Russian Meteorology and Hydrology

(The median citation count of Russian Meteorology and Hydrology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Atmospheric Severe Convective Events in Russia: Changes Observed from Different Data22
Tornadoes in the Russian Regions21
Atmospheric Centers of Action in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres: Features and Variability14
Verification of ERA-Interim and ERA5 Reanalyses Data on Surface Air Temperature in the Arctic14
Influence of North Atlantic SST Variability and Changes in Atmospheric Circulation on the Frequency of Summer Droughts in the East European Plain11
Environments of Formation of Severe Squalls and Tornadoes Causing Large-scale Windthrows in the Forest Zone of European Russia and the Ural11
Studying Chemical Ozone Depletion and Dynamic Processes in the Arctic Stratosphere in the Winter 2019/202010
Wind Energy Potential in the Arctic and Subarctic Regions and Its Projected Change in the 21st Century Based on Regional Climate Model Simulations10
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Preventing Measures and Meteorological Conditions on the Atmospheric Air Composition in Moscow in 20209
Short-range Streamflow Forecasting of the Kama River Based on the HBV Model Application9
Analysis of Quasistationary Solar Wind Stream Forecasts for 2010–20198
Climate Extremes of the 2019/2020 Winter in Northern Eurasia: Contributions by the Climate Trend and Interannual Variability Related to the Arctic Oscillation8
Simulation of Air Pollution in Almaty City under Adverse Weather Conditions7
Remote Diagnostics of Effects Induced by High-latitude Heating Facilities7
Satellite Monitoring of the Ozonosphere7
Closed Torey Lakes: Is It Possible to Predict Changes in Hydrological Regime?7
Prediction of the Dst Geomagnetic Index Using Adaptive Methods7
Trend Analysis of Meteorological Variables and Drought Indices in the Bundelkhand Region Using the Non-Parametric Approach7
Climate Change Impacts on Bioproductivity of Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Belarusian-Ukrainian Polesie Region6
Impact of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in the Equatorial and North Pacific on the Arctic Stratosphere According to the INMCM5 Climate Model Simulations6
Possible Climate Change in Russia in the 21st Century Based on the INM-CM5-0 Climate Model6
Method for Identifying and Clustering Rossby Wave Breaking Events in the Northern Hemisphere6
The Marine Hindcast and Forecast System for Diagnosis and Prediction of Hydrometeorological Characteristics of the Caspian Sea and Forecast Verification Based on Field Measurements6
Climate Change on the Territory of Russia in the Late 20th–Early 21st Centuries6
Analysis of Floods in Small Catchments Using HBV Conceptual Hydrological Model6
Bayesian Projections of the Amur and Selenga River Runoff Changes in the 21st Century Based on CMIP6 Model Ensemble Simulations6
Verification of the Relationship between the Isotopic Composition of Ice Wedges and Cold-season Temperature over the Recent 80 Years in the Northern Permafrost Zone of Russia6
Global Atmospheric Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants to the Russian Arctic5
Relationships between Satellite-derived Snow Cover Extent in the Northern Hemisphere and Surface Air Temperature5
Model Estimates for Contribution of Natural and Anthropogenic CO2 and CH4 Emissions into the Atmosphere from the Territory of Russia, China, Canada, and the USA to Global Climate Change in the 21st Ce5
Assessment of ERA-Interim Reanalysis Data Quality for the Caspian Sea Area5
Long-term Changes in Solar Radiation in Northern Eurasia during the Warm Season According to Measurements and Reconstruction Model5
Quality of Soil Simulation by the INM RAS–MSU Soil Scheme as a Part of the SL-AV Weather Prediction Model5
Evaluating Effects of Observational Data Assimilation in General Ocean Circulation Model by Ensemble Kalman Filtering: Numerical Experiments with Synthetic Observations5
Arktika-M: The World’s First Highly Elliptical Orbit Hydrometeorological Space System5
Features of Development of a Supercell Convective Cloud at the Stage of Maximum Lightning Activity (August 19, 2015, the North Caucasus)5
Meridional Components of Atmospheric Circulation and Arctic Ice Cover in Summer5
Squalls and Tornadoes over the European Territory of Russia on May 15, 2021: Diagnosis and Modeling5
