Journal of Engineering Education

(The median citation count of Journal of Engineering Education is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Positionality practices and dimensions of impact on equity research: A collaborative inquiry and call to the community156
Engineering stress culture: Relationships among mental health, engineering identity, and sense of inclusion78
Resilient engineering identity development critical to prolonged engagement of Black women in engineering37
Community engagement in engineering education: A systematic literature review33
Disentangling engineering education research'santi‐Blackness29
Teamwork facilitation and conflict resolution training in a HyFlex course during the COVID‐19 pandemic28
The correlation between undergraduate student diversity and the representation of women of color faculty in engineering26
Increasing gender diversity in engineering using soft robotics24
A hard stop to the term “soft skills”23
Unpacking professional shame: Patterns of White male engineering students living in and out of threats to their identities22
Engineering graduate students’ mental health: A scoping literature review21
Inner engineering: Evaluating the utility of mindfulness training to cultivate intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies among first‐year engineering students21
The use of engineering model‐building activities to elicit computational thinking: A design‐based research study20
Examining engineering students' perceptions of learner agency enactment in problem‐ and project‐based learning using Q methodology20
Collaborative construction of artificial intelligence curriculum in primary schools20
Engineering student perceptions of social justice in a feedback control systems course19
“They are here to support me”: Community cultural wealth assets and precollege experiences of undergraduate Black men in engineering19
Participation pathways for women into university makerspaces19
The honeycomb of engineering framework: Philosophy of engineering guiding precollege engineering education18
Using random forest analysis to identify student demographic and high school‐level factors that predict college engineering major choice18
The career outlook of engineering PhDs: Influence of postdoctoral research positions on early career salaries and the attainment of tenure‐track faculty positions17
Toward an antiracist engineering classroom for 2020 and beyond: A starter kit17
Students' perceptions of the value of stakeholder engagement during engineering design17
The influence of engineering competition team participation on students' leadership identity development15
Racism is the manifestation of White supremacy and antiracism is the answer15
Systematic literature review of persistence of engineering transfer students15
Exploring applications of complexity theory in engineering education research: A systematic literature review15
Exploring the discursive construction of ethics in an introductory engineering course15
Recognizing the funds of knowledge of first‐generation college students in engineering: An instrument development15
Constructive alignment between holistic competency development and assessment in Hong Kong engineering education15
Experiential learning in engineering education: A systematic literature review15
Linking personal and professional social responsibility development to microethics and macroethics: Observations from early undergraduate education15
Latiné, Latinx, Latina, Latino, or Hispanic: Problematizing terms often used in engineering education15
Potential engineers: A systematic literature review exploring Black children's access to and experiences with STEM14
Advancing from outsider to insider: A grounded theory of professional identity negotiation in undergraduate engineering14
Generative artificial intelligence and engineering education13
Surviving, thriving, departing, and the hidden competencies of engineering graduate school13
Metacognition and the development of self‐directed learning in a problem‐based engineering curriculum13
Why Australian female high school students do not choose construction as a career: A qualitative investigation into value beliefs about the construction industry13
The impact of emergency remote learning on students in engineering and computer science in the United States: An analysis of four universities13
The climate is changing. Engineering education needs to change as well13
Comparison of transfer shock and graduation rates across engineering transfer student populations12
A need for engagement opportunities and personal connections: Understanding the social community outcomes of engineering undergraduates in a mentoring program12
A longitudinal study of the relation between creative potential and academic achievement at an engineering university in Korea12
Inequity in graduate engineering identity: Disciplinary differences and opportunity structures12
Dissolving the margins: LEANING INto an antiracist review process12
The social construction of professional shame for undergraduate engineering students12
Engineering play with blocks as an informal learning context for executive function and planning12
Situating multi‐modal approaches in engineering education research11
Smartness in engineering: Beliefs of undergraduate engineering students11
Learning to design for social justice in community‐engaged engineering11
The assessment cycle: Insights from a systematic literature review on broadening participation in engineering and computer science11
What initiates evidence‐based reasoning?: Situations that prompt students to support their design ideas and decisions11
Operationalizing and monitoring student support in undergraduate engineering education11
A hazard identification digital simulation game developed based on the extended authentic learning framework11
Using workplace thriving theory to investigate first‐year engineering students' abilities to thrive during the transition to online learning due to COVID‐1911
Student conceptions of problem and project based learning in engineering education: A phenomenographic investigation11
Characterizing engineering work in a changing world: Synthesis of a typology for engineering students' occupational outcomes11
Envisioning the future of learning and teaching engineering in the artificial intelligence era: Opportunities and challenges10
Information asymmetries in web‐based information for engineering transfer students10
Shifts in elementary teachers' pedagogical reasoning: Studying teacher learning in an online graduate program in engineering education10
Choosing an engineering major: A conceptual model of student pathways into engineering10
Engineering students' noncognitive and affective factors: Group differences from cluster analysis10
The multiplicative function of expectancy and value in predicting engineering students' choice, persistence, and performance9
Making whiteness visible: The promise of critical race theory in engineering education9
Gender, prior knowledge, and the impact of a flipped linear algebra course for engineers over multiple years9
The role of college knowledge and proactive behavior on participation in cocurricular activities9
Circle of success—An interpretative phenomenological analysis of how Black engineering students experience success9
Application of concept maps as an assessment tool in engineering education: Systematic literature review9
