International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

(The median citation count of International Journal of Human-Computer Studies is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
The effects of explainability and causability on perception, trust, and acceptance: Implications for explainable AI442
The human side of human-chatbot interaction: A systematic literature review of ten years of research on text-based chatbots254
My Chatbot Companion - a Study of Human-Chatbot Relationships183
Tailored gamification: A review of literature167
Almost human? A comparative case study on the social media presence of virtual influencers134
The effect of challenge-based gamification on learning: An experiment in the context of statistics education133
Human-centered XAI: Developing design patterns for explanations of clinical decision support systems88
“It wouldn't happen to me”: Privacy concerns and perspectives following the Cambridge Analytica scandal83
Efficacy of Virtual Reality for Studying People's Pre-evacuation Behavior under Fire77
Older adults' perspectives of smart home technology: Are we developing the technology that older people want?65
Apps That Motivate: a Taxonomy of App Features Based on Self-Determination Theory62
Understanding the user experience of customer service chatbots: An experimental study of chatbot interaction design60
Memory of virtual experiences: Role of immersion, emotion and sense of presence56
A comparison of the effects of haptic and visual feedback on presence in virtual reality53
A design methodology for affective Virtual Reality52
Effects of gender and personality differences on students’ perception of game design elements in educational gamification51
Do you feel safe with your robot? Factors influencing perceived safety in human-robot interaction based on subjective and objective measures51
Introduction of human-centric AI assistant to aid radiologists for multimodal breast image classification50
The impact of serious games with humanoid robots on mild cognitive impairment older adults47
Modeling adoption of intelligent agents in medical imaging47
Measuring Mental Workload Variations in Office Work Tasks using fNIRS47
Automated and Personalized Nutrition Health Assessment, Recommendation, and Progress Evaluation using Fuzzy Reasoning42
A longitudinal study of human–chatbot relationships41
Impacts of Touch Screen Size, User Interface Design, and Subtask Boundaries on In-Car Task's Visual Demand and Driver Distraction40
Physiological indicators of task demand, fatigue, and cognition in future digital manufacturing environments40
Drivers’ acceptance of mobile navigation applications: An extended technology acceptance model considering drivers’ sense of direction, navigation application affinity and distraction perception40
Social interactions and relationships with an intelligent virtual agent38
Cognitive support for assembly operations by means of augmented reality: an exploratory study38
Understanding human-robot teams in light of all-human teams: Aspects of team interaction and shared cognition37
Talking datasets – Understanding data sensemaking behaviours37
Interpretable confidence measures for decision support systems35
Persona Perception Scale: Development and Exploratory Validation of an Instrument for Evaluating Individuals’ Perceptions of Personas35
Can we trust a chatbot like a physician? A qualitative study on understanding the emergence of trust toward diagnostic chatbots33
Matter over mind? How the acceptance of digital entities depends on their appearance, mental prowess, and the interaction between both33
Sweet escape: The role of empathy in social media engagement with human versus virtual influencers33
Perseverations of the academy: A survey of wearable technologies applied to autism intervention32
Investigating the effect of gamification elements on bank customers to personalize gamified systems31
How Linguistic Framing Affects Factory Workers' Initial Trust in Collaborative Robots: The Interplay Between Anthropomorphism and Technological Replacement30
The effects of domain knowledge on trust in explainable AI and task performance: A case of peer-to-peer lending30
Creating design guidelines for building city dashboards from a user's perspectives29
Experimenters' Influence on Mental-Imagery based Brain-Computer Interface User Training29
How the different explanation classes impact trust calibration: The case of clinical decision support systems29
Automated prediction of visual complexity of web pages: Tools and evaluations28
Who needs explanation and when? Juggling explainable AI and user epistemic uncertainty28
Nonverbal communication in virtual reality: Nodding as a social signal in virtual interactions28
Making it Real: A Study of Augmented Virtuality on Presence and Enhanced Benefits of Study Stress Reduction Sessions27
Immersive virtual reality news: A study of user experience and media effects27
Challenge types in gaming validation of video game challenge inventory (CHA)26