Inflow of Biogenic Elements with the Barguzin River Water and Their Role in Eutrophication of the Barguzin Bay (Lake Baikal)5
Interrelations between El Niño Indices and Major Characteristics of Polar Stratosphere According to CMIP5 Models and Reanalysis5
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in the Second Quarter of 20215
Estimation of Stratospheric Aerosol Effects on Stratospheric Radiation Budget According to Optical Balloon Backscatter Probe and Radiation Modeling4
Retrieval of Volcanic Ash Parameters from Satellite Data4
Lidar-balloon Experiment on Studying Stratospheric Aerosol for Climate Observations and Diagnostic Problems4
Using the Results of Cloud Classification Based on Satellite Data for Solving Climatological and Meteorological Problems4
Variability of Nitrogen Oxides in the Atmospheric Surface Layer near Saint Petersburg4
Drought Analysis Using the Entropy Weight-based TOPSIS Method: A Case Study of Kars, Turkey4
Comparison of Spectral Features of Narrowband Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Excited by an Extraordinary Pump Wave in the High-latitude Ionospheric F Region at Frequencies below and above the F2 4
A Statistical Model of Winter/Spring Polar Ozone4
Summer Statistical Models of Cloud Parameters over Western Siberia According to MODIS Data4
Mapping Modern Climate Change in the Selenga River Basin4
Accuracy of Thunderstorm Detection Based on DMRL-C Weather Radar Data4
Aerosol Effects on Temperature Forecast in the COSMO-Ru Model4
Numerical Global Models of the Ionosphere, Ozonosphere, Temperature Regime, and Circulation for Altitudes of 0–130 km: Results and Prospects4
Statistical and Model Estimates of the Relationship between the Intensity and Duration of Tropical Cyclones4
Parameterization of Shortwave Solar Radiation in Glaciological Applications3
Investigation of Electrification Mechanisms and Relationship between the Electrical Discharge Frequency and Radar Characteristics of the Thunderstorm in China3
Icing Effects on Air Transport Operation: State-of-the-art and Prediction Problems3
Retrieval of Total Column Carbon Dioxide over Russia from Meteor-M No. 2 Satellite Data3
Methane Emission from Palsa Mires in Northeastern European Russia3
Extreme Precipitation in the European Arctic in Summer: Statistics and Synoptic Models3
Properties and Structure of Mesoscale Convective Systems over Western Siberia According to Remote Observations3
Characteristics and Structure of the Cumulonimbus Cloud with Waterspout over the Gulf of Finland3
Comparison of World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) Data and Standard Observations at Weather Stations in the Southern Russian Far East3
Using Radar Data for Grain Crops Yield Forecasting in the Novosibirsk Region3
Planetary Upper-level Frontal Zone in the Euro-Atlantic Sector in Summer in 1990–20193
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in 20203
Measuring the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Parameters with a Coherent Doppler Lidar3
Trajectory Modeling of the Middle Atmosphere3
Evaluation of Practical Predictability of Blocking Anticyclones Using Modern Hydrodynamic Models3
Lightning and Forest Fires under Modern Climatic Conditions of Central Siberia3
Criteria to Identify Polar Lows3
Quantitative Estimation of the Impact of Climate Change on Crop Evapotranspiration and Yield in Central Region of India3
Methods for Monitoring Strong Space Weather Disturbances to Support International Air Navigation3
Estimates of Peak Flow of the Iya River during the Extreme Flood in 20193
Large-scale Heat Waves in the South of European Russia3
Greenhouse Effect and Modern Climate3
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in the First Quarter of 20233
Development of Methods and Instruments for Remote Temperature and Humidity Sensing of the Earth’s Atmosphere3
Estimation of Nocturnal Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Yekaterinburg in 2018–20192
Long-term Variability of Rossby Wave Breaking in the Subtropical Jet Stream Area2
Moscow Megacity Pollution: Monitoring of Chemical Composition of Microparticles in the Atmosphere–Snow–Road Dust–Soil–Surface Water System2
External Calibration of MTVZA-GYa Microwave Radiometer Measurements in Scanner Channels. Part 2. The Experiment2
Entropy Index: New Opportunities in Assessing the Ecological State of Aquatic Ecosystems2
The Modeling of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Inhomogeneously Moistened Surface as a Tool for Evapotranspiration Estimation2
