Political Research Quarterly

(The TQCC of Political Research Quarterly is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Disinformation as a Threat to Deliberative Democracy94
Going Feminine: Identifying How and When Female Candidates Emphasize Feminine and Masculine Traits on the Campaign Trail29
Shared Identities: Intersectionality, Linked Fate, and Perceptions of Political Candidates24
Place-Based Resentment in Contemporary U.S. Elections: The Individual Sources of America’s Urban-Rural Divide23
Police Violence and Public Opinion After George Floyd: How the Black Lives Matter Movement and Endorsements Affect Support for Reforms22
TRENDS: A Red Flag for Participation: The Influence of Chinese Mainlandization on Political Behavior in Hong Kong18
Loyalty over Fairness: Acceptance of Unfair Supreme Court Procedures14
Ideology and Specific Support for the Supreme Court14
What Satisfaction with Democracy? A Global Analysis of “Satisfaction with Democracy” Measures13
Catching My Anger: How Political Elites Create Angrier Citizens13
Scaling Authoritarian Information Control: How China Adjusts the Level of Online Censorship12
Revisiting the Causal Links between Economic Sanctions and Human Rights Violations12
TRENDS: Diploma divide: Educational attainment and the realignment of the American electorate12
Are Political Attacks a Laughing Matter? Three Experiments on Political Humor and the Effectiveness of Negative Campaigning12
The Power of Equality? Polarization and Collective Mis-representation on Gay Rights in Congress, 1989–201911
Determinants of Rejected Mail Ballots in Georgia’s 2018 General Election11
TRENDS: The Supreme Court’s (Surprising?) Indifference to Public Opinion11
Emotional Responses Shape the Substance of Information Seeking under Conditions of Threat11
Role Model or Role Expansion? Popular Perceptions of the Military in Tunisia11
Does Punishing Sanctions Busters Work? Sanctions Enforcement and U.S. Trade with Sanctioned States11
“Networked” Revolutions? ICTs and Protest Mobilization in Non-Democratic Regimes10
Affective Polarization and Support for the U.S. Supreme Court10
Elite Messaging and Partisan Consumerism: An Evaluation of President Trump’s Tweets and Polarization of Corporate Brand Images10
Online Incivility in the 2020 Congressional Elections9
Political Hearings Reinforce Legal Norms: Confirmation Hearings and Views of the United States Supreme Court9
TRENDS: Do Women Seek “Women of Color” for Public Office? Exploring Women’s Support for Electing Women of Color9
The Intersectional Effects of Diverse Elections on Validated Turnout in the 2018 Midterm Elections8
Political Competition and Right-Wing Terrorism: A County-Level Analysis of the United States8
Information and Policy Innovation in U.S. States8
Youth Advantage Versus Gender Penalty: Selecting and Electing Young Candidates8
Mandated Choice Policies: When Are They Preferable?8
Let’s Work Together: Bill Success via Women’s Cosponsorship in U.S. State Legislatures8
Epistemic Communities and Public Support for the Paris Agreement on Climate Change8
From Mistrust to Understanding: Inclusive Constitution-Making Design and Agreement in Tunisia8
President Obama and the Emergence of Islamophobia in Mass Partisan Preferences7
Who Punishes More? Partisanship, Punitive Policies, and the Puzzle of Democratic Governors7
What Drives Women’s Substantive Representation in Muslim-Majority Countries? Lessons from Turkey7
Motivated Reasoning and Attitudes Towards Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings: Evidence from Five Nominations and an Experiment7
Public Perceptions of Collaborative Governance in Transportation Policy7
Labor Unions and Non-member Political Protest Mobilization in the United States7
Antisemitic Attitudes Across the Ideological Spectrum7
Police-Generated Killings: The Gap between Ethics and Law7
Guardians of Democracy or Passive Bystanders? A Conjoint Experiment on Elite Transgressions of Democratic Norms6
Getting a High Heel in the Door: An Experiment on State Legislator Responsiveness to Women’s Issue Lobbying6
Bridging the Divide: Does Social Capital Moderate the Impact of Polarization on Health?6
Political Crisis in Central Government and Bureaucrats’ Responses in Provincial Government: The Impact of Governors’ Characteristics6
Measuring Democratic Listening: A Listening Quality Index6
Value Disagreement and Partisan Sorting in the American Mass Public6
Attitudes Towards LGBT Individuals After bostock v. Clayton County: Evidence From a Quasi Experiment6
Voter Beliefs and Strategic Voting in Two-Round Elections6
Urban-Rural Differences in Non-Voting Political Behaviors6
Partisanship, Policy, and Americans’ Evaluations of State-Level COVID-19 Policies Prior to the 2020 Election6
Sore Losers: Does Terrorism and Approval of Terrorism Increase in Democracies When Election Losers Refuse to Accept Election Results?6
Varieties of Public Attitudes toward Immigration: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Japan6
A Double-Edge Sword? Mass Media and Nonviolent Dissent in Autocracies6
Instant Credibility: The Conditional Role of Professional Background in Policymaking Success5
Why Do Election Results Change after Election Day? The “Blue Shift” in California Elections5
Amusing Ourselves to Loyalty? Entertainment, Propaganda, and Regime Resilience in China5
Judicial Merit Selection: Beliefs about Fairness and the Undermining of Gender Diversity on the Bench5
