SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

(The TQCC of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica62
Fast Expansion into Harmonics on the Disk: A Steerable Basis with Fast Radial Convolutions48
On a Dynamic Variant of the Iteratively Regularized Gauss–Newton Method with Sequential Data30
Energy Stable and Conservative Dynamical Low-Rank Approximation for the Su–Olson Problem30
A Fast Petrov--Galerkin Spectral Method for the Multidimensional Boltzmann Equation Using Mapped Chebyshev Functions22
Numerical Solution of a Matrix Integral Equation Arising in Markov-Modulated Lévy Processes22
Code Generation and Performance Engineering for Matrix-Free Finite Element Methods on Hybrid Tetrahedral Grids22
An Efficient Multiscale Preconditioner for Large-Scale Highly Heterogeneous Flow21
A Robust Two-Level Overlapping Preconditioner for Darcy Flow in High-Contrast Media16
Reflectionless Discrete Perfectly Matched Layers for Higher-Order Finite Difference Schemes16
Krylov Subspace Residual and Restarting for Certain Second Order Differential Equations16
A Numerical Method for the Stability Analysis of Linear Age-Structured Models with Nonlocal Diffusion16
Partitioning and Reordering for Spike-Based Distributed-Memory Parallel Gauss--Seidel15
Multilevel Spectral Domain Decomposition15
Efficient Upwind Finite-Difference Schemes for Wave Equations on Overset Grids14
Stochastic Parareal: An Application of Probabilistic Methods to Time-Parallelization14
A Framework for Error-Bounded Approximate Computing, with an Application to Dot Products14
Bayesian Parameter Identification in Impedance Boundary Conditions for Helmholtz Problems13
Quantum Simulation for Quantum Dynamics with Artificial Boundary Conditions13
A Directional Equispaced Interpolation-Based Fast Multipole Method for Oscillatory Kernels12
Robust Monolithic Solvers for the Stokes--Darcy Problem with the Darcy Equation in Primal Form12
A MultiHarmonic Finite Element Method for Scattering Problems with Small-Amplitude Boundary Deformations12
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition--Lattice Boltzmann Method: Simulating the Air Pollutant Problem in Street Canyon Areas12
Stable Rank-Adaptive Dynamically Orthogonal Runge–Kutta Schemes12
Observability and Effective Region of Partial Differential Equations with Application to Data Assimilation11
Additive Schwarz Methods for Semilinear Elliptic Problems with Convex Energy Functionals: Convergence Rate Independent of Nonlinearity11
An Adaptive Covariance Parameterization Technique for the Ensemble Gaussian Mixture Filter10
A New ParaDiag Time-Parallel Time Integration Method10
A Riemannian Dimension-Reduced Second-Order Method with Application in Sensor Network Localization10
Multigrid Solvers for the de Rham Complex with Optimal Complexity in Polynomial Degree10
Black Box Approximation in the Tensor Train Format Initialized by ANOVA Decomposition10
Adaptive Space-Time Domain Decomposition for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media with Bound Constraints10
Hermitian Preconditioning for a Class of Non-Hermitian Linear Systems10
Multivariate Hermite Interpolation on Riemannian Manifolds10
A Global Optimization Approach for Multimarginal Optimal Transport Problems with Coulomb Cost9
Globally Convergent Multilevel Training of Deep Residual Networks9
Interpolating Parametrized Quantum Circuits Using Blackbox Queries9
An Asymptotically Compatible Coupling Formulation for Nonlocal Interface Problems with Jumps9
Generative Ensemble Regression: Learning Particle Dynamics from Observations of Ensembles with Physics-informed Deep Generative Models9
Bounds on Nonlinear Errors for Variance Computation with Stochastic Rounding9
Hybrid Projection Methods for Solution Decomposition in Large-Scale Bayesian Inverse Problems9
MGIC: Multigrid-in-Channels Neural Network Architectures9
