Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory

(The TQCC of Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: Timing and Zoogeography of Domesticated Horse Arrivals in Mongolia and China47
Contextualizing Ancestral Pueblo Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo spp.) Management25
Oral Storytelling and Knowledge Transmission in Upper Paleolithic Children and Adolescents24
Tales of Multifunctionality: a Systematic Quantitative Literature Review of Boomerangs Used as Retouchers in Australian Aboriginal Cultures20
Testing the Effect of Learning Conditions and Individual Motor/Cognitive Differences on Knapping Skill Acquisition19
Revealing Evolutionary Patterns Behind Homogeneity: the Case of the Palaeolithic Assemblages from Notarchirico (Southern Italy)18
A Prolegomenon on Archaeological Complexity and Disorganization: Fragmentation and Missing Data17
‘A Complex Past’: Theory and Applications15
Rock Art Painting Taphonomy: the Role of Environmental and Technological Factors15
Searching for the Individual: Characterising Knowledge Transfer and Skill in Prehistoric Personal Ornament Making13
A New Approach to the Quantitative Analysis of Bone Surface Modifications: the Bowser Road Mastodon and Implications for the Data to Understand Human-Megafauna Interactions in North America13
Making Rock Art: Correspondences, Rhythms, and Temporalities12
Weathering Stages of Proboscidean Bones: Relevance for Zooarchaeological Analysis12
Estimating the Ontogenetic Age and Sex Composition of Faunal Assemblages with Bayesian Multilevel Mixture Models11
Scaling in Pompeii: Preliminary Evidence for the Occurrence of Scaling Phenomena Within an Ancient Built Environment11
The Effect of Plant Food Treatment on Stable Isotopes and Their Relevance for Archaeological Studies: A Methodological Pilot Study11
Locating Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherer Camps in the Carpathian Basin11
Broken Worlds: Towards an Archaeology of the Shatter Zone9
Archaeology in the Fourth Dimension: Studying Landscapes with Multitemporal PlanetScope Satellite Data9
Archaeology and Kastom: Island Historicities and Transforming Religious Traditions in Southern Vanuatu9
The Archaeology of Awe: Monumental Architecture, Communal Ritual, and Community Formation at Poverty Point, USA9
Stringing Together Cowrie Shells in the African Archaeological Record with Special Reference to Southern Africa8
Correction to: Paleo Storage, Paleo Surplus, and Paleo Inequality in the Périgord8
Death and Dichotomy: Exploring Varied Human and Animal Depositional Practices in the Iron Age at Battlesbury Bowl, UK, through Histotaphonomy8
Correction to: (Sea)ways of Perception: an Integrated Maritime‑Terrestrial Approach to Modelling Prehistoric Seafaring8
Identifying the Impact of Soil Ingestion on Dental Microwear Textures Using a Wild Boar Experimental Model8
Traditions of Equality: The Archaeology of Egalitarianism and Egalitarian Behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa (First and Second Millennium CE)8
Wealth and Well-being in an Ancient Maya Community7
A Burning Platform? Critical Reflections on the Impact of Research on the Developing Bioarchaeology of Cremation7
To Err Is Human: Knapping Expertise and Technological Variability at the Middle Palaeolithic Site of Nesher Ramla, Israel7
Urban Open Space and Governance in Ancient Mesoamerica7
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Ecological Changes, Social Behaviour and Human Intergroup Tolerance 300,000 to 30,000 BP7
The Effect of Raw Material on the Identification of Knapping Skill: a Case Study from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania7
Landscape Chambers: Towards an Archaeology of the Cognitive Landscape7
Determining the Postmortem Timing of Sharp Force Damage and the Pre-burning Condition of Burnt Bone6
The Soundscapes of the Lower Chuya River Area, Russian Altai: Ethnographic Sources, Indigenous Ontologies and the Archaeoacoustics of Rock Art Sites6
Culture and Evolvability: a Brief Archaeological Perspective6
Concordia salus: Becoming Brass Projectiles6
Exploratory Network Reconstruction with Sparse Archaeological Data and XTENT5
New Approaches to the Bipolar Flaking Technique: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Kinematic Perspectives5
Reframing Prehistoric Human-Proboscidean Interactions: on the Use and Implications of Ethnohistoric Records for Understanding the Productivity of Hunting Megaherbivores5
Feasting at a World Center Shrine: Paleoethnobotanical and Micromorphological Investigations of a Woodhenge Earth Oven5
Bronze Age Stone Anchors as Material Metaphors: Applying Conceptual Blending Theory to Investigate Their Symbolic Value5
Beautiful, Magic, Lethal: a Social Perspective of Cinnabar Use and Mercury Exposure at the Valencina Copper Age Mega-site (Spain)5
A Study of the Centuries-Long Reliance on Local Ceramics in Jerash Through Full Quantification and Simulation5
Defining and Characterising Clusters in Palaeolithic Sites: a Review of Methods and Constraints5
Investigating Isotopic Niche Space: Using rKIN for Stable Isotope Studies in Archaeology4
Discrimination of Cereal Residue Adsorbed by Pottery Based on Metabolomics4
From Hafting to Retooling: Miniaturization as Tolerance Control in Paleolithic and Neolithic Blade Production4
Shell Tools and Use-Wear Analysis: a Reference Collection for Prehistoric Arabia4
Paradigm or Practice? Situating GIS in Contemporary Archaeological Method and Theory4
Digital Navigator on the Seas of the Selden Map of China: Sequential Least-Cost Path Analysis Using Dynamic Wind Data4
Statistical Inference of Prehistoric Demography from Frequency Distributions of Radiocarbon Dates: A Review and a Guide for the Perplexed4
Examining Temporality and Difference: an Intensive Approach to Understanding Medieval Rural Settlement4
A Review of Methods to Analyze Archaeological Lime Production: Investigating Raw Materials Selection and Firing Conditions4
Life Around the Elephant in Space and Time: an Integrated Approach to Study the Human-Elephant Interactions at the Late Lower Paleolithic Site of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italy)4