Bridging narrative and locality in mobile-based augmented reality educational activities: Effects of semantic coupling on students’ immersion and learning gains26
Gamification of virtual reality assembly training: Effects of a combined point and level system on motivation and training results25
Questionnaire experience and the hybrid System Usability Scale: Using a novel concept to evaluate a new instrument25
A graspable olfactory display for virtual reality25
UX information in the daily work of an agile team: A distributed cognition analysis24
Self-tracking while doing sport: Comfort, motivation, attention and lifestyle of athletes using personal informatics tools23
Shocking advantage! Improving digital game performance using non-invasive brain stimulation23
The evaluation of a mobile user interface for people on the autism spectrum: An eye movement study23
Anxious and frustrated but still competent: Affective aspects of interactions with personal information management22
The need to move away from agential-AI: Empirical investigations, useful concepts and open issues22
Using the computer mouse for stress measurement – An empirical investigation and critical review21
Analyzing the relationships between learners’ motivation and observable engaged behaviors in a gamified learning environment21
Gender in the making: An empirical approach to understand gender relations in the maker movement21
Exploiting linguistic information from Nepali transcripts for early detection of Alzheimer's disease using natural language processing and machine learning techniques20
Human-machine symbiosis: A multivariate perspective for physically coupled human-machine systems20
Development and validation of the fluency in human-robot interaction scale. A two-wave study on three perspectives of fluency20
Towards understanding the design of bodily integration19
Social domestication of service robots: The secret lives of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) at a Norwegian hospital19
Observing and predicting knowledge worker stress, focus and awakeness in the wild18
Teleoperated mobile robot with two arms: the influence of a human-machine interface, VR training and operator age18
Psychological distance in mobile telepresence18
Raising Awareness of Stereotyping Through Collaborative Digital Storytelling: Design for Change with and for Children18
A systematic review of functions and design features of in-vehicle agents18
POMA: A tangible user interface to improve social and cognitive skills of Sri Lankan children with ASD18
The cupboard task: An immersive virtual reality-based system for everyday memory assessment18
A user-derived mapping for mid-air haptic experiences17
Design for social digital well-being with young generations: Engage them and make them reflect17
Young and old users prefer immersive virtual reality over a social robot for short-term cognitive training17
“I felt her company”: A qualitative study on factors affecting closeness and emotional support seeking with an embodied conversational agent17
Manipulating music to communicate automation reliability in conditionally automated driving: A driving simulator study17
Human values and digital citizen science interactions17
Personal informatics and negative emotions during commuter driving: Effects of data visualization on cardiovascular reactivity & mood16
User-defined walking-in-place gestures for VR locomotion16
Influence of cultural factors on freehand gesture design16
Interpersonal Haptic Communication: Review and Directions for the Future16
The methodology of studying fairness perceptions in Artificial Intelligence: Contrasting CHI and FAccT16
Developing Future Wearable Interfaces for Human-Drone Teams through a Virtual Drone Search Game15
Intimacy perception : Does the artificial or human nature of the interlocutor matter ?15
Virtual reality art-making for stroke rehabilitation: Field study and technology probe15
So far yet so near: Exploring the effects of immersion, presence, and psychological distance on empathy and prosocial behavior15
The Interactive Virtual Training for Teachers (IVT-T) to Practice Classroom Behavior Management15
Self-report measure of dispositional flow experience in the video game context: Conceptualisation and scale development15
Evaluation of haptic virtual reality user interfaces for medical marking on 3D models15
A low-cost predictive display for teleoperation: Investigating effects on human performance and workload15
“Instant Happiness”: Smartphones as tools for everyday emotion regulation15
Evaluation of locomotion methods in virtual reality navigation environments: An involuntary position shift and task performance15
The effects of virtual human’s verbal persuasion strategies on user intention and behavior15
Automated affect classification and task difficulty adaptation in a competitive scenario based on physiological linkage: An exploratory study15
The influence of human factors on 360∘ mulsemedia QoE15
Enhanced cognitive workload evaluation in 3D immersive environments with TOPSIS model14
Head-worn displays for healthcare and industry workers: A review of applications and design14