\(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{L}_2}\)-Optimal Reduced-Order Modeling Using Parameter-Separable Forms8
Multigrid Reduction in Time for Chaotic Dynamical Systems8
On the Convergence of Monolithic Multigrid for Implicit Runge–Kutta Time Stepping of Finite Element Problems8
An Energy Stable $C^0$ Finite Element Scheme for A Phase-Field Model of Vesicle Motion and Deformation8
Numerical Solver for the Boltzmann Equation with Self-Adaptive Collision Operators8
Inversion of Eddy-Current Signals Using a Level-Set Method and Block Krylov Solvers8
Doubly Monotonic Constraint on Interpolators: Bridging Second-Order to Singularity Preservation to Cancel “Numerical Wetting” in Transport Schemes8
Shape Optimization of Peristaltic Pumps Transporting Rigid Particles in Stokes Flow8
Learning Robust Marking Policies for Adaptive Mesh Refinement8
Parameter-Robust Preconditioning for Oseen Iteration Applied to Stationary and Instationary Navier--Stokes Control8
Special Section: 2023 Copper Mountain Conference7
A Grid-Overlay Finite Difference Method for the Fractional Laplacian on Arbitrary Bounded Domains7
Geometrically Higher Order Unfitted Space-Time Methods for PDEs on Moving Domains7
A Two-Dimensional Stabilized Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Curvilinear Embedded Boundary Grids7
MG-FIM: A Multi-GPU Fast Iterative Method Using Adaptive Domain Decomposition7
A First-Order Reduced Model for a Highly Oscillating Differential Equation with Application in Penning Traps7
Evolution of Nonlinear Reduced-Order Solutions for PDEs with Conserved Quantities7
A Posteriori Estimator for the Adaptive Solution of a Quasi-Static Fracture Phase-Field Model with Irreversibility Constraints7
Polynomial Chaos Expansions for Stiff Random ODEs7
Robust Multigrid Techniques for Augmented Lagrangian Preconditioning of Incompressible Stokes Equations with Extreme Viscosity Variations7
Iterative Methods of Linearized Moment Equations for Rarefied Gases7
Personalized Algorithm Generation: A Case Study in Learning ODE Integrators7
A Scalable Deep Learning Approach for Solving High-Dimensional Dynamic Optimal Transport7
Grouped Transformations and Regularization in High-Dimensional Explainable ANOVA Approximation7
Linear-Complexity Black-Box Randomized Compression of Rank-Structured Matrices6
An Efficient and Robust Scalar Auxialiary Variable Based Algorithm for Discrete Gradient Systems Arising from Optimizations6
Well-Balanced and Positivity-Preserving Surface Reconstruction Schemes Solving Ripa Systems With Nonflat Bottom Topography6
Generative Adversarial Network for Probabilistic Forecast of Random Dynamical Systems6
High-Order Mass- and Energy-Conserving Methods for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation6
Parallel-in-time preconditioner for the Sinc-Nyström systems6
Failure-Informed Adaptive Sampling for PINNs6
Data-Driven Tensor Train Gradient Cross Approximation for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman Equations6
Practical Error Bounds for Properties in Plane-Wave Electronic Structure Calculations6
A Bound-Preserving and Positivity-Preserving Path-Conservative Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Solving Five-Equation Model of Compressible Two-Medium Flows6
Riemannian Natural Gradient Methods6
Vectorization of a Thread-Parallel Jacobi Singular Value Decomposition Method6
Optimizing Oblique Projections for Nonlinear Systems using Trajectories6
Structured Gradient Descent for Fast Robust Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Completion6
A Very Easy High-Order Well-Balanced Reconstruction for Hyperbolic Systems with Source Terms6
Graph Neural Reaction Diffusion Models6
A Massively Parallel Eulerian-Lagrangian Method for Advection-Dominated Transport in Viscous Fluids6
Finite Element Discretization Methods for Velocity-Pressure and Stream Function Formulations of Surface Stokes Equations6
