Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis-Armenian Academy of Scie

(The TQCC of Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis-Armenian Academy of Scie is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On a Generalization of an Operator Preserving Turán-Type Inequality for Complex Polynomials7
On Comparison of Power of Partially Hypoelliptic Polynomials6
Geometric Properties of the Four Parameters Wright Function4
Investigation of Convex Bodies in $${\mathbf{R}}^{\mathbf{3}}$$ by Support Planes3
Schauffler-Type Theorems3
On Fourier Series Almost Universal in the Class of Measurable Functions3
On Plane Algebraic Curves Passing through $$\boldsymbol{n}$$-Independent Nodes2
On the Euclidean Distance between Two Gaussian Points and the Normal Covariogram of $$\boldsymbol{\mathbb{R}}^{\boldsymbol{d}}$$2
Meromorphic Function Sharing Two Pairs of Small Functions IM2
A System of Integral Equations on the Entire Axis with Convex and Monotone Nonlinearity2
Extremal Problems for a Polynomial and Its Polar Derivative2
Uniqueness of a Meromorphic Function Partially and Normally Sharing Small Functions with Its Different Variants of Generalized Operator2
On Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of $$\boldsymbol{n}$$th Order Emden–Fowler Type Difference Equations with Advanced Argument2
A Note on Some Riccati Differential Equations2
On the $$L^{p}$$-Greedy Universal Functions with Respect to the Generalized Walsh System2
Some Best Proximity Point Results in the Orthogonal $$0$$-Complete $$b$$-Metric-Like Spaces2
Central Extensions of $${n}$$-Torsion Groups2
Menshov-Type Theorem for Divergence Sets of Sequences of Localized Operators2
Qualitative Analysis of General Elliptic Operator in Divergence Form2
On the Summability of Fourier Series by the Generalized Cesáro Method2
Multiplicity of Solutions for a Fractional Laplacian Equation Involving a Perturbation1
Nonreal Zeros of Polynomials in a Polynomial Sequence Satisfying a Three-Term Recurrence Relation1
On Solvability of a Class of Multidimensional Integral Equations in the Mathematical Theory of Geographic Distribution of an Epidemic1
On the Ideal Transforms Defined by an Ideal1
Non-Existence of Global Solutions for a Fractional Integro-Differential Problem with a Convolution Kernel1
Classification of Dual Distributive Hyperidentities in Divisible Algebras1
On Uniqueness of Meromorphic Solutions to Delay Differential Equation1
Simplified Whittle Estimators for Spectral Parameters of Stationary Linear Models with Tapered Data1
On the Transfinite Diameters of Related Sets. An Extension of Robinson’s Theorem1
$$\boldsymbol{L}^{\boldsymbol{p}}$$ and Hölder Estimates for Cauchy–Riemann Equations on Convex Domain of Finite/Infinite Type with Piecewise Smooth Boundary in $$\boldsymbol{\mathbb{C}}^{\mathbf{2}}$1
On Meromorphic Solutions of Some Fermat-Type Functional Equations1
Algorithm of Calculation of Combined Commodity Options Value1
A Note on Lagrange Interpolation at Principal Lattices1
On the Fredholm Property of Semielliptic Operators in Anisotropic Weighted Spaces in $$\boldsymbol{\mathbb{R}}^{\boldsymbol{n}}$$1
On Complex Schrödinger Type Equations with Solutions in a Given Domain1
Sharp Weighted Estimates for Strong-Sparse Operators1
Orientation-Dependent Chord Length Distribution in a Convex Quadrilateral1
On the Convergence and Summability of Orthogonal Series1
Normalized Solutions for Kirchhoff-Type Equations with Different Kinds of Potentials0
Some Results on Nonlinear Difference-Differential Equations0
Some Estimates for Riesz Transforms Associated with Schrödinger Operators0
On the Construction of General Solution to an Unstable System of Differential Equations0
On Shared-Value Properties of $$\boldsymbol{f^{\prime}(z)=f(z+c)}$$0
On the Inverse LQG Homing Problem0
Simple Proof of the Risk Bound for Denoising by Exponential Weights for Asymmetric Noise Distributions0
Uniqueness of Meromorphic Functions when Its Shift and First Derivative Share Three Values0
Entire Functions and Their High Order Difference Operators0
Power of an Entire Function Sharing One Value Partially with Its Derivative0
On the Fermat-Type Difference Equation $$\boldsymbol{f}^{\mathbf{3}}\boldsymbol{(z)}\boldsymbol{+}\boldsymbol{[c_{1}f(z+c)+c_{0}f(z)]}^{\mathbf{3}}\boldsymbol{=}\boldsymbol{e}^{{\alpha}\boldsymbol{z}\0
