Sbornik Mathematics

(The TQCC of Sbornik Mathematics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Uniform convergence and asymptotics for problems in domains finely perforated along a prescribed manifold in the case of the homogenized Dirichlet condition16
Asymptotic analysis of solutions of ordinary differential equations with distribution coefficients15
Topological analysis of a billiard bounded by confocal quadrics in a potential field13
Approximation of resolvents in homogenization of fourth-order elliptic operators13
Billiard books realize all bases of Liouville foliations of integrable Hamiltonian systems12
Uniform approximation of functions by solutions of strongly elliptic equations of second order on compact subsets of9
Asymptotically sharp two-sided estimate for domains of univalence of holomorphic self-maps of a disc with an invariant diameter9
Topological type of isoenergy surfaces of billiard books9
Values of the weight system on a family of graphs that are not the intersection graphs of chord diagrams9
Topological classification of integrable geodesic billiards on quadrics in three-dimensional Euclidean space9
Monotone path-connectedness of Chebyshev sets in three-dimensional spaces8
Solarity and connectedness of sets in the space and in finite-dimensional polyhedral spaces8
Topological classification of billiards bounded by confocal quadrics in three-dimensional Euclidean space7
The polynomial Hermite-Padé -system for meromorphic functions on a compact Riemann surface7
Uniqueness theorems for simple trigonometric series with application to multiple series7
The maximum tree of a random forest in the configuration graph7
On uniqueness of probability solutions of the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation6
Realization of geodesic flows with a linear first integral by billiards with slipping6
Necessary and sufficient conditions for extending a function to a Schur function6
Global and semilocal theorems on implicit and inverse functions in Banach spaces6
Approximation by simple partial fractions in unbounded domains5
On automorphisms of quasi-smooth weighted complete intersections5
A strengthening of the Bourgain-Kontorovich method: three new theorems5
Hermitian-Yang-Mills approach to the conjecture of Griffiths on the positivity of ample vector bundles5
Local controllability and optimality5
Rigid germs of finite morphisms of smooth surfaces and rational Belyi pairs5
Variational method for elliptic systems with discontinuous nonlinearities5
Time minimization problem on the group of motions of a plane with admissible control in a half-disc4
Classification of Liouville foliations of integrable topological billiards in magnetic fields4
Existence of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with measure data in Musielak-Orlicz spaces4
A hyperbolicity criterion for a class of diffeomorphisms of an infinite-dimensional torus4
New moduli components of rank 2 bundles on projective space4
Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality for $p=1$4
On metric properties of $C$-capacities associated with solutions of second-order strongly elliptic equations in $\pmb{\mathbb R}^2$4
On the problem of periodicity of continued fraction expansions of for cubic polynomials over algebraic number fields4
Recovery of integrable functions and trigonometric series3
Explicit form of fundamental solutions to certain elliptic equations and associated $B$- and $C$-capacities3
Jordan property for groups of bimeromorphic automorphisms of compact Kähler threefolds3
Lyapunov instability of stationary flows of a polymeric fluid in a channel with perforated walls3
On the integral characteristic function of the Sturm-Liouville problem3
The predicate version of the joint logic of problems and propositions3
Global boundedness of functions of finite order that are bounded outside small sets3
Nonlocal balance equations with parameters in the space of signed measures3
Mironov Lagrangian cycles in algebraic varieties3
Interpolation sequences and nonspanning systems of exponentials on curves3
Two purity theorems and the Grothendieck-Serre conjecture concerning principal -bundles3
A probability estimate for the discrepancy of Korobov lattice points3
Properties and errors of second-order parabolic and hyperbolic perturbations of a first-order symmetric hyperbolic system3
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the conjugacy of Smale regular homeomorphisms3
Simple closed geodesics on regular tetrahedra in spherical space3
More about sparse halves in triangle-free graphs3
Asymptotics for problems in perforated domains with Robin nonlinear condition on the boundaries of cavities3
Coincidence of set functions in quasiconformal analysis3
A Viskovatov algorithm for Hermite-Padé polynomials3
The regularized asymptotics of a solution of the Cauchy problem in the presence of a weak turning point of the limit operator2
The preservation of threshold resonances and the splitting off of eigenvalues from the threshold of the continuous spectrum of quantum waveguides2
Henselian division algebras and reduced unitary Whitehead groups for outer forms of anisotropic algebraic groups of the type $A_n$2
Convergence of two-point Padé approximants to piecewise holomorphic functions2
Homological dimensions of Banach spaces2
Optimal recovery in weighted spaces with homogeneous weights2
Geometry of the Gromov-Hausdorff distance on the class of all metric spaces2
Knot as a complete invariant of a Morse-Smale 3-diffeomorphism with four fixed points2
Billiard with slipping by an arbitrary rational angle2
Uniform convergence criterion for non-harmonic sine series2
On uniqueness for Franklin series with a convergent subsequence of partial sums2
Collocation approximation by deep neural ReLU networks for parametric and stochastic PDEs with lognormal inputs2
A trace formula for higher order ordinary differential operators2
Ramification filtration via deformations2
A Chisini Theorem for almost generic covers of the projective plane2
Self-affine $2$-attractors and tiles2
A Littlewood-Paley-Rubio de Francia inequality for bounded Vilenkin systems2
Necessary and sufficient conditions for extending a function to a Carathéodory function2
Canonical geometrization of orientable $3$-manifolds defined by vector colourings of $3$-polytopes2
Distribution of Korobov-Hlawka sequences2
Topological analysis of pseudo-Euclidean Euler top for special values of the parameters2
Characterization of solutions of strong-weak convex programming problems2
Extensions of the space of continuous functions and embedding theorems2
Asymptotic behaviour of the sphere and front of a flat sub-Riemannian structure on the Martinet distribution2
Multiplicator type operators and approximation of periodic functions of one variable by trigonometric polynomials2
Birational geometry of singular Fano double spaces of index two2
Strong convexity of reachable sets of linear systems2
Convergence criterion for quantum relative entropy and its use2
Constructing unbounded discontinuous solutions of scalar conservation laws using the Legendre transform2
How is a graph not like a manifold?2
Finite groups of bimeromorphic self-maps of nonuniruled Kähler threefolds2
On defining functions and cores for unbounded domains. III2
On zeros, bounds, and asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle2
A combinatorial invariant of gradient-like flows on a connected sum of $\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\times\mathbb{S}^1$2