Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals

(The TQCC of Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A New Technology to Prepare Ba3(VO4)2 from Tailings of TiCl4 Refining22
A Novel Technology to Prepare FeVO4 from TiCl4 Refining Tailings11
Viscosity of Conventional Cryolite-Alumina Melts10
Effect of the Properties of Agglomerates Prepared by Geopolymerization on Column Bioleaching9
Formation of Carbon Nanotubes and Microsilica during the Production of Crystalline Silicon in Three-Phase Ore-Thermal Furnaces7
Strength and Fracture Resistance of Quartz Fibers with Polyimide Coatings7
Fluoride Processing of a Fluid Cracking Catalyst Resulting in the Recovery of a Rare-Earth-Element Concentrate7
Optimization of Metal Inert-Gas Welding Process for 5052 Aluminum Alloy by Artificial Neural Network6
Effect of Zr Content on the Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of Al–Cu–Mn Alloy6
The Viscosity of Molten Salts Based on the LiF–BeF2 System6
Structure and Mechanical Properties of Al–Ca–Mn–Fe–Zr–Sc Eutectic Aluminum Alloy after Warm Equal Channel Angular Pressing6
Effect of Conditions of High-Temperature Treatment on the Structure and Tribological Properties of Nickel-Based Laser-Clad Coating5
Mechanical Properties and Oxidation Behavior of Hot Pressing Sintered Nb5Cr Superalloy5
Influence of the Cold Rolling Reduction Ratio and the Final Annealing Temperature on the Properties and Microstructure of Al–Mg–Sc Alloy Sheets5
Vapor–Liquid Equilibria in the Tin–Lead System in a Primary Vacuum5
Study on Extraction and Separation Performance of Iron and Aluminum from Acid Leaching Solution of High-Iron Bauxite4
Physicochemical Regularities of the Pressure Leaching of a Zinc Sulfide Concentrate in the Presence of Lignosulfonate4
Tungsten Carbide by Electrothermal Explosion under Pressure: Accompanying Phase Transformations4
Investigations on the Effect of Cyclic Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Alloys (AA5052 & AA6061)4
Effect of Ti, Sr, and B Addition on the Fluidity of A356.2 Grade Aluminum Alloy4
Distillation Recovery of Tellurium from Copper Telluride in Oxide Forms4
Processing Finely Dispersed Technogenic Raw Materials for Aluminum Production in Order to Extract Valuable Components4
Effect of Laser Surface Modification on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Al–8% Ca, Al–10% La, Al–10% Ce, and Al–6% Ni Eutectic Aluminum Alloys4
Joining Cu30Zn (Brass) and AA6063 Alloys Using the Mechanical Locking Method4
Investigation of the Thermal and Electrical Properties of Al–1.9Mn–xFe Ternary Alloys4
Effect of Rare Earth Elements on the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of ZK60 Alloy after T5 Treatment3
Studies of the Structure and Properties of Weld Deposits of the Sv-AK5 Filler Wire in Robotized Deposit Welding3
Composition and Structure of the Diamond–Low Carbon Steel Transition Zone Obtained by Contact Heating in Vacuum at the Eutectic Temperature of Fe–C3
Effect of Strain Rate on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AA2B06-O Aluminum Alloy of the Al–Cu–Mg System3
Cerium Effect on the Phase Composition and Crystallization Behavior of Aluminum Casting Alloys Based on the Al–Mg–Si System3
Study of the Properties of C92900 Bronze Obtained by Permanent Mold Casting, Upward Casting, and Hot Extrusion3
Extraction of Lithium from Petalite Ore by Chloride Sublimation Roasting3
Novel Method for Producing Chromic Oxide without Hexavalent Chromium Pollution by Acid Leaching3
Studies on the Fracture Mechanism for an Al–Al4C3–Al2O3 Aluminum-Matrix Dispersion-Hardened Composite with a Layered Structure under Static and Impact Loading3
Preparing CuCr Pseudoalloys by the Deposition of Copper from a Solution onto Chromium Powders with the Simultaneous Mechanical Activation of the Mixture3
Influence of Heating and Cooling on the Isothermal β → ω Transition in Ti–22Nb–6Zr Alloy3
Investigation of the Stress-Strain State and Microstructure Transformation of Electrotechnical Copper Buses in the Deformation Zone during Continuous Extrusion3
Processability and Structure Formation of the Al–Zn–Mg–Ca–Fe–Zr–Sc Alloy upon Hot Rolling and TIG Welding3
Formation of the Structure and Phase Composition of Cast Aluminum Matrix Composites during Multiple Remelting3
Production and Quality Control of High-Purity Rare-Earth Metal Oxides for Scintillator Crystals of Detecting Medical Systems3
Influence of Thermal Cycling Modes on VK8 Hard Alloy Mechanical and Tribological Properties3
Structure and Properties of TiN–Pb Composite Coatings Deposited on VT6 Alloy Magneton Sputtering DC3