Infinitely Many Solutions for Neumann Problems Associated to Non-Homogeneous Differential Operators through Orlicz–Sobolev Spaces0
On Benign Subgroups Constructed by Higman’s Sequence Building Operation0
Random Sections of Convex Octahedra0
On the Nonlinear Factorization Equation in a Normed Ring0
Uniqueness Result Concerning First Derivative and Difference of a Meromorphic Function andSufficient Condition for Periodicity0
Volterra Integral Operators from Campanato Spaces into General Function Spaces0
Existence of Positive Solutions for a Class of Boundary Value Problems with $$\boldsymbol{p}$$-Laplacian in Banach Spaces0
Integral Inequalities for the Growth and Higher Derivative of Polynomials0
Crossing Malmquist Systems with Certain Types0
Some Problems of Convergence of General Fourier Series0
Hellinger’s Distance and Correlation for a Subclass of Stable Distributions0
Geometric Properties of Normalized Le Roy-Type Mittag-Leffler Functions0
A New Proof of the Gasca–Maeztu Conjecture for $$\boldsymbol{n=5}$$0
Weighted Norm Inequalities for Calderón–Zygmund Operators of $$\phi$$-Type and Their Commutators0
On Fractional Kirchhoff Problems with Liouville–Weyl Fractional Derivatives0
On the Erdös–Lax-Type Inequalities for Polynomials0
Bergman Type Projection on Lipschitz Spaces0
Covariogram and Orientation-Dependent Chord Lenght Distribution Function for Oblique Prism0
Dynamics of Plate Equation with Variable Delay on $$\boldsymbol{\mathbb{R}}^{\boldsymbol{n}}$$0
Comparison of Three-Layer Polynomials of Many Variables0
Infinitely Many Solutions for Kirchhoff-Type Equations Involving Degenerate Operator0
On Two Shared Values Problem Related to Uniqueness of Meromorphic Function and Its kth Derivative0
Meromorphic Functions Sharing Three Values with Their Derivatives in an Angular Domain0
On the Uniform Convergence of Spherical Partial Sums of Fourier Series by the Double Walsh System0
Some Estimates of Functions of General Franklin System0
Unconditionality of Periodic Orthonormal Spline Systems in $$\boldsymbol{H}^{\mathbf{1}}{(\mathbb{T})}$$: Necessity0
Uniqueness of $$\boldsymbol{L}$$-Functions and General Meromorphic Functions in Light of Two Shared Sets0
Multiple Factorization of Skew-Symmetric Matrices0
Portfolio Value-at-Risk Approximation for Geometric Brownian Motion0
A Generalization of the Artin Theorem0
On Value Distribution of a Class of Entire Functions0
Operators on Mixed-Norm Amalgam Spaces via Extrapolation0
The Exact Entire Solutions of Certain Type of Nonlinear Difference Equations0
Comparison of Polynomials and Weighted-Hyperbolic Operators0
On the Weyl Multipliers for General Haar and Franklin Systems0
Derivatives of Meromorphic Functions Sharing Polynomials with Their Difference Operators0
Nonhomogeneous Dual Wavelet Frames with the $${p}$$-Refinable Structure in $${L}^{\mathbf{2}}{({\mathbb{R}}^{+})}$$0
On Khinchin’s Theorem about the Special Role of the Gaussian Distribution0
A New Regularly Varying Discrete Distribution Generated by Waring-Type Probability0
Periodic Orthonormal Spline Systems with Arbitrary Knots as Bases in $$\boldsymbol{H}^{\mathbf{1}}\boldsymbol{(\mathbb{T})}$$0
Conditional Moments for a $$\boldsymbol{d}$$-Dimensional Convex Body0
Unicity of Meromorphic Functions Concerning Differential-Difference Polynomials0
Riesz Multiresolution Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups: Construction and Exceptions0
Erratum to: Some Results on Nonlinear Difference-Differential Equations0
On Summable Solutions to Two-Dimensional Volterra Integral Equations with Monotone Nonlinearity on a Quarter of the Plane0
Approximation by Haar and Walsh Polynomials in Weighted Generalized Grand Lebesgue Space0
$${\mathcal{L}}$$-Wiener–Hopf Operators in Weighted Spaces in Case of Reflectionless Potential0
A Schrödinger–Poisson System with the Critical Growth on the First Heisenberg Group0
Uniqueness of Series by General Franklin System with Convergent Subsequence of Partial Sums0
Knots of Plane Curves. Applications to ODE0
Probabilistic Identities in n-Torsion Groups0
Convergence of General Fourier Series of Differentiable Functions0
Uniqueness of Meromorphic Functions with Respect to Their Shifts Concerning Derivatives0
Frame Potential of Dual Frames and Phase Retrievable Frames0
