Marine Georesources & Geotechnology

(The median citation count of Marine Georesources & Geotechnology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Tidal inlet morphodynamics through numerical prediction and measurements25
Discussion of “stress–strain behavior of marine calcareous soil-tire mixtures”, by Shariatmadari et al. (2022), published in marine georesources & geotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2021.193741123
Identifying the pore structure and permeability anisotropy of coral reef limestone based on CT image analysis22
Three dimensional stress and strain state of the offshore fill during the one-dimensional consolidation process21
Study on the motion patterns of shallow-embedded pipelines in sand20
Safety analysis of deep-sea mining pipeline deployment operations considering internal solitary waves18
Numerical and analytical study on uplift capacity of under-reamed piles in sand17
Experimental study of roughness spectrum of sandy seafloor with an underwater laser 3D scanning system16
The new comprehensive evaluation system for subsea tunnel site selection: A case study of the Qiongzhou Strait, China16
An experimental study of mitigating coastal dune erosion by using bio-carbonization of reactive magnesia cement15
Probabilistic seismic analyses of earthen levees with finite element modeling14
Experimental study on hydraulic characteristics of new ecological slope protection structure14
Prediction of shear stress induced by shoaling internal solitary waves based on machine learning method13
Study on the influence of spatial variability of soil strength parameters on reliability and slip surfaces of cofferdam slope reinforced by geosynthetic reinforcement13
Strength characteristics of marine clay mixed with coal ash and cement with microstructural verification12
Performance of cut-off walls under long-term vacuum suction: A case study12
Calibration measurement and application of a dual-probe acoustic measurement method for seafloor sediments12
Electrokinetic stabilization of marine clayey soil using magnesium chloride solution: A green soil stabilizer12
Orthogonal experiment on underwater rock breaking by gas–liquid two-phase jet12
Microscopic mechanisms of coral reef limestone crack propagation12
3D reconstruction and characterization of reef limestone pores based on optical and acoustic microscopic images12
Effect of rubber particles on mechanical properties of calcareous sand under large displacement shear11
Model tests on leveling process of four bucket foundation for offshore wind turbines11
Undrained permanent deformation characteristics of Yellow River silt under one-way cyclic loads11
Experimental study on dredged slurry treatment with straw as horizonal drains by vacuum preloading10
Lateral bearing capacity and rotation center variation for modified suction caisson in saturated sand10
Ultimate lateral resistance of piles in sand based on the modified strain wedge model10
Novel torpedo pile combining water-jet technology and vibration loading10
Vertical behavior of a suction caisson using state-dependent sand friction angles10
Development and application of the 3000 m-level multiparameter CPTu in-situ integrated test system10
Two-way coupling fluid–structure interaction analysis on dynamic response of offshore wind turbine10
Microstructural evolution at sand–structure interface of suction caisson subjected to lateral cyclic loadings9
Load–displacement behavior of helical pile using Frustum Confining vessel (FCV) and full-scale testing in Babolsar sand9
Study on cementitious grout for scour protection of offshore wind turbine foundations9
Design of large geotextile mat cofferdam over deep soft clay9
Effects of frequency and CSR on dynamic properties of marine clay in drained condition9
Physical model of solid minerals transportation from Arctic shelf seabed using soil-ice bodies9
Interfacial bonding properties of the reef limestone anchorage body at different curing ages under the impact of dynamic disturbance9
Stress distribution of embedded caisson foundation under lateral load based on the continuum approach9
Laboratory study on bearing capacity of batter rock-socketed pile group under combined loads9
Effect of confined boundary and mud-layers on depressurization-based gas recovery and land subsidence in hydrate reservoirs8
Large-strain rheological consolidation analysis of multi-layered marine soft clays exhibiting natural structural characteristics8
Vacuum preloading combined with surcharge preloading method for consolidation of clay-slurry ground: A case study8
Physico-chemical characterization of detrital sillimanite and garnet: Insights into REE elements, crystal structure and morphology8
Evaluation of structural formation of granular materials using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility8
Effect of aqueous environment on sedimentation of dredged mud and kaolinite8
Design of nodule-lifting apparatus of seabed mining electric vehicle considering physical properties of polymetallic nodules8
A step-by-step relinquishment method for cobalt-rich crusts: a case study on Caiqi Guyot, Pacific Ocean7