Investigation of Adsorption Modes of Molecular Iodine and a Possibility of Modifying Ice-forming Characteristics of Silicate and Aluminosilicate Aerosol with Iodine Compounds2
Enhanced Long-term and Snow-based Streamflow Forecasting by Artificial Intelligent Methods Using Satellite Imagery and Seasonal Information2
Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the Heat Budget of the Mixed Layer in the North Atlantic2
Features of the Relationship between Electrical and Radar Parameters of Thunderclouds in India (Field Studies)2
Connection of Wildfires in Russian Regions to Atmospheric Blockings2
External Calibration of MTVZA-GYa Microwave Radiometer Measurements in Scanner Channels. Part 1. The Modeling2
Forecasting El Niño/La Niña and Their Types Using Neural Networks2
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in the Third Quarter of 20212
Monitoring the Variability of the Stratospheric Aerosol Layer over Tomsk in 2016–2018 Based on Lidar Data2
On the Need to Reparametrize the OVATION Prime (2010) Auroral Precipitation Model2
High-resolution Ensemble Climate Projections of Water Deficit in Arid Regions by the Mid-21st Century2
Short- and Medium-range Prediction of Relativistic Electron Flux in the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt by Machine Learning Methods2
Quasi-Biennial Oscillation of Zonal Wind in the Equatorial Stratosphere and Its Influence on Interannual Fluctuations in the Depth of the Antarctic Ozone Hole2
On the Mechanism of a Dramatic Drop of the Sea Surface Temperature in the Northwestern Black Sea and Off the Crimean Coast2
Using the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm for Baseflow Separation and Determining the Trends for the Yesilirmak River (North Turkey)2
Anomalous Winter and Summer Weather Patterns over Russia in the 21st Century as Simulated by CMIP6 Models2
Effect of Thin High Clouds and Aerosol Layers on the Heating and Dissipation of Low-level Clouds in the Arctic2
Analysis of Wind-wave Characteristics of the Caspian Sea Based on Reanalysis Data2
Response of the Black Sea Upper Layer to the Cyclone Passage on September 25–29, 20052
Distribution of Hydrological Parameters over the Methane Seep Site in the Golubaya Bay (the Black Sea): A Connection with Submarine Freshwater Discharge2
Microwave Monitoring of Middle Atmosphere Ozone in Apatity and Peterhof in the Winter of 2021/20222
Results of Experimental Studies on the Dispersal of Warm Fogs Using Gauze Electrostatic Precipitators2
Regional Features of Lightning Activity in the South of the Russian Far East2
Spatial Patterns of Dense Water Runoff on the Antarctic Shelf and Continental Slope2
Experience of Cloud Seeding to Extinguish Wildfires in Siberia and the Far East in 2017–2021: Preliminary Results and Performance Assessment Issues2
Unaccounted Factors Determining Carbon Stocks in Forest Soils2
Bomb Cyclones over the North Pacific: Atmospheric Structure and Parameters According to Passive and Active Microwave Measurements from Space2
Effects of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Characteristics of Two Types of El Niño under Possible Climate Change2
Studying an Effect of Glaciogenic Seeding on Lightning Activity of Convective Clouds2
Prospects for Application of Ground-based Microwave Radiometry for Analysis of Atmospheric Fronts and Early Prediction of Severe Weather Events2
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in the First Quarter of 20212
Cloud Cover and Precipitation Monitoring Based on Data from Polar Orbiting and Geostationary Satellites2
Determination of Wind Shear and Turbulence Intensity According to Yak42-D “Roshydromet” Research Aircraft Data2
Anthropogenically Changed Water Entering Water Bodies in the Don Basin2
Assessment of Climate Favorability for the Grain Cultivation Based on the Frequency of Severe Droughts2
Arctic Sea X-band Microwave Emission Modeling Based on Satellite Data: Considering the Measurement Angle2
Hydrological Drought Forecasts Using Markov Chains and Regression Models (Case Study: North-west of Algeria)2
Effects of Growing Season Climatic Factors on Scots Pine Increment for the Middle Volga Region and the White Sea Coast2
Modeling Evolution of Drought Conditions in the 21st Century to Substantiate Measures for Adaption of Russian Agriculture to Climate Impacts2
Statistical Aspects of Quantitative Estimation of Polar Amplification. Part 1: The Ratio of Trends2