The role of frameworks in engineering education research9
Supporting inclusivity in STEM makerspaces through critical theory: A systematic review9
Illuminating inequality in access: Variation in enrollment in undergraduate engineering programs across Virginia's high schools9
The fallacy of “there are no candidates”: Institutional pathways of Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino doctorate earners8
The effects of language learning and math mindsets on academic success in an engineering program8
Persistence at what cost? How graduate engineering students consider the costs of persistence within attrition considerations8
Undergraduate engineering students' perceptions of research and researchers8
Mastery, models, messengers, and mixed emotions: Examining the development of engineering self‐efficacy by gender8
Challenge‐based learning implementation in engineering education: A systematic literature review8
Productive tensions? Analyzing the arguments made about the field of engineering education research8
A multiple case study of an interorganizational collaboration: Exploring the first year of an industry partnership focused on middle school engineering education8
Impact of COVID‐19 on sense of belonging: Experiences of engineering students, faculty, and staff at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)7
Engineering graduate students' critical events as catalysts of attrition7
Mental health in undergraduate engineering students: Identifying facilitators and barriers to seeking help7
Introduction to the special themed section on engineering education and the COVID‐19 pandemic6
The effectiveness of physical and virtual manipulatives on learning and motivation in structural engineering6
Mental health and wellbeing of undergraduate students in engineering: A systematic literature review6
Reflection types and students' viewing of feedback in a first‐year engineering course using standards‐based grading6
“The lab isn't life”: Black engineering graduate students reprioritize values at the intersection of two pandemics6
Engineering ableism: The exclusion and devaluation of engineering students and professionals with physical disabilities and chronic and mental illness6
Enhancing engineering education through the integration of Open Science principles: A strategic approach to systematic reviews6
Linking current and prospective engineering graduate students' writing attitudes with rhetorical writing patterns6
An exploration of engineering instructors' pedagogical adaptations early in the COVID‐19 pandemic6
A scoping review of engineering education systematic reviews6
Aligning classroom assessment with engineering practice: A design‐based research study of a two‐stage exam with authentic assessment6
Compassion and engineering students' moral reasoning: The emotional experience of engineering ethics cases6
Motivational dynamics in basic needs profiles: Toward a person‐centered motivation approach in engineering education6
Two sides to every psyche: Implications of positive psychology for “mental health” research in engineering education6
Engineering integration in elementary science classrooms: Effects of disciplinary language scaffolds on English learners' content learning and engineering identity6
Using eye gaze to reveal cognitive processes and strategies of engineering students when solving spatial rotation and mental cutting tasks5
An ethnographic study of an engineering community: Mentoring as a tacit rule and its implications for how people learn5
Investigating culturally contextualized making with the Navajo Nation5
First mathematics course in college and graduating in engineering: Dispelling the myth that beginning in higher‐level mathematics courses is always a good thing5
Examining the relationship between AP STEM course‐taking and college major selection: Gender and racial differences5
Toward developing a valid and reliable assessment of adults' nature of engineering views5
Investigating students' motivational goals and self‐efficacy and task beliefs in relationship to course attendance and prior knowledge in an undergraduate statics course5
Belonging as a gateway for learning: First‐year engineering students' characterizations of factors that promote and detract from sense of belonging in a pandemic5
A funds of knowledge approach to developing engineering students' design problem framing skills5
Career calculus: Assessing the psychological cost of pursuing an engineering career5
Systematic reviews and meta‐analyses in engineering education5
Engineering leadership in a Chinese industrial context: An exploration using the four capabilities model5
How do undergraduate engineering students conceptualize product design? An analysis of two third‐year design courses5
Situating intuition in engineering practice4
(Un)equal demands and opportunities: Conceptualizing student navigation in undergraduate engineering programs4
Engineering climate for marginalized groups: Connections to peer relations and engineering identity4
Students' technological ambivalence toward online proctoring and the need for responsible use of educational technologies4
Gender differences in job searches by new engineering graduates in Canada4
Developing transdisciplinarity in first‐year engineering4
Interpersonal skills and STEM career choice of three types of FIRST mentors3
Person‐centered analyses in quantitative studies about broadening participation for Black engineering and computer science students3
In pursuit of impact: Toward a contextualized theory of professional agency of engineering education scholars3
We still need to teach engineers to write in the era of ChatGPT3
Characterizing engineering outreach educators' talk moves: An exploratory framework3
Fifty‐three years of the Journal of Engineering Education: A bibliometric overview3
Measuring the amorphous: Substantive and methodological outcomes from concept maps3
Moving beyond the “international” label: A call for the inclusion of the (in)visible international engineering students3
Connection and alienation during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The narratives of four engineering students3
Sense of belonging in engineering and identity centrality among undergraduate students at Hispanic‐Serving Institutions3
Self‐explanation activities in statics: A knowledge‐building activity to promote conceptual change3
Adapting the Utrecht‐Management of Identity Commitments Scale to assess engineering identity formation3
On the importance of (white) humility: Epistemological decentering as a positional orientation toward research3
Photovoice: Visualizing the engineering identity experiences of sophomore students3
Research experiences instrument: Validation evidence for an instrument to assess the research experiences of engineering PhD students' professional practice opportunities3
A systematic literature review of reciprocity in engineering service‐learning/community engagement3
JEE Strategic Plan, 2023–2028: A new era for the Journal of Engineering Education3
Peer review as developmental: Exploring the ripple effects of the JEE Mentored Reviewer Program3
Examining interests and goals as predictors of gender differences in engineers' pursuit of managerial roles3
Engineer identity and degree completion intentions in doctoral study3
Contextualization in engineering education: A scoping literature review3