A laboratory investigation on the effect of crushability on the interface parameters of Hormoz carbonated soil7
Determination of pullout capacity for an inclined single-plate helical pile under combined loading in clay7
Experimental and numerical investigations of eccentric uplift capacity of mat foundation on marine clay seabed7
Rapid treatment of high-water-content dredged slurry using composite flocculant and PHD-facilitated vacuum7
Time-dependent strength behavior of dredged clays at low effective stresses7
Effect of surcharge loading rate on the performance of surcharge–vacuum preloading with prefabricated horizontal drains7
Combining multi-source data to identify the paleochannel system in the saltwater intrusion area7
Seepage-induced passive earth pressure modification of retaining structures considering composite failure surface7
Magnesium ion corrosion in subsea tunnel grouting: Insights, mechanisms, and optimization strategies for enhanced durability7
Physical and mechanical properties of calcareous soils: A review6
Analytical solution for sheet-pile groin vibrations under tidal bore excitation6
Undrained strength prediction for fine-grained soils with various diatom microfossil contents6
Design and study of a deep-sea multi-depth in-situ pore water pressure-retaining sampler6
Discrete element numerical analysis for bearing characteristics of coral sand foundation considering particle breakage6
Reasonable application range of flocculation–solidification combined method in treatment of hydraulically dredged mud slurry6
Effect of wing plate structure on uplift resistance capacity of marine aquaculture anchor piles6
Numerical study on lateral response of piles in sandy slopes employing a hardening soil model6
Deformation features and failure mechanism of subsea shield tunnels with different burial depths crossing fault-zone6
A review on water jet-sediment coupling and critical techniques during deep-sea polymetallic nodules collection6
Effect of pile spacing in helical pile groups in soft clays under combined loading5
Vertical bearing capacity of HSCM pile groups in marine soft clay5
Estimating radial attenuation of vacuum pressure for dredged clays5
Experimental investigation on strength characteristics of marine soft clay under monotonic and cyclic loading5
Experimental investigation on cyclic behavior of geogrid-reinforced coral sand from the South China Sea5
A bounding surface model of methane hydrate-bearing carbonate sand-silt mixtures5
Coral reef pore recognition and feature extraction based on borehole image5
Particle breakage characteristics and grading evolution of calcareous sand under various stress paths5
Geomechanical performances of geocell reinforced retaining wall backfilled with magnesia-based cement stabilized marine fill5
Monotonic simple shear characteristics of K 0 highly over-consolidated and remolded Wenzhou clay5
Study on fractional-order elastic-plastic constitutive model of river silt based on critical state theory5
Corrosion initiation life and lateral bearing capacity of RC square piles considering different corrosion zones5
Numerical modeling of seismic behavior of Caisson foundation for Offshore Wind Turbines taking into account wave and marine currents forces5
Numerical study on undrained multi-directional bearing capacity of hybrid subsea foundation5
Experimental study on the lateral distribution of the sidewall friction of large and deep-water caissons5
Dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio of marine silt improved with wasted steel slag5
Strain localization and shear band evolution of CO 2 -bearing sediments5
Failure criterion of double-plate vertically loaded anchor in saturated marine fine sand under monotonic loading5
The study on dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio of marine soils based on dynamic triaxial test5
Influence of curing stress on compression characteristic of cement-treated dredged slurry at high water contents5
Experimental and numerical studies on lateral bearing characteristics of innovative gravel-filled canister-monopile (GCM) hybrid foundation5
Vacuum consolidation theory of dredged slurry considering nonlinear clogging behaviors5
Influence of fines and gravel particles on strength-dilatancy of river sand: Effect of depositional conditions4
Scheme design and flow performance analysis of double-bits combination wire-line coring technology for seafloor drill4
Analysis of bearing capacity of consolidated clay under the track load of deep-sea mining vehicle4
Laboratory tests of skirt penetration in loose granular soils4
Fine characterization of pore structures in coral reef limestones based on three-dimensional geometrical reconstruction4
Effect of porewater salinity on compression behaviors and hydraulic conductivity of soft marine clay4
Primary and secondary compression behavior of dredged clay at low effective stresses4
Evaluating the behavior of expandable multi-plate mechanical anchors in granular soils4
Mechanical properties and micromechanics of graphene oxide modified calcareous sand-cement mortar4
Revitalizing dredged soils through chemical-physical combined method: A feasibility study4