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in the Second Quarter of 20232
Analysis of the Atmosphere and the Ocean Upper Layer State Predictability for up to 5 Years Ahead Using the INMCM5 Climate Model Hindcasts2
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in the Third Quarter of 20202
Modeling Atmospheric Air Pollution of an Industrial City with Fine Particulate Matter2
Retrieval of Total Precipitable Water from Meteor-M No. 2-2 MTVZA-GYa Data Using a Neural Network Algorithm2
Monitoring of Interplanetary Scintillation and Potential of Short-time Space Weather Forecasting2
Meteorological Rocket Sounding for Atmospheric Research and Geophysical Monitoring2
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in 20222
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in the Third Quarter of 20231
Dependence of UVB-UVA Solar Radiation in the 280–400 nm Range on Changes in the Total Magnetic Field of the Sun1
Forecast of Resource Convective Clouds for Weather Modification1
Climate Effect of Methane Emission on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf1
Microphysical and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Tropical Convective Clouds (According to Experiments in Cuba)1
Application of Radar, Lightning Location, and Numerical Simulation Data to Study the Relationship between Total Lightning Activity and Severe Weather Events1
Methods of Assimilation of Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Data and Their Influence on the Reconstruction of Hydrophysical Fields of the Black, Azov, and Marmara Seas Using the Institute of Numerica1
Dust/Sand Storm Initiation Diagnosis Using Empirical Data1
Hydrological Features of the Solovetskii Archipelago Lakes in Summer1
Arktika-M Space System: A Unique Instrument for Analyzing and Forecasting Space Weather1
Storm Cyclogenesis over the Sea of Japan on January 16–18, 2016: Analysis of Energy and Interaction of Vortices1
Assessment of Changes in the Temperature Regime of Northern Eurasia for the Next Five Years According to the INM RAS Earth System Model Forecasts and Their Possible Consequences for Agriculture1
Peat Fire Detection to Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emissions1
Water Balance of Belarus and Its Changes due to Global Warming1
Calculation of Air Quality Index and Assessment of Its Informativeness for Russia Based on Monitoring Data for Moscow1
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Peat Extraction in the Center of the European Part of Russia1
Current River Runoff Distribution in the Volga Delta: Analysis and Modeling1
Experience of Artificial Avalanche Release: Problems and Prospects1
Changes in Agroclimatic Resources of Grain-producing Regions of Russia and Grain Productivity for the New Reference Period of 1991–20201
Seasonal Features of the Changes in the Frequency of Severe Weather Events in Russian Regions over the Past Decades1
Methodology for Calculating Daily Streamflow of Russian Rivers Using the HBV-96 Runoff Formation Model1
Russian High-latitude Network of Oblique Ionospheric Sounding1
Application of Radar Signal Spectrum Width Estimation to Detect Vertical Airflows1
Precisious Observations of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Methane Mole Fractions in the Polar Belt of Near-Yenisei Siberia1
Estimation of the Broken Cloud Effect on Retrieving Reflectance of Cloudless Earth Surface Regions from MODIS Imagery1
Hydrological Drought Response to Meteorological Drought Propagation and Basin Characteristics (Case Study: Northwest of Algeria)1
Precipitation Effects on the Growth of Boreal Forest Stands in the Volga Region1
Significance of Satellite Data on Convective Clouds for Flight Accident Analysis and Prevention1
Evaluation of the Riverine Heat Influx Impact on the Arctic Ice Cover Based on Numerical Modeling1
Space Weather Center to Support International Air Navigation: Infrastructure and Software1
Active Avalanche Control: Results of Research and Operational Activities1
Projected Changes in Rare Precipitation Extremes: Results of Regional Climate Modeling for the Territory of Russia1
Changes in General Atmospheric Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere in 1998–20181
Application of the COSMO-Ru System for Aircraft Icing Prediction over the Russian Federation Area1
Modeling Surface Air Pollution with Reduced Emissions during the COVID-19 Pandemic Using CHIMERE and COSMO-ART Chemical Transport Models1
