for Geriatric Healthcare AI Applications15
Understanding, Addressing, and Analysing Digital Eye Strain in Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays15
Achieving Digital Wellbeing Through Digital Self-control Tools: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis14
From Collaborative Habituation to Everyday Togetherness: A Long-Term Study of Use of the Messaging Kettle14
Establishing Context14
Nothing Like Compilation: How Professional Digital Fabrication Workflows Go Beyond Extruding, Milling, and Machines14
Improving Workflow Integration with xPath: Design and Evaluation of a Human-AI Diagnosis System in Pathology13
Holding AI to Account: Challenges for the Delivery of Trustworthy AI in Healthcare13
Designing Deep Reinforcement Learning for Human Parameter Exploration13
Me, My Health, and My Watch: How Children with ADHD Understand Smartwatch Health Data13
ANISMA: A Prototyping Toolkit to Explore Haptic Skin Deformation Applications Using Shape-Memory Alloys13
Two Years or More of Co-speculation: Polylogues of Philosophers, Designers, and a Tilting Bowl13
Intermittent Control as a Model of Mouse Movements13
Towards a Contemplative Research Framework for Training Self-Observation in HCI: A Study of Compassion Cultivation13
Speculative Histories, Just Futures: From Counterfactual Artifacts to Counterfactual Actions13
Privacy Risks, Emotions, and Social Media12
Sense of Agency and User Experience: Is There a Link?12
“Nah, it’s just annoying!” A Deep Dive into User Perceptions of Two-Factor Authentication12
Rural Islandness as a Lens for (Rural) HCI12
Creating and Augmenting Keyboards for Extended Reality with the K eyboard A ugmentation T oolkit12
Blockchain and Beyond: Understanding Blockchains Through Prototypes and Public Engagement12
Entity Recommendation for Everyday Digital Tasks11
Measurements, Algorithms, and Presentations of Reality: Framing Interactions with AI-Enabled Decision Support11
Around-the-Head Tactile System for Supporting Micro Navigation of People with Visual Impairments11
Creative and Progressive Interior Color Design with Eye-tracked User Preference11
Investigating the Effects of Individual Cognitive Styles on Collaborative Gameplay11
Paper Plain : Making Medical Research Papers Approachable to Healthcare Consumers with Natural Language Processing11
Beyond Self-diagnosis: How a Chatbot-based Symptom Checker Should Respond11
Whose Touch is This? : Understanding the Agency Trade-Off Between User-Driven Touch vs. Computer-Driven Touch11
Supporting the Analysis of Safety Critical User Interfaces11
Understanding HCI Practices and Challenges of Experiment Reporting with Brain Signals: Towards Reproducibility and Reuse11
Digital Technology at the Edge of Capitalism10
“I Did Watch ‘The Handmaid's Tale’”: Threat Modeling Privacy Post-roe in the United States10
Rural Uncommoning10
Speculative Design as a Collaborative Practice: Ameliorating the Consequences of Illiteracy through Digital Touch10
Privacy and Safety on Social Networking Sites: Autistic and Non-Autistic Teenagers’ Attitudes and Behaviors10
Rehabilitation Games in Real-World Clinical Settings10
Advancing Human-AI Complementarity: The Impact of User Expertise and Algorithmic Tuning on Joint Decision Making10
Predictable Robots for Autistic Children—Variance in Robot Behaviour, Idiosyncrasies in Autistic Children’s Characteristics, and Child–Robot Engagement10
Crane: An Integrated Computational Design Platform for Functional, Foldable, and Fabricable Origami Products9
Exploring the Lived Experience of Behavior Change Technologies: Towards an Existential Model of Behavior Change for HCI9
Alert Now or Never: Understanding and Predicting Notification Preferences of Smartphone Users9
Metaphors in Voice User Interfaces: A Slippery Fish9
The AI Ghostwriter Effect: When Users do not Perceive Ownership of AI-Generated Text but Self-Declare as Authors9
Understanding the Importance of Cultural Appropriateness for User Interface Design: An Avatar Study9
Integrated Exertion—Understanding the Design of Human–Computer Integration in an Exertion Context9
Flowboard: How Seamless, Live, Flow-Based Programming Impacts Learning to Code for Embedded Electronics9
Seeing Colours: Addressing Colour Vision Deficiency with Vision Augmentations using Computational Glasses9
Manipulating Interface Design Features Affects Children's Stop-And-Think Behaviours in a Counterintuitive-Problem Game9
QuintEssence:A Probe Study to Explore the Power of Smell on Emotions, Memories, and Body Image in Daily Life9
TickleFoot: Design, Development and Evaluation of a Novel Foot-Tickling Mechanism That Can Evoke Laughter8
Using Feedforward to Reveal Interaction Possibilities in Virtual Reality8
Toward Understanding the Design of Intertwined Human–Computer Integrations8
Post-growth Human–Computer Interaction8
Teaching Inclusive Design Skills with the CIDER Assumption Elicitation Technique8
A Design Vocabulary for Data Physicalization8
Addressing Interpersonal Harm in Online Gaming Communities: The Opportunities and Challenges for a Restorative Justice Approach8
Malicious Selling Strategies in Livestream E-commerce: A Case Study of Alibaba’s Taobao and ByteDance’s TikTok8
Iterative Design and Prototyping of Computer Vision Mediated Remote Sighted Assistance8
Investigating Usability and User Experience of Individually Verifiable Internet Voting Schemes8
Hypothesis Formalization: Empirical Findings, Software Limitations, and Design Implications8
Introduction to the Special Issue on Human-Centred AI in Healthcare: Challenges Appearing in the Wild8
Intercorporeal Biofeedback for Movement Learning8
Assessing Human-AI Interaction Early through Factorial Surveys: A Study on the Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction8
Lessons Learnt from a Multimodal Learning Analytics Deployment In-the-Wild7
Linking Audience Physiology to Choreography7
Examining Narrative Sonification: Using First-Person Retrospection Methods to Translate Radio Production to Interaction Design7
Lean Privacy Review: Collecting Users’ Privacy Concerns of Data Practices at a Low Cost7
SparseIMU: Computational Design of Sparse IMU Layouts for Sensing Fine-grained Finger Microgestures7
(Re)Connecting History to the Theory and Praxis of HCI7
Managing Delays in Human-Robot Interaction7
The Impacts of Covid-19 on Players of Pokémon GO7
Co-design Techniques for and with Children based on Physical Theatre Practice to promote Embodied Awareness7