Comparison of different treatment methods on macro-micro characteristics of Yellow River silt solidified by MICP technology4
Experimental study on reinforcement of marine clay by artificial hard shell layer composite foundation4
Analytical study on included angle of double-plate vertically loaded anchors in saturated clay4
Horizontal bearing capacity of monopile in three-dimensional spatially varying soils with linearly increasing mean strength4
Regional and fine-scale variability in composition and structure of hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts: Geological characterization of 25 drill cores from the Marcus-Wake seamounts4
A new modified method of predicting load-settlement behavior for large-diameter helical piles in sand considering nonlinear degradation of soil stiffness4
Strength development of dredged sludge with different sodium hydroxide contents4
Effect of cyclic shear stress ratio on cyclic behavior of clay under multidirectional shear loading4
Effect of spatial variability of cone penetration resistance on probabilistic axial capacity of pile foundations4
Dynamic properties and micro-mechanisms of nano-Al 2 O 3 modified cement-stabilized soil under seawater erosion4
Effect of loose sand layers within dense sand on the lateral capacity of extra-extra-large monopiles4
Physicochemical effects of pore fluid on the dynamic behavior of reconstituted marine clay4
Strength and structural variations in dredger fill subjected to vacuum dynamic consolidation4
Reduction of dynamic shear modulus of saturated marine sandy silt under complex stress conditions4
Experimental study on the microstructural evolution of newly filled slurry during consolidation4
Influence of thermal effect on vacuum electro-osmosis of Taizhou dredged sediment4
Crushing and mechanical characteristics of coral sands under various stress paths4
Shear behaviour of sandy soil from Chlef river reinforced with different types of fibres3
The pore pressure generation and deformation of overconsolidated soft marine clay considering initial static shear effect3
Effect of surface roughness characteristics on the uplift capacity of piles: A physical modelling study3
Stress–strain behavior of marine calcareous soil-tire mixtures3
Probabilistic stability analysis of inclined strip anchors in spatially variable clay3
UCS and microscopic experimental study of coconut coir fiber-waterborne epoxy resin composite modified calcium sand3
An enhanced understanding of the lateral response of large-diameter monopile: Development of a new P -y curve3
Research on cobalt-rich-crust cutting mechanism of conical picks under different types of joints conditions3
Experimental study on liquefaction characteristics of saturated marine coral sand based on dissipated energy evaluation3
An energy-based model for the generation of excess pore water pressure in saturated coral sand3
Behaviour of a laterally loaded rigid helical pile located on a sloping ground surface3
Comparative study of capillary rise characteristics of saltwater in loose materials3
DEM modeling of dynamic anchors with particles of different shapes and sizes3
Sound speed prediction of seafloor sediments in the South Yellow Sea based on BP-AdaBoost model3
Numerical and experimental study on local scour in front of OWC-BWS under waves3
Equivalent state parameter dependency on gradation properties of medium sand-fines mixtures3
Bearing performance of steel pipe pile in multilayered marine soil using fiber optic technique: A case study3
Optimizing straw in rheology and compression–permeability of cemented dredged slurry3
Shale-gas potential from Cretaceous succession in South Africa’s Orange Basin: Insights from integrated geochemical evaluations3
Experimental study of the strength properties of soft cohesive sediment subject to mechanical vibrations3
Physical property characterization of the Nakdong River valley sediments in relation to depositional units3
A study on the cyclic shear and particle breakage characteristics of the interface between steel and calcareous sand3
Evaluation of the soil characteristic parameters of the Yellow River Subaqueous Delta using CPT3
Lateral free vibration of rectangular barrettes subjected to vertical loading3
Simulation of mechanical behavior of carbonate gravel with hybrid PSO–SVR algorithm3
Undrained deformation behavior of marine clay under two-way cyclic loading3
Shrinkage behaviour of slurry-consolidated and compacted clay soil3
A novel penetrometer for simulating the track-soil interaction of underwater tracked vehicles3
A probabilistic strategy to evaluate scour around bridge deepwater foundations considering a reliability assessment3
P-Y curves for laterally loaded single piles: Numerical validation3
Behaviour of electroosmotic consolidation by electrode configuration and fracture grouting3
Seawater based bio-cementation for calcareous sand improvement in marine environment3
Appraisal of soil-cement columns load displacement behavior through full-scale tests database2
Elastoplastic constitutive model of coral sand considering particle breakage based on unified hardening parameter2