Iterated Gauss–Seidel GMRES6
A Characteristic-Spectral-Mixed Scheme for Six-Dimensional Wigner–Coulomb Dynamics6
Optimization of Hopf Bifurcation Points6
Adaptivity in Local Kernel Based Methods for Approximating the Action of Linear Operators6
A Spectrally Accurate Numerical Method for Computing the Bogoliubov--de Gennes Excitations of Dipolar Bose--Einstein Condensates5
Leveraging Multitime Hamilton–Jacobi PDEs for Certain Scientific Machine Learning Problems5
Deep Neural Networks for Solving Large Linear Systems Arising from High-Dimensional Problems5
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving Dynamic Two-Phase Interface Problems5
Multivariate Rational Approximation of Functions with Curves of Singularities5
Efficient Model Predictive Control for Parabolic PDEs with Goal Oriented Error Estimation5
Deep Adaptive Basis Galerkin Method for High-Dimensional Evolution Equations With Oscillatory Solutions5
A Scalable Algorithm for Shape Optimization with Geometric Constraints in Banach Spaces5
Efficient Tensor-Product Spectral-Element Operators with the Summation-by-Parts Property on Curved Triangles and Tetrahedra5
The Sparse-Grid-Based Adaptive Spectral Koopman Method5
Convolution Quadratures Based on Block Generalized Adams Methods5
Convergence of a Robust Deep FBSDE Method for Stochastic Control5
A New Approach for Designing Well-Balanced Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations: A Combination of Conservative and Primitive Formulations5
A BDF-Spectral Method for a Class of Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations with Long Time Delay5
Building Hierarchies of Semiclassical Jacobi Polynomials for Spectral Methods in Annuli5
Hamiltonian-Preserving Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Liouville Equation With Discontinuous Potential5
Finite Element Approximation for the Delayed Generalized Burgers–Huxley Equation with Weakly Singular Kernel: Part II Nonconforming and DG Approximation5
The ADMM-PINNs Algorithmic Framework for Nonsmooth PDE-Constrained Optimization: A Deep Learning Approach5
Numerical Solution of an Identification Problem in Electromyography5
A Novel Density Based Approach for Topology Optimization of Stokes Flow5
A Semi-Implicit Fully Exactly Well-Balanced Relaxation Scheme for the Shallow Water System5
Reformulated Weak Formulation and Efficient Fully Discrete Finite Element Method for a Two-Phase Ferrohydrodynamics Shliomis Model5
Data-Driven Balancing of Linear Dynamical Systems5
Graph Refinement via Simultaneously Low-Rank and Sparse Approximation5
Parallel Randomized Tucker Decomposition Algorithms4
New Optimized Robin--Robin Domain Decomposition Methods using Krylov Solvers for the Stokes--Darcy System4
Asymptotic Preserving and Uniformly Unconditionally Stable Finite Difference Schemes for Kinetic Transport Equations4
Optimized Schwarz Methods for the Cahn–Hilliard Equation4
Numerical Reparametrization of Periodic Planar Curves Via Curvature Interpolation4
Differential Equation Based Path Integral for Open Quantum Systems4
Invariant Domain-Preserving Approximations for the Euler Equations with Tabulated Equation of State4
A Domain Decomposition–Based CNN-DNN Architecture for Model Parallel Training Applied to Image Recognition Problems4
A Well-Conditioned Weak Coupling of Boundary Element and High-Order Finite Element Methods for Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Scattering by Inhomogeneous Objects4
On the Recursive Structure of Multigrid Cycles4
Selecting Regularization Parameters for Nuclear Norm--Type Minimization Problems4
Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin/Hybrid Mixed Methods for a Multiple Network Poroelasticity Model with Application in Biomechanics4
A Highly Accurate Perfectly-Matched-Layer Boundary Integral Equation Solver for Acoustic Layered-Medium Problems4