Hydrodynamic Factors of Formation and Functioning of Hydrobiological Communities: A Case Study for the Curonian Lagoon Zoobenthos1
Greenhouse Gas Emission from Combustion of Associated Petroleum Gas in Russia1
Features of Ice-forming Aerosol Generation during the Combustion of Pyrotechnic Composition in the Path of the De Laval Nozzle1
Regional Features of Interannual Variations in Water Temperature in the Subarctic Pacific1
Hail Suppression to Protect Crops in the North Caucasus1
Prospects of Using Ground-based Generators in Cloud Seeding1
Bayesian Estimation of the Change Point in the Sequences of Correlated Random Variables of Hydrometeorological Characteristics1
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in 20231
Studying Characteristics of the Cloudy Atmosphere Based on Measuring Its Downwelling Microwave Radiation Spectra in the 18.0–27.2 GHz Water Vapor Resonant Absorption Band1
Mathematical Model of a Convective Cloud in Hail Suppression Activities1
Ionosphere Models and Their Correction Using Operational Data from the Ionospheric Observation Network1
On Monsoon Features of Atmospheric Circulation over the Barents Sea1
Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere: From Possibility to Routine Observations1
Estimation of the Ice-free Period Length for the Russian Arctic Seas Based on Satellite Data for 2018–20201
Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in 20211
Changes in the Concentration and Flux of Dissolved Biogenic Elements in the Yenisei River1
Seasonal Variability of Carbon Dioxide, Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes in a Northern Taiga Larch Forest of Central Siberia for Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements1
Effects of High Aerosol Air Pollution on the Evolution of Convective Clouds during a Thunderstorm in China According to Three-dimensional Numerical Simulations1
Modern Changes in the Thermal Regime of Mountain Rivers in the Permafrost Zone (A Case Study for the Upper Kolyma)1
Influence of Thermohaline Stratification on the Evolution of Coastal Upwelling on the Northeastern Shelf of Sakhalin1
Influence of Thermodynamic Model Resolution on the Simulation of Ice Thickness Evolution in the Sea of Azov1
Precipitation Enhancement: The Results of Studies and Operational Activities1
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0 Particles in the Atmosphere over the Southern Baikal Region1
Mathematical Modeling of Snow Avalanche Dynamics Using Cellular Automata1
Assimilation of Observations from Meteorological Satellites in the Hydrometcenter of Russia1
Influence of Large-scale Atmospheric Processes on Seasonal Runoff of Large Siberian Rivers1
Cloud Seeding for Improving Weather in Megacities1
Near-shore and Regional Validation of the WAVEWATCH III and SWAN Wave Models through In situ and Satellite Observations in the Barcelona Bay and Algerian Coast1
Possibilities of Using the COSMO-Ru System for Short-term Forecasting of Runoff of Russian Rivers1
Estimated Black Carbon Emissions from Priority Source Categories in Russia1
Concentration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Lake Baikal Bottom Sediments in the Areas of Strong Anthropogenic Impact1
Applicability of Multimodel Ensemble Prediction of Heavy Precipitation for the Perm Region: A Case Study for the Summer of 20191
Approximation of Equations for a Model of the Cloud Atmosphere1
Monitoring of the Essential Climate Variables of the Atmosphere from Satellite-based Infrared Sounder IKFS-21
Model-empirical Calculation of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Peatbog Soil1
Possible Expansion of the Climatic Range of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly Being a Dangerous Fruit Pest1
Estimation of Winter Wheat Yield Using the Principal Component Analysis Based on the Integration of Satellite and Ground Information1
Investigation of Radar and Electrical Characteristics of Thunderclouds Seeded with a Glaciogenic Reagent in Karnataka, India1
Development of a Stochastic Weather Generator for Simulating Meteorological Time Series in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation1
Variations in the Kara Sea Level, Their Steric Factors, and Solar Radiation during 1993–20181
Temperature and Humidity Trends in the Lower Atmospheric 2-km Layer over the Russian Arctic According to Radiosonde Data1
