Structural Equation Modeling-A Multidisciplinary Journal

(The H4-Index of Structural Equation Modeling-A Multidisciplinary Journal is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Comparison of Three Approaches to Class Enumeration in Growth Mixture Modeling when Time Structures are Variant Across Latent Classes56
Review of Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python by Daniel Denis47
Testing Mean and Covariance Structures with Reweighted Least Squares45
PolychoricRM: A Computationally Efficient R Function for Estimating Polychoric Correlations and their Asymptotic Covariance Matrix43
Flexible Extensions to Structural Equation Models Using Computation Graphs37
Correcting for Unreliability and Partial Invariance: A Two-Stage Path Analysis Approach37
How to Derive Expected Values of Structural Equation Model Parameters when Treating Discrete Data as Continuous35
A Growth of Hierarchical Autoregression Model for Capturing Individual Differences in Changes of Dynamic Characteristics of Psychological Processes30
Review of An Introduction to Modern Modeling Methods29
Research Design and Model Estimation Under the Partially Confirmatory Latent Variable Modeling Framework with Multi-Univariate Bayesian Lassos24
Python Packages for Exploratory Factor Analysis24
blcfa: An R Package for Bayesian Model Modification in Confirmatory Factor Analysis22
Review of Educational and Psychological Measurement19
Application of Associative Discrete-Time Survival Analysis Using Latent Transition Specification16
Model Fit Indices for Random Effects Models: Translating Model Fit Ideas from Latent Growth Curve Models16
Structured Factor Analysis: A Data Matrix-Based Alternative Approach to Structural Equation Modeling15
Analyzing Longitudinal Multirater Data with Individually Varying Time Intervals15