A New Recovery Analysis of Block Orthogonal Greedy Algorithm0
Exponential Polynomials as Solutions of Nonlinear Differential-Difference Equations0
Uniqueness of Meromorphic Functions Concerning Their Derivatives and Shifts with Partially Shared Values0
Extremal Problems of Bernstein-Type and an Operator Preserving Inequalities between Polynomials0
Zero-Free Regions for Lacunary Type Polynomials0
Meromorphic Solutions for the Fermat-Type Differential-Difference Equations0
Differential Sandwich-Type Results for Symmetric Functions Associated with Pascal Distribution Series0
On the Issue of Convergence and Summability of General Fourier Series0
Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund Type Inequalities in the Real Ball0
Existence and Stability of Integro Differential Equation with Generalized Proportional Fractional Derivative0
On Certain Class of Weighted Hyperbolic Polynomials0
Distribution of Zeros and Critical Points of a Polynomial, and Sendov’s Conjecture0
Linear Maps Which Are Homomorphisms or Jordan Homomorphisms at a Point0
On a Riemann Boundary Value Problem in the Space of $$\boldsymbol{p}$$-Summable Functions with Infinite Index0
On an Efficient Solution of the Dirichlet Problem for Properly Elliptic Equation in the Elliptic Domain0
Unicity of Meromorphic Functions Concerning Higher Order Difference Operators0
Weakly Consistent Offline Clustering of ARMA Processes0
The Best Uniform Approximations at Angles by Entire Functions0
Smooth Functions and General Fourier Coefficients0
Bergman-Type and $$\boldsymbol{Q}_{\boldsymbol{k}}$$-Type Spaces of $$\boldsymbol{p}$$-Harmonic Functions0
$$\boldsymbol{(P,Q)}$$–$${\varepsilon}$$-Pseudo Condition Spectrum for $$\mathbf{2\times 2}$$ Matrices. Linear Operator and Application0
A Hardy–Littlewood Type Theorem for Harmonic Bergman–Orlicz Spaces and Applications0
Periodized Wavelet Packets on Bounded Subsets of $$\boldsymbol{\mathbb{R}}$$0
Sharp Coefficient Results on the Inverse of Silverman Starlike Functions0
On the Product of Subsets in Periodic Groups0
Unconditionality of Periodic Orthonormal Spline Systems in $$\boldsymbol{H}^{\mathbf{1}}\boldsymbol{(\mathbb{T})}$$: Sufficiency0
On Volterra and Wiener–Hopf Integral Operators and Corresponding Equations of the First Kind0
Solvability of Quadratic Integral Equations with Singular Kernel0
On the Gasca–Maeztu Conjecture for $$\boldsymbol{n=6}$$0
On the Solitary Solutions for the Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Equation Coupled with Born–Infeld Theory0
Fekete–Szegő Inequalities for Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions Related with Nephroid Domain0
On Weighted Solutions to $$\overline{{\partial}}$$-Equation in the Upper Half-Plane0
Movability of Morphisms in an Enriched Pro-Category and in a $$\boldsymbol{J}$$-Shape Category0
A Principle Related to Zeros of Real Functions0
Statistical Estimation for Stationary Models with Tapered Data0
A Characterization of Weighted Central Campanato Spaces0
An Application of Ricceri Theorem in Solving Boundary Value Problems0
Generalizations of Some Differential Inequalities for Polynomials0
On the Solvability of One Infinite System of Integral Equations with Power Nonlinearity on the Semi-Axis0
A Class of Meromorphic Functions Involving Higher Order Derivative0
The Walsh–Fourier Transform on the Real Line0
On Unique Minimal $$\boldsymbol{L}^{\boldsymbol{p}}$$-Norm Harmonic or Holomorphic Function Which Takes Given Value in a Fixed Point0
Effectiveness of the Even-Type Delayed Mean in Approximation of Conjugate Functions0
Some Findings on Growth of Solutions of Complex $$\boldsymbol{q}$$-Difference Equations0
Embedding of Besov Spaces into Tent Spaces and Applications0
Fractional Integration in Weighted Lebesgue Spaces0
A Uniqueness Theorem for Multiple Orthonormal Spline Series0
Ground States Solutions for a Modified Fractional Schrödinger Equation with a Generalized Choquard Nonlinearity0
Causality between Stopped Filtrations and Some Applications0
On the Uniqueness of L-functions and Meromorphic Functions Sharing a Set0
Operator Preserving Bernstein-Type Inequalities between Polynomials0
Dedicated to Professor Norair Yengibaryan on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday0
Further Results on Shared-Value Properties of $$\boldsymbol{f^{\prime}(z)=f(z+c)}$$0