Social Politics

(The median citation count of Social Politics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
De-democratization and the Politics of Knowledge: Unpacking the Cultural Marxism Narrative23
Gender, Violence, and Political Institutions: Struggles over Sexual Harassment in the European Parliament20
From Gender Regimes to Violence Regimes: Re-thinking the Position of Violence20
De-Democratization and Opposition to Gender Equality Politics in Europe17
BlitzkriegAgainst Democracy: Gender Equality and the Rise of the Populist Radical Right in Spain17
Reconfiguring State–Movement Relations in the Context of De-democratization12
“Diversity Within”: The Problems with “Intersectional” White Feminism in Practice12
Gendernativism and Liberal Subjecthood: The Cases of Forced Marriage and the Burqa Ban in Switzerland9
The Possibilities and Constraints for Intersectional Practice in Gender Budgeting Activism9
Challenges to Democratic Practices and Discourses in the European Parliament: Feminist Perspectives on the Politics of Political Groups8
The Nordic Model of Father Quotas in Leave Policies: A Case of Policy Transfer?8
“I Was Facilitating Everybody Else’s Life. And Mine Had Just Ground to a Halt”: The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Women in the United Kingdom8
Stability and Change in German Parents’ Childcare Patterns Across Two Decades8
Being Cared for in the Context of Crisis: Austerity, COVID-19, and Racialized Politics7
Why Property Matters? New Varieties of Domestic Patriarchy in Turkey7
“This Is a Union of Values”: The Rise of the LGBTI Rights Norm as Part of the EU’s Identity Construction6
Not Your Grandma’s Fascism: Fame, Femininity, and Race in Far-Right Postcolonial India and Brazil6
Promotion Programs for Women’s Entrepreneurship in Spain: A “Transformational Entrepreneurial Journey”6
Voting Right? Analyzing Electoral Homonationalism of LGBTIQ* Voters in Austria and Germany6
Can Personal Parties Facilitate Women’s Political Seniority? A Study of Internal Rules of Conduct5
“It’s Like Giving Birth to This Girl Again”: Social Repair and Motherhood After Conflict-Related Sexual Violence5
Assessing Adequate Homes and Proper Parenthood: How Gendered and Racialized Family Norms Legitimize the Deportation of Unaccompanied Minors in Belgium and the Netherlands5
Experts, Idiots, and Liars: The Gender Politics of Knowledge and Expertise in Turbulent Times5
What Gender-Neutral Activation? Understanding the Gender Sanction Gap in Germany’s Welfare System5
Feminism at the Crossroads of Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism: Restructuring Women’s Labor in the Context of Family Leave Reform in Finland5
Europeanization, Democratization, and Backsliding: Trajectories and Framings of Gender Equality Institutions in Poland5
Integrating Gender-Based Analysis Plus into Policy Responses to COVID-19: Lived Experiences of Lockdown in British Columbia, Canada5
Obscuring Gendered Difference: The Treatment of Violence in Australian Government Alcohol Policy5
Moral Geographies of Care across Borders: The Experience of Migrant Grandparents in Australia5
Violence against Women—The Case of Divorced Palestinian-Arab women in Israel4
Consensual Unions, Property Rights, and Patrimonial Violence against Women in Latin America4
Reconceptualizing Vulnerability and Safeguarding in the Humanitarian and Development Sector4
From Female Migrant Sex Workers to Migrant Workers: When the Danish Labor Market Encounters the Policy Field of Anti-Trafficking4
Devaluing Women’s Lives through Law: Familyism Ideologies in Abortion and Violence against Women Laws in El Salvador4
Remaking a “Failed” Masculinity: Working-Class Young Men, Breadwinning, and Morality in Contemporary Russia4
The Rise of Neo-Abolitionism in Europe: Exploring the role of the Neoliberalism–Vulnerability–Security Nexus in the Prostitution Policies of the United Kingdom, Spain, France, and Ireland4
Long-Term Trends in the Gender Income Gap within Couples: West Germany, 1978–20114
