Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis

(The TQCC of Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Operator inference and physics-informed learning of low-dimensional models for incompressible flows10
Analysis of the CCFD method for MC-based image denoising problems10
A machine learning framework for LES closure terms9
Estimating the time-dependent contact rate of SIR and SEIR models in mathematical epidemiology using physics-informed neural networks7
Graph Laplacian for image deblurring7
Symbol-based preconditioning for Riesz distributed-order space-fractional diffusion equations6
Mathematical analysis of some iterative methods for the reconstruction of memory kernels6
Additive Schwarz preconditioners for a localized orthogonal decomposition method6
Volterra integral equations with highly oscillatory kernels: a new numerical method with applications6
Multivariate fractal interpolation functions: some approximation aspects and an associated fractal interpolation operator5
Decomposition and composition of deep convolutional neural networks and training acceleration via sub-network transfer learning5
Modified Filon-Clenshaw-Curtis rules for oscillatory integrals with a nonlinear oscillator5
A mixed collocation scheme for solving second kind Fredholm integral equations in [-1,1]5
Rectangular GLT sequences5
Surrogate convolutional neural network models for steady computational fluid dynamics simulations5
A block Toeplitz preconditioner for all-at-once systems from linear wave equations4
The LSQR method for solving tensor least-squares problems4
A numerical method for solving systems of hypersingular integro-differential equations4
Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transform Boost for the Sinkhorn Algorithm4
Structure preservation for the Deep Neural Network Multigrid Solver4
A stable matrix version of the fast multipole method: stabilization strategies and examples4
Asynchronous domain decomposition methods for nonlinear PDEs4
A non-intrusive method to inferring linear port-Hamiltonian realizations using time-domain data4
Error estimates for variational regularization of inverse problems with general noise models for data and operator3
Pseudo-linear convergence of an additive Schwarz method for dual total variation minimization3
Analysis of parallel Schwarz algorithms for time-harmonic problems using block Toeplitz matrices3
Coarsening in algebraic multigrid using Gaussian processes3
Conditioning of linear systems arising from penalty methods3
A modified alternating positive semidefinite splitting preconditioner for block three-by-three saddle point problems3
A multigrid method for elasto-hydrodynamic contact simulations of radial slider bearing3
A computational framework for edge-preserving regularization in dynamic inverse problems2
A numerical comparison of some heuristic stopping rules for nonlinear Landweber iteration2
Software for limited memory restarted $l^p$-$l^q$ minimization methods using generalized Krylov subspaces2
Inexact rational Krylov subspace methods for approximating the action of functions of matrices2
Reuben Louis Rosenberg (1909–1986) and the Stein-Rosenberg theorem2
On the tangential cone condition for electrical impedance tomography2
A monolithic algebraic multigrid framework for multiphysics applications with examples from resistive MHD2
An enhancement of the convergence of the IDR method2
On the regularization effect of stochastic gradient descent applied to least-squares2
A note on the spectral analysis of matrix sequences via GLT momentary symbols: from all-at-once solution of parabolic problems to distributed fractional order matrices2
Multigrid reduction in time with Richardson extrapolation2
The degree of ill-posedness of composite linear ill-posed problems with focus on the impact of the non-compact Hausdorff moment operator2
On multidimensional sinc-Gauss sampling formulas for analytic functions2
Optimal averaged Padé-type approximants2
Conformal moduli of symmetric circular quadrilaterals with cusps2
Range restricted iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problems2
A comparison of reduced-order modeling approaches using artificial neural networks for PDEs with bifurcating solutions2
A note on numerical singular values of compositions with non-compact operators2
Optimal $W^{1,\infty}$-estimates for an isoparametric finite element discretization of elliptic boundary value problems2
On the numerical solution of Volterra integral equations on equispaced nodes2
Synchronous and asynchronous optimized Schwarz methods for Poisson's equation in rectangular domains2
Computing the matrix fractional power with the double exponential formula2
Decay bounds for Bernstein functions of Hermitian matrices with applications to the fractional graph Laplacian2
Hierarchical model reduction driven by a proper orthogonal decomposition for parametrized advection-diffusion-reaction problems2
A linear barycentric rational interpolant on starlike domains2
Porting an aggregation-based algebraic multigrid method to GPUs2