Modeling and mitigating human annotation errors to design efficient stream processing systems with human-in-the-loop machine learning14
Qi2He: A co-design framework inspired by eastern epistemology14
A new perspective on personas and customer journey maps: Proposing systemic UX14
The design, development, and evaluation of telepresence interfaces for aging adults: Investigating user perceptions of privacy and usability14
Augmented assistive technology: the importance of tailoring technology solutions for people living with dementia at home14
A principlist-based study of the ethical design and acceptability of artificial social agents14
User experience framework for understanding user experience in blockchain services14
Design of a toolkit for real-time executive function assessment in custom-made virtual experiences and interventions13
Visual aesthetics and user experience: A multiple-session experiment13
Why people choose Apps: An evaluation of the ecology and user experience of mobile applications13
The Influence of User Culture on Website Usability13
Effects of visual and auditory cues on haptic illusions for active and passive touches in mixed reality13
Perception of perspective in augmented reality head-up displays13
A social robot to deliver a psychotherapeutic treatment: Qualitative responses by participants in a randomized controlled trial and future design recommendations13
Derivation of young children's interaction strategies with digital educational games from gaze sequences analysis13
Managing healthcare conflicts when living with multiple chronic conditions13
Personality segmentation of users through mining their mobile usage patterns13
The impact of assistive software application to facilitate people with dementia through participatory research13
Cognitive load increases anthropomorphism of humanoid robot. The automatic path of anthropomorphism13
‘Address and command’: Two-handed mid-air interactions with multiple home devices13
How to Make chatbots productive – A user-oriented implementation framework13
Designing gamified rewards to encourage repeated app selection: Effect of reward placement12
The Goldilocks level of support: Using user reviews, ratings, and installation numbers to investigate digital self-control tools12
Towards augmented reality coaching for daily routines: Participatory design with individuals with cognitive disabilities and their caregivers12
Real-time posture feedback for effective motor learning in table tennis in virtual reality12
Building blocks for creating enjoyable games—A systematic literature review12
Foregrounding data in co-design – An exploration of how data may become an object of design12
Who Owns What? Psychological Ownership in Shared Augmented Reality12
The ability of personas: An empirical evaluation of altering incorrect preconceptions about users12
Mitigating knowledge imbalance in AI-advised decision-making through collaborative user involvement12
Augmented Reality as a research tool: investigating cognitive-motor dual-task during outdoor navigation11
Brain training with the body in mind: Towards gamified approach-avoidance training using virtual reality11
The influence of audio effects and attention on the perceived duration of interaction11
What can “drag & drop” tell? Detecting mild cognitive impairment by hand motor function assessment under dual-task paradigm11
Meet Malexa, Alexa’s malicious twin: Malware-induced misperception through intelligent voice assistants11
Uses and gratifications of photo sharing on Instagram11
A cognitive decomposition to empirically study human performance in control room environments11
Meet me in VR! Can VR space help remote teams connect: A seven-week study with Horizon Workrooms11
From hot-spots towards experience-spots: Leveraging on users’ sociocultural experiences to enhance security in cued-recall graphical authentication11
How do people experience the temporality of everyday life changes? Towards the exploration of existential time in HCI11
A virtual tourist counselor expressing intimacy behaviors: A new perspective to create emotion in visitors and offer them a better user experience?10
Reasoning about privacy in mobile application install decisions: Risk perception and framing10
The advantages of virtual dogs over virtual people: Using augmented reality to provide social support in stressful situations10
Effect of target distance on controllability for myocontrol10
Acquisition and retention of spatial knowledge through virtual reality experiences: Effects of VR setup and locomotion technique10
Olly: A tangible for togetherness10
How compliance with web accessibility standards shapes the experiences of users with and without disabilities10
Emotion trajectories in smartphone use: Towards recognizing emotion regulation in-the-wild10
Usability evaluation of multimodal interactive virtual environments for learners who are blind: An empirical investigation10
Examining the impact of varying levels of AI teammate influence on human-AI teams10
Omnis Prædictio: Estimating the full spectrum of human performance with stroke gestures10