A One-Dimensional Coarse Preconditioner for Three-Dimensional Unsteady Incompressible Navier–Stokes Flows in Patient-Specific Arteries4
Numerical Surgery for Mean Curvature Flow of Surfaces4
Generalizing Lloyd’s Algorithm for Graph Clustering4
Arbitrarily High-Order Conservative Schemes for the Generalized Korteweg--de Vries Equation4
Parallel Algorithms for Tensor Train Arithmetic4
Energetic Variational Neural Network Discretizations of Gradient Flows4
Stable Backward Differentiation Formula Time Discretization of BGN-Based Parametric Finite Element Methods for Geometric Flows4
A Matrix-Free ILU Realization Based on Surrogates4
A Fast Front-Tracking Approach and Its Analysis for a Temporal Multiscale Flow Problem with a Fractional Order Boundary Growth4
Special Section: 2021 Copper Mountain Conference4
slimTrain---A Stochastic Approximation Method for Training Separable Deep Neural Networks4
A Multilevel Method for Many-Electron Schrödinger Equations Based on the Atomic Cluster Expansion4
Accelerated Simulation of Boltzmann-BGK Equations near the Diffusive Limit with Asymptotic-Preserving Multilevel Monte Carlo4
Backward Diffusion-Wave Problem: Stability, Regularization, and Approximation4
An Incremental Tensor Train Decomposition Algorithm4
Almost Complete Analytical Integration in Galerkin Boundary Element Methods4
Evaluation of Inner Products of Implicitly Defined Finite Element Functions on Multiply Connected Planar Mesh Cells4
A Fast Method for Evaluating Volume Potentials in the Galerkin Boundary Element Method4
Super-Localized Orthogonal Decomposition for High-Frequency Helmholtz Problems4
Asymptotically Constant-Free and Polynomial-Degree-Robust a Posteriori Estimates for Space Discretizations of the Wave Equation4
Scalable Local Timestepping on Octree Grids4
Parallel Element-Based Algebraic Multigrid for \(\boldsymbol{H}\) (curl) and \(\boldsymbol{H}\) (div) Problems Using the ParELAG Library4
Piecewise-Global Nonlinear Model Order Reduction for PDE-Constrained Optimization in High-Dimensional Parameter Spaces4
Mass-, Energy-, and Momentum-Preserving Spectral Scheme for Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger System on Infinite Domains4
Boundary Element Methods for Helmholtz Problems With Weakly Imposed Boundary Conditions4
Optimal Experimental Design for Inverse Problems in the Presence of Observation Correlations3
Space-Time Reduced Basis Methods for Parametrized Unsteady Stokes Equations3
Adaptive Finite-Difference Interval Estimation for Noisy Derivative-Free Optimization3
A Robust Algebraic Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for Sparse Normal Equations3
Multigrid-Augmented Deep Learning Preconditioners for the Helmholtz Equation Using Compact Implicit Layers3
Conditional A Posteriori Error Bounds for High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Time Stepping Approximations of Semilinear Heat Models with Blow-up3
Finite Time Horizon Mixed Control of Vibrational Systems3
Energy-Preserving Continuous-Stage Exponential Runge--Kutta Integrators for Efficiently Solving Hamiltonian Systems3
Fully Adaptive Structure-Preserving Hyper-reduction of Parametric Hamiltonian Systems3
Filtering for Anderson Acceleration3
High Order Semi-implicit WENO Schemes for All-Mach Full Euler System of Gas Dynamics3
Shape Optimization of the Stokes Eigenvalue Problem3
Computing Solution Space Properties of Combinatorial Optimization Problems Via Generic Tensor Networks3
Approximate Newton Policy Gradient Algorithms3
EnKSGD: A Class of Preconditioned Black Box Optimization and Inversion Algorithms3
Convergence Analysis of BDDC Preconditioners for Composite DG Discretizations of the Cardiac Cell-By-Cell Model3
Simultaneous Computational and Data Load Balancing in Distributed-Memory Setting3
Scalable Multiphysics Block Preconditioning for Low Mach Number Compressible Resistive MHD with Application to Magnetic Confinement Fusion3