Studying Physical Mechanisms of Development of Black Sea Quasi-tropical Cyclones Using a High-resolution Atmosphere Model1
Using Satellite Information in Agrometeorological Forecasting1
Interannual Variability of Thermal Conditions in the Kuroshio Energetically Active Zone and Adjacent Areas of the Philippine Sea1
Comparative Analysis of Spectra of the 2000-year Reconstructions of Average Surface Air Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere1
Interdecadal Variability of the Black Sea Cold Intermediate Layer and Its Causes1
A Laboratory Experiment to Study Ion Wind Effects on the Warm Fog in an Enclosed Volume1
Transition Period in the Transformation of the Catchment Moisture Circulation System (according to the Data of the Kamennaya Step’ Water Balance Station)0
Assessment of Sea Water State Using Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Concentration in the Omega Bay (Crimea) in Summer of 20200
Influence of Glaciogenic Seeding on Electrical State and Lightning Activity of a Convective Cloud0
Analysis of Conditions for Dust Storm Occurrence in the Astrakhan Oblast in 20210
Estimation of the Water Budget Components of the Sfanta Ana Crater Lake in the Eastern Carpathians0
Agroclimatic Characteristics of Agricultural Land in the Siberian Federal District in Changing Climate0
Structure of the River Delta and Salinity of the Closing Reservoir0
Spatiotemporal Structure of Runoff Fields in the Don River Basin in a Changing Climate0
Parameterizing Heat and Moisture Exchange in a Regional Thermodynamic Model of Sea Ice0
Changes in Atmospheric Electricity Characteristics in Different Geographic Regions during the Economic Activity Decline in the Spring of 20200
Small Urban River Runoff Response to 2020 and 2021 Extreme Rainfalls on the Territory of Moscow0
Analysis of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Circulation Conditions That Contributed to the Formation of Cold Waves in the Northwest and Center of European Russia in December 20210
An Overview of Cloud Seeding Experiments for Precipitation Enhancement over the Northern Part of the Korean Peninsula and Their Future Prospects0
Spatial Distribution of Precipitation and Its Contribution to the Formation of the Transboundary Zeravshan River Runoff (Tajikistan)0
Quality Indicators of the Marine Environment in Terms of the Radionuclide Activity Level for the Kara Sea Ecosystem0
Assessment of Flood Characteristics on the Northwestern Federal District Rivers in 1950–20190
Influence of Agrometeorological Factors on the Productivity of Grain Crops in the Municipal Regions of the Saratov Oblast0
Changes in Hydrothermal Conditions in Southern Siberia in 1950–2020 and Their Relation to Large-scale Circulation Processes0
Using the GR4J Conceptual Model for Runoff Simulation in the Ussuri River Basin0
The Role of Vertical and Horizontal Wind Shear in the Development of Quasi-tropical Cyclones0
Monitoring of the Chemical Composition of the Snow and the Factors of Its Formation in the Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve0
Effects of Hydrometeorological Conditions on the Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Water of the Volga Mouth Offing0
Characteristics of Thunderstorms during the Monsoon and Post-monsoon Seasons in India0
On Some Estimates of Climate Change in Russia0
Chemical Compound of Atmospheric Deposition in the Baikal State Biospherical Nature Reserve (the Eastern Coast of Southern Baikal)0
Assessment of Water Pollution in Sea Mouths of Rivers in the Northern European Part of Russia in 2012–2020: A Case Study for the Onega, Northern Dvina, Mezen, and Pechora Rivers0
Satellite Observations of Effects of Auroral Ionosphere Heating with the EISCAT Facility0
Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometric Studies of the Inhomogeneous Atmosphere0
Balance Approach for Evaluating the Carbon Stock and the Components of Carbon Footprint on Croplands in Russian Regions0
Calculation of Extreme Surges in the Don River Mouth in 2013 and 20140
In Search of an X Factor: A Review of Publications on the Issue of Dark-needled Forest Decline/Dieback in Northern Eurasia0
Numerical Simulation of the Time Series of Bioclimatic Indices in the Russian Arctic Based on a Stochastic Weather Generator0
Identification of Rainfall Trends over Four Cities of Assam, India0
Studying Electric Structure of Thunderclouds by Rocket Sounding0
Water Level Regime of Arctic Rivers according to Modeling and Satellite Measurements0