Effects of incorporating virtual reality training intervention into health care on cognitive function and wellbeing in older adults with cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial10
Evaluating a gamification proposal for learning usability heuristics: Heureka10
The impact of the physical and social embodiment of voice user interfaces on user distraction10
A framework and serious game for decision making in stressful situations; a fire evacuation scenario10
Workout connections: Investigating social interactions in online group exercise classes10
Effects of holding postures on user-defined touch gestures for tablet interaction10
EyeTAP: Introducing a multimodal gaze-based technique using voice inputs with a comparative analysis of selection techniques9
Information flow and cognition affect each other: Evidence from digital learning9
Escaping unsustainable digital interactions: Toward “more meaningful” and “moderate” online experiences9
The impact of handedness on user performance in touchless input9
Tablets for deeply disadvantaged older adults: Challenges in long-term care facilities9
I just wanna blame somebody, not something! Reactions to a computer agent giving negative feedback based on the instructions of a person9
Moving and improving in safety-critical systems: Impacts of head-mounted displays on operator mobility, performance, and situation awareness9
A visual editing tool supporting the production of 3D interactive graphics assets for public exhibitions9
Conversational agents for fostering curiosity-driven learning in children9
Modeling micro-interactions in self-regulated learning: A data-driven methodology9
User-Centered Privacy-by-Design: Evaluating the Appropriateness of Design Prototypes9
FaceMe: An agent-based social game using augmented reality for the emotional development of children with autism spectrum disorder9
Enriching teachers’ assessments of rhythmic Forró dance skills by modelling motion sensor data9
Crafting, connecting, and commoning in everyday maker projects9
Understanding and Streamlining App Switching Experiences in Mobile Interaction9
Exploration strategies for tactile graphics displayed by electrovibration on a touchscreen9
An empirical investigation of domestic energy data visualizations9
Design patterns for human-AI co-learning: A wizard-of-Oz evaluation in an urban-search-and-rescue task9
A novel user-based gesture vocabulary for conceptual design9
Smash the dichotomy of Skeuomorphism and flat design: Designing an affordable interface to correspond with the human perceptuomotor process8
DeepThInk: Designing and probing human-AI co-creation in digital art therapy8
Interactive Technologies for Emotion Regulation Training: A Scoping Review8
Technology futures: Towards understanding how to design awe-inspiring futures8
FAT-CAT—Explainability and augmentation for an AI system: A case study on AI recruitment-system adoption8
Device-based manipulation technique with separated control structures for 3D object translation and rotation in handheld mobile AR8
Understanding user performance of acquiring targets with motion-in-depth in virtual reality8
Let's replay the political debate: Hypervideo technology for visual sensemaking of televised election debates8
Human-machine sense of agency8
Explanations in warning dialogs to help users defend against phishing attacks8
Quantifying the impact of making and breaking interface habits8
Mapping 20 years of accessibility research in HCI: A co-word analysis7
“Sorry, it was my fault”: Repairing trust in human-robot interactions7
Fostering engagement in technology-mediated stress management: A comparative study of biofeedback designs7
“Bring me sunshine, bring me (physical) strength”: The case of dementia. Designing and implementing a virtual reality system for physical training during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Design and evaluation of an augmented reality cyberphysical game for the development of empathic abilities7
Understanding differences between combinations of 2D and 3D input and output devices for 3D data visualization7
Think before you speak: An investigation of eye activity patterns during conversations using eyewear7
Investigating cognitive workload in concurrent speech-based information communication7
Between fear and trust: Older adults’ evaluation of socially assistive robots7
CReBot: Exploring interactive question prompts for critical paper reading7
Virtual nature experiences and mindfulness practices while working from home during COVID-19: Effects on stress, focus, and creativity7
Convergence of Virtual Reality and Digital Twin technologies to enhance digital operators’ training in industry 4.07
Chatbots for active learning: A case of phishing email identification6
Unlock Me: A Real-World Driven Smartphone Game to Stimulate COVID-19 Awareness6
Exploring the influence of driver affective state and auditory display urgency on takeover performance in semi-automated vehicles: Experiment and modelling6
CommBo: Modernizing Augmentative and Alternative Communication6
Grand challenges in human-food interaction6