Low-Order Preconditioning for the High-Order Finite Element de Rham Complex3
Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations for Large-Scale Spatiotemporal Bayesian Modeling3
Performance of the Low-Rank TT-SVD for Large Dense Tensors on Modern MultiCore CPUs3
Automatic Differentiation for Riemannian Optimization on Low-Rank Matrix and Tensor-Train Manifolds3
A Meshless Solver for Blood Flow Simulations in Elastic Vessels Using a Physics-Informed Neural Network3
A Hierarchical Preconditioner for Wave Problems in Quasilinear Complexity3
Conditional Monte Carlo for Reaction Networks3
An Efficient MultiModes Monte Carlo Homogenization Method for Random Materials3
Explicit Stabilized Multirate Method for Stiff Stochastic Differential Equations3
Newton--Noda Iteration for Computing the Ground States of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations3
Study of a New Low-Oscillating Second-Order All-Mach Number IMEX Finite Volume Scheme for the Full Euler Equations3
Rounding Error Using Low Precision Approximate Random Variables3
When Do Extended Physics-Informed Neural Networks (XPINNs) Improve Generalization?3
Data-Driven Construction of Hierarchical Matrices With Nested Bases3
Stability Theory of TASE–Runge–Kutta Methods with Inexact Jacobian3
Accelerating Exponential Integrators to Efficiently Solve Semilinear Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations3
A Simulation Method for the Wetting Dynamics of Liquid Droplets on Deformable Membranes3
A Quadrature Scheme for Steady-State Diffusion Equations Involving Fractional Power of Regularly Accretive Operator3
A Globally Convergent Numerical Method for a 3D Coefficient Inverse Problem for a Wave-Like Equation3
Alternating Linear Scheme in a Bayesian Framework for Low-Rank Tensor Approximation3
Local Fourier Analysis of p-Multigrid for High-Order Finite Element Operators3
Adaptive Precision Sparse Matrix–Vector Product and Its Application to Krylov Solvers3
Enabling Hyper-Differential Sensitivity Analysis for Ill-Posed Inverse Problems3
Textbook Efficiency: Massively Parallel Matrix-Free Multigrid for the Stokes System3
Asynchronous Multiplicative Coarse-Space Correction3
Efficient GMRES+AMG on GPUs: Composite Smoothers And Mixed \(\boldsymbol{V}\)-Cycles3
A Bayesian Approach to Modeling Biological Pattern Formation with Limited Data3
A New Stopping Criterion for Krylov Solvers Applied in Interior Point Methods3
Numerical Solutions of Quasilinear Parabolic Problems by a Continuous Space-Time Finite Element Scheme3
Structured Optimization-Based Model Order Reduction for Parametric Systems3
Adaptive Resolution of Fine Scales in Modes of Microstructured Optical Fibers3
Optimized Schwarz Waveform Relaxation Methods for the Telegrapher Equation3
Enhanced MultiResolution Analysis for MultiDimensional Data Utilizing Line Filtering Techniques3
Geometric Integration of ODEs Using Multiple Quadratic Auxiliary Variables3
Computing \(\boldsymbol{H}^{\boldsymbol{2}}\)-Conforming Finite Element Approximations Without Having to Implement \(\boldsymbol{C}^{\boldsymbol{1}}\)-Elements3
A Posteriori Local Subcell Correction of High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for Conservation Laws on Two-Dimensional Unstructured Grids3
Localized Model Reduction for Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Localized Training, Partition of Unity, and Adaptive Enrichment3
Randomized Algorithms for Rounding in the Tensor-Train Format3
Point Spread Function Approximation of High-Rank Hessians with Locally Supported Nonnegative Integral Kernels3
A Reduced Conjugate Gradient Basis Method for Fractional Diffusion3
Two-Phase Segmentation for Intensity Inhomogeneous Images by the Allen--Cahn Local Binary Fitting Model3
Stage-Parallel Fully Implicit Runge–Kutta Implementations with Optimal Multilevel Preconditioners at the Scaling Limit3