Numerical study on soil springs stiffnesses of laterally loaded monopiles2
Investigation of the transportation characteristics of marine dredged-sediment in pipelines based on experimental pipeline models2
Influence of cyclic deviator stress and consolidation degree on permanent strain of “under-consolidated” marine sediment2
Research on cobalt-rich crust cutting modes by deep-sea mining vehicle and cutting performance evaluation2
Experimental investigation and optimization of polymetallic nodule mining by mechanical pick-up device on deep-sea using RSM2
Shaking table study on seismic response of marine reclaimed land2
Site-specific response of a 5 MW offshore wind turbine for Gujarat Coast of India2
Investigation of soil damping for offshore wind turbine monopile-soil system in stiff clay on elastoplastic-damage model2
Improved vertical displacement calculation model for immersed tube tunnel considering tidal load2
Quantification of turbulent flow anisotropy in an alluvial channel mining pit2
Capacity of double-plate vertically loaded anchor in saturated marine fine sand2
Liquefaction susceptibility of beach sand containing plastic fines2
Comprehensive approach for scour modelling using artificial intelligence2
Centrifuge model tests on an anchor pile under cyclic oblique pullout load using transparent sand2
Undrained cyclic behavior of under-consolidated soft marine clay with different degrees of consolidation2
Preparation of anti-washout cement-stabilized marine soft clay for scouring protection of wind power pile foundations2
Experimental study on macro-micro effectiveness of Yellow River silt solidified by using soybean-induced carbonate precipitation (SICP) technology2
Undrained failure envelope for skirted spudcan foundations in clay under combined loading2
Discussion of “Liquefaction susceptibility of beach sand containing plastic fines”, by Hamza Saeed, Zalihe Nalbantoglu & Eris Uygar; Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2
A pressure-triggered isobaric sequential liquid sampling system for full-ocean-depth: Design and field deployment2
Load envelope concept of offshore wind turbine monopile with the allowed inclined angle in sand2
Fracture toughness measurements of soft sediments based on gas injection tests2
Introducing ring collars and effective spiral threading elevation for cylindrical pier scour control2
Applicability of the concept of equivalent intergranular void ratio to sand-plastic fines mixtures below threshold fines content2
Experimental study of ultra-high backpressure influence on the monotonic mechanical characteristic of silty sand2
A three-dimensional DEM modelling of triaxial test on gas hydrate-bearing sediments considering flexible boundary condition2
The undrained behaviour of over-consolidated clay subjected to pure rotation of principal stress directions2
Comparing pull-out capacity of expandable anchors using discrete/coupled Eulerian element methods versus finite element technique2
Effect of sea level drawdown on coastal clay slope stability considering two strength criteria2
Fractal analysis of muddy submarine channel slope instability from sub-bottom profile images2
Effect of chemical consolidation on physico-mechanical properties of porous coral reef limestone2
Pullout capacity of vertical plate anchors in unsaturated clay considering variable surface flow conditions2
Effect of fly ash and super-absorbent polymer on fluidity and strength development in cemented dredged clay with high water content2
Failure surface considering the ultimate tensile and compressive capacities of suction caissons in clay2
Temperature effect on the axial behaviour of a pipeline buried in soft clay2
Investigation of the vertical responses of 2 × 2 square flexible batter pile groups in sand2
A settlement prediction model for shallow dredger fill improved by vacuum preloading2
Marine domestication of Sporosarcina pasteurii induces the precipitation of CaCO 3 to solidify calcareous sand2
Importance of appropriate segmentation in pore structure analysis of coral reef limestone from CT images2
Characterization of nano-SiO 2 cemented soil under the coupled effects of dry-wet cycles and chlorination2
Assessment of coastal inundation cost due to future sea level rise: A case study for Kuwait2
Investigation on strength characteristics of fly ash treated dredged marine clay with various pore water salinities2
Sequential Gaussian simulation predicts soil liquefaction potential2
Consolidation effect of prefabricated radiant drain vacuum preloading technology: A physical model case study2
Characterization of ferromanganese crusts from the Central and South West Indian ridges: Evidence for hydrothermal activity2
Predicting the sound speed of seafloor sediments in the Middle area of the Southern Yellow Sea based on a BP neural network model2
Experimental investigation on sedimentation characteristics of coastal slurry by flocculation2
Implications of geotechnical properties on the sediment resuspension and heavy metal partitioning in Ashtamudi estuary, India2
