Structural Equation Modeling-A Multidisciplinary Journal

(The TQCC of Structural Equation Modeling-A Multidisciplinary Journal is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Three Extensions of the Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model368
Causal Mediation Programs in R, Mplus, SAS, SPSS, and Stata78
On the Differences between General Cross-Lagged Panel Model and Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model: Interpretation of Cross-Lagged Parameters and Model Choice72
Collapsing Categories is Often More Advantageous than Modeling Sparse Data: Investigations in the CFA Framework50
A Comparison of Different Approaches for Estimating Cross-Lagged Effects from a Causal Inference Perspective47
Assessing Cutoff Values of SEM Fit Indices: Advantages of the Unbiased SRMR Index and Its Cutoff Criterion Based on Communality39
How to Perform Three-Step Latent Class Analysis in the Presence of Measurement Non-Invariance or Differential Item Functioning34
Sample Size Recommendations for Continuous-Time Models: Compensating Shorter Time Series with Larger Numbers of Persons and Vice Versa31
Review of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Using R: A Workbook28
Computational Options for Standard Errors and Test Statistics with Incomplete Normal and Nonnormal Data in SEM28
Item Meaning and Order as Causes of Correlated Residuals in Confirmatory Factor Analysis27
The Use of Traditional and Causal Estimators for Mediation Models with a Binary Outcome and Exposure-Mediator Interaction26
Residual Structural Equation Models25
Measurement in Intensive Longitudinal Data24
Power Analysis for the Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model Using the powRICLPM R-Package22
Sample Size Requirements for Bifactor Models21
Multilevel Analysis of Mediation, Moderation, and Nonlinear Effects in Small Samples, Using Expected a Posteriori Estimates of Factor Scores21
Forecasting Causal Effects of Interventions versus Predicting Future Outcomes20
Why Full, Partial, or Approximate Measurement Invariance Are Not a Prerequisite for Meaningful and Valid Group Comparisons19
Equivalence of Partial-Least-Squares SEM and the Methods of Factor-Score Regression18
Exploring the Enumeration Accuracy of Cross-Validation Indices in Latent Class Analysis17
Using Bounded Estimation to Avoid Nonconvergence in Small Sample Structural Equation Modeling15
Detecting Correlated Residuals in Exploratory Factor Analysis: New Proposals and a Comparison of Procedures14
Modeling Intraindividual Variability in Growth with Measurement Burst Designs14
Exploring the Unfolding of Dynamic Effects with Continuous-Time Models: Recommendations Concerning Statistical Power to Detect Peak Cross-Lagged Effects14
Multiple Group Alignment for Exploratory and Structural Equation Models14
The Challenge of Generating Causal Hypotheses Using Network Models13
Finding Clusters of Groups with Measurement Invariance: Unraveling Intercept Non-Invariance with Mixture Multigroup Factor Analysis13
Fitting Multilevel Vector Autoregressive Models in Stan, JAGS, and Mplus11
Python Packages for Exploratory Factor Analysis11
Penalized Structural Equation Models11
A Comparison of FIML- versus Multiple-imputation-based methods to test measurement invariance with incomplete ordinal variables10
Fit Difference Between Nonnested Models Given Categorical Data: Measures and Estimation10
The Impact of Item Parceling on Structural Parameter Invariance in Multi-group Structural Equation Modeling10
Flexible Extensions to Structural Equation Models Using Computation Graphs10
Finding Clusters of Measurement Invariant Items for Continuous Covariates10
Using Ant Colony Optimization for Sensitivity Analysis in Structural Equation Modeling10
Bayesian Causal Mediation Analysis with Latent Mediators and Survival Outcome9
Croon’s Bias-Corrected Estimation of Latent Interactions9
A Bayesian Regularized Approach to Exploratory Factor Analysis in One Step9
Accounting for Time-Varying Inter-Individual Differences in Trajectories when Assessing Cross-Lagged Models9
Advantages of Spike and Slab Priors for Detecting Differential Item Functioning Relative to Other Bayesian Regularizing Priors and Frequentist Lasso8
Sensitivity of Bayesian Model Fit Indices to the Prior Specification of Latent Growth Models8
Performance of Model Fit and Selection Indices for Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling with Missing Data8
Expanding the Bayesian structural equation, multilevel and mixture models to logit, negative-binomial, and nominal variables8