Multitasking while driving: A time use study of commuting knowledge workers to assess current and future uses6
Sonification of the self vs. sonification of the other: Differences in the sonification of performed vs. observed simple hand movements6
The Digital Lives of Student Mothers: A Consideration of Technologies That Support or Erode the Student/Parent Boundary6
Development and validation of a social robot anthropomorphism scale (SRA) in a french sample6
Investigating user-defined flipping gestures for dual-display phones6
Development of a speed protector to optimize user experience in 3D virtual environments6
Development and validation of a practical instrument for evaluating players’ familiarity with exergames6
Website interactivity and processing: Menu customization and sense of agency are keys to better interaction design6
Co-designing opportunities for Human-Centred Machine Learning in supporting Type 1 diabetes decision-making6
The relationship between cybersickness and eye-activity in response to varying speed, scene complexity and stereoscopic VR parameters6
Exploring Subjective Realism: Do evaluative realism and felt realism respond differently to different cues?6
Using smartwatches to facilitate a group dynamics-based statewide physical activity intervention6
Designing an XAI interface for BCI experts: A contextual design for pragmatic explanation interface based on domain knowledge in a specific context6
Exploring crowdsourced self-care techniques: A study on Parkinson’s disease6
Comparing hand gestures and a gamepad interface for locomotion in virtual environments6
The other-race effect in the uncanny valley6
Tablet for two: How do children collaborate around single player tablet games?5
Aesthetic semantics: Affect rating of atomic visual web aesthetics for use in affective user experience design5
The third party will make a difference — A study on the impact of dyadic and triadic social situations on the relationship with a voice-based personal agent5
Transparent robots: How children perceive and relate to a social robot that acknowledges its lack of human psychological capacities and machine status5
Family’s health: Opportunities for non-collocated intergenerational families collaboration on healthy living5
Anachronism by Design: Understanding Young Adults’ Perceptions of Computer Iconography5
Think-4-EmCoDe framework: Highlighting key qualities in embodied co-design techniques for children5
Emotions toward cognitive enhancement technologies and the body – Attitudes and willingness to use5
Interaction design for security based on social context5
Investigating the use of speech-based conversational agents for life coaching5
Understanding experiences and expectations from active, independent older women in Chile towards technologies to manage their health5
“It's not Paul, it's a robot”: The impact of linguistic framing and the evolution of trust and distrust in a collaborative robot during a human-robot interaction5
Predicting interaction effort in web interface widgets5
Indicators of employee phishing email behaviours: Intuition, elaboration, attention, and email typology5
How does varying the number of personas affect user perceptions and behavior? Challenging the ‘small personas’ hypothesis!5
“Just Follow the Lights”: A Ubiquitous Framework for Low-Cost, Mixed Fidelity Navigation in Indoor Built Environments5
Impression transference from AI to human: The impact of AI's fairness on interpersonal perception in AI-Mediated communication5
Leveraging a collaborative augmented reality serious game to promote sustainability awareness, commitment and adaptive problem-management5
From reader to experiencer: Design and evaluation of a VR data story for promoting the situation awareness of public health threats5
Seeking information about assistive technology: Exploring current practices, challenges, and the need for smarter systems5
Enhanced Interactivity in VR-based Telerobotics: An Eye-tracking Investigation of Human Performance and Workload5
Understanding digital wellbeing within complex technological contexts5
PressTapFlick: Exploring a gaze and foot-based multimodal approach to gaze typing5
Preparedness nudging for warning apps? A mixed-method study investigating popularity and effects of preparedness alerts in warning apps5
Pseudo-haptic button for improving user experience of mid-air interaction in VR4
Understanding the effects of real-time sentiment analysis and morale visualisation in backchannel systems: A case study4
CODA: Mobile interface for enabling safer navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles in real-world settings4
Busting the one-voice-fits-all myth: Effects of similarity and customization of voice-assistant personality4
Questionnaire experience of the pictorial usability inventory (PUI) – a comparison of pictorial and hybrid usability scales4
Growing together: An analysis of measurement transparency across 15 years of player motivation questionnaires4
HMMCF:A human-computer collaboration algorithm based on multimodal intention of reverse active fusion4