All of the Above: Lobbying Allied, Undecided, and Opposing Lawmakers in Committee and on the Floor5
“They Were Laughing”: Congressional Framing of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s Sexual Assault Allegations on Twitter5
How Wide is the Arc of Racial Solidarity? People of Color and Middle Easterners and North Africans5
From Home Base to Swing States: The Evolution of Digital Advertising Strategies during the 2020 US Presidential Primary5
More than Mere Access: An Experiment on Moneyed Interests, Information Provision, and Legislative Action in Congress5
Legacies of Stalin or Putin? Public Opinion and Historical Memory in Ukraine5
Weather to Vote: How Natural Disasters Shape Turnout Decisions5
Partisanship on the Playground: Expressive Party Politics Among Children5
Merit, Luck, and Taxes: Societal Reward Rules, Self-Interest, and Ideology in a Real-Effort Voting Experiment5
Inclusivity and Decentralisation of Candidate Selectorates: Factional Consequences for Centre-Left Parties in England, Germany, and the United States5
Electoral Systems and the Substantive Representation of Marginalized Groups: Evidence from Women’s Issue Bills in South Korea5
Political Inequality in the Digital World: The Puzzle of Asian American Political Participation Online5
How Other Minorities Gained Access: The War on Poverty and Asian American and Latino Community Organizing5
Identity in Campaign Finance and Elections: The Impact of Gender and Race on Money Raised in 2010–2018 U.S. House Elections5
Campaign Contributions and Access to Congressional Offices: Patterns in Foreign Lobbying Data5
Media Attention and Deliberation on the Supreme Court5
Deservingness Heuristics and Policy Attitudes toward the Elderly in an Aging Society: Evidence from Japan5
When Do Men MPs Claim to Represent Women in Plenary Debates—Time-Series Cross-Sectional Evidence from the German States4
Who Wants to Raise Taxes?4
Closest to the People? Incumbency Advantage and the Personal Vote in Non-Partisan Elections4
The All-Affected Principle and the Question of Asymmetry4
Gender, Power, and Colleague Aggression in U.S. State Senates4
Respectability Politics and Straight Support for LGB Rights4
Detecting Diverse Perspectives: Using Text Analytics to Reveal Sex Differences in Congressional Debate About Defense4
Does the Public Hold Governors Accountable for Policy Outcomes?4
Laboratories of Politics: There is Bottom-up Diffusion of Policy Attention in the American Federal System4
When Clientelism Backfires: Vote Buying, Democratic Attitudes, and Electoral Retaliation in Latin America4
Technology Threats to Employment, Issues, and Candidate and Party Preferences in the United States4
TRENDS:The Influence of Personalized Knowledge at the Supreme Court: How (Some) Former Law Clerks Have the Inside Track4
Competitors in Aid: How International Rivalry Affects Public Support for Aid Under Various Frames3
A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations3
Populism and Support for Political Violence in the United States: Assessing the Role of Grievances, Distrust of Political Institutions, Social Change Threat, and Political Illiberalism3
Dilemmas of Distrust: Conspiracy Beliefs, Elite Rhetoric, and Motivated Reasoning3
Explaining Perceptions of Climate Change in the US3
You Think; Therefore I Am: Gender Schemas and Context in Oral Arguments at the Supreme Court, 1979–20163
Evaluating the Unequal Economy: Poverty Risk, Economic Indicators, and the Perception Gap3
Opening the Attitudinal Black Box: Three Dimensions of Latin American Elites’ Attitudes about Gender Equality3
Islamic Constitutions and Democracy3
The Face of the Party: Party Leadership Selection, and the Role of Family and Faith3
Gender Bias in Policy Representation in Post-Conflict Societies3
The Personalization of Electoral Rules: How Shifting Influence From Selectors to Voters Affects Party Unity3
Selling them Short? Differences in News Coverage of Female and Male Candidate Qualifications3
Strategic Lobbying and the Pressure to Compromise Member Interests3
Myths About Women in the Political Executive—How Gender Stereotypes Shape the Way MPs Assess the Competences of Ministers3
How U.S. Voters Elect Prosecutors: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment3
Patronage and Presidential Coalition Formation3
Introduction to the Symposium on “The Role of Gender in the 2018 Midterm Elections”3
Categorical Confusion: Ideological Labels in China3
Economic Shocks and Fiscal Policy Preferences: Evidence From COVID-19 in Spain3
Institutional Context and Accountability for Political Distrust3
Policy Influence of Delegates in Authoritarian Legislatures: Evidence from China3
Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists3
Messaging Apps: A Rising Tool for Informational Autocrats3
Putting A Fresh Face Forward: Does the Gender of a Police Chief Affect Public Perceptions?3
Asking the Right Questions: A Framework for Developing Gender-Balanced Political Knowledge Batteries3
Madame President, Madame Ambassador? Women Presidents and Gender Parity in Latin America’s Diplomatic Services3
How Does Party Position Change Happen? The Case of LGBT Rights in the U.S.3
Party Competition, Personal Votes, and Strategic Disloyalty in the U.S. States3
Perceived Exclusionary Disadvantages and Populist Attitudes: Evidence from Comparative and Longitudinal Survey Data in Six European Countries3
Trump Tweets and Democratic Attitudes: Evidence from a Survey Experiment3