Parameter Specification in Bayesian CFA: An Exploration of Multivariate and Separation Strategy Priors8
Classical Models for Twin Data7
Investigating the Impact of Covariate Inclusion on Sample Size Requirements of Factor Mixture Modeling: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study7
Model Specification Searches in Structural Equation Modeling with a Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm7
SEM-Based Out-of-Sample Predictions7
Exploring the Performance of Latent Moderated Structural Equations Approach for Ordered-Categorical Items7
Two-stage Multilevel Latent Class Analysis with Covariates in the Presence of Direct Effects7
AIC-type Theory-Based Model Selection for Structural Equation Models7
Analyzing Multivariate Generalizability Theory Designs within Structural Equation Modeling Frameworks7
Structural Parameters under Partial Least Squares and Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling: A Comment on Yuan and Deng (2021)7
Caught off Base: A Note on the Interpretation of Incremental Fit Indices6
Deep Neural Networks for Detecting Statistical Model Misspecifications. The Case of Measurement Invariance6
Which Method is More Reliable in Performing Model Modification: Lasso Regularization or Lagrange Multiplier Test?6
Fitting Structural Equation Models via Variational Approximations6
GSCA Pro—Free Stand-Alone Software for Structural Equation Modeling6
How to Derive Expected Values of Structural Equation Model Parameters when Treating Discrete Data as Continuous6
An Open-source WYSIWYG Web Application for Drawing Path Diagrams of Structural Equation Models6
Evaluation and Comparison of SEM, ESEM, and BSEM in Estimating Structural Models with Potentially Unknown Cross-loadings6
Recommended Practices in Latent Class Analysis Using the Open-Source R-Package tidySEM6
Utilizing Moderated Non-linear Factor Analysis Models for Integrative Data Analysis: A Tutorial6
Testing for Within × Within and Between × Within Moderation Using Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Models6
A Prediction-Oriented Specification Search Algorithm for Generalized Structured Component Analysis6
Review of Composite-based Structural Equation Modeling: Analyzing Latent and Emergent Variables6
Fitting the Longitudinal Actor-Partner Interdependence Model as a Dynamic Structural Equation Model in Mplus6
The Impact of Scaling Methods on the Properties and Interpretation of Parameter Estimates in Structural Equation Models with Latent Variables6
Benefits of Doing Generalizability Theory Analyses within Structural Equation Modeling Frameworks: Illustrations Using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale6
Impact of Informative Priors on Model Fit Indices in Bayesian Confirmatory Factor Analysis6
A Closer Look at Random and Fixed Effects Panel Regression in Structural Equation Modeling Using Lavaan6
The Impact of Unmodeled Heteroskedasticity on Assessing Measurement Invariance in Single-group Models5
Mixed-Effects Trait-State-Occasion Model: Studying the Psychometric Properties and the Person–Situation Interactions of Psychological Dynamics5
Using Information Criteria Under Missing Data: Full Information Maximum Likelihood Versus Two-Stage Estimation5
Latent Logistic Interaction Modeling: A Simulation and Empirical Illustration of Type D Personality5
Can Ridge and Elastic Net Structural Equation Modeling be Used to Stabilize Parameter Estimates when Latent Factors are Correlated?5
Testing Piecewise Structural Equations Models in the Presence of Latent Variables and Including Correlated Errors5
Bayesian Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling: An Investigation into Robust Prior Distributions for the Doubly Latent Categorical Model5
Modeling Measurement Errors of the Exogenous Composites From Congeneric Measures in Interaction Models5
Multilevel Mixture Modeling with Propensity Score Weights for Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments5
Partially Confirmatory Approach to Factor Analysis with Bayesian Learning: A LAWBL Tutorial5
Effects of Multivariate Non-Normality and Missing Data on the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation5
Stepwise Latent Class Analysis in the Presence of Missing Values on the Class Indicators5
Robust nonlinear structural equation modeling with interaction between exogenous and endogenous latent variables5
Striving for Sparsity: On Exact and Approximate Solutions in Regularized Structural Equation Models5