“This Patriarchal, Machista and Unequal Culture of Ours”: Obstacles to Confronting Conflict-Related Sexual Violence4
Gender Dynamics During the Colombian Armed Conflict4
Conflicting Policy Feedback: Enduring Tensions over Father Quotas in Norway4
Debating the Law of Self-Determination of Gender Identity in Portugal: Composition and Dynamics of Advocacy Coalitions of Political and Civil Society Actors in the Discussion of Morality Issues4
The Motherhood Penalty in Spain: The Effect of Full- and Part-Time Parental Leave on Women’s Earnings4
“Everyone has the right to their opinion”: “Gender Ideology” Rhetoric and Epistemic Struggles in Slovak Policymaking4
Mainstream or Marginalized? How German and Dutch Newspapers Frame LGBTI3
Men’s Rights Activism and Anti-Feminist Resistance in Turkey and Norway3
Are Women Discriminated Against in Countries with Extensive Family Policies? A Piece of the “Welfare State Paradox” Puzzle from Sweden3
Ambiguous Policy Paradigms in the Dutch Welfare State: A Gender-Blind Mix of Social Investment and Conservative Care3
“Distant Toleration”: The Politics of Solidarity Work among Turkish and Syrian Women in Southern Turkey3
Explaining Backlash: Social Hierarchy and Men’s Rejection of Women’s Rights Reforms3
Paradox or Mitigation? Childless and Parent Gender Gaps across British, Finnish, and German Wage Distributions3
It’s a Family (Policy) Affair: Family Policies and Heterogeneity in Gender Attitudes3
Everything but the Marriage Certificate: Unmarried Partners in Norwegian Immigration Regulation3
The Gender Cleavage: Updating Rokkanian Theory for the Twenty-First Century3
The Hierarchy of Care Work: How Immigrants Influence the Gender-Segregated Labor Market3
The Heterogeneous Effect of COVID-19 on the Gender Gap in Iran3
Depletion through Social Reproduction and Contingent Coping in the Lived Experience of Parents on Universal Credit in England3
Neglecting Reproductive Labor: A Critical Review of Gender Equality Indices3
Willing, Caring and Capable: Gendered Ideals of Vernacular Preparedness in Finland2
Discourses of Gender and Political Violence in South Africa2
Silent or Inaudible? Male Survivor Stories in Bosnia–Herzegovina2
Gender Knowledge and Gender Expertise: The Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in Swedish State Agencies2
Household Debt and Social Reproduction in Everyday Life: Women’s Experiences of Caring, Agency, and Risk2
Servants of Production: The Politics of Domestic Workers’ Labor Rights2
Toward a Model of Universal Care, One Manifesto at a Time2
Constructions of Care in EU Economic, Social, and Gender Equality Policy: Care Providers and Care Recipients versus the Needs of the Economy?2
Protected through Part-time Employment? Labor Market Status, Domestic Responsibilities, and the Life Satisfaction of German Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Gender and Race on the Frontline: Experiences of Health Workers in Brazil during the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value? Iceland and the Equal Pay Standard2
Parental Leave Reforms in South Korea, 1995–2021: Policy Translation and Institutional Legacies2
Transcalar Activism Contesting the Liberal International Order: The Case of the World Congress of Families2
Hosting Overnight Guests: Gendered Unpaid Work as a Solidarity Mechanism of Migrants in the Process of Urbanization in Turkey2
Unlikely Feminist Coalitions: Islamist and Secularist Women’s Organizing in Tunisia2
Gender Sensitivity in the National Roma Integration Strategies of Member States of the European Union2
Making Mothers Stay at Home? Analyzing the Impact of Partisan Cueing on Attitudes Toward Maternal Employment2
Family Care Work Coverage in Pensions: Mapping and Contextualizing International Variations and Developments2
Political Representation and Intersectionality: Perspectives of Ethnically/Racially Minoritized Citizens2
Lockdown on Peace? COVID-19’s Impact on Women Peacebuilders2
Decolonizing Feminist Economics: Interrogating the Women’s Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality Development Framework2
