Psychology Crime & Law

(The TQCC of Psychology Crime & Law is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Facilitating sensitive disclosures by building rapport: the sensitive topic paradigm*17
Public beliefs on the relationship between lying and memory17
The State of Florida v. Kelvin Lee Coleman Jr.: the implications of neuroscience in the courtroom through a case study15
Statement of Retraction: The verdict is in: how did they decide? Using drivers' self-reported data to understand officers' decision making during traffic stop encounters13
Is the taint argument real? Public perceptions of juries that include felon-jurors10
Co-offending and police notification: the differential reporting of young groups to the police9
SCANning for truth. Scholars’ and practitioners’ perceptions on the use(fulness) of Scientific Content Analysis in detecting deception during police interviews9
Perspectives of juror-eligible adults: validation of the Juror Questionnaire of Values and Viewpoints (JQVV) for capital cases9
Let’s (not) talk about race: comparing mock jurors’ verdicts and deliberation content in a case of lethal police use of force with a White or Indigenous victim8
A systematic review of offender mental health stigma: commonality, psychometric measures and differential diagnosis8
COVID-19 and the courtroom: how social and cognitive psychological processes might affect trials during a pandemic8
Eyewitness testimony in native and second languages7
After a storm comes a calm: International expert decision-making process regarding abstract definitions of emotional cool-off periods in sexual homicide7
‘Violence is all he knew, and it seemed to work’: using the power threat meaning framework to explore prison officers’ understandings of violence in Irish prisons7
Memory and credibility perceptions of alcohol and other drug intoxicated witnesses and victims of crime6
‘Cool' or ‘hot' rational choices: an examination of traits and states in sexual crimes6
Evaluating the impact of ‘rehabilitative adjudications’ in four English prisons6
Managing investigative interviews with vulnerable suspects in the UK: do specialist interview managers (IM’s) understand vulnerability?6
Reducing criminal record discrimination through banning the box: the importance of timing and explanation in the reveal of a drug conviction6
Vehicular heatstroke: how do extralegal factors influence perceptions of blame, responsibility, forgiveness and punishment?6
Battling bias: can two implicit bias remedies reduce juror racial bias?5
Lost in translation: a quantitative and qualitative comparison of rape myth acceptance5
‘The witness is lying!’: the impact of a defendant countering a jailhouse informant’s testimony5
Survival, self-sufficiency, and repair: reentry strategies and resources for wrongfully convicted people5
Does debt increase risk? A mixed methods approach to studying the potential underlying risk factors in the relationship between debt and crime5
Alternative stories and the decision to prosecute: an applied approach against confirmation bias in criminal prosecution5
‘Tell me about the time you remember the best’: the effect of a remember best prompt on adults’ reports of a repeated emotionally stressful event5
Fear from a distance: testing a new model of psychological distance and fear of crime5
Predictors of recidivism following release from custody: a meta-analysis5
Culture and credibility: the assessment of asylum seekers’ statements5
Perceptions of crime severity and stigma toward family members grieving the loss of a person to incarceration4
Evaluating borderline personality disorder traits in the context of an intimate partner violence intervention programme4
Executive functions, self-control and juvenile delinquency4
High eyewitness confidence is always compelling: that’s a problem4
The intersection of defendant gender and racialisation in a case of child neglect4
Murder or manslaughter: the role of premeditation and associated behavioural characteristics4
A double standard in evaluating implicit threats4
Risk profiles in a Spanish sample of juvenile offenders: implications for risk assessment and management4
‘He seems odd’: the effects of risk-irrelevant information and actuarial risk estimates on mock jurors’ perceptions of sexual recidivism risk4
Patterns in the use of best practices for eyewitness identifications in the field4
Understanding the ‘walk of shame’: exploring the experiences of individuals with sexual convictions who have been recalled from open conditions in England and Wales4
Intuitive anger in the context of crime and punishment4
Moral foundations and criminality: comparing community members to prisoners and violent/non-violent offenders4
Justice and strain-based conflict among Chinese prison staff4
White paper on forensic child interviewing: research-based recommendations by the European Association of Psychology and Law4
Juror perceptions of incentivized informant testimony4
Complications and consistency: investigating the asymmetric information management ‘AIM’ technique with follow-up statements4
Objection, your Honour: examining the questioning practices of Canadian judges3
Misinformation – past, present, and future3
Stigmatizing ‘evildoers’: how beliefs about evil and public stigma explain criminal justice policy preferences3
Perceived justice, negative emotions and delinquency in Chinese high schools and vocational schools3
Judicial decision-making in the era of pretrial reform3
Exploring individual-level predictors of punitive attitudes in Australia3
Mindsets of criminality: predicting punitive and rehabilitative attitudes3
The role of discrete emotional reactions to child sexual abuse (CSA) testimony in mock juror decision-making3
Tipsy, trashed, or totalled? Lay understanding of dose-specific alcohol intoxication and the criminal justice system3
With theater, you have to be ready for anything: university response, expert testimony, and sample influence jurors’ decisions and counterfactual endorsement in a crime control theater case3
Consumers’ response to mass market scam solicitations: profiling scams and responses3