Hydrocarbon microseepages in the kerkennah islands, Eastern Tunisia: Integrated surface geochemical and geoelectrical prospecting approaches2
Experimental investigation of effect of anisotropic consolidation on characteristics of liquefaction of saturated coral sand2
Submarine slope stability during the exploitation of natural gas hydrate from horizontal wells2
Numerical investigation on pullout capacity of helical piles under combined loading in spatially random clay2
Drainage effects on suction force beneath offshore perforated mudmats2
Review and prospects on research methods of strength failure for shipped bulk granular cargoes2
Undular surges interaction with a vertical wall2
Experimental study on the effects of particle grading on lime-treated slurry with vacuum preloading2
Experimental study on the durability of cement-stabilized soil for post-grouted piles in calcareous sand under marine environment2
Experimental study of compression behavior and its correlation with the microstructure of a deep-water sediment2
Experimental and numerical study on lateral response of pile-group for offshore wind turbines in sand1
Investigation into pullout characteristics of root piles within coral sand foundations at varied relative compaction1
Effect of stage amplitude ratio on dynamic behaviors of sand under wind turbine loading1
The study of interaction between deep-sea mining machines and soft sediments based on MBD-DEM coupling1
Investigation on rheological and strength characteristics of cement-treated dredged materials1
Study on the weakening of soil-structure interaction under long-term lateral load for monopile-supported offshore turbines1
Y-ring’s mechanical behavior during sealing cap’s assembly process based on the pressure core sampling for seafloor drill1
Dynamic response of the heterogeneous deep-sea sediment with nonlinear gradient modulus to mining machine loading1
Influence of the intermittent vibration ratio on the electro-osmotic consolidation of dredged sludge1
Effects of helix shapes and locations on compression capacity of helical piles for offshore foundations1
Mathematic modeling and CFD simulation of the sedimentation process in a TSHD1
Comparison and analysis of four advanced bounding surface models1
Two-dimensional numerical analysis of seepage in an undersea mining area considering hydrochemical corrosion1
Effect of strain rate on triaxial extension behavior of silty clay1
Effect of single and dual voids on vertical capacity of large-diameter monopiles in marine clay1
Reinforcement treatment of dredging sludge using a novel method of electro-osmosis vacuum preloading1
The effect of particle breakage on the dilatancy and shear behavior of marine calcareous and siliceous deposits1
An experimental study on dredged Qinhuai river sediment-based flowable fill treated by flocculation-cementation method1
Gradient boosting trees with Bayesian optimization to predict activity from other geotechnical parameters1
Investigation of typical behavioral characteristics of the dynamic separation of bauxite using vibration table tests1
Model test on dynamic response of coral sand in island dredging airport under wave, tidal and aircraft landing load1
Dewatering of Golden Horn sludge with geotextile tube and determination of optimum operating conditions: A novel approach1
Study on structural mechanical characteristics and safety warning of NATM tunnel in aquifer1
Numerical modelling of the seismic response of gentle slopes in Southeastern Brazil1
Experimental and numerical evaluations of load settlement response of helical piles in soft clay1
Numerical investigation of resistance components distribution for lateral loaded offshore wind turbine monopile1
Diffusion properties and cementitious characteristics of ultrafine cement slurry in coral sand1
Effects of local scouring on capacities of monopile-wheel composite foundations in sand under lateral loading1
Fracture failure characteristics of shallow coral reef under wave dynamic loading1
Investigation of the large-diameter monopiles response under flow-controlled loading1
A deep-sea in-situ chemical laboratory for cabled seafloor observatories1
The role of breakage-dependent critical state lines in constitutive modelling of sand under axisymmetric drained and undrained loads: A comparative study1
Geospatial analysis of scour development in offshore wind farms1
Influence of initial water content and strain rate on remolded yield stress in marine clay1
Analysis of vibration characteristics of lifting rigid pipe in deep-sea mining under ship movement1
A case study of sandstone reservoir characterization of wells in the Orange Basin, offshore South Africa1
Reliability analysis of submarine slopes in hydrate extraction by depressurization-assisted replacement1
Experiment and analysis on dynamic characteristics of marine soft clay1
Three-dimensional reservoir modeling of the pliocene reservoir based on seismic data advances for new prospect assessment1
Influence of cation on properties of slurry and filter cake used in submarine shield tunnelling1
Wavelet decomposition and deep learning of altimetry waveform retracking for Lake Urmia water level survey1