What About Fertility? The Unintentional Pro-natalism of a Nordic Country1
The Law on the Books Versus the Law in Action: Muslim Women in Polygamous Marriages under the Jewish State1
Protecting, Empowering, or Penalizing Motherhood? The Contradictory Treatment of Women in Chilean Social Policies1
Women’s Political Participation through Social Movements and Nongovernmental Organizations: The Case of Compromiso Ciudadano in Medellín, Colombia1
“Caring for the Mine”: Women in Capitalist Accumulation in the Peruvian Andes1
The Scandal of Women’s Emancipation. Femonationalism, Right-Wing Sexual Politics, and Anti-Feminism1
(In)Stability of Gender Attitudes in Times of Family Policy Change—A Latent Class Analysis of Germany, Austria, and Sweden1
Gaps and Silences: Gender and Climate Policies in the Global North1
Making Parenting Leave Accessible to Fathers: Political Actors and New Social Rights, 1965–20161
Special Section on The Care Manifesto: The Politics of Interdependence1
Empowered Homeowners, Responsible Mothers: Promises and Pitfalls of Maternalist Housing Provision in Brazil’s Minha Casa Minha Vida Program1
Refusing and Redressing Gestational Labor: A Social Reproduction Account of Abortion1
The EU as a Global Gender Actor: Tracing Intersectionality in the European Gender Action Plans for External Relations 2010–20251
Social Reproduction Gone Wrong? The Citizenship Revocation and Rehabilitation of Young European Women Who Joined ISIS1
Becoming Actors of Change: A Gender-Disaggregated Analysis of the Effects of the Israeli Oppression on Women in Palestine1
Beyond Clueless Mothers: Israeli “Women Wage Peace” Activists’ Perceptions of Why Women Are Key to Peacemaking1
Measuring Gender Inequality in Great Britain: Proposal for a Subnational Gender Inequality Index1
The Problematization of Migrant Maternity: Implications of the “Passport Baby” Narrative in the Canadian Context1
Housewives and Entrepreneurs: Local Coalitions of Power and the Political Construction of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Turkey1
Abortion Rights Attitudes in Europe: Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, or Pro-Nation?1
Maternal Employment and Childcare Use from an Intersectional Perspective: Stratification along Class, Contractual and Gender Lines in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK1
Toward a More Careful Future: Thoughts on The Care Manifesto1
Caring for the Manifesto—Steps toward Making It an Achievable Dream1
Persistence of Abortion Stigma Inscribed in the Legal Framework: The Case of Abortion Attitudes in Poland1
Between Peripherality and Privilege: “Women Wage Peace” as a Case Study of Intersectionality Practices in Women’s Movements1
The Biopolitics of Parental Access: Cross-Readings of Transnational Adoption and Surrogacy in Denmark and Norway1
Political Epistemology in Gender Policy-Making: The German Democratization of Expertise1
Marketization, Regulation, and Equality: Towards an Analytical Framework for Understanding the Equality Impact of Public Procurement1
Not All Good Is Care, Not All Evil Is Uncaring—A Political Comment on The Care Manifesto1
Populist Female MPs and the Discourse around Gender and Gender-based Violence in the Italian Twittersphere during the Pandemic1
Forgotten Concepts of Korea’s Welfare State: Productivist Welfare Capitalism and Confucianism Revisited in Family Policy Change1
Democracy and Demography: Intersectional Dimensions of German Politics1
Unpacking Normative Resonance: The Attitudinal Panopticon and the Implementation Gap of LGBT Rights in Serbia1
Family Policy as a Power Source of Political Stability: The Experience of Kazakhstan1
Authoritarian Populism and Patriarchal Logics: Nicaragua’s Engendered Politics1
Opening Pathways to Restorative Justice: Analysis of Parliamentary Debates on Sex Crime Law Reform in Victoria, Australia1
Complexities and Nuances in Radical Right Voters’ (Anti)Feminism1
Beyond Antifeminist Discourses: Analyzing How Material and Social Factors Shape Online Resistance to Feminist Politics1