Legal cynicism, but not depression, mediates the link between adverse environmental factors and youth’s political violence support3
Effect of implementing security measures on fear of crime3
Violence and stigma: a qualitative exploration of judicial perceptions of defendants with psychiatric disorders3
Credibility assessment in context: the influence of intergroup bias and the context of the crime3
The Burglary Cognitive Distortions Scale: its association with burglary proclivity and other key variables3
Knowledge about eyewitness testimony: a survey of Indonesian police officers and psychologists3
Towards clinically meaningful subtyping of youth with violent behavior: application of latent profile analysis to a risk-strengths based risk assessment model*3
The impact of emotion on offender decision-making: advancing our understanding through virtual re-enactment3
Development and application of an offense severity index in the evaluation of treatment of individuals convicted of sexual crimes2
‘Tell me what just happened’: the effect of immediate recall on adult memory for instances of a repeated event2
The economic burden of posttraumatic stress disorder among Canadian lawyers: an exploratory study2
Beyond 50%: providing contextual and coaching information substantially improves adults’ ability to detect children’s lies2
Intergenerational transmission of personality disorder: general or disorder-specific?2
Emotional, cognitive and behavioral self-regulation in forensic psychiatric patients: changes over time and associations with childhood trauma, identity and personality pathology2
Juror perceptions of excited utterance hearsay testimony in an adult sexual assault case2
INSIGHT intervention for individuals who sexually offended against children: preliminary results of a randomized pilot study2
Do adolescent risk assessment tools capture self-reported reasons for desistance? An examination of the content validity of protective factors2
The impact of trauma-awareness session on police officers’ trauma-informed attitudes in Scotland2
Organizational trust and correctional staff job stress: a test among Nigerian prison officers2
Racial fairness in violence risk instruments: a review of the literature2
Assessing the deterrent effect of symbolic guardianship through neighbourhood watch signs and police signs: a virtual reality study2
Confirming or resisting the ‘racist cop’ stereotype?: the importance of a police officer’s ‘guardian’ identity in moderating support for procedural justice2
Perceptions of campaign donors and their impact on judgments of judicial fairness2
Keep it simple: Concise instructions may help jurors devalue eyewitness courtroom confidence when evaluating suspect guilt2
Do road offenders constitute a unique clinical and sociodemographic profile? The relationship between crime and road safety2
Childhood predictors of successful self-reported delinquents2
Cultural context and sentencing: content analysis of sentencing remarks for Indigenous defendants of domestic violence in the Northern Territory, Australia2
Workplace cyberbullying toward the Arab minority in Israel: gender differences in attitudes and attribution of blame2
Plea validity in circuit court: judicial colloquies in misdemeanor vs. felony charges2
Impact of base rate information on estimated risk of recidivism of sex offenders in Japan2
A comparison between Australian and US populations on attitudes to criminal behaviours2
Serious violence in the Irish Prison Service: exploring the experiences of prison officers and prisoners under the Violently Disruptive Prisoner policy2
Increasing client motivation ratings across violence rehabilitation are promising predictors of reduced post-custody recidivism2
Why should we punish and how? The role of moral intuitions and personal worldviews for punitiveness and sentencing preferences2
Predictive validity of the structured assessment of violence risk in youth (SAVRY) on the recidivism of juvenile offenders: a systematic review2
The role of video background cues in the virtual court: a psychological perspective2
Your alibi better not be a-changin’: the effect of alibi change and interview strategy on perceptions of alibi witness’s credibility, suspect innocence, and interview quality2
The use of alternative scenarios in assessing the reliability of victims’ statements2
Are sad children more believable? A systematic review of the relationship between emotional demeanour of child victims and juror credibility judgements2
Clients who self-refer to a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC): a preliminary exploration of client and case characteristics2
Reliability and validity of the FORUM-P and FORUM-C: two novel instruments for outcome measurement in forensic mental health2
Active guardianship in urban public places: place attachment and social cohesion2
Prevalence and risk-factors for burnout, posttraumatic stress, and secondary traumatization among Danish prosecutors: findings from a pilot-study2
Testing the job demands-resources model in explaining life satisfaction of Nigerian correctional staff2
Laypersons misconceptions as a barrier to understanding plea bargainings innocence problem2
The masked villain: the effects of facial masking, distance, lighting, and eyewitness age on eyewitness identification accuracy2
Assessing recidivism risk with criminal thinking and prior arrests: do risk factors accumulate or interact?2
Technology and eyewitness memory: evaluating the efficacy of a novel digital cued recall tool2
Avatars with child sexual abuse (vs. no abuse) scenarios elicit different emotional reactions2
Life experiences and health factors linked to violent offending and repeated incarceration among males in Spain2
Can a communication assessment provide a reliable indication of a child’s communication at interview?2
Mental health in the courtroom: how victim mental health status impacts juror decision-making in a rape case2
The impact of multiple interviews on the accuracy and